172 research outputs found
The geology of the Grassy Butte area, McKenzie County, North Dakota
The Grassy Butte area lies in southern McKenzie County, just southwest of the deepest part of the Williston Basin, and is bordered on the north by the North Unit of the Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park.
the purpose of this investigation was: (1) to prepare a geological map of the area; (2) to map the geologic structure of the area; (3) to measure and describe detailed stratigraphic sections which would aid in correlating rock units in this area with previously described rock units in adjacent areas; (4) to indicate lignite beds of possible economic value.
The western three-fifths of the Grassy Butte area is thoroughly dissected into badland topography, but the eastern two-fifths is an upland plain, the Missouri Plateau.
The Tongue River formation, including the Sentinel Butte member, and the Golden Valley formation are exposed at the surface. The Tongue River formation is Paleocene in age. The Golden Valley formation, of Eocene age, was determined to be more extensive in this area than was previously supposed, and the writer used as the base of the formation an horizon approximately 25 feet lower than the “orange marker bed” which had usually been used for mapping purposes before.
A series of north plunging noses and troughs were found to be present in the western part of the Grassy Butte area. To the south, in the adjacent Elkhorn Ranch area, the plunge of the easternmost nose is reversed and anticlinal closure results. The village of Grassy Butte is located on the crest of another anticline, trending northwest-southeast. The Little Missouri River flows over the easternmost nose, which seems to exert directional control on the course of that river. The outcrop pattern also seems to be controlled to some extent by the structure of the Paleocene beds in this area
History in Collaboration: Equalizing the Arts and the Humanities in San Francisco
Historically, there has been a critical imbalance in the way history and preservation organizations are civically supported in comparison with the amount of funding that is available to arts organizations in the United States. To correct this imbalance in San Francisco, I propose the creation of a San Francisco Department of Culture that would place the San Francisco Arts Commission equally alongside a San Francisco History Commission within a department that absorbs responsibilities currently managed by other divisions with in city government, such as the Planning Department and the Office and Economic and Workforce Development. City government necessarily takes time to reorganize, so the first step will be to advocate for and demonstrate the need for a Department of Culture; this can be achieved by continuing to strengthen and expand San Francisco History Days, and by grooming key members of the event’s organizing committee to become stakeholders in a nascent San Francisco History Commission. This, however, will only address part of the problem; we must also address the problematic federal and perceptual division of the Arts from the Humanities, and the inaccurate perception that History is boring and irrelevant to contemporary life. To do this, we must present History didactically—in conversation with its surroundings, through collaboration with other types of cultural organizations
Comparison of Geology and Magnetism of a Portion of the Thunder Bay and Rainy River Districts
The portion of the Thunder Bay and Rainy River Districts covered in this report is an area of greatly varying magnetic susceptibility. Comparison of the geology and magnetic susceptibility by use of transparent overlays displays various features not previously shown on conventional geologic maps.
Two subparallel magnetic highs trending at essentially right angles to the regional trends are strongly suggestive of dikes of basic rock. Small isolated highs in the western portion of the map are interpreted to be stocks of highly magnetic rock. The magnetic anomaly crossing batholithic granite indicates a continuation of Keewatin strata though not mapped. Likely locations of gold, nickel and iron concentrations are exhibited
Employees\u27 perceptions of organizational justice: a comparison among human resource management issues
This study focused upon comparing aspects of fairness in terms of various human resource management issues, in particular, salaries, promotions, scheduling, and performance appraisals. Greenberg\u27s taxonomy of the classes of organizational justice was used as the basis for the aspects of fairness. A measure was developed for this study by compiling items corresponding to the aspects of justice delineated by Greenberg and by reviewing past measures to incorporate other aspects of justice specified by other researchers. The study analyzed the generalizability of the concept of fairness across the four human resource issues. Employees\u27 degree of perceived fairness varied between the human resource issues, but the relations between the components of fairness were comparable for each of the human resource issues. The choice of justice goal (equality, equity, or need) for basing human resource decisions was related to the human resource issue being addressed;This study also compared employees\u27 perceptions of fairness depending upon various demographic issues. The sample used for this study was fairly homogeneous. However, there were still some statistically significant, but small, differences found between males and females, among employees at different job levels, and between employees who had and had not worked for other companies in in their perceptions of fairness
Iagttagelser over Landbrugsbygningers Construction i Holsteen, Holland og England, samt nogle Bemærkninger om Bygherrens og Bygmesterens gjensidige Forhold ved Byggeforetagender her i Landet. Foredrag, 16de Marts 1859.
Iagttagelser over Landbrugsbygningers Construction i Holsteen, Holland og England, samt nogle Bemærkninger om Bygherrens og Bygmesterens gjensidige Forhold ved Byggeforetagender her i Landet. Foredrag, 16de Marts 1859
Varmegraderne i og udenfor Bonderupgaards Melkekjelder, iagttagne i Sommeren 1858.
Varmegraderne i og udenfor Bonderupgaards Melkekjelder, iagttagne i Sommeren 1858
A Novel Approach for Autonomous Densely Spaced Acquisition of Buried Objects in Intertidal Environments—Field Examples From Avaldsnes, Norway
Underwater archaeology relies on expensive and time-consuming invasive methods for identifying and excavating objects buried in the seabed or identifying layers in shallow and intertidal environments. Especially shallow and intertidal environments are challenging due to locally high levels of sedimentation that offer good conditions for preserving organic material, that is, archaeological objects, in stabile and low-oxygen environments. We present a system capable of dense (25 cm × 25 cm) survey coverage that enables nondestructive decimetre-scale visualization of buried objects and sedimentary layers lying in the subsurface. The system comprises an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) equipped with a single-channel 2D Chirp sonar. A description of the vehicle design is presented, and results from five field tests demonstrate the ability of the system to collect high-resolution acoustic data in a variety of shallow water environments. The system shows an example of the linearized zero offset reflectivity inversion dataset, visualizing a known buried shipwreck from the medieval period in Avaldsnes, Norway. The ASV system holds global implications as it can serve as a noninvasive first-stage survey in sensitive heritage or archaeological areas. Areas where traditional methods are challenging, or invasive methods are dissuaded.publishedVersio
Ability--not disability Rheumatoid Arthritis
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu
Ability--not disability With Low Energy
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu
Ability--not disability With One Arm
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu
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