10 research outputs found

    An Evaluation on the Use of Urban Open Green Spaces by Women: The Case of Şanlıurfa, Birecik,

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    Kentsel açık yeşil alanlar, bir kentin fiziki ve sosyal gelişimini sağlayan aynı zamanda toplumsal ve kültürel aktivitelerin sahne aldığı alanlardır. Açık yeşil alanlar doğal yaşamla ilişkilendirilmesine rağmen aynı zamanda cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin mekân kullanımındaki etkilerini de gözler önüne sermektedir. Kadın ve erkeklere biçilen roller, mekânlar, statü ve etkileşim alanları birbirinden genellikle farklıdır. Toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri açısından kesin yargılara dayalı kültür ve yapılarda, cinsiyet ayrımcılığının uç noktalarını gündelik hayatın farklı kısımlarında olduğu gibi mekân kullanımında da görmek mümkündür. Tezin amacı kentsel açık yeşil alanların kullanımında cinsiyet eşitsizliğini sorgulamaktır. Tezde Şanlıurfa ilinin Birecik ilçesinde park kullanımı üzerine 638 katılımcıya anket çalışması yapılarak veriler elde edilmiştir. Bu veriler ışığında Birecik’te park kullanımında kadınlar ve erkeklerin mekânı farklı deneyimlediği ortaya konulmuştur. Temel farklılık, kadınların erkeklerle kıyaslandığından istedikleri vakitte, istedikleri yerlere gidememeleridir. Yapılan anket çalışmasında, akşamları tek başına dışarı çıkmak üzerine sorulan soruda, kadınların “kendimi güvende hissetmediğim için”, “taciz vb. durumlarla karşılaşmaktan korktuğum için” cevaplarını erkeklere oranla daha fazla verdiği görülmüştür. Dolayısıyla, parka giden yolun daha başında toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin hanesine yazılabilecek bir sorun saptanmıştır. Ek olarak parklarda erkeklerin kadınlara oranla daha fazla vakit geçirdikleri, dolayısıyla parklardan daha fazla yararlandıkları da görülmüştür. Böyle bir sonucun ortaya çıkmasında toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği tek sebep olmamakla birlikte toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin etkisini yadsımak da gerçekçilikten uzak bir yorum olacaktır. Bu da toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin olumsuz etkilerinin bir ilin ilçesindeki parkların kullanımına kadar sirayet ettiğini görmeyi ve tam da bu sebeple konunun üzerine daha fazla gitmeyi gerekli kılmaktadır

    Sodium fluoride disrupts testosterone biosynthesis by affecting the steroidogenic pathway in TM3 Leydig cells

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    Fluorine is an essential trace element to which humans and animals are exposed through water, food, air and products used for dental health. Numerous studies have reported the detrimental effects of fluoride on testicular function and fertility; however, the underlying mechanisms of testosterone biosynthesis remain unclear. In this study, Leydig cells, the primary cells responsible for the production and regulation of steroid hormones in the testis, were used to elicit effects of sodium fluoride on the steroidogenic pathway. Leydig cells were treated with 0, 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mg/L sodium fluoride for 24 h, respectively. The result of the study showed that sodium fluoride significantly decreased cell viability and cell proliferation, increased cell cytotoxicity and decreased the amounts of testosterone and 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate levels in a concentration-dependent manner. Also, these results indicated that NaF suppressed the expression of steroidogenic genes (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, 3 beta-hydroxy dehydrogenase type I and 17 beta-hydroxy dehydrogenase type III) and proteins (luteinizing hormone receptor, cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme, 3 beta-hydroxy dehydrogenase), by changing the mRNA expression levels of the transcription factors (steroidogenic factor-1, GATA binding protein-4, nerve growth factor IB and nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1). (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Occipital epidermoid cyst of furuncular myiasis presenting with spontaneous bleeding: a case report.

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    A 77-year-old female patient was presented to the emergency department with swelling and bleeding in the occiput. It was learned from the patient that the soft tissue swelling on her head had been present for 1 year, and she had no history of trauma. The patient had diabetes mellitus and hypertension and a history of breast cancer 15 years ago. An epidermoid cyst, approximately 5x5 centimeter in size, bleeding in the form of leakage was observed on the patient's occipital scalp. There was no intracranial pathology in the brain computerized tomography. Wound debridement revealed that the cyst contained approximately 30 live larvae. All larvae were cleaned from the tissue defect. When looking from the outside, the larvae were 8-12 millimeters in size, yellow-white, spiral in shape, and were thought to be compatible with the larva of Lucilia sericata diptera. Myiasis is an ectoparasitic infection of diptera larvae by settling in human and animal tissues. When flies leave their larvae in the tissue, the larvae that invade and develop in that area cause infection. Cutaneous myiasis is the most common clinical form and can be seen on the scalp and cause furuncular myiasis. Immunosuppression, lack of self-care, travel to endemic areas and trauma have been reported as risk factors for myiasis. It was thought that the history of diabetes and old malignancy might be predisposing in our patient. In this case report, it is aimed to present a case of furuncular myiasis that settled down without any trauma to the occiput and presented with spontaneous soft tissue bleeding

    Evaluation of citrinin-induced toxic effects on mouse Sertoli cells

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    Penicillium citrinum-derived mycotoxin citrinin (CTN) is known to be a toxic agent for humans and animals. Previous studies have shown that CTN leads to toxicity in many biological systems; however, a limited number of studies have been performed to demonstrate the harmful effects of CTN on the male reproductive system. In the present study, the effects of CTN on cytotoxicity and apoptosis were examined in Sertoli cells as a model. Sertoli cells were treated with eight different CTN concentrations (from 0 up to 200 mu M, for 6-72 h). Toxic potential of CTN was estimated by measuring metabolic activity (MTT test), DNA synthesis (BrdU test), and cell membrane damage (LDH test) as well as apoptosis and necrosis (via staining with propidium iodide and Hoechst 33342). The results showed that CTN significantly decreased the cell viability and cell proliferation, increased cytotoxicity, apoptosis, and necrosis in a concentration-dependent manner. Furthermore, CTN showed cytotoxicity in Sertoli cells with an IC50 value of 116.5 mu M for 24 h. In conclusion, these findings clearly showed that, CTN affects Sertoli cells even at low concentrations. Thus, as a result of the damage of CTN shown in Sertoli cells, it can be deduced that CTN may also have detrimental effects on the testes