29 research outputs found


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    There are no doubts about the advantages of using drip irrigation, however, it does not solve the problem of regulating plant phytoclimate in open ground during periods of high temperatures in the Lower Volga region when the biological development of vegetable crops is inhibited, which leads to a decrease in yield. The use of combined irrigation in the combination of drip and fine solves the problem of reducing thermal stress and increases moisture on the soil surface. Based on the research and publications of Russian scientists, the main requirements for the functioning of combined irrigation systems have been identified. These include the provision of drip and fine (aerosol) irrigation, the system should work both jointly and separately, the regulation of plant phytoclimate, the possibility of using foliar feeding and chemical protection, etc. To solve this problem, a number of technical solutions have been considered, which will allow to partially or fully satisfy all the requirements for the stability of the technological process of growing crops under combined irrigation and eliminate the above-mentioned negative environmental conditions of the Lower Volga region. The FGBNU VNII “Raduga” developed the KAU-1M aerosol humidification kit, and the scientists of the Volgograd State Agrarian University developed technical solutions Spray Nozzle of the Combined Irrigation System for Cultivation of Vegetable Crops). The proposed technical solutions for the combined irrigation system will improve operational reliability, provide the plants with soil moisture, control the temperature, nutritional regime of the plants, which will make it possible to obtain stable yields of agricultural crops and environmental safety of the environment.Достоинства применения капельного орошения не вызывают никаких сомнений, однако оно не решает проблемы регулирования фитоклимата растений в открытом грунте в периоды с высокими температурами в условиях Нижнего Поволжья, при которых происходит угнетение развития овощных культур, что приводит к снижению урожайности. Использование комбинированного орошения (сочетание капельного и мелкодисперсного) решает проблему снижения температурных стрессов и повышает влажность на поверхности почвы. На основании проведенных исследований и публикаций российских ученых выявлены основные требования к функционированию систем комбинированного орошения. К ним относится обеспечение капельного и мелкодисперсного (аэрозольного) орошения, система должна работать как совместно, так и раздельно, регулирование фитоклимата растений, возможность использования внекорневой подкормки и средства химической защиты и др. Для решения этих задач рассмотрен ряд технических решений, которые позволят частично или полностью обеспечить все требования для стабильности технологического процесса возделывания сельскохозяйственных культур на комбинированном орошении и устранить влияние вышеуказанных негативных природных условий Нижнего Поволжья. В ФГБНУ ВНИИ «Радуга» разработан комплект аэрозольного увлажнения КАУ-1М, учеными Волгоградского ГАУ разработаны технические решения «Распылительная насадка системы комбинированного орошения для возделывания овощных культур» (Пат.№ 178110 U1) и «Капельница для комбинированного орошения» (Пат.№ 154632 U1). Предложенные технические решения для системы комбинированного орошения позволят повысить эксплуатационную надежность, обеспечить растения почвенной влагой, дают возможность регулирования температурного, питательного режима растений, что позволит получать стабильные урожаи сельскохозяйственных культур и обеспечить экологическую безопасность для окружающей среды

    Students virtual and social identity in the process of humanities study: The problems of its correction

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the research problem is reasoned by global use of Internet technologies, altering the forms of personal self-identification: Atransition of the external world and human individuality in a digital code, the creation of informational imprint in space of the worldwide web, the alienation of the student youth in society, the substitution of reality by virtual world. In this direction a significant potential belongs to humanities, studying of which contributes to the interpenetration and mutual reinforcement of students’ social and virtual identification based on universal norms, values, value orientations, correction of virtual identity redundancy in real society. This article is aimed at scientifically-methodical substantiation of structure and content of pedagogical correction of higher school students’ self-identification in the process of humanities’ study. The leading method in this problem study is a method of modeling of the structure and content of students’ self-identification pedagogical correction in the process of humanitarian disciplines’ study. The article presents the theoretical and methodological foundations of the design and implementation of student’s social and virtual identity correction’s model, its discursive content and mechanisms, structure and new forms’ content in the process of humanities’ study. The presented materials in the article contribute to evidence-based correction of students virtual and social identity in the process of humanities’ study and are recommended to use for teachers, methodologists, university information departments’ programmers, improvement of qualification and teacher retraining courses’ attendants

    Defect studies of ZnO films prepared by pulsed laser deposition on various substrates

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    ZnO thin films deposited on various substrates were characterized by slow positron implantation spectroscopy (SPIS) combined with X-ray diffraction (XRD). All films studied exhibit wurtzite structure and crystallite size 20-100 nm. The mosaic spread of crystallites is relatively small for the films grown on single crystalline substrates while it is substantial for the film grown on amorphous substrate. SPIS investigations revealed that ZnO films deposited on single crystalline substrates exhibit significantly higher density of defects than the film deposited on amorphous substrate. This is most probably due to a higher density of misfit dislocations, which compensate for the lattice mismatch between the film and the substrate

    Clinical case: difficulties in managing a patient diagnosed with tuberculosis + HIV infection with functional kidney damage

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of the course of tuberculosis, combined with HIV infection and functional kidney damage.Цель исследования — проанализировать особенности течения туберкулеза, сочетанного с ВИЧ-инфекцией и функциональным поражением почек

    Hydrogen absorption in thin ZnO films prepared by pulsed laser deposition

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    ZnO films with thickness of ~80 nm were grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on MgO (1 0 0) single crystal and amorphous fused silica (FS) substrates. Structural studies of ZnO films and a high quality reference ZnO single crystal were performed by slow positron implantation spectroscopy (SPIS). It was found that ZnO films exhibit significantly higher density of defects than the reference ZnO crystal. Moreover, the ZnO film deposited on MgO substrate exhibits higher concentration of defects than the film deposited on amorphous FS substrate most probably due to a dense network of misfit dislocations. The ZnO films and the reference ZnO crystal were subsequently loaded with hydrogen by electrochemical cathodic charging. SPIS characterizations revealed that absorbed hydrogen introduces new defects into Zn

    Influence of Heat Treatment on Defect Structures in Single-Crystalline Blade Roots Studied by X-ray Topography and Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy

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    Single-crystalline superalloy CMSX-4 is studied in the as-cast state and after heat treatment, with material being taken from turbine blade castings. The effect of the heat treatment on the defect structure of the root area near the selector/root connection is emphasized. Multiscale analysis is performed to correlate results obtained by X-ray topography and positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS). Electron microscopy observations were also carried out to characterize the inhomogeneity in dendritic structure. The X-ray topography was used to compare defects of the misorientation nature, occurring in as-cast and treated states. The type and concentration of defects before and after heat treatment in different root areas were determined using the PALS method, which enables voids, mono-vacancies, and dislocations to be taken into account. In this way, differences in the concentration of defects caused by heat treatment are rationalized

    Доклиническое токсикологическое изучение алофаниба — аллостерического ингибитора рецептора фактора роста фибробластов 2 типа

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    Background. Inhibition of fibroblast growth factor receptor type 2 (FGFR2) appears to be appropriate in patients with tumors expressing or amplifying FGFR2. The toxicity of allosteric FGFR2 inhibitors has not been previously studied.Purpose. Evaluation of the toxicity of the anticancer drug alofanib (RPT835), allosteric inhibitor of fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 type (FGFR2), in standard experimental in-vivo models in rodents and non-rodents.Material and methods. The general toxic effect of the alofanib was studied in an acute and chronic experiment on outbred animals (rats and rabbits) of both sexes. An experimental study was conducted in accordance with the ethical principles of handling laboratory animals.Results. The assumption that inhibition of FGFR2 provides a low level of toxicity has been proved. It was established that alofanib belongs to the 4 class of low-toxic chemical substances according to the classification of hazard levels of toxic effects of drugs and to the low-risk drugs by the value of the index of the therapeutic action, as well as to the 3 class (low-toxic drugs) according to the class of hazards for clinical application. Alofanib doesn»t cause allergenic and immunotoxic effects as well as doesn»t have pyrogenic properties. Increase of phosphates level (class-specific adverse effect of FGFR2 inhibitors) was statistically significant but less evident. During the study was noticed such an adverse effect as inhibition of spermatogenesis.Conclusion. Alofanib belongs to the classes of low-hazard and low-toxic chemicals and can be studied in a clinical study.Актуальность. Ингибирование рецептора фактора роста фибробластов 2 типа (ФРФР2) представляется целесообразным у больных с опухолями, экспрессирующими или амплифицирующими ФРФР2. Токсичность аллостерических ингибиторов ФРФР2 ранее не изучалась.Цель исследования. Оценка токсичности противоопухолевого препарата алофаниб (RPT835), аллостерического ингибитора рецептора фактора роста фибробластов 2 типа (ФРФР2), в стандартных экспериментальных моделях in vivo на грызунах и негрызунах.Материалы и методы. Общетоксическое действие препарата было изучено в остром и хроническом эксперименте на беспородных животных (крысах и кроликах) обоего пола. Экспериментальное исследование было проведено в соответствии с этическими принципами обращения с лабораторными животными.Результаты. Предположение о том, что ингибирование только одного рецептора ФРФР2 обеспечит низкий уровень токсичности, подтвердилось. Установлено, что алофаниб относится к 4 классу малотоксичных химических веществ по классификации степени опасности токсического действия лекарственных средств и к малоопасным лекарственным препаратам по величине индекса широты терапевтического действия, а также к 3 классу (малотоксичный лекарственный препарат) в соответствии с классом опасности для клинического применения. Алофаниб не оказывает аллергизирующего и иммунотоксичного действия и не обладает пирогенными свойствами. Увеличение уровня фосфатов (класс-специфического нежелательного явления ФРФР ингибиторов) было статистически достоверным, но маловыраженным. В исследовании отмечен такой побочный эффект как угнетение сперматогенеза.Заключение. Алофаниб относится к классам малоопасным и малотоксичных химических веществ и может изучаться в клиническом исследовании


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    There are no doubts about the advantages of using drip irrigation, however, it does not solve the problem of regulating plant phytoclimate in open ground during periods of high temperatures in the Lower Volga region when the biological development of vegetable crops is inhibited, which leads to a decrease in yield. The use of combined irrigation in the combination of drip and fine solves the problem of reducing thermal stress and increases moisture on the soil surface. Based on the research and publications of Russian scientists, the main requirements for the functioning of combined irrigation systems have been identified. These include the provision of drip and fine (aerosol) irrigation, the system should work both jointly and separately, the regulation of plant phytoclimate, the possibility of using foliar feeding and chemical protection, etc. To solve this problem, a number of technical solutions have been considered, which will allow to partially or fully satisfy all the requirements for the stability of the technological process of growing crops under combined irrigation and eliminate the above-mentioned negative environmental conditions of the Lower Volga region. The FGBNU VNII “Raduga” developed the KAU-1M aerosol humidification kit, and the scientists of the Volgograd State Agrarian University developed technical solutions Spray Nozzle of the Combined Irrigation System for Cultivation of Vegetable Crops). The proposed technical solutions for the combined irrigation system will improve operational reliability, provide the plants with soil moisture, control the temperature, nutritional regime of the plants, which will make it possible to obtain stable yields of agricultural crops and environmental safety of the environment

    Modeling the evolution of socio-economic systems using the methods of stability theory

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    Justification of the state socio-economic policy on the basis of its modeling, as a dynamic economic system, should take into account, along with income, the stratification by the level of income of the population. Obtaining a characteristic of the evolution of such a system and the tendencies of its stability is possible through a mathematical model, in particular, in the form of a set of differential equations (DE). Such equations allow us to describe the dynamics of the evolution of a simulated socio-economic system (SES) taking into account state protectionist or fiscal policies. The method of SES study by the method of phase portraits based on the constructed mathematical model is proposed. Using statistical data, parametric estimates of the consequences of the SES development policy pursued by the state were obtained. Based on the results of the model study, recommendations for adjusting the socio-economic policy are proposed

    The efficacy and safety of corneal collagen cross-linking in progressive keratoconus with regard to long-term results

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    Purpose. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a modified technique of corneal collagen cross-linking in comparison with the standard approach by the nature changes in clinical and morphological parameters of the cornea in the early and longterm postoperative period.Material and methods. The study included two groups of patients: the group 1 consisted of patients operated on for progressive keratoconus in the classical way of corneal collagen cross-linking – 25 individuals (25 eyes), the group 2 – patients treated by the modified cross-linking technique – 36 individuals (36 eyes). Before and after the procedure in the follow-up of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months, all patients underwent an extended ophthalmic examination, including the optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the cornea (Cirrus HD 3000, Carl Zeiss, Germany), the confocal microscopy (Confoscan4, Nidek, Japan).Results. Re-epithelialization of the cornea occurred faster in the group 2. In both investigated groups a significant UCVA increase (from 0.15±0.04 to 0.35±0.07 in the group 1 and 0.13±0.025 to 0.33±0.04 in the group 2) and the BCVA (from 0.3±0.08 to 0.5±0.05 in the group 1 and 0.4±0.04 to 0.87±0.18 in the group 2) was noted in the follow-up period of 6-12 months. After 1 month postoperatively the well-defined linear opacities in the middle and posterior layers of the stroma – the so-called «demarcation lines» or «posterior stromal hazes» appeared during the ophthalmic bio-microscopy as well as in the OCT of cornea in all observed patients. In this period the depth of the «demarcation line» position in the group 1 averaged 252±15.0μm, in the group 2 – 235±10.0μm. The confocal microscopy showed that histomorphological changes were more pronounced in the group 1 within all above-mentioned periods. In the 3-month follow-up in the group 2 a statistically significant reduction in our proposed scoring estimation of all the studied signs, and a maintenance of this trend were detected in the follow-up period after 6 and 12 months, that indicates a more mild and rapid regeneration of cornea after the corneal collagen cross-linking surgery performed according to the modified technique. The endothelial cells density (ECD) remained unchanged in all followup periods in both groups.Conclusions. Thus, a manifestation of positive dynamics in the postoperative UCVA, BCVA and the unchanged ECD in all cases allows to consider both options of corneal collagen crosslinking safe, with a comparable clinical efficacy. However, a more pronounced positive dynamics in the BCVA in the group 2, a milder course of the early postoperative period for patients, consisting in a more rapid completion of the re-epithelialization process, as well as and the availability of adequate and safe level histomorphological changes in the cornea after the cross-linking enable to recommend the modified technique for the treatment of progressive keratoconus