310 research outputs found

    Ionic Liquids containing metallic nucleus

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    In this PhD thesis, new methods to solubilize metal salts in ionic liquids (ILs) were developed and the behavior of the new metal containing ILs was studied. To incorporate metals in ILs, till now, anions (chloride, bromide, dicyanamide) able to give strong complexes with metals or the introduction of specific functional groups on cation or anion able to interact with the metal cation have been used. In all these cases, chemical nature of metal is changed by the interaction with other atoms and formation of new chemical bonds. To have weakly coordinated or relatively “free” cations in ILs, new kind of salts, with very soft anions have been used. New metallic salts, with Tf2N- as anion, were dissolved in suitable ionic liquids obtaining high concentrated solutions. Experiments performed using different classes of ILs evidenced that ILs having the same anion of the added metal salt generally assure a relevant solubility. A new common anion effect was invoked. The physical-chemical properties of the metal containing solutions were determined as function of concentration and temperature. Moreover, new ILs bearing cations or anions able to interact with the metal center were synthesized. In this contest basic 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (dabco) based ILs bearing different alkyl chains and having as counter anion dicyanamide were synthesized and characterized as well as imidazolium based ILs functionalized with hydroxyl substituted alkyl chains (glycerol) or polymerizable groups (allyl, vinyl and styril groups). The interaction between dicyanamide anion and metals, especially in copper-catalyzed reactions was investigated. Since the purity degree of ILs is very important for their application in synthesis, especially when ILs must be used in metal catalyzed reactions, or when kinetics studies have to be performed, a new cheap and easily accessible method to purify ILs from organic solvents and unreacted reagents was developed and applied. Highly “pure” ILs, so generated, were used in the kinetic study of oxidation reactions performed using with singlet oxygen

    Photon imaging using post-processed CMOS chips

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    This thesis presents our work on an integrated photon detector made by post-processing of CMOS sensor arrays. The aim of the post-processing is to combine all elements of the detector into a single monolithic device. These elements include a photocathode to convert photon radiation into electronic signals (in the extreme case this conversion is from a single photon into a single electron), an electron multiplication structure to increase the magnitude of the signal pulse and a position sensitive recording element to register the place, time and size of the electron charge pulse.\ud \ud The recording element is a CMOS imaging IC called Timepix. The rest of the detector structure is processed directly onto the CMOS substrate. It is essential that the post-processing steps are compatible with the underlying CMOS devices.\ud \ud The multiplication structure that we use is InGrid, an integrated version of a socalled Micromegas detector structure. The device consists of a thin metal grid that is elevated 50-80 µm above the chip surface with dielectric pillars. These are made of SU-8, a photoimagable polymer. We have investigated the dielectric strength of SU-8. The value of remarkably high for a polymer: 4.4 MV/cm.\ud \ud A large potential is applied between the grid and the anode, the structure is filled with a gas mixture. When electrons enter the space below the grid they are accelerated and upon collision with a gas atom secondary electrons are generated. This process is repeated a number of times before tht total charge cloud arrives to the anode plane (the chip) where it is detected.\ud \ud The InGrid structure is coupled to a CsI photocathode to make it sensitive for UV photons. The system is capable of imaging UV photons with high selectivity and with a high resolution of 0.8 lp/pixel

    Moisture resistance of SU-8 and KMPR as structural material for integrated gaseous detectors

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    This paper treats the moisture resistance of SU-8 and KMPR, two photoresists considered as structural material in microsystems. Our experiments focus on the moisture resistance of newly developed radiation imaging detectors containing these resists. Since these microsystems will be used unpackaged, they are susceptible to all kinds of environmental conditions. Already after one day of exposure to a humid condition the structural integrity and adhesion of SU-8 structures, measured by a shear test is drastically reduced. KMPR photoresist shows much stronger moisture resistance properties, making it a suitable alternative in our application. © 2008 Elsevier Science. All rights reserved

    Considerations on using SU-8 as a construction material for high aspect ratio structures

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    This paper discusses two material aspects of SU-8 that have up till now been insufficiently documented. We present initial results on the outgassing behavior and a study on the dielectric properties of SU-8 at high bias voltage. The dielectric strength is determined to be at least 2 MV/cm. These elements are investigated in the light of plans to manufacture an SU-8 based Micro-Channel Plate (MCP). Although the outgassing properties and dielectric strength are favorable the patterning capabilities are expected to limit the use of such an MCP

    Virtual classroom use in short learning courses:An exploratory study

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    Mirabeau, Erotika Biblion

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    Testo minore e troppo spesso sottovalutato di Mirabeau, Erotika Biblion è un breve trattato sulla sessualità che si inserisce nella tradizione delle opere libertine del Settecento francese. Il titolo greco – traducibile in Dell’erotismo nei libri – così come i titoli dei singoli capitoli che lo compongono – titoli grecizzanti quali «La tropoïde» e «L’Anandryne» o in lingua ebraica come «L’Ischia», «Kadesch» e «Behemah» – rivelano il carattere erudito e l’impostazione scientifico-enciclopedica..

    Renaud Bret-Vitoz, L’espace et la scène: dramaturgie de la tragédie française, 1691-1759

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    Partendo dal presupposto per cui «Le lieu d’énonciation d’un discours en détermine le sens» (p. 1), Renaud Bret-Vitoz documenta l’evoluzione dello spazio scenico e la caratterizzazione progressiva del decoro tragico nel corso della prima metà del Settecento. Rientrano nel corpus preso in esame dallo studioso tutte le tragedie che abbiano riscosso un qualche successo alla Comédie-Française nel periodo compreso tra il 1691, anno che segue quello che è convenzionalmente considerato il trentennio..

    Geneviève Lafrance, Qui perd gagne. Imaginaire du don et Révolution française

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    Attraverso un serrato confronto tra opere letterarie e testi di decreti legislativi, Geneviève Lafrance si interroga sullo stravolgimento subito dai concetti di beneficenza e di dono in età rivoluzionaria, due concetti che si fanno a quest’epoca più che mai ambigui e controversi, in quanto, tradizionalmente legati a quelli di carità cristiana e di prodigalità aristocratica, sono assimilati con la Rivoluzione ai nuovi valori illuministico-borghesi di giustizia sociale e di utilità pubblica. Di..

    Andrew Michael Ramsay, Essais de politique

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    Andrew Michael Ramsay (1686-1743), intellettuale di origine scozzese ma di identità europea e cosmopolita, è noto in particolare, oltre che come discepolo e biografo di Fénelon, come l’autore dei Voyages de Cyrus, ou la nouvelle Cyropédie, opera che si ispira direttamente al Télémaque e che si profila come un manuale di pedagogia pratica dedicato al principe Carlo Edoardo Stuart, figlio del re inglese Giacomo II esiliato nel 1688. Il legame e la fedeltà di Ramsay nei confronti degli Stuart so..
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