12 research outputs found

    MDL28170, a Calpain Inhibitor, Affects Trypanosoma cruzi Metacyclogenesis, Ultrastructure and Attachment to Rhodnius prolixus Midgut

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    BACKGROUND: Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas' disease. During the parasite life cycle, many molecules are involved in the differentiation process and infectivity. Peptidases are relevant for crucial steps of T. cruzi life cycle; as such, it is conceivable that they may participate in the metacyclogenesis and interaction with the invertebrate host. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this paper, we have investigated the effect of the calpain inhibitor MDL28170 on the attachment of T. cruzi epimastigotes to the luminal midgut surface of Rhodnius prolixus, as well as on the metacyclogenesis process and ultrastructure. MDL28170 treatment was capable of significantly reducing the number of bound epimastigotes to the luminal surface midgut of the insect. Once the cross-reactivity of the anti-Dm-calpain was assessed, it was possible to block calpain molecules by the antibody, leading to a significant reduction in the capacity of adhesion to the insect guts by T. cruzi. However, the antibodies were unable to interfere in metacyclogenesis, which was impaired by the calpain inhibitor presenting a significant reduction in the number of metacyclic trypomastigotes. The calpain inhibitor also promoted a direct effect against bloodstream trypomastigotes. Ultrastructural analysis of epimastigotes treated with the calpain inhibitor revealed disorganization in the reservosomes, Golgi and plasma membrane disruption. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The presence of calpain and calpain-like molecules in a wide range of organisms suggests that these proteins could be necessary for basic cellular functions. Herein, we demonstrated the effects of MDL28170 in crucial steps of the T. cruzi life cycle, such as attachment to the insect midgut and metacyclogenesis, as well as in parasite viability and morphology. Together with our previous findings, these results help to shed some light on the functions of T. cruzi calpains. Considering the potential roles of these molecules on the interaction with both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, it is interesting to improve knowledge on these molecules in T. cruzi

    Chronic liver disease in kidney recipients with hepatitis C virus infection

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    Background: The prevalence of anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) positive test is higher among patients in dialysis and in kidney recipients than in general population. Hepatitis C virus infection is the main cause of chronic liver disease in renal transplant patients. Liver biopsy and virological analysis were performed to clarify the grade of liver damage in kidney recipients. Methods: Renal recipients patients with at least 5 yr under immunosuppression were submitted to clinical and laboratory analysis. Patients who tested anti-HCV positive were candidates to liver biopsy with no regard to transaminase levels. Results: Forty-five patients tested anti-HCV positive and 42 anti-HCV negative. Twenty-six anti-HCV and RNA-HCV positive patients were submitted to liver biopsy. Seventy-three percentage of these patients presented chronic active hepatitis, from these only one patient presented cirrhosis. Only 29% of the anti-HCV positive group presented elevated alanine aminotransferase levels. Anti-HCV positive patients presented longer previous time on dialysis and less rejection episodes than the group anti-HCV negative (p<0.05). All anti-HCV positive patients but one tested RNA-HCV positive by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Conclusions: In this series the prevalence of anti-HCV positive is 51.7%. Most of the patients presented liver damage in histology caused by HCV. However, we found only mild or minimal fibrosis and inflammatory activity grade, despite 10 yr of HCV infection and 5 yr of immunosuppressive treatment. Only one patient presented cirrhosis (4%). Performing serial liver biopsies in a long-term follow-up is needed to clarify the impact of HCV infection in renal transplant patients.17319519

    Percepção do estresse entre enfermeiros que atuam em Terapia Intensiva Percepción del estrés entre enfermeros que actúan en Cuidados Intensivos Perception of stress among critical care nurses

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    OBJETIVO: o estudo investigou a ocorrência de estresse entre enfermeiros que atuam na assistência a pacientes críticos de uma Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos em um hospital universitário. MÉTODOS: utilizou-se um instrumento para descrição sociodemográfica da amostra e um inventário para identificar o estresse e a fase em que se encontra. RESULTADOS: a amostra foi composta por 12 enfermeiros, 91,7% do sexo feminino; 75% com carga horária de trabalho entre 10-12 horas diárias; 33,4% com tempo de formação universitária entre 5 e 10 anos. DISCUSSÃO: mais da metade dos trabalhadores (66,7%), que assiste pacientes críticos, mostrou sinais de sofrimento físico e/ou psicológico característicos da fase de resistência ao estresse. CONCLUSÃO: tais achados sugerem a necessidade de atenção a esses profissionais para que seus sintomas não evoluam para a fase de exaustão.<br>OBJETIVO: el estudio investigó la ocurrencia de estrés entre enfermeros que actúan en la asistencia a pacientes críticos de una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos en un hospital universitario. MÉTODOS: fue utilizado un instrumento para la descripción sociodemográfica de la muestra y un inventario para identificar el estrés y la fase en que se encuentra. RESULTADOS: la muestra estuvo constituida por 12 enfermeros, 91,7% del sexo femenino; 75% con carga horaria de trabajo entre 10 a 12 horas diarias; 33,4% con tiempo de formación universitaria entre 5 y 10 años. DISCUSIÓN: más de la mitad de los trabajadores (66,7%), que asiste a pacientes críticos, mostró señales de sufrimiento físico y/o psicológico característicos de la fase de resistencia al estrés. CONCLUSIÓN: tales hallazgos sugieren la necesidad de atención a esos profesionales para que sus síntomas no evolucionen hacia la fase de agotamiento.<br>OBJECTIVE: to examine the perception of stress among critical care nurses in critical from a Brazilian university hospital. METHODS: a demographic questionnaire was used to gather the sample characteristics data. Perception and level of stress was measured with a known stress inventory. RESULTS: the sample consisted of 12 nurses. The majority of the sample was women (91.7%) women; working 10 to 12 hours per day (75%), and less than a half of them (33.4%) had 5 to 10 years of higher education. More than a half of the sample (66.7%) had signs of physical and/or psychological suffering, which are characteristic of the stress resistance phase. CONCLUSION: these findings suggest that critical care nurses may need the special attention to prevent the development of stress and its complications

    Quality of life at work: Brazilian nursing literature review Calidad de vida en el trabajo: evaluación de la producción científica en la enfermería Brasileña Qualidade de vida no trabalho: avaliação da produção científica na enfermagem brasileira

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze how Quality of Working Life (QWL) / Quality of Life at Work (QLW) has been studied, and assess the Brazilian nursing professionals' satisfaction. METHODS: Articles were selected using the following databases: LILACS; CAPES; DEDALUS; UNICAMP; UNIFESP; and UNESP. The selected studies were analyzed based on some evaluation criteria used in studies about Quality of Life: concepts and domains, used instruments and investigated population. RESULTS: Of the 47 studies found, 17 (36.1%) met the established inclusion criteria. The term QWL/QLW was conceptualized in eight articles (47.0%). Eleven papers (64.7%) pointed out the analyzed domains. The QWL/QLW concept was more related to professional satisfaction, while the most approached domain was payment. Seven instruments were found, and the Index of Professional Satisfaction was the most used (23.5%). CONCLUSION: Generally, there was no consensus among the researched authors regarding the QWL/QLW concept and the domains of the evaluated studies.<br>OBJETIVO: Analizar cómo ha sido estudiada la calidad de Vida en el Trabajo (CVT) y la satisfacción profesional en la enfermería brasileña. MÉTODOS: Para la selección de los artículos se utilizaron las siguientes bases de datos: LILACS; CAPES; DEDALUS; UNICAMP; UNIFESP y UNESP. Los estudios seleccionados fueron analizados empleando algunos criterios de evaluación utilizados en estudios sobre Calidad de Vida: concepto y dominios, instrumentos utilizados y población investigada. RESULTADOS: De los 47 estudios encontrados, 17 (36,1%) atendieron a los criterios de inclusión establecidos. El término CVT fue conceptualizado en ocho publicaciones (47,0 %) y 11 (64,7%) apuntaron los dominios analizados. El concepto de CVT estuvo más relacionado a la satisfacción profesional y el dominio más abordado fue la remuneración. Fueron identificados siete instrumentos, siendo el Índice de Satisfacción Profesional el más usado (23,5%). CONCLUSIÓN: De modo general no existió consenso entre los autores de las investigaciones analizadas respecto al concepto de CVT y a los dominios del trabajo evaluados.<br>OBJETIVO: Analisar como tem sido estudada a Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT) e a satisfação profissional na enfermagem brasileira. MÉTODOS: Para a seleção dos artigos utilizaram-se as seguintes bases de dados: LILACS; CAPES; DEDALUS; UNICAMP; UNIFESP e UNESP. Os estudos selecionados foram analisados empregando alguns critérios de avaliação utilizados em estudos sobre Qualidade de Vida: conceito e domínios, instrumentos utilizados e população investigada. RESULTADOS: Dos 47 estudos encontrados, 17 (36,1%) atenderam aos critérios de inclusão estabelecidos. O termo QVT foi conceituado em oito publicações (47,0 %) e 11 (64,7%) apontaram os domínios analisados. O conceito de QVT esteve mais relacionado à satisfação profissional, enquanto o domínio mais abordado foi a remuneração. Foram identificados sete instrumentos, sendo o Índice de Satisfação Profissional o mais usado (23,5%). CONCLUSÃO: De modo geral não existiu consenso entre os autores das pesquisas analisadas quanto ao conceito de QVT e aos domínios do trabalho avaliados

    Epicuticular waxes from caatinga and cerrado species and their efficiency against water loss

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    The effects of the contents and chemical composition of the foliar epicuticular waxes of species from the caatinga (Aspidosperma pyrifolium, Capparis yco, Maytenus rigida and Ziziphus joazeiro) and cerrado (Aristolochia esperanzae, Didymopanax vinosum, Strychnos pseudoquina and Tocoyena formosa) were evaluated as to the resistance to water loss by means of an experimental device constructed for this purpose. In general, the waxes of the caatinga species investigated were more efficient against water loss than cerrado species. Increase of the thickness of the waxy deposits from 40 to 90m g.cm-2 had no significant effect on the resistance to water loss. The chemistry of the wax constituents was shown to be an important factor to determine the degree of resistance to evaporation. n-Alkanes and alcoholic triterpenes were the most efficient barriers, while hentriacontan-16-one (a ketone) and ursolic acid (an acid triterpene) revealed lowefficiency. The higher efficiency of the waxes of the leaves from caatinga species (mainly those of C. yco and Z. joazeiro) is probably accounted for the predominance of n-alkanes in their composition. The lower efficiency of the waxes of A. pyrifolium (caatinga), T. formosa and A. esperanzae (both species from the cerrado) is probably a consequence of the predominance of triterpenoids in the waxes of the two former species and hentriacontan-16-one in the latter.<br>A influência do teor e da composição química das ceras epicuticulares foliares de espécies da caatinga (Aspidosperma pyrifolium, Capparis yco, Maytenus rigida e Ziziphus joazeiro) e do cerrado (Aristolochia esperanzae, Didymopanax vinosum, Strychnos pseudoquina e Tocoyena formosa) foram avaliadas em relação à resistência à perda de água, através de um dispositivo experimental construído para essa finalidade. Em geral, as ceras das espécies da caatinga foram mais eficientes contra a perda de água que as das espécies do cerrado. O aumento da espessura dos depósitos cerosos de 40 até 90 mg.cm-2 não alterou significativamente a resistência à evaporação. A natureza química dos componentes das ceras revelou-se um fator importante na determinação do grau de resistência à evaporação. n-Alcanos e triterpenos alcoólicos foram os constituintes mais eficientes como barreiras à evaporação, enquanto hentriacontan-16-ona (uma cetona) e ácido ursólico (triterpeno com função carboxílica) foram menos eficazes. A maior eficiência das ceras epicuticulares de duas espécies da caatinga (C. yco e Z. joazeiro) provavelmente se deve à predominância de n-alcanos em sua composição. A menor eficiência das ceras epicuticulares de A. pyrifolium (outra espécie da caatinga), T. formosa e A. esperanzae (ambas espécies do cerrado), à predominância em suas ceras de ácido ursólico para as duas primeiras e hentriacontan-16-para a última