146 research outputs found

    Assessment of barriers to the implementation of community-based data verification and immunization data discrepancies between health facilities and the community in Tach Gayint district, Northwest Ethiopia.

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    AbstractIntroduction: While community-based data verification (CBDV) is critical for effective implementation of immunization programs, limited evidence exists detailing its implementation at the local levels thereby threatening data quality which is used to guide decision making.Aim: To explore the barriers to proper implementation of CBDV and determine the level of immunization data discrepancy between the health facilities and community levels in Tach Gayint district of Northwest Ethiopia.Methods: A Mixed methods approach was used. Interviews with twenty-six key informants’ (health experts) in immunization data, and an additional a sample of 324 infants were recruited. All health centers in the district (6) and 2 health posts from each health center (12 in total) were selected using Simple Random Sampling. Key informant interviewees were purposely included from all health facilities. For quantitative data, samples of infants were proportionally allocated for each health facility as per their DPT/Pentavalent-1 vaccine report. Thematic analysis of the qualitative data and descriptive quantitative analysis were performed using statistical software open-code v-4.02 and STATA v14.1 respectively.Results: Only few health facilities implemented CBDV and consider it to be their routine task. Also, barriers to effective implementation of CBDV such as lack of prioritization, poor capacity among health staff, and conflicting job roles were identified. The highest immunization data discrepancy among community and health facilities was observed for the measles-one vaccine (35.4%), and the minimum was for DPT/Pentavalent-1 (25.6%).Conclusion: This study revealed a poor level of CBDV implementation and barriers to its effective implementation which include lack of prioritizing CBDV, limited capacity among health staff in performing CBDV, and conflicting job roles among health staff. There was a high level of immunization data discrepancy for measles-1 and DTP/Pentalent-3 vaccines. Based on our finding, we make the following recommendations: building skills among health workers to perform CBDV, enhancing availability and use of standard CBDV tools, ensuring monitoring, and control mechanism, and setting clear definition of roles regarding CBDV, as well as closing the gap in level of immunization data discrepancy could help foster effective implementation of CBDV. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(SI-3):09-15]Key words: Immunization, CBDV, Data discrepancy, Data qualit

    Assessment of immunization data management practices, facilitators, and barriers to immunization data quality in the health facilities of Tach Gayint district, Northwest Ethiopia

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    AbstractIntroduction: Although data quality mainly depends upon the proper management of its primary sources, limited studies examined immunization data management practice in Ethiopia.Aim: To explore data management practices, facilitators, and barriers to immunization data quality among front-line immunization experts in the Tach Gayint district of Northwest Ethiopia.Methods: A mixed method study design was applied using document review and key-informant interviews. Quantitative data was collected through document review from 18 health facilities and 26 key-informant interviews, were conducted on experts of immunization for qualitative data. A STATA version 14.1 was used for quantitative data analysis. Qualitative data was transcribed verbatim and translated back into English. Data was coded, reduced, and searched for salient patterns. Thematic analysis was done using open-code version 4.02.Results: The Health Management Information System data recording tools were often lacking. The significant number (83.3%) of health facilities practiced immunization information display, while dissemination at the local level was low. The key informants mentioned that they were responsible for conducting regular Performance Monitoring Team (PMT) and Lots Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) as facilitators. Furthermore, a shortage of recording tools, limited supportive supervision, vertical reporting, impracticality of Lots of Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) at the health posts, poor implementation of Community Health Information System (CHIS), and mass vaccination were barriers identified to immunization data quality.Conclusion: We found that majority of health workers use locally developed tools instead of using the standard data recording and reporting tools. Regular Performance Monitoring Team meetings and Lots Quality Assurance Sampling assessment were found to be facilitators. Furthermore, limited supportive supervision, vertical reporting and poor implementation of Community Health Information System were barriers. Therefore, strengthening the use of standard recording and reporting tools, conducting regular supportive supervision, and implementing routine vaccination services are recommended to improve the data management practice. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 2021; 35(SI-3):28-38]Key words: Immunization, Data management practice, Data quality, Information us

    Interaction of Staphylococcus aureus and Host Cells upon Infection of Bronchial Epithelium during Different Stages of Regeneration

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    The primary barrier that protects our lungs against infection by pathogens is a tightly sealed layer of epithelial cells. When the integrity of this barrier is disrupted as a consequence of chronic pulmonary diseases or viral insults, bacterial pathogens will gain access to underlying tissues. A major pathogen that can take advantage of such conditions is Staphylococcus aureus, thereby causing severe pneumonia. In this study, we investigated how S. aureus responds to different conditions of the human epithelium, especially nonpolarization and fibrogenesis during regeneration using an in vitro infection model. The infective process was monitored by quantification of the epithelial cell and bacterial populations, fluorescence microscopy, and mass spectrometry. The results uncover differences in bacterial internalization and population dynamics that correlate with the outcome of infection. Protein profiling reveals that, irrespective of the polarization state of the epithelial cells, the invading bacteria mount similar responses to adapt to the intracellular milieu. Remarkably, a bacterial adaptation that was associated with the regeneration state of the epithelial cells concerned the early upregulation of proteins controlled by the redox-responsive regulator Rex when bacteria were confronted with a polarized cell layer. This is indicative of the modulation of the bacterial cytoplasmic redox state to maintain homeostasis early during infection even before internalization. Our present observations provide a deeper insight into how S. aureus can take advantage of a breached epithelial barrier and show that infected epithelial cells have limited ability to respond adequately to staphylococcal insults

    Heterogeneous antimicrobial activity in broncho-alveolar aspirates from mechanically ventilated intensive care unit patients

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    Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs, where the alveoli in the affected area are filled with pus and fluid. Although ventilated patients are at risk, not all ventilated patients develop pneumonia. This suggests that the sputum environment may possess antimicrobial activities. Despite the generally acknowledged importance of antimicrobial activity in protecting the human lung against infections, this has not been systematically assessed to date. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to measure antimicrobial activity in broncho-alveolar aspirate ('sputum") samples from patients in an intensive care unit (ICU) and to correlate the detected antimicrobial activity with antibiotic levels, the sputum microbiome, and the respective patients' characteristics. To this end, clinical metadata and sputum were collected from 53 mechanically ventilated ICU patients. The antimicrobial activity of sputum samples was tested against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus anginosus. Here we show that sputa collected from different patients presented a high degree of variation in antimicrobial activity, which can be partially attributed to antibiotic therapy. The sputum microbiome, although potentially capable of producing antimicrobial agents, seemed to contribute in a minor way, if any, to the antimicrobial activity of sputum. Remarkably, despite its potentially protective effect, the level of antimicrobial activity in the investigated sputa correlated inversely with patient outcome, most likely because disease severity outweighed the beneficial antimicrobial activities.</p

    Phenotypic characterisation of African chickens raised in semi-scavenging conditions

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    In sub-Saharan Africa, most poultry production is traditional with birds being raised by smallholders in free-range semi-scavenging conditions. The aim of our project is to extensively characterise phenotypes of chickens raised in typical African farming conditions, by measuring production, immunity and survival characteristics. In total, 2,573 chickens were raised in five batches in the poultry facility at ILRI in Ethiopia. These chickens were phenotypically characterised and sampled across an eight-week period. Traits measured included weekly body weight, growth rate, breast muscle weight in carcass, mortality/survival, and immunological titres. The population of chickens had extensive variance at these phenotypes. For body weight, 65% of the total phenotypic variance was attributed to the individual birds providing an excellent source of variation for identifying potential selection markers. This data will subsequently be used along with whole genome sequencing data of these birds to identify selection targets to underpin future breeding programs

    O-5S quantitative real-time PCR: a new diagnostic tool for laboratory confirmation of human onchocerciasis

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    Background: Onchocerciasis is a parasitic disease caused by the filarial nematode Onchocerca volvulus. In endemic areas, the diagnosis is commonly confirmed by microscopic examination of skin snip samples, though this technique is considered to have low sensitivity. The available melting-curve based quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) using degenerated primers targeting the O-150 repeat of O. volvulus was considered insufficient for confirming the individual diagnosis, especially in elimination studies. This study aimed to improve detection of O. volvulus DNA in clinical samples through the development of a highly sensitive qPCR assay. Methods: A novel hydrolysis probe based qPCR assay was designed targeting the specific sequence of the O. volvulus O-5S rRNA gene. A total of 200 clinically suspected onchocerciasis cases were included from Goma district in South-west Ethiopia, from October 2012 through May 2013. Skin snip samples were collected and subjected to microscopy, O-150 qPCR, and the novel O-5S qPCR. Results: Among the 200 individuals, 133 patients tested positive (positivity rate of 66.5%) and 67 negative by O-5S qPCR, 74 tested positive by microscopy (37.0%) and 78 tested positive by O-150 qPCR (39.0%). Among the 133 O-5S qPCR positive individuals, microscopy and O-150 qPCR detected 55.6 and 59.4% patients, respectively, implying a higher sensitivity of O-5S qPCR than microscopy and O-150 qPCR. None of the 67 individuals who tested negative by O-5S qPCR tested positive by microscopy or O-150 qPCR, implying 100% specificity of the newly designed O-5S qPCR assay. Conclusions: The novel O-5S qPCR assay is more sensitive than both microscopic examination and the existing O-150 qPCR for the detection of O. volvulus from skin snip samples. The newly designed assay is an important step towards appropriate individual diagnosis and control of onchocerciasis

    Insecticide resistance in Anopheles arabiensis from Ethiopia (2012-2016): a nationwide study for insecticide resistance monitoring.

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    BACKGROUND: Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) remain the cornerstones of malaria vector control. However, the development of insecticide resistance and its implications for operational failure of preventative strategies are of concern. The aim of this study was to characterize insecticide resistance among Anopheles arabiensis populations in Ethiopia and describe temporal and spatial patterns of resistance between 2012 and 2016. METHODS: Between 2012 and 2016, resistance status of An. arabiensis was assessed annually during the long rainy seasons in study sites from seven of the nine regions in Ethiopia. Insecticide resistance levels were measured with WHO susceptibility tests and CDC bottle bioassays using insecticides from four chemical classes (organochlorines, pyrethroids, organophosphates and carbamates), with minor variations in insecticides tested and assays conducted between years. In selected sites, CDC synergist assays were performed by pre-exposing mosquitoes to piperonyl butoxide (PBO). In 2015 and 2016, mosquitoes from DDT and deltamethrin bioassays were randomly selected, identified to species-level and screened for knockdown resistance (kdr) by PCR. RESULTS: Intense resistance to DDT and pyrethroids was pervasive across Ethiopia, consistent with historic use of DDT for IRS and concomitant increases in insecticide-treated net coverage over the last 15 years. Longitudinal resistance trends to malathion, bendiocarb, propoxur and pirimiphos-methyl corresponded to shifts in the national insecticide policy. By 2016, resistance to the latter two insecticides had emerged, with the potential to jeopardize future long-term effectiveness of vector control activities in these areas. Between 2015 and 2016, the West African (L1014F) kdr allele was detected in 74.1% (n = 686/926) of specimens, with frequencies ranging from 31 to 100% and 33 to 100% in survivors from DDT and deltamethrin bioassays, respectively. Restoration of mosquito susceptibility, following pre-exposure to PBO, along with a lack of association between kdr allele frequency and An. arabiensis mortality rate, both indicate metabolic and target-site mutation mechanisms are contributing to insecticide resistance. CONCLUSIONS: Data generated by this study will strengthen the National Malaria Control Programme's insecticide resistance management strategy to safeguard continued efficacy of IRS and other malaria control methods in Ethiopia

    Oral Health Status of Patients with Mental Disorders in Southwest Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Psychiatric disorders are known to be a risk factor for the development of different oral health problems especially for dental caries and periodontal diseases. In spite of this fact, no study has been conducted to reveal its magnitude in Ethiopia. Hence, this study was conducted to determine the oral health status of psychiatric patients at Jimma University Specialized Hospital (JUSH), Psychiatric Clinic. METHODS: A hospital based cross- sectional study was used from January to May 2011. A total of 240 participants were included in the study. Dental examination was done to measure indices of oral health: decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index and community periodontal index (CPI). Oral examination was performed using mirror, probe and explorer by experienced dental doctors. A simple random sampling technique was implemented to collect data. ANOVA test, binary logistic and multinomial logistic regression analyses were done using SPSS 16.0 statistical software. RESULTS: The mean DMFT score among the psychiatric patients was 1.94 ± 2.12 (mean ± SD) with 1.28 ± 1.69, 0.51 ± 1.19 and 0.14 ± 0.48 (mean ± SD) for decayed, missed and filled teeth respectively. Only about 24% of the psychiatric patients had a healthy CPI score. Incorrect tooth brushing technique was significantly associated with a DMFT score greater than 2 (AOR = 3.58; 95% CI: 1.65, 7.79). The habit of sweet intake was also associated with dental caries (AOR = 2.91; 95% CI: 1.43, 5.95). Similarly, patients with a smoking habit also demonstrated statistically significant association with dental caries (AOR = 18.98; 95% CI: 5.06, 71.24). CONCLUSION: The oral health status of the psychiatric patients was poor. Thus, health education about oral hygiene should be given for psychiatric patients so they can avoid the frequent intake of sweets, smoking and learn correct tooth brushing technique
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