6 research outputs found

    Etude du couplage linéaire et non-linéaire de l' onde hybride basse aux plasmas de Tokamaks.

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    Afin de générer des plasmas performants sur de longues durées, un tokamak nécessite des dispositifs de chauffage et de génération de courant additionnels. Des antennes haute-fréquences, délivrant des puissances de plusieurs mégawatts au plasma, sont actuellement utilisées dans de nombreux tokamaks. Pour optimiser les performances de chauffage et de génération de courant obtenues avec le système LH (fréquence de quelques gigahertz), une bonne maitrise du couplage de l'onde émise par l'antenne au plasma de bord est nécessaire. Or, des effets non-linéaires dépendant du niveau de puissance HF injectée dans le plasma perturbent fortement le couplage de l'onde LH pour certains paramètres de bord (densité et température en particulier). Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit portent sur l'étude du couplage linéaire et non-linéaire de l'onde LH au plasma de bord. Dans le cadre de l'installation d'une antenne dite « Passive Active Multijunction » en 2009 sur le tokamak Tore Supra visant à tester le système LH proposé pour ITER, la caractérisation du couplage obtenu avec cette antenne a été réalisée à partir d'expériences menées à basse puissance sur Tore Supra. Les résultats, analysés conjointement avec l'utilisation d'un code de couplage (ALOHA), ont ainsi validé les prédictions théoriques prévoyant de bonnes propriétés de couplage à des densités de plasma de bord faibles. Par ailleurs, l'effet pondéromoteur a été clairement identifié comme responsable de la forte détérioration du couplage de l'onde mesurée sous certaines conditions de plasma de bord.In order to achieve long pulse operation with a tokamak, additional heating and current drive systems are necessary. High frequency antennas, which deliver several megawatts of power to the plasma, are currently used in several tokamaks. Moreover, a good control of the coupling of the wave launched by the antenna to the edge plasma is required to optimize the efficiency of heating and current drive LH systems. However, non-linear effects which depend on the level of injected power in the plasma strongly damage the coupling of the LH wave at particular edge parameters (density and temperature profiles). Results presented in the manuscript deal with the study of the linear and non-linear coupling of the LH wave to the plasma. In the framework of the commissioning of the Passive Active Multijunction antenna in 2009 on the Tore Supra tokamak aiming at validating the LH system suggested for ITER, the characterisation of its coupling properties was realized from low power experiments. The experimental results, which are compared with the linear coupling code ALOHA, have valided the theoretical predictions of good coupling at edge plasma density around the cut-off density. Besides, the ponderomotive effect is clearly identified as responsible for the deterioration in the coupling of the wave, which is measured under particular edge plasma conditions. A theoretical model combining the coupling of the LH wave with the ponderomotive force is suggested to explain the experimental observations

    New modelling capabilities to support the ITER EC H&CD System optimisation and preparation of plasma operation

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    The ITER Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) & Current Drive (ECCD) system is planned to be progressively installed and commissioned following the four stage approach of the ITER Research Plan. Starting with an injection of up to 5.8 MW from one Upper Launcher (UL) in the vacuum vessel to assist the plasma breakdown during First Plasma (FP) operation, the system will then be extended to achieve a capability of 20 MW injected power in Pre-Fusion Plasma Operation (PFPO) and Fusion Power Operation (FPO) phases. Development of optical modelling was required to characterize the optical performance of the FP configuration with the so-called First Plasma Protection Components. An optical 3D model using Zemax OpticStudio® has been developed and extended to the UL. Effects of higher order modes, thermal deformations and tolerances on the UL functionality have been characterized and are presented. Finally, in preparation of plasma operation and in the frame of the EC system upgrade layout optimisation, ECRH-ECCD modelling is being undertaken within the ITER Integrated Modelling and Analysis (IMAS) suite

    ITER ECH&CD Control System: Architecture, interfaces and status of development

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    The ITER ECH&CD system is designed to inject 20 MW of millimetre-wave at 170 GHz into the vacuum vessel. The system is composed of many sub-systems, namely High-Voltage Power Supplies (HVPS), Gyrotrons, Transmission Lines (TL), Ex-vessel Waveguides (EW), Launchers. It is the role of the EC Plant Controller (ECPC) to integrate all the Sub-system Control Units (SCU), to prepare the system for operation and to execute the real-time requests coming from the plasma control system. The ECPC also implements plant level protection functions involving more than one sub-system and it interfaces with the ITER Central I&C. This paper gives an overview of the EC system and a description of the control system development focusing on the architecture and the interfaces. Control and protection functions are presented together with a functional allocation to better define interfaces and responsibilities. The preliminary design of the interface with the Plasma Control System to implement advanced control functions is also presented

    Advances in Lower Hybrid Current Drive for TOKAMAK long pulse operation: Technology & Physics

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    The paper gives a picture of the present status and understanding of technology and physics of Lower Hybrid Current Drive for long pulse operation in tokamaks, including the development of continuous wave (CW) high power klystrons, and its evolutions towards ITER. 3.7GH/ 700kW CW klystrons produced in series by Thales Electron Devices are now in operation on Tore Supra. First series of eight klystrons delivered more than 4MW to sustain non-inductive plasmas during 50 s. Moreover, a prototype of 500kW CW klystron operating at 5GHz developed for KSTAR by Toshiba Electron Tubes and Devices, and foreseen for ITER, is able to produce RF output powers of 300kW/ 800 s and 450kW/ 20 s on matched load. The situation on wave coupling and antennas is reported, with the latest Tore Supra results of the new CW Passive-Active Multi-junction (PAM) launcher: the antenna concept foreseen for ITER. First experiments with the PAM antenna in Tore Supra have provided extremely encouraging results in terms of power handling and coupling. Relevant ITER power density of ~25MW/m2 (2.7MW of power injected into the plasma) has been maintained over ~80 s. In addition, LH power of 2.7MW has been coupled at a plasma-antenna distance of 10 cm.110Yscopusothe

    Confirmation of the topology of the Wendelstein 7-X magnetic field to better than 1:100,000

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    Fusion energy research has in the past 40 years focused primarily on the tokamak concept, but recent advances in plasma theory and computational power have led to renewed interest in stellarators. The largest and most sophisticated stellarator in the world, Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X), has just started operation, with the aim to show that the earlier weaknesses of this concept have been addressed successfully, and that the intrinsic advantages of the concept persist, also at plasma parameters approaching those of a future fusion power plant. Here we show the first physics results, obtained before plasma operation: that the carefully tailored topology of nested magnetic surfaces needed for good confinement is realized, and that the measured deviations are smaller than one part in 100,000. This is a significant step forward in stellarator research, since it shows that the complicated and delicate magnetic topology can be created and verified with the required accuracy