12 research outputs found

    Developments in the Financial Supply Chain and Its Impact on the Economy

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    Abstract— Although  several  studies  have  explored  the  relationship  between  the  operation  and performance  of  a  supply  chain  (SC),  a  general  SC  model  cannot  deliver  the  expected  financial results at a company-wide level. In this paper, we argue that this cannot guarantee the maximization of a firm’s overall value because short-term financial performance metrics do not reflect the risk to businesses and the invested capita. Information asymmetry determines investors to call for auditors’ services.  Ensuring the reliability of compliance with the requirements of the financial reporting framework based on supply chain management is one of the fundamental factors for ensuring the quality of audit. This paper aims to analyze the influence of the financial reporting framework based on supply chain management on the process of forming the auditor's report. The process of developing financial statements is proceeding along the path of maximum informatization of these statements. Current users requirements are not always met by existing accounting and reporting standards. The capabilities inherent in the fair presentation framework push the boundaries of any standards, allowing the preparer to fill the financial statements with relevant information. Considering the financial statements framework on the part of the auditor, it can be argued that this will have an impact on the audit process. Objectively it consists in obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it. This means that the application of the fair presentation framework by the management of the audited entity will require the auditor to adjust the verification process accordingly, which should address such elements as the quality of audit evidence, the methods of obtaining it, and the auditor's assessment

    Influence of interaction between higher education institutions and audit organizations on graduates training in management, economics and Finance Institute Kfu

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article is devoted to the relevance of the interaction between higher education institutions and target employers within new Russian education standards. The paper considers the effectiveness of existing work model of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University with audit firms and proposes further improvement of colloboration effiency


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    An actual problem of modern medicine is a treatment of endogenous intoxication syndrome. It is polyetiological emergency condition, which requires pathogenically substantiated rational pharmacotherapy. It was proven earlier that the original coordination compound of germanium, magnesium and oxyetylidendiphosphonic acid (MIGU-6) is safe and has a high detoxifying activity at endogenous intoxication (as crush syndrome also). The aim of the study – comparative pharmacokinetic characteristics of the absorption process of MIGU-6 in intact rats and in rats with posttraumatic endotoxemia. Materials and Methods. Experimental model is a pathological process that occurs in rats as a result of crushing of soft tissues of lower extremities. Original compound was administered as 1% solution at a dose of 140.6 mg/kg before the crushing. The pharmacokinetic of MIGU-6 was studied by determining the concentration of germanium in tissues of animals with crush syndrome and in intact animals. Samples to study were taken in 30 minutes, 1, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours after administration of MIGU-6.  Comparative analysis of the following parameters was performed: absorption rate constant (K01), half-absorption period (t1/2,a), maximum serum concentration (Cmax), time to reach maximum serum concentration (tmax). Results of the studies and their discussion. Comparative analysis allows concluding that the process of absorption MIGU-6 in intact rats and in rats with posttraumatic endotoxemia goes fast enough. It was fixed higher concentrations of MIGU-6 in animals with crush syndrome, compared to healthy animals. Rate of absorption into the systemic blood flow was 0,71 h-1in healthy animals. In animals with crush syndrome it was 5.4–fold higher than those in healthy animals. Half-absorption period correlates with the absorption rate constant. Maximum serum concentration of MIGU-6 was significantly increased (152.85 μg/l) in case of endotoxemia compared to healthy rats (119.36 μg/l). tmax is 2.3-fold faster in group of animals with crush syndrome. Conclusions. Thus, in case of posttraumatic endotoxemia, pharmacokinetic parameters of MIGU-6 absorption, undergo significant changes, such as intensification of absorption of the compounds into the systemic blood circulation


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    Influence of interaction between higher education institutions and audit organizations on graduates training in management, economics and Finance Institute Kfu

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article is devoted to the relevance of the interaction between higher education institutions and target employers within new Russian education standards. The paper considers the effectiveness of existing work model of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University with audit firms and proposes further improvement of colloboration effiency

    Developments in the financial supply chain and its impact on the economy

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    © ExcelingTech Pub, UK. Although several studies have explored the relationship between the operation and performance of a supply chain (SC), a general SC model cannot deliver the expected financial results at a company-wide level. In this paper, we argue that this cannot guarantee the maximization of a firm's overall value because short-term financial performance metrics do not reflect the risk to businesses and the invested capita. Information asymmetry determines investors to call for auditors' services. Ensuring the reliability of compliance with the requirements of the financial reporting framework based on supply chain management is one of the fundamental factors for ensuring the quality of audit. This paper aims to analyze the influence of the financial reporting framework based on supply chain management on the process of forming the auditor's report. The process of developing financial statements is proceeding along the path of maximum informatization of these statements. Current users requirements are not always met by existing accounting and reporting standards. The capabilities inherent in the fair presentation framework push the boundaries of any standards, allowing the preparer to fill the financial statements with relevant information. Considering the financial statements framework on the part of the auditor, it can be argued that this will have an impact on the audit process. Objectively it consists in obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it. This means that the application of the fair presentation framework by the management of the audited entity will require the auditor to adjust the verification process accordingly, which should address such elements as the quality of audit evidence, the methods of obtaining it, and the auditor's assessment


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    © 2020. All Rights Reserved. The importance of the environment is increasingly recognized. Environmental issues often have implications for business and cannot be ignored by auditors. Auditors need a general awareness of the risk that environmental issues may have an impact on the financial statements. The audit procedure “discussion” is widely used in the work of the audit team due to its objectivity, naturalness, and use as an effective tool for making collective decisions. Considering that the sequence of audit standards in the International Standards on Auditing (hereinafter referred to as ISAs) corresponds to the sequence of audit, it is advisable to examine the concept of “discussion” sequentially in each standard, which will make it possible to identify specifics of this procedure. International audit standards, like any system, are subject to the laws of development and, therefore, undergo various changes. Audit is based on the control nature of the procedures. It is the third element in the system of booking business transactions, which can be very simply reflected as “transaction - accounting - control”. The sequence of movements and changes in this system is only one way: from left to right, from the business transaction to the control, since the business operation is primary a priori. Lack of business operations entails the inappropriateness of accounting and the unnecessary control. It also means that all changes also have a similar consistent effect, but not vice versa. Changes in business operations unambiguously lead to changes in accounting, to which the controller must respond. At the same time, changes in accounting never affect the business operations, and changes in control procedures do not change the organization and maintaining of records. Based on this, audit as a form of financial control must respond to external challenges in order to adequately implement its socially significant function