13 research outputs found

    Politeness Strategies Used by the Main Character in a Letter to Juliet Movie

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    The study deals with the types of politeness strategies used by the main character in a letter to Juliet movie. The objectives of study are to find out type of politeness strategies used by the main character in a letter to Juliet movie, to derive the dominant type of politeness strategy that is produced by the main character in a letter to Juliet movie and to elaborate the context of politeness strategies used by the main character in a letter to Juliet movie. The data are dialogue of the main character in a letter to Juliet movie. This research is conducted by using descriptive qualitative design and only focused on the main character. The research findings are positive and negative politeness strategies. There are fifteen strategies of positive politeness and twelve strategies of negative politeness in a letter to Juliet movie. The most dominant politeness strategy uttered by the main character in a letter to Juliet movie was positive politeness strategy. Among them is intensify interest to hearer is dominant type of positive politeness strategy. This type of politeness strategy occurred since character mostly just shared about her experience and inform to other

    The Influence of Using Clustering Technique Towards Students\u27 Exposition Paragraph Writing Ability at the Second Semester of the Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Tanggamus in 2015/2016 Academic Year

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    This research is conducted based on the phenomena taking place in school that are many students often consider writing difficult. The students are not interested in the technique of English teacher; students also are lack of motivation in learning writing. The students\u27 exposition paragraph writing score is below the criteria of minimum mastery (KKM) at MAN 1 Tanggamus. Therefore, this research discusses the influence of using Clustering Technique in teaching writing, especially for students\u27 exposition paragraph writing ability. The objective of the research is to find out whether there is influence of Clustering Technique towards students\u27 exposition paragraph writing ability at the second semester of the tenth grade of MAN 1 Tanggamus, Lampung in 2015/2016 academic year. The methodology of this research was quasi experimental design with the treatment held in 3 meetings, 2 x 45 minutes for each. The population of this research was tenth grade students of MAN 1 Tanggamus, Lampung. The total sample in this research was 53 students that were taken from two classes, X.I and X.2. In collecting the data, the researcher used instruments, pre-test and post-test. The instrument was exposition paragraph writing test. After giving the post-test, the researcher analyzed the data by using independent sample t-test. From the data analysis, it was found that the result of calculating was tobserved (5.94) with tcritical (1.6759), it means that the score of tobservedwas higher than tcritical, so Ho was refused. So, there was influence of Clustering Technique towards students\u27 exposition paragraph writing ability at the second semester of the tenth grade of MAN 1 Tanggamus, Tanggamus, Lampung

    Improving Students' Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text by Using Cue Cards

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    This study concerns on improving students' achievements and to find out whether the cue cards can improve the students' achievement in writing descriptive text. This study was conducted by using Classroom Action Research. The subject and population of this study is the second grade VIII-2 students of SMP Negeri 1 Padang Bolak. The number of the subject was 36 students, consisting of females and males. This procedure of this research was administrated in two cycle and six meetings. The qualitative data were taken from diary notes and observation sheet. The quantitative data were taken from the mean of the students' score in writing test. Based on the data analysis, the students' score got improvement in every cycle. In the First Test , the mean of the students' scores was 52.22 while in Second Test, the mean of the students' scores was 64.44 and in Third Test, the mean of students' scores was 75.55. The qualitative data showed that students' was interested in the using of Cue Card as a media in teaching learning process. The conclusion is that the using of Cue Cards as a media in teaching significantly improved students achievement in writing descriptive text and also impressed the students' enthusiasm in doing the group work of Cue Cards media to make a text and to express their idea well

    Transitivity System in Reading Passage of English Textbook for Junior High School

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    This study is concerned with transitivity system used in reading passage for junior high school. The objectives of this research were to find out the process type of transitivity system, the most dominant process type and to describe the implication of the most dominant process type used in Reading Passage of English Textbook for Junior High School. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. There were six types of process in 182 clauses. The result of data analysis showed that the numbers in types of process were: material (45,1%), mental (16,5%), relational (26,9%), behavioral (2,7%), verbal (7,7%), and existential (1,1%). The most dominant process type used is Material process. That means that many reading passages in English textbook for junior high school contain action, or happened physicaly. So the process used in reading passages indicated action, doing things or what is done