75 research outputs found

    Elevated CO2 Influences Nematode-Induced Defense Responses of Tomato Genotypes Differing in the JA Pathway

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    Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations can affect the induced defense of plants against chewing herbivores but little is known about whether elevated CO2 can change the induced defense of plants against parasitic nematodes. This study examined the interactions between the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita and three isogenic tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) genotypes grown under ambient (390 ppm) and elevated (750 ppm) CO2 in growth chambers. In a previous study with open-top chambers in the field, we reported that elevated CO2 increased the number of nematode-induced root galls in a JA-defense-dominated genotype but not in a wild-type or JA-defense-recessive genotype. In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that elevated CO2 will favor the salicylic acid (SA)-pathway defense but repress the jasmonic acid (JA)-pathway defense of plants against plant-parasitic nematodes. Our data showed that elevated CO2 reduced the JA-pathway defense against M. incognita in the wild-type and in a genotype in which defense is dominated by the JA pathway (a JA-defense-dominated genotype) but up-regulated the SA-pathway defense in the wild type and in a JA-defense-recessive genotype (jasmonate-deficient mutant). Our results suggest that, in terms of defense genes, secondary metabolites, and volatile organic compounds, induced defense of nematode-infected plants could be affected by elevated CO2, and that CO2-induced changes of plant resistance may lead to genotype-specific responses of plants to nematodes under elevated CO2. The changes in resistance against nematodes, however, were small relative to those reported for chewing insects

    Macrophage Replication Screen Identifies a Novel Francisella Hydroperoxide Resistance Protein Involved in Virulence

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    Francisella tularensis is a Gram-negative facultative intracellular pathogen and the causative agent of tularemia. Recently, genome-wide screens have identified Francisella genes required for virulence in mice. However, the mechanisms by which most of the corresponding proteins contribute to pathogenesis are still largely unknown. To further elucidate the roles of these virulence determinants in Francisella pathogenesis, we tested whether each gene was required for replication of the model pathogen F. novicida within macrophages, an important virulence trait. Fifty-three of the 224 genes tested were involved in intracellular replication, including many of those within the Francisella pathogenicity island (FPI), validating our results. Interestingly, over one third of the genes identified are annotated as hypothetical, indicating that F. novicida likely utilizes novel virulence factors for intracellular replication. To further characterize these virulence determinants, we selected two hypothetical genes to study in more detail. As predicted by our screen, deletion mutants of FTN_0096 and FTN_1133 were attenuated for replication in macrophages. The mutants displayed differing levels of attenuation in vivo, with the FTN_1133 mutant being the most attenuated. FTN_1133 has sequence similarity to the organic hydroperoxide resistance protein Ohr, an enzyme involved in the bacterial response to oxidative stress. We show that FTN_1133 is required for F. novicida resistance to, and degradation of, organic hydroperoxides as well as resistance to the action of the NADPH oxidase both in macrophages and mice. Furthermore, we demonstrate that F. holarctica LVS, a strain derived from a highly virulent human pathogenic species of Francisella, also requires this protein for organic hydroperoxide resistance as well as replication in macrophages and mice. This study expands our knowledge of Francisella's largely uncharacterized intracellular lifecycle and demonstrates that FTN_1133 is an important novel mediator of oxidative stress resistance

    Low VHL mRNA Expression is Associated with More Aggressive Tumor Features of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

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    Alterations of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene can cause different hereditary tumors associated with VHL syndrome, but the potential role of the VHL gene in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) has not been characterized. This study set out to investigate the relationship of VHL expression level with clinicopathological features of PTC in an ethnically and geographically homogenous group of 264 patients from Serbia, for the first time. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed a strong correlation between low level of VHL expression and advanced clinical stage (OR55.78, 95% CI 3.17-10.53, P<0.0001), classical papillary morphology of the tumor (OR52.92, 95% CI 1.33-6.44, P=50.008) and multifocality (OR51.96, 95% CI 1.06-3.62, P=50.031). In disease-free survival analysis, low VHL expression had marginal significance (P=50.0502 by the log-rank test) but did not appear to be an independent predictor of the risk for chance of faster recurrence in a proportion hazards model. No somatic mutations or evidence of VHL downregulation via promoter hypermethylation in PTC were found. The results indicate that the decrease of VHL expression associates with tumor progression but the mechanism of downregulation remains to be elucidated

    Alien plant invasions in tropical and sub-tropical savannas: patterns, processes and prospects

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    A polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein with a role in pea defence against the cyst nematode Heterodera goettingiana

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    A cDNA of 312 bp, similar to polygalacturonase-inhibiting pro- teins (PGIPs), was isolated by cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) from pea roots infected with the cyst nematode Heterodera goettingiana. The deduced amino acid sequence obtained from the complete Pspgip1 coding sequence was very similar to PGIPs described from several other plant species, and was identical in both MG103738 and Progress 9 genotypes, resistant and susceptible to H. goettingiana, respec- tively. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) expression analysis revealed the differential regulation of the Pspgip1 gene in the two genotypes in response to wounding and nematode challenge. Mechanical wounding induced Pspgip1 expression in MG103738 within 8 h, but this response was delayed in Progress 9. In contrast, the response to nematode infection was more complex. The transcription of Pspgip1 was triggered rapidly in both genotypes, but the expression level returned to levels observed in uninfected plants more quickly in susceptible than in resistant roots. In addition, in situ hybridiza- tion showed that Pspgip1 was expressed in the cortical cells damaged as a result of nematode invasion in both genotypes. However, it was specifically localized in the cells bordering the nematode-induced syncytia in resistant roots. This suggests a role for this gene in counteracting nematode establishment inside the root

    Automatic calculation of rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrence in Chukha Dzongkhag, Bhutan

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    © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. Bhutan is highly prone to landslides, particularly during the monsoon season. Several landslides often occur along the Phuentsholing–Thimphu highway, a very important infrastructure for the country. Worldwide, empirical rainfall thresholds represent a widely used tool to predict the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides. Nevertheless, no thresholds are currently designed and proposed for any region in Bhutan. In this work, we define empirical cumulated event rainfall–rainfall duration thresholds for the possible initiation of landslides using information on 269 landslides that occurred between 1998 and 2015 along the 90-km highway stretch between the towns of Phuentsholing and Chukha, in southwestern Bhutan, and daily rainfall measurements obtained from three rain gauges. For this purpose, we apply a consolidated frequentist method and use an automatic tool that identifies the rainfall conditions responsible for the failures and calculates thresholds at different exceedance probabilities and the uncertainties associated with them. Analyzing rainfall and landslide data, we exclude from the analysis all the landslides for which the rainfall trigger is not certain, so we reduce the number of landslides from 269 to 43. The calculated thresholds are useful to identify the triggering conditions of rainfall-induced landslides and to predict the occurrence of the failures in the study area, which is, to date, poorly studied. These rainfall thresholds might be implemented in an early warning system, in order to reduce the risk posed by these phenomena to the population living and traveling along the investigated road stretch