552 research outputs found

    Desempenho empresarial em relação aos atributos da satisfação de clientes com a prestação de serviços em tecnologia da informação

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    O prestador de serviços não consegue ser eficiente em todos os atributos ao mesmo tempo. Ele precisa estabelecer prioridades. Assim, esta monografia tem como objetivo identificar a relação entre a importância versus o desempenho dos atributos da satisfação de clientes com a prestação de serviços de Tecnologia da Informação (TI), no segmento de Softwares de Gestão Empresarial (ERP ́s). Os procedimentos metodológicos deste estudo quantitativo envolveram entrevistas semiestruturadas em profundidade, por pautas, e a aplicação de um questionário fechado para clientes da empresa Delvale Tecnologia. A população alvo foram usuários e usuários contratantes. Os 274 participantes responderam o questionário por meio eletrônico, entre os dias 21 de março e 05 de abril de 2018. A pesquisa relevou os seguintes resultados: a Segurança (8,62) e a Confiabilidade (8,60) são os atributos que obtiveram o maior grau de importância atribuído pelos participantes. Em contrapartida, a Cordialidade (8,16) e a Flexibilidade (8,17), mesmo com o grau de importância elevado, foram consideradas as menos importantes. Em relação ao desempenho empresarial, os atributos Integridade (8,41) e Confiabilidade (8,39) tiveram a melhor pontuação; já a Flexibilidade (8,04) e o Acesso (8,06) obtiveram a pior avaliação. A aplicação da Matriz de Importância versus Desempenho permitiu estabelecer uma comparação visual imediata, que demonstrou que todos os atributos ficaram alocados na zona apropriada. A conclusão do estudo é que todos os atributos pesquisados têm elevada importância para usuários e usuários contratantes. Logo, o desempenho empresarial atribuído pode ser considerado satisfatório.The service provider cannot be efficient at all attributes at the same time. It needs to set priorities. Thus, this monograph aims to identify the relationship between importance versus performance of attributes of customer satisfaction with the provision of Information Technology services in the Softwares Management Business segment. The methodological procedures of this quantitative study involved in-depth semi-structured interviews, by guidelines, and the application of a closed questionnaire to clients of Delvale Tecnologia. The target population consisted of users and contracting users. The 274 participants answered the questionnaire electronically, between March 21st and April 5th, 2018. The research revealed the following results: Security (8.62) and Reliability (8.60) are the attributes that obtained the highest degree of importance attributed by the participants. On the other hand, Cordiality (8.16) and Flexibility (8.17), even with the high degree of importance, were considered the least important. Regarding business performance, the attributes Integrity (8.41) and Reliability (8.39) had the best score; whereas Flexibility (8.04) and Access (8.06) obtained the worst evaluation. The application of the Matrix of Importance versus Performance allowed for the establishment of an immediate visual comparison, which demonstrated that all the attributes were allocated in the appropriate zone. The conclusion of the study is that all attributes surveyed have high importance for users and contracting users. Therefore, the attributed business performance can be considered satisfactory

    Spectro-Microscopic Techniques for Studying Nanoplastics in the Environment and in Organisms

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    Nanoplastics (NPs), small (<1 μm) polymer particles formed from bulk plastics, are a potential threat to human health and the environment. Orders of magnitude smaller than microplastics (MPs), they might behave differently due to their larger surface area and small size, which allows them to diffuse through organic barriers. However, detecting NPs in the environment and organic matrices has proven to be difficult, as their chemical nature is similar to these matrices. Furthermore, as their size is smaller than the (spatial) detection limit of common analytical tools, they are hard to find and quantify. We highlight different micro-spectroscopic techniques utilized for NP detection and argue that an analysis procedure should involve both particle imaging and correlative or direct chemical characterization of the same particles or samples. Finally, we highlight methods that can do both simultaneously, but with the downside that large particle numbers and statistics cannot be obtained

    Visualizing the Structure, Composition and Activity of Single Catalyst Particles for Olefin Polymerization and Polyolefin Decomposition

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    The structural and morphological characterization of individual catalyst particles for olefin polymerization, as well as for the reverse process of polyolefin decomposition, can provide an improved understanding for how these catalyst materials operate under relevant reaction conditions. In this review, we discuss an emerging analytical toolbox of 2D and 3D chemical imaging techniques that is suitable for investigating the chemistry and reactivity of related catalyst systems. While synchrotron-based X-ray microscopy still provides unparalleled spatial resolutions in 2D and 3D, a number of laboratory-based techniques, most notably focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy, confocal fluorescence microscopy, infrared photoinduced force microscopy and laboratory-based X-ray nano-computed tomography, have helped to significantly expand the arsenal of analytical tools available to scientists in heterogeneous catalysis and polymer science. In terms of future research, the review outlines the role and impact of in situ and operando (spectro−)microscopy experiments, involving sophisticated reactors as well as online reactant and product analysis, to obtain real-time information on the formation, decomposition, and mobility of polymer phases within single catalyst particles. Furthermore, the potential of fluorescence microscopy, X-ray microscopy and optical microscopy is highlighted for the high-throughput characterization of olefin polymerization and polyolefin decomposition catalysts. By combining these chemical imaging techniques with, for example, chemical staining methodologies, selective probe molecules as well as particle sorting approaches, representative structure–activity relationships can be derived at the level of single catalyst particles

    Сучасний університет в умовах викликів глобалізованого світу

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    In this work, three industrially relevant zeolites with framework topologies of MOR, FAU and FER have been explored on their ability to form an AlPO4 phase by reaction of a phosphate precursor with expelled framework aluminum. A detailed study was performed on zeolite H-mordenite, using in situ STXM and soft X-ray absorption tomography, complemented with 27Al and 31P magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy, XRD, FT-IR spectroscopy, and N2 physisorption. Extraframework aluminum was extracted from steam-dealuminated H-mordenite and shown to dominantly consist of amorphous AlO(OH). It was found that phosphoric acid readily reacts with the AlO(OH) phase in dealuminated H-mordenite and forms an extraframework amorphous AlPO4 phase. It was found that while AlPO4 crystallizes outside of the zeolitic channel system forming AlPO4 islands, AlPO4 that remains inside tends to stay more amorphous. In the case of ultrastable zeolite Y the FAU framework collapsed during phosphatation, due to extraction of framework aluminum from the lattice. However, using milder phosphatation conditions an extraframework AlPO4 α-cristobalite/tridymite phase could also be produced within the FAU framework. Finally, in steamed zeolite ferrierite with FER topology the extraframework aluminum species were trapped and therefore not accessible for phosphoric acid; hence, no AlPO4 phase could be formed within the structure. Therefore, the parameters to be taken into account in AlPO4 synthesis are the framework Si/Al ratio, stability of framework aluminum, pore dimensionality and accessibility of extraframework aluminum species

    Fluorescent-Probe Characterization for Pore-Space Mapping with Single-Particle Tracking

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    Porous solids often contain complex pore networks with pores of various sizes. Tracking individual fluorescent probes as they diffuse through porous materials can be used to characterize pore networks at tens of nanometers resolution. However, understanding the motion behavior of fluorescent probes in confinement is crucial to reliably derive pore network properties. Here, we introduce well-defined lithography-made model pores developed to study probe behavior in confinement. We investigated the influence of probe-host interactions on diffusion and trapping of confined single-emitter quantum-dot probes. Using the pH-responsiveness of the probes, we were able to largely suppress trapping at the pore walls. This enabled us to define experimental conditions for mapping of the accessible pore space of a one-dimensional pore array as well as a real-life polymerization-catalyst-support particle