7 research outputs found

    Acquisition of real estate using bitcoin cryptocurrency. Case Re/Max Peru 2022

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    La adquisición de bienes inmuebles, se hace a través del intercambio de dinero por un bien, compraventa, en otros países el bitcoin viene concitando atención como medio pago de compra de bienes, sin embargo, para muchos es un riesgo al sistema financiero, como en Perú, por tanto, el Estado, no permite que la criptomoneda ingrese en su sistema, por la desconfianza y el riesgo que ello entraña, por ello el objetivo de nuestra investigación es determinar cómo influye en la adquisición de bienes inmuebles el uso de criptomonedas bitcoin. caso RE/MAX PERÚ 2022. El trabajo es de enfoque cualitativo, con paradigma hermenéutico-interpretativo sobre un estudio de caso: RE/MAX, empresa corredora de inmuebles y casas de cambio. Técnica de recopilación de datos fue mediante entrevista, el resultado de nuestra investigación, nos indica que la criptomoneda bitcoin, no goza de confianza en Perú. Se concluye que no influye en la adquisición de bienes inmuebles el uso de bitcoin, porque en el Perú no goza del respaldo, para ser considerada medio de pago, lo que implica un riesgo, por tanto no la utilizan para la celebración de contratos definitivos de compraventa y/o permuta de bienes inmuebles, toda vez que, para la celebración de un contrato se requiere de un elemento importante como la cancelación del precio en dinero de curso legal o el intercambio de bienes equivalentes

    Exploring the Impact of Cooling Rate on Microstructural Features, Mechanical Properties, and Corrosion Resistance of a Novel Nb-Stabilized Super Duplex Stainless Steel in Shielded Metal Arc Welding

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    The corrosion and mechanical response produced by quenching in the welded joint of a new Nb-doped stainless steel designed by the CALPHAD method and produced by open-atmosphere casting with recycled materials were investigated to contribute to the circular economy and to establish disruptive manufacturing criteria based on metallurgical principles. The steel was initially subjected to solubilization heat treatment and partial solubilization treatment at 1090 °C to obtain an appropriate α/γ balance and carbide solubilization. It was then welded by the SMAW process, quenched, and tempered at three different cooling rates. As a result, a good fit between the phases predicted by the CALPHAD method and those observed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy were obtained, with minor differences attributable to the precipitation and diffusion kinetics required for dissolution or nucleation and growth of the phases in the system. The forced air quenching mechanism was identified as providing an α/γ phase equilibrium equivalent to 62/38 as the most effective quenching method for achieving the optimum mechanical and corrosion response, even with the post-weld σ phase and showing superior results to those of the base metal. The outstanding mechanical and corrosion responses resulted from a proper balance of the primary phases in the duplex steel with a precipitation-strengthening mechanism. The damage tolerance obtained by forced air quenching was superior to that obtained by water and air quenching, with a PSE of 24.71 GPa% post-welding

    Circulación silenciosa de Leishmania infantum y Trypanosoma cruzi en perros domésticos de áreas urbanas de Sincelejo, región Caribe de Colombia

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    Introduction: Leishmania infantum and Trypanosoma cruzi are considered endemic zoonotic agents from rural areas of the country, however, there is a high risk of urbanization due to anthropogenic processes. For this reason, dogs have been proposed as sentinels of these zoonoses given their role as patients, hosts and/or reservoirs.  Objective: to assess the potential circulation of Leishmania and T. cruzi parasites in canines from urban areas of Sincelejo, Sucre.  Materials and methods: The presence of Leishmania and T. cruzi was evaluated by PCR, while identification of Leishmania was carried out by RFLP and DNA sequencing. In addition, the presence of E. canis and A. platys was evaluated as infections that can influence the clinical symptoms and health of animals. Results: Leishmania was detected in 32% and T. cruzi in 12% of the animals, 7% of the samples were positive for both parasites and L. infantum was detected in 18%. Anaplasmataceae infections were detected in 18% of the animals, co-infections by bacteria and parasites were found in 8% of the animals. Overall, 47% of the animals were infected by at least one agent, and these infections were associated with 50% of the total symptomatic animals.  Conclusion: the silent circulation of L. infantum and T. cruzi is demonstrated in urban areas of Sincelejo, as well as co-infections of parasites with anaplasmataceae. The present study demonstrates the convenience of the use of canines in the surveillance of these zoonotic agents.Introducción: La enfermedad de Chagas y la leishmaniasis tradicionalmente se han considerado zoonosis endémicas de áreas rurales del país, sin embargo, la aparición de casos de estas enfermedades en áreas urbanas sugiere nuevos ciclos de circulación de estos parásitos. Por ello, se ha propuesto a los perros como centinelas de estos agentes zoonóticos dado su rol de hospederos accidentales o reservorios. Objetivo: evaluar la circulación silenciosa de Leishmania y T. cruzi en perros residentes de zonas urbanas de la ciudad de Sincelejo, Sucre. Materiales y métodos: 100 muestras de sangre de caninos se emplearon para amplificar la región ITS1 de Leishmania, las muestras positivas fueron utilizadas para amplificar la región conservada del minicírculo del ADN del kinetoplasto de L. infantum y para el análisis de restricción con la endonucleasa HaeIII. Por otra parte, se amplificó un fragmento del DNA satelital de T. cruzi. Adicionalmente, se evaluó la presencia de E. canis y A. platys como infecciones potencialmente modificadoras de los cuadros clínicos. Resultados: Leishmania fue detectada en 32% (32/100) y T. cruzi en 12%(12/100) de los perros estudiados. El 7% (7/100) de los perros fueron positivos a ambos parásitos. Se detectó L. infantum en 18% (18/100) de los perros. Infecciones por anaplasmatáceos fueron detectadas en 18% (18/100) de los perros, se encontró coinfecciones por bacterias y parásitos en 8% (8/100) de los perros. En general, 47% (47/100) de los animales fueron infectados por al menos un agente etiológico. Conclusión: se demuestra la circulación de L. infantum y T. cruzi en zonas urbanas de Sincelejo, así como coinfecciones de estos parásitos con anaplasmatáceos. El presente estudio demuestra la conveniencia del uso de caninos en la vigilancia de estos agentes zoonóticos

    Evaluation in Real Conditions of New Anticorrosive Formulations Based on Polyphenols from Natural Sources and Encapsulated Nanoparticles

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    The objective of this study was to examine the combined protection effect of a two-layer system consisting of organic corrosion inhibitors (tannins derived from the bark of radiata pine) and anodic protection by means of the incorporation of zinc oxide nanoparticles modified superficially by chemical methods to improve the protection of metallic structures against corrosion. Film evaluations are performed in accordance with ISO and ASTM standards. This study also took into account the evaluation of the performance of two commercial coatings according to the scheme suggested by the supplier, in addition to the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) characterizations at 0 h, 720 h of accelerated exposure, and 4 months of atmospheric exposure in a corrosive environment of classification C3. The results obtained indicated that the combination of tannins derived from pine bark and encapsulated zinc oxide nanoparticles is a viable alternative to commercial coatings with a higher concentration of synthetic compounds. Although the film properties decrease slightly, performance tests at different exposure times show that they can still be classified as high-performance coatings

    Eco-Friendly Fire-Resistant Coatings Containing Dihydrogen Ammonium Phosphate Microcapsules and Tannins

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    The effect of microencapsulation of dihydrogen ammonium phosphate (MAP) in the generation of fire-resistant coatings was studied in the presence of tannins extracted from Pinus radiata. MAP was encapsulated to avoid interaction with sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), which, upon contact with fire, generates unwanted gases. Thus, a fireproof (or intumescent) protective film was produced in the presence of the tannins. Microcapsules were polymerized with melamine and characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)-Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS). The microcapsules were spherical with diameters between 0.7 and 1 µm. The as-produced microcapsules were mixed with tannin extract and the properties of their films were evaluated on wood and structural steel substrates; their fire resistance on medium density fiberboard was also evaluated. Flame resistance tests showed a carbonization index of 26.86% using microcapsules (3% w/w); this is better than commercial coatings. The film properties were similar to commercial coatings, but the adherence was slightly decreased due to agglomeration and also film flexibility

    A Dual Active-Passive Coating with Intumescent and Fire-Retardant Properties Based on High Molecular Weight Tannins

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    In this study, the tannins extracted from the Pinus radiata bark were used to develop an active–passive dual paint scheme with intumescent (IN) and fire-resistant (FR) behaviors. The properties of the coating were observed to depend on the concentration of high-molecular-weight tannins (H-MWT) incorporated into the formulation. At high concentrations (13% w/w), the coating exhibits fire-retardant properties due to the generation of a carbonaceous layer; however, at low concentrations (2.5% w/w), it generates an intumescent effect due to the formation of a carbonaceous foam layer. The dual IN–FR scheme was evaluated against fire by flame advance tests, carbonization index, mass loss, and intumescent effect, and was also compared to a commercial coating. The dual scheme presented good mechanical properties with a pull-off adhesion value of 0.76 MPa and an abrasion index of 54.7% at 1000 cycles, when using a coating with a high solid content (>60%) and the same thickness as those of the commercial coatings. The results of the fire resistance test indicate that the dual scheme generates a protective effect for wood and metal, with an excellent performance that is comparable to that of a commercial intumescent coating

    ENGIU: Encuentro Nacional de Grupos de Investigación de UNIMINUTO.

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    El desarrollo del prototipo para el sistema de detección de Mina Antipersona (MAP), inicia desde el semillero ADSSOF perteneciente al programa de Administración en Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo de la UNIMINUTO, se realiza a partir de un detector de metales que emite una señal audible, que el usuario puede interpretar como aviso de presencia de un objeto metálico, en este caso una MAP. La señal audible se interpreta como un dato, como ese dato no es perceptible a 5 metros de distancia, se implementa el transmisor de Frecuencia Modulada FM por la facilidad de modulación y la escogencia de frecuencia de transmisión de acuerdo con las normas y resolución del Ministerio de Comunicaciones; de manera que esta sea la plataforma base para enviar los datos obtenidos a una frecuencia establecida. La idea es que el ser humano no explore zonas peligrosas y buscar la forma de crear un sistema que permita eliminar ese riesgo, por otro lado, buscar la facilidad de uso de elementos ya disponibles en el mercado