852 research outputs found

    Der Effekt von Beckenbodentraining wÀhrend der Schwangerschaft auf die Harninkontinenz

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    Darstellung der Thematik: Eine Schwangerschaft und die nachfolgende Geburt gehören zu den hĂ€ufigsten Risikofaktoren, eine Harninkontinenz zu entwickeln. Die Harninkontinenz kann folglich das Leben einer Mutter negativ beeinflussen, indem die LebensqualitĂ€t abnimmt. Heutzutage gibt es verschiedene Möglichkeiten zur Behandlung von Harninkontinenz. In erster Linie wird vor allem aber das Beckenbodentraining empfohlen. Ziel: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die in der Literatur beschriebenen Effekte des Beckenbodentrainings auf die PrĂ€vention der Harninkontinenz bei schwangeren Frauen und Frauen in der postpartalen Zeitspanne darzustellen. Methode: Die fĂŒr die Beantwortung der Fragestellung benötigte Literatur wurde anhand einer gezielten Literaturrecherche auf folgenden elektronischen Datenbanken gesucht: CINAHL, MEDLINE und PEDro. Die Suche wurde durch Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien eingegrenzt. Die Bewertung der Studien erfolgte anhand des AICA-Bewertungstools. Ergebnisse: Ein spezifisches Beckenbodentraining wĂ€hrend der Schwangerschaft und nach der Geburt senkt die Symptome einer Harninkontinenz, stĂ€rkt die Beckenbodenmuskulatur und verbessert so auch die LebensqualitĂ€t. Schlussfolgerung: Das Beckenbodentraining wĂ€hrend der Schwangerschaft und nach der Geburt weist einen positiven Effekt auf die PrĂ€vention von Harninkontinenz bis zu drei Monaten nach der Geburt auf.Background: Pregnancy and childbirth are among the main risk factors for developing urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence may negatively affect the everyday life of a mother by reducing quality of life. Nowadays, there are many treatment options for urinary incontinence, primarily pelvic floor training is recommended. Aim: This bachelor thesis aims at presenting the effects of pelvic floor training on the prevention of urinary incontinence during pregnancy and the postpartum period described in the literature. Method: The literature required to answer the research question was obtained by searching the following electronic databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE AND PEDro. The literature search was filtered by applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. The studies were evaluated using the AICA evaluation tool. Results: Specific pelvic floor training during pregnancy and after childbirth reduces Symptoms of urinary incontinence, strengthens pelvic floor muscles and therefore also improves quality of life. Conclusion: Pelvic floor training during pregnancy and after childbirth has a positive effect on the prevention of urinary incontinence up to three months postpartum

    Ride the Wave: A Guide for Implementing Biofeedback in Occupation-Based Interventions in a Rehabilitation Setting

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    Historical and current research studying EMG biofeedback has shown this method to be an effective adjunct to occupational therapy intervention. Utilizing EMG biofeedback has been shown through research as effective in improving functional gains. The use of biofeedback allows an individual to visualize unseen physiological processes which are unique to each individual and provide better understanding of otherwise unseen functions (Laurenção, Battistella, Moran de Britto, Tsukimoto, & Mayizaki, 2008). An extensive literature review and students’ observations of clinical occupational therapy practice led the investigators to conclude that EMG biofeedback was a viable treatment method which has not been utilized to the full potential. The purpose of the scholarly project was to determine the effectiveness of EMG biofeedback through research and develop a resource guide for occupational therapists interested in implementing this method into treatment in a rehabilitative setting. The product developed consisted of eight sections which were selected to provide an overview of EMG biofeedback information and pertinent resources to assist an individual in determining how this method could be implemented during occupation-based interventions

    Die Initialisierung der Immunothrombose und deren antimikrobielle Funktionen

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    Epigenetische und immunologische plazentare VerÀnderungen in der PrÀeklampsie

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    Enzymatic synthesis of L-pipecolic acid and L-proline

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    In der Eskalationsspirale: Russland und der Westen nach der Wahl

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    Bereits in seiner letzten Amtszeit als russischer PrĂ€sident setzte Wladimir Putin auf außenpolitische Erfolge, um von innenpolitischen Problemen und vor allem der wirtschaftlichen Stagnation seines Landes abzulenken. Mit Provokationen gegenĂŒber dem westlichen Ausland und einer WagenburgmentalitĂ€t, die das Bild eines vom Westen bedrohten Russlands projizierte, gelang es ihm, gestĂ€rkt aus den PrĂ€sidentschaftswahlen hervorzugehen – und dies, obwohl mehr als die HĂ€lfte der russischen Bevölkerung die Arbeit der Regierung in Umfragen des unabhĂ€ngigen russischen Lewada Zentrums negativ bewerten. FĂŒr die Beziehungen Russlands zum Westen in Putins erneuter Amtszeit bedeutet dies, dass auf Entspannung kaum zu hoffen ist. Die Eskalationsspirale, zuletzt angeheizt durch den Nervengiftanschlag auf den ehemaligen russischen Doppelagenten Sergej Skripal und seine Tochter im englischen Salisbury, wird sich weiterdrehen. DGAP-Expertinnen und Experten skizzieren in diesem DGAPkompakt, wie sich die russischen Beziehungen zu Deutschland und der EU, zu den USA und im Konfliktthema Ukraine weiterentwickeln werden, welchen Dynamiken sie unterliegen und wie der Westen reagieren sollte

    A Multivalent Approach to Triggerable-Release Cancer Drug Delivery Systems

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    Cancer continues to be one of the largest health concerns in Canada with approximately 43% of Canadians expected to be diagnosed in their lifetime. However, traditional chemotherapy methods often create complications from nonspecific drug distribution and poor penetration into tumors, providing an inefficient method for suppressing tumor growth and metastasis, and causing indiscriminate harm to healthy cells in the body. The damage that is caused to healthy cells is the root of most destructive and painful side-effects associated with chemotherapy, including nausea, fatigue, hair loss, mouth sores, fertility issues, and organ damage . Nanodiamonds, microscopic diamond particles, have recently gained popularity in medical applications due to their low cost and negligible toxicity. Additionally, their large surface area allows them to be easily modified with biocompatible attachments like polyethylene glycol (PEG) chains and a self-immolative drug linker, which acts as an efficient drug carrier due to its increased loading site. The Trant Team seeks to design and characterize a selective drug delivery system utilizing the pH-sensitive linker property to release the drug in the cancer cell’s acidic environment, reducing harm to not-as-acidic healthy cells. Previous work within the team used nanodiamond single valent carriers in preliminary studies. This presentation will describe multivalent modifications to further increase the loading capacity. Once synthesized and characterized, this drug delivery system is to be tested in vivo on zebrafish to observe its safety and efficacy

    MegaTevs: Single-Chain Dual Nucleases for Efficient Gene Disruption

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    Targeting gene disruptions in complex genomes relies on imprecise repair by the non-homologous end-joining DNA pathway, creating mutagenic insertions or deletions (indels) at the break point. DNA end-processing enzymes are often co-expressed with genome-editing nucleases to enhance the frequency of indels, as the compatible cohesive ends generated by the nucleases can be precisely repaired, leading to a cycle of cleavage and non-mutagenic repair. Here, we present an alternative strategy to bias repair toward gene disruption by fusing two different nuclease active sites from I-TevI (a GIY-YIG enzyme) and I-OnuI E2 (an engineered meganuclease) into a single polypeptide chain. In vitro, the MegaTev enzyme generates two double-strand breaks to excise an intervening 30-bp fragment. In HEK 293 cells, we observe a high frequency of gene disruption without co-expression of DNA end-processing enzymes. Deep sequencing of disrupted target sites revealed minimal processing, consistent with the MegaTev sequestering the double-strand breaks from the DNA repair machinery. Off-target profiling revealed no detectable cleavage at sites where the I-TevI CNNNG cleavage motif is not appropriately spaced from the I-OnuI binding site. The MegaTev enzyme represents a small, programmable nuclease platform for extremely specific genome-engineering applications

    RNase A Treatment Interferes With Leukocyte Recruitment, Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation, and Angiogenesis in Ischemic Muscle Tissue

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    Background: RNase A (the bovine equivalent to human RNase 1) and RNase 5 (angiogenin) are two closely related ribonucleases. RNase 5 is described as a powerful angiogenic factor. Whether RNase A shares the same angiogenic characteristic, or interferes with vessel growth as demonstrated for arteriogenesis, has never been investigated and is the topic of this present study. Methods and Results: To investigate whether RNase A shows a pro‐ or anti-angiogenic effect, we employed a murine hindlimb model, in which femoral artery ligation (FAL) results in arteriogenesis in the upper leg, and, due to provoked ischemia, in angiogenesis in the lower leg. C57BL/6J male mice underwent unilateral FAL, whereas the contralateral leg was sham operated. Two and seven days after the surgery and intravenous injection of RNase A (50 ÎŒg/kg dissolved in saline) or saline (control), the gastrocnemius muscles of mice were isolated from the lower legs for (immuno-) histological analyses. Hematoxylin and Eosin staining evidenced that RNase A treatment resulted in a higher degree of ischemic tissue damage. This was, however, associated with reduced angiogenesis, as evidenced by a reduced capillary/muscle fiber ratio. Moreover, RNase A treatment was associated with a significant reduction in leukocyte infiltration as shown by CD45+ (pan-leukocyte marker), Ly6G+ or MPO+ (neutrophils), MPO+/CitH3+ [neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs)], and CD68+ (macrophages) staining. CD68/MRC1 double staining revealed that RNase A treated mice showed a reduced percentage of M1-like polarized (CD68+/MRC1−) macrophages whereas the percentage of M2-like polarized (CD68+/MRC1+) macrophages was increased. Conclusion: In contrast to RNase 5, RNase A interferes with angiogenesis, which is linked to reduced leukocyte infiltration and NET formation

    Gal-2 increases H3K4me3 and H3K9ac in trophoblasts and preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia (PE) is a severe pregnancy disorder with a pathophysiology not yet completely understood and without curative therapy. The histone modifications H3K4me(3) and H3K9ac, as well as galectin-2 (Gal-2), are known to be decreased in PE. To gain a better understanding of the development of PE, the influence of Gal-2 on histone modification in trophoblasts and in syncytialisation was investigated. Immunohistochemical stains of 13 PE and 13 control placentas were correlated, followed by cell culture experiments. An analysis of H3K4me(3) and H3K9ac was conducted, as well as cell fusion staining with E-cadherin and ÎČ-catenin—both after incubation with Gal-2. The expression of H3K4me(3) and H3K9ac correlated significantly with the expression of Gal-2. Furthermore, we detected an increase in H3K4me(3) and H3K9ac after the addition of Gal-2 to BeWo/HVT cells. Moreover, there was increased fusion of HVT cells after incubation with Gal-2. Gal-2 is associated with the histone modifications H3K4me(3) and H3K9ac in trophoblasts. Furthermore, syncytialisation increased after incubation with Gal-2. Therefore, we postulate that Gal-2 stimulates syncytialisation, possibly mediated by H3K4me(3) and H3K9ac. Since Gal-2, as well as H3K4me(3) and H3K9ac, are decreased in PE, the induction of Gal-2 might be a promising therapeutic target
