56 research outputs found


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    There is a special occurrence of Upper Devonian rocks within the Proterozoic granodiorites of the Brno Massif in the surroundings of Adamov (about 1 km NNE of Adamov). The outcrops consist of basal clastics and limestones. The rocks are strongly ductile or brittle-ductile strained. The dip direction and dip of foliation vary from 316/88 in the basal clastics to 256/50 in the limestones. The trend and plunge of axis of the cylindricity is 220/38 and corresponds to the average lineation 215/29. The setting of the Devonian rocks in Proterozoic granodiorites is interpreted as a tectonic slice along a fault plane. According to asymmetric structures, the western block was thrusted over the eastern block to the NE. The deformation passed through several steps: 1. Upper block was thrusted over the lower one (D1); 2. This tectonic zone was strained by younger dextral thrust (D2); 3. The final structure was modified by neotectonics faulting and rotation

    Tektonická analýza okrajového zlomu blanenského prolomu

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    Pískovna, ve které probíhal výzkum je situovaná jihozápadně od obce Dolní Lhota, která leží severně od města Brno. Pískovna odkrývá ve svoji jihozápadní části tektonický kontakt křídových sedimentů blanenského prolomu a brněnského masivu, který postupně zarůstá, takže v současnosti je jedna z posledních šancí pro studium tohoto tektonického zlomu. Blanenský prolom je vyplněn křídovými sedimenty s téměř subhorizontální vrstevnatostí. Prolom křídových sedimentů je proti granodioritu brněnského masivu omezený zmíněným zlomem směru SZ-JV se sklonem k jihozápadu. Křídové sedimenty mají u zlomu překocenou vrstevnatost strmě ukloněnou k jihozápadu, což je způsobeno ohnutím a vyvlečením vrstev podél zlomu. Navíc byla na studovaném místě nalezena také vrstevnatost strmě ukloněná jjv. směrem. Při studiu anizotropie magnetické susceptibility deformovaných jílů jádra zlomu byla zjištěna magnetická lineace K1 v horizontální pozici ve směru JZ-SV. Směr K2 se uklání k jihovýchodu a póly k magnetické foliaci (K3) ukazují, že magnetická foliace je mírně ukloněná převážně jjv. směrem, což odpovídá i naměřené vrstevnatosti v daném bodě. Dá se tedy usuzovat, že vrstevnatost v daném bodě a výstupy z AMS byly ovlivněné nějakým drobným příčným zlomem, podél kterého vedly deformace k vzniku anomálních orientací struktur. Takový systém příčných zlomů ve směru JZ-SV byl popsaný Havířem (1998)


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    The Pavlov-Waschberg Zone and its surroundings features complicated structure of Carpathian Foredeep sediments and overthrusted flysch nappes. After Neo-Alpine thrusting this contact was tectonically affected by sinistral transversal strike-slip faults (lateral ramps) to present large-scale en-echelon structure. The structure is well visible in Pavlov Hills, where cross cut large limestone plate into smaller “blocks”. The new research investigates transversal faults’ elongation to the Carpathian Foredeep where fold Karpatian and Lower Badenian sediments. Large geomorphological elevations “Přední and Zadní Dunajovický hřbet” are depicted as remnants of large-scale fault-propagation folds (past-Lower Badenian thrusting) in this text

    Joint patterns in loess complexes at the selected localities from the Southern Moravia

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    This article represents a view of joint patterns from loess in the South Moravia. The aim of this study was to determine whether the loess in southern Moravia is tectonically affected. This study covers an area between Brno and Znojmo. In this territory, joint orientation patterns in loess were obtained and subsequently plotted to azimuthal projection. Based on the orientation data we can conclude that joints in loess originated as a result of volume change and/or as a result of soil creep. Tectonic influence was excluded.This article represents a view of joint patterns from loess in the South Moravia. The aim of this study was to determine whether the loess in southern Moravia is tectonically affected. This study covers an area between Brno and Znojmo. In this territory, joint orientation patterns in loess were obtained and subsequently plotted to azimuthal projection. Based on the orientation data we can conclude that joints in loess originated as a result of volume change and/or as a result of soil creep. Tectonic influence was excluded

    Geometrie kvarcitových těles v okolí Příchovic

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    Quarzite as a metasedimentary rock is usually figured in prolongated bands in geological maps. But muscovite quartzite from Krkonoše-Jizera Crystalline Unit in SE surrounding of Příchovice village forms irregular shapes in detailed geological maps (e.g., Mrázová – Štěpánek 2007, see Fig. 1), which do not allow simple interpretation of the geometry of quartzite bodies. To find correct 3D geometry of the bodies, we used standard methods of detailed mapping and documentation of outcrops as well as detailed structural analysis. Locations of terrain edges with quartzite outcrops have been indicated in the map (Fig. 3 –A, B, C). Generaly sub-horizontal to moderately dipping metamorphic foliation has been found. Foliation poles make wide girdle in the plot (Fig. 2) which indicates sub-cylindrical fold structure with horizontal axis in the NW–SE direction.Studied area can be geomorphologically divided into two different parts. The northeastern part of the territory is sub-horizontal plateau, while the southwestern part is generally inclined to the southwest. In the second part, the metamorphic foliation dips to the southwest under such angle, that it seems to be parallel to the inclination of the slope, see the old quarry (Fig. 3B) and SW part of Velká bílá skála (Fig. 3A). The last one show us bent outcrop respecting the change in slope inclination. Large shear bands were directly observed as a part of S-C structure. It indicates that SW limb of the fold was strained under simple shear condition with the drop SW kinematics (Fig. 4). Change in orientation of SW-dipping fold limb was produced by a ductile shear zone.Based on a combination of metamorphic foliation orientation of quartzite and field edges, we can interpret quartzite rocks as a part of one platy body, which forms the overall morphology of the landscape south of Příchovice. In the plateau, erosion stopped at subhorizontally oriented part of the quartzite layer, while denudation of the SW limb of the large fold predeterminates the inclined slope surface to the SW (Fig. 3D). Relics of thin overlying rocks remaining on quartzite in some places and erosion of the small creeks produce bizarre forms in geological map, which seems to be difficult to understand. This study has shown that such complex structure can be decrypted using the detailed structural analysis. In this case it was shown that quartzite forms a relatively simple body which was only slightly bent due to simple shear deformation.


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    The studied contact zone between metabasites and granodiorites is modified by dip-slip brittle-ductile shear zone. The sense of movement derived from reorientation of aplite dykes in mylonites indicates normal faulting on this subvertical west-dipping shear zone. The age of tectonic movement is the most probably variscan


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    Devonské sedimentární horniny tektonicky začleněné do brněnského masivu, východní okraj Českého masivu Devonská klastika severního okolí Brna jsou součástí sj. orientované zóny Babího lomu, která probíhá středem brněnského masivu. I když devon tvoří zdánlivě samostatný relikt, byly na jižním svahu kopce Strážná (369 m n. m.) nalezeny klíčové informace pro řešení stavby celé zóny Babího lomu: 1) Horninový sled devonských klastik je na dané lokalitě dostatečně variabilní (břidlice, prachovce, pískovce, křemenné a petromiktní slepence), což umožňuje dobře rozpoznat vrstevnatost i směr do nadloží. 2) Vrstevnatost devonských hornin se v z. části reliktu uklání k V a směrem na V se překlápí přes vertikální orientaci do pozice překocené s úklonem k Z. 3) Omezení devonských hornin je z části primární – transgresivní (na JZ s reliktním fosilním zvětráním podloží), z části tektonické (východní a sz. omezení). Uvedená pozorování lze v kombinaci se strukturně geologickými informacemi z okolí vysvětlit následující interpretací: 1) Devonské vrstvy tvoří překocenou vrásu. S největší pravděpodobností se jedná o antiklinálu s osní plochou ukloněnou k Z. 2) Vrásová stavba vznikla zřejmě v důsledku deformace vlekem podél násunového zlomu a tvoří spodní část tektonické šupiny. 3) Svrchní část této šupiny reprezentují horniny hřbetu Babího lomu. Následné křehké postižení vedlo k rozdělení struktury a posunutí částí do různých úrovní za vzniku dnešního obrazu geologické stavby.The Devonian clastic rocks in the northern vicinity of Brno are a segment of the north-south oriented Babí lom zone, cutting central part of the Brno Massif. Although the Devonian rocks form a seemingly isolated relict, the area of southern slope of Strážná hill (369 m a. s. l.) south of Lelekovice gives us key information for understanding the whole Babí lom zone structure: 1) The Devonian sediments are lithologically variable, with shale, siltstones, sandstones, and quartzitic conglomerates, which enables us to recognize bedding and younging. 2) Bedding changes its orientation: it is dipping towards the east in the west, vertical in the middle, and overturned with dip towards the west in the east. 3) The Devonian rocks are limited partially primarily with transgressive boundary (in the SW with relict of fossil weathering) and partially tectonically (in the E and NW). These facts can be interpreted by the followingexplanation: 1) The Devonian beds form a recumbent fold, which is most likely an anticline with axial surface dipping towards the west. 2) The fold structure probably originated by dragging alongside a thrust fault and is a lower part of a tectonic sheet. 3) The Babí lom ridge may represent an upper part of the sheet. A segmentation of the structure is a result of subsequent brittle faulting


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    The tectonic development of the northern part of Moravian Karst can be divided into three phases at least. The oldest phase is documented by three ductile shear zones (west of Vavřinec village, south of Sloup village and at the eastern margin of the Moravian Karst). The younger tectonic phase is marked by kink bands and the last phase led to origin of axial culmination in lineation trends


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    Two old basic graphical methods of paleostress reconstructions include right dihedra method (Angelier – Mechler 1977) and M-plane method (Arthaud 1969). These two methods are two marginal cases of general inverse method based on one-fault inverse analysis. Using fault coordinate system, where l-axis is stria lineation, n-axis is normal to fault plane and m-axis complete right-hand orthogonal system lmn, it is easy to derive equation for Lode parameter μL = (2σ2 - σ1 - σ3)/( σ1 - σ3) in dependence on direction of σ1 and σ3 respectively. This function limits field of possible σ1-directions with decreasing of μLmax (Fig. 2a) and σ3-field with increasing of μLmin. The field of σ1 is equivalent to right dihedra quadrant for μL ≤ 1 as one extreme and it is reduced to part of M-plane for μL = -1 as the second extreme (Fig. 1). Base on it we can make equal-area plot for fields of σ1 and σ3 with isolines of μL (Fig. 2b, c). With these plots we can determine upper and lower limits of μL (μLmax, μLmin), and coresponding fields of σ1 and σ3 respectively


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    The structure of the Pavlov Hills was formed during folding and thrusting within the Outer Carpathian accretional wedge in the younger phase of the Alpine orogenesis (Lower Miocene). The area under study was subjected to detailed geological mapping including the collection of compass data. Several anticlines associated with thrusts slightly plunging to the NE were recognized. The anticlinal structures were cross cut by transversal faults in NW–SE direction (perpendicular to fold axis). En echelon arrangement (in N–S direction) was explained as sinistral block displacement along this faults striking in NW–SE direction