49 research outputs found

    Cañete y sus alrededores (provincia de Cuenca): un ejemplo de vínculo entre la historia geológica y la humana-cultural

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    Se considera que la historia geológica de una zona determinada esta condicionando de manera importante la forma de vida de sus gentes, costumbres, etc., por ello vemos también la importancia de que aquélla sea de algún modo conocida . Se presenta en el trabajo la historia geológica como la primera parte y más larga de lo que sería una "historia general" que terminar1a con una parte más reciente o humana - cultural, con la cual, pues, habría un "encadenamiento". Se considera el papel importante del geólogo y algunos organismos oficiales en la difusión de algunas ideas elementales sobre la geologla más próxima de los alrededores en los distintos medios rurales. El presente trabajo muestra un ejemplo de "encadenamiento histórico" en la zona de Canete y sus alrededores (provincia de Cuenca)

    Heterogeneous subsidence and paleogeographic elements in an extensional setting revealed through the correlation of a storm deposit unit (Aptian, E Spain)

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    A coastal marine siliciclastic unit has been studied from a palaeogeographic and structural-stratigraphic point of view. The unit was deposited during the Aptian in the extensional Las Parras sub-basin (Maestrazgo basin, E Spain), and it has been subdivided in four coarsening-upward sequences. A general description of each sequence is done but we focus in the third sequence (S3), which is built up of fi ne to coarse-grained sandstones, representing a vertical facies shift from storm dominated lower shoreface to upper shoreface environments. Both physical and genetic criteria have been used to correlate sequence S3. Top of sequence S3 is a minor erosive surface and is considered a reliable cronostratigraphic datum for correlation across the study area. Lateral facies changes of sequence S3 suggest the location of a siliciclastic discharge system toward the southeast of the study area. Drainage entry could be related to an intersection of basin bounding faults. Over the datum surface, coarsening upwards sequence S4 lacks its lower part in the south-easternmost area. An intra-S4 local discontinuity is defi ned and correlated toward the north-western area. The south-eastern area was located over a different subsiding block than the other sections and different subsidence histories for these blocks are interpreted on the basis of thickness trends and features of the intra-S4 discontinuity. Intra-S4 discontinuity marks the change from siliciclastic to carbonate dominated sedimentation, thus it could be representing a major break in the sedimentary dynamic. Spatial thickness trends of each sequence at the intra-block scale probably represent alternating episodes of homogeneous and heterogeneous subsidence that may be related to extensional dynamics. [RESUMEN] Durante el Aptiense, en la Subcuenca de Las Parras (NW Cuenca del Maestrazgo) se depositó una unidad siliciclástica en un contexto tectónico extensional. Esta unidad se ha dividido en cuatro secuencias granocrecientes, de las cuales se analiza en detalle la tercera (S3) ya que presenta un alto potencial de correlación lateral. El análisis sedimentológico de la secuencia S3 ha permitido interpretar una evolución vertical de shoreface inferior con procesos de tormenta, a shoreface superior; también ha permitido correlacionar esta secuencia entre dos sectores de la subcuenca que presentan un desarrollo litológico considerablemente diferente. El techo de la secuencia S3 es una superfi cie erosiva menor con valor cronoestratigráfi co y se ha utilizado como datum de correlación para el análisis de la unidad siliciclástica. Las variaciones laterales de facies de la secuencia S3 permiten interpretar la proximidad de un sistema de descarga siliciclástico hacia el sureste, y se propone una zona de intersección de fallas normales, próxima al sector suroriental de la zona estudiada, como un elemento paleoestructural favorable para la entrada de un sistema de drenaje en la cuenca. En el sector suroriental, por encima del datum de correlación, la secuencia S4 presenta un desarrollo muy reducido debido a la ausencia de su parte inferior; esto ha permitido interpretar la presencia de una discontinuidad local intra-S4. Esta discontinuidad local se correlaciona con otra reconocida en el sector noroccidental. Debido a las diferencias de espesor y al grado de desarrollo de la discontinuidad intra-S4 se deduce que la historia de subsidencia de diferentes bloques de la cuenca no es exactamente la misma. Esta discontinuidad intra-S4 podría tener interés regional ya que separa sedimentos dominantemente siliciclásticos de sedimentos carbonatados y podría indicar una modifi cación importante del sistema sedimentario. Para uno de los bloques estudiados, las variaciones espaciales de espesor para cada secuencia podrían representar un desarrollo de la subsidencia alternando periodos con subsidencia diferencial atenuada y periodos con subsidencia diferencial acentuada, que pueden estar relacionados con la dinámica extensional

    Sedimentación sintectónica de la Formación El Castellar (Cretácico Inferior) en la Subcuenca de Galve (Cuenca Ibérica)

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    The sedimentary record o f El Castellar Fm. in the Calve subbasin has been divided into two stages according to the presence of a mudstone and gypsum interval. This interval represents a paleogeographic and structural significative change. The geometry and facies distribution were controlled by extensional faults. However, the first stage shows a great variety of subenvironments and facies, while the second stage is characterized by an extensive hard water lake. These evidences has been interpreted as the result of the independent movement o f the faults during the first stage and the movement o f the whole extensional faults on a sole detachment during the second stage

    Sedimentación durante una etapa regresiva de corta duración en el Aptiense (Miembro Arenas y arcillas del Burgal), en la Cordillera Ibérica suroccidental

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    The Aptian El Burgal Mb. up to 85 m in thickness crops out in the SE Iberian Ranges (Central Spain). It is mainly comprised of fine to coarse-grained', white and ochre sandstones (arkoses)with intercalated levels of medium-sized, rounded quartzite pebbles, fine red sediments and local coal (lignite) horizons. Detailed study o f isopachs, 15 logs and 6 facies associations indicate that the El Burgal Mb. was deposited within different environments of sandy fluvial systems and fluvialwave-tidal interaction environments, commonly truncated by tidal channels from northern to southern zones respectively. The fluvial environments are represented by bedload, deposited as bars that till channels of mainly low but also of high sinuosity. Crevasse splays are frequent, showing long complex sheet-sandstone bodies interspersed with the channel fill in the northern area. The fluvio-marine transitional zone is located in the central area, where sandy fluvial meandering deposits cut soil horizons and coal seams in flood plain areas. Fluvial-wave-tide interaction deltas vertically alternate with shallow water marine sediments of Urgonian carbonate facies in the southern zone. Dispersion of the sediments are clearly controlled by the NW-SE tectonic alignment of Lower Cretaceous rift development that represented the Iberian Basin, with an interaction o f both extrabasinal and intrabasinal tectonics resulting in a regression within a long term transgressive episode

    Sedimentología de la Fm Escucha (Albiense inferior-medio) entre Estercuel y Crivillén (Teruel) en la Cubeta de Oliete (Cuenca Ibérica Central)

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    A stratigraphie and sedimentologic study about the Escucha Fm (Lower-Middle Albian) has been done in the Oliete Subbasin (Central Iberian Basin). This lithostratighapic unit was developped during the last moments of the second rift state (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous), that affected the Iberian Basin. Sixteen facies has been distinguished and gathered in five characteristic facies associations: flood plain, marshftaay margin, interdistributary bay, crevasse splay and distributary channel. These facies associations belong to different sedimentary subenvironments developped in the proximal sector of a deltaic depositional system. The vertical sedimentary evolution shows a trend to more continental conditions from base to top. Different Albian macroflora remains have been found in different stratigraphic levels

    Sea-level oscillations recorded as incised-valleys from the Villarroya de los Pinares Formation in the Galve sub-basin (Teruel, Iberian Chain)

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    Se describen cuatro discontinuidades con desarrollo de valles incisos de entre 10 y 73 metros de profundidad. La superficie S3 que presenta el mayor encajamiento puede correlacionarse a escala global con el límite de secuencia Ap4, y probablemente representa una oscilación eustática. Nuestros resultados apoyan la presencia de hielo polar durante el Aptiense.Four unconformities with incised-valley development are described from the Aptian of the Galve sub-basin. Incision magnitude varies from 10 to 73 metres. The deepest incision correlates well with Ap4 sequence boundary of Hardenbol et al., (1998), and probably represents a high amplitude eustatic fall. Our results support the presence of polar ice-caps during the AptianDepto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Educación y Cienciapu

    Niveles de tormenta en un intervalo siliciclástico costero aptiense de la subcuenca de Las Parras (Teruel): consideraciones paleogeográficas y estratigráficas

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    A coastal siliciclastic unit was deposited during the Aptian at the base ofVillarroya de los Pinares Formation in Las Parras sub-basin. It can be subdivided in four coarsening-upwards coastal sequences. We focus in the third sequence (S3), which is built up of fine to coarse sandstones, representing an upward change from storm dominated lower shoreface to upper shoreface environments. This sequence represent a reliable datum for correlation across the study area, allowing enhanced stratigraphic precision and the recognition of interesting relationships in the siliciclastic unit. Its lateral facies change suggests the location of a clastic discharge system toward the southeast. The major thickness unhomogeneity across this sequence is also found at the south- easternmost section, which is related with a different structural location involving a jump towards another subsiding block

    Expresión de la tectónica sinsedimentaria Aptiense en la subcuenca de Las Parras y su potencial estratigráfico (Cuenca del Maestrazgo, Cordillera Ibérica, Teruel)

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    Evidences of tectonic subsidence during the deposition of the marine Villarroya de los Pinares Formation (Aptian, Urgonian Facies) is found in the marginal Las Parras sub-basin (Maestrazgo Basin, Teruel). This tectonic activity is identified by the presence of a wedge-shaped strata! package related to fault activity and block rotation. The base of the wedge is an erosive surface that laterally evolves into an onlap surface, being the top a drowning surface. The wedge in the eastern section is built up by four shallowing upwards sequences, describing a retrogradational stacking pattern. A clear change from bioclastic, quartz rich limestone to muddy limestone with rudists, occurs gradually from base to top of the section. The western section is thinner than the eastern one and it only records the last muddy phase. Integration of both outcrops shows a higher subsidence at the easter portion of the fault. The little dimensions of faulted blocks in Las Parras sub-basin suggest the possibility of evaluate and separate tectonic, eustatic and sedimentary signals in the Aptian record