5,750 research outputs found

    A flight instrumentation system for acquisition of atmospheric turbulence data

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    A flight instrumentation system for the acquisition of atmospheric turbulence data is described. Airflow direction transducers and an impact pressure transducer are the primary instruments for measuring vertical and lateral gust velocity, and a sensitive incremental pressure transducer is used to measure longitudinal gust velocity. Airplane motions, sensed by an inertial platform, are subtracted from the primary measurements during postflight data reduction to yield true gust velocity time histories. Salient engineering features of the instrumentation are discussed, and a complete description of the instrumentation is presented

    A roll-pitch interaction simulator and a control position command encoder for remote piloting of spin-entry research models

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    The Langley Research Center uses radio-controlled, scaled aircraft models to study the spin-entry characteristics of aircraft. Recent spin-entry studies required the use of an electronic proportional-control system for manipulating model control surfaces. In order to meet control system requirements, a special-purpose analog computer was designed to simulate the coupling between roll and pitch controls. A digital encoder was designed to encode the voltage analogs of control-surface position into a special pulse format for transmission to the model. This paper describes the two special developments and their relationship to the functions of the overall control system

    A navigation-aids identification decoder and display for general-aviation aircraft

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    Navigation-aids identification decoder and display device for general aviation aircraf

    New aircraft instrument indicates turbulence intensity

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    System consists of accelerometer, indicator, and necessary electronic circuits for summing and averaging accelerations. Averaging-time feature enables pilot to see large values of accelerations over a short time or smaller accelerations over longer period of time

    Alternative experimental evidence for chiral restoration in excited baryons

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    Given existing empirical spectral patterns of excited hadrons it has been suggested that chiral symmetry is approximately restored in excited hadrons at zero temperature/density (effective symmetry restoration). If correct, this implies that mass generation mechanisms and physics in excited hadrons is very different as compared to the lowest states. One needs an alternative and independent experimental information to confirm this conjecture. Using very general chiral symmetry arguments it is shown that strict chiral restoration in a given excited nucleon forbids its decay into the N \pi channel. Hence those excited nucleons which are assumed from the spectroscopic patterns to be in approximate chiral multiplets must only "weakly" decay into the N \pi channel, (f_{N^*N\pi}/f_{NN\pi})^2 << 1. However, those baryons which have no chiral partner must decay strongly with a decay constant comparable with f_{NN\pi}. Decay constants can be extracted from the existing decay widths and branching ratios. It turnes out that for all those well established excited nucleons which can be classified into chiral doublets N_+(1440) - N_-(1535), N_+(1710) - N_-(1650), N_+(1720) - N_-(1700), N_+(1680) - N_-(1675), N_+(2220) - N_-(2250), N_+(?) - N_-(2190), N_+(?) - N_-(2600), the ratio is (f_{N^*N\pi}/f_{NN\pi})^2 ~ 0.1 or much smaller for the high-spin states. In contrast, the only well established excited nucleon for which the chiral partner cannot be identified from the spectroscopic data, N(1520), has a decay constant into the N\pi channel that is comparable with f_{NN\pi}. This gives an independent experimental verification of the chiral symmetry restoration scenario.Comment: 4 pp. A new footnote with an alternative proof of impossibility of parity doublet decay into pi + N is added. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Literal readout of identification signals in Morse code

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    Instrument, designed for mounting in aircraft instrument panels, decodes identification signals received in Morse from VOR or ILS transmitters as they are received and displays the literal equivalent. Without elaboration it cannot decode numbers

    The use of computer-generated color graphic images for transient thermal analysis

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    Color computer graphics techniques were investigated as a means of rapidly scanning and interpreting large sets of transient heating data. The data presented were generated to support the conceptual design of a heat-sink thermal protection system (TPS) for a hypersonic research airplane. Color-coded vector and raster displays of the numerical geometry used in the heating calculations were employed to analyze skin thicknesses and surface temperatures of the heat-sink TPS under a variety of trajectory flight profiles. Both vector and raster displays proved to be effective means for rapidly identifying heat-sink mass concentrations, regions of high heating, and potentially adverse thermal gradients. The color-coded (raster) surface displays are a very efficient means for displaying surface-temperature and heating histories, and thereby the more stringent design requirements can quickly be identified. The related hardware and software developments required to implement both the vector and the raster displays for this application are also discussed

    Nuclear Forces and Few-Nucleon Studies Based on Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    After a brief review on the status of few--nucleon studies based on conventional nuclear forces, we sketch the concepts of the effective field theory approach constrained by chiral symmetry and its application to nuclear forces. Then first results for few--nucleon observables are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, presented by W. Gloeckle at the International Symposium on "A New Era of Nuclear Structure Physics", Kurokawa Village (Niigata Pref.), Japan, Nov. 19-22, 200

    Few-Nucleon Systems with Two-Nucleon Forces from Chiral Effective Field Theory

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    Nucleon-nucleon (NN) forces from chiral perturbation theory at next-to-leading (NLO) and next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) are applied to systems with two, three and four nucleons. At NNLO, we consider two versions of the chiral potential which differ in the strength of the two-pion-exchange (TPE) but describe two nucleon observables equally well. The NNLO potential leads to unphysical deeply bound states in the low partial waves and effects of the 3N forces, which appear first at this order, are expected to be large. We provide arguments for a reduction of the TPE potential and introduce the NNLO* version of the NN forces. We calculate nd scattering observables as well as various properties of 3H and 4He with the NNLO* potential and find good agreement with the data and with predictions based upon the standard high-precision potentials. We find an improved description of the 3H and 4He binding energies.Comment: 34 pages, 25 figure

    Improving the convergence of the chiral expansion for nuclear forces II: Low phases and the deuteron

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    Recently, we have proposed a new cut-off scheme for pion loop integrals in the two-pion exchange potential. This method allows for a consistent implementation of constraints from pion-nucleon scattering and has been successfully applied to peripheral nucleon-nucleon partial waves. We now consider low partial waves in the non-perturbative regime, where the regularized Lippmann-Schwinger equation has to be solved in order to generate the bound and scattering states. We observe an improved description of most of the phase shifts when going from next-to- to next-to-next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion. We also find a good description of the deuteron properties. In addition, the new cut-off scheme allows to avoid the presence of unphysical deeply bound states. We discuss the cut-off dependence of the four-nucleon low-energy constants and show that their numerical values can be understood in terms of resonance saturation. This connects the effective field theory approach to boson exchange phenomenology