35 research outputs found

    Implementation of Integrated Learning Models in Improving Elementary School Student’s Learning Outcomes

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    Periset ini dibingkai pada poin besar program pelaksanaan bentuk kegiatan belajar mengajar terstruktur yang difokuskan agar sanggup menaikkan keberhasilan peserta ajar di Sekolah Dasar. Tujuan pada riset ini merupakan untuk mengenali penerapan model pembelajaran terpadu dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SD. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan literture review dengan menggunakan search engine Google Scholar ditemukan 78 artikel dengan hasil akhir dari data ekstraksi 9 artikel. Pembelajaran terpadu di Sekolah Dasar memiliki sepuluh model pembelajaran terpadu yang dapat digunakan yaitu: terpisah, terhubung, tersarang, terurut, terbagi, terjaring, terikat, terpadu, terbenam dan jaringan. Keberhasilan kegiatan belajar mengajar terstruktur terlihat dari bermaknanya kegiatan belajar mengajar. Kegiatan belajar mengajar yang berarti membuahkan peserta didik yang aktif pada metode berlatih membimbing yang menyenangkan, alhasil terjalin komunikasi 2 arah guru serta sisw

    Efforts to Improve the Learning Process of Students Using the Learning Start with a Question Learning Method in Science Subjects in Class IV SD Islam At Taubah

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    The success of the learning process is closely related to the teacher's role in educating students at school so that teachers need to innovate and streamline the learning process so that the quality of learning increases. The aim of the study was to find out the learning process of students using the learning start with a question learning method in science subjects in class IV SD Islam At Taubah. The research used by researchers is classroom action research. Class action research was conducted at At Taubah Islamic Elementary School for science subjects about energy in grade IV. The research was conducted in May 2022. The subjects in this research were fourth grade students at At Taubah Islamic Elementary School with a total of 29 students, of which 13 were boys and 16 were girls. Science learning using the learning start with a question method can improve the student learning process, especially on the Kayanya Negeriku theme. This is indicated by the average in cycle I with an average value of 73.61, in cycle II with an average student value of 77.67, and in cycle III the average student value is 82.07. If the percentage of students' natural science scores sequentially met the KKM, namely cycle I was 44.83%, cycle II was 67.24%, and cycle III was 93.10%. With an increase in the learning process from cycle I to cycle II, namely 4.06, while the increase from cycle II to cycle III, namely 3.36. Science learning using the learning start with a question method is proven to be able to attract students' attention and is more active, effective, and, as well as increasing motivation and skills in solving problems and increasing the quality of learning so that it has an impact on student learning outcomes

    Application of the Think-Talk-Write Model of Cooperative Learning for Improving Paragraph Writing Abilities

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the ability of paragraph writing abilities by using the Think-Talk-Write Model of cooperative learning in IV graders of MI Darul Ma'arif, Tangerang City. The descriptive-qualitative study was conducted at MI Darul Ma'arif Tangerang City to achieve this objective. The data in this study were in the form of the application of the Think-Talk-Write Model of Cooperative Learning, the ability to write paragraphs, and data sources (Indonesian language teachers and fourth-grade students of MI Darul Ma'arif). Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques included data reduction through the application of the Think-Talk-Write Model of Cooperative Learning and paragraph writing abilities. Data presentation, critically analyzing the data presented with relevant theories and juxtaposing it with several related studies, conclusion drawing, and verification. The results showed that the fourth-grade students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Darul Ma'arif, Tangerang City, had diverse potential, namely 62% of students in the good category and 38% of students in the bad category, in making free essays focused on paragraph writing abilities. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that the paragraph text written by fourth-grade students of MI Darul Ma'arif still needs development in terms of learning models, self-motivation, the surrounding environment, and the teacher's ability to provide teaching to students. The importance of good cooperation between teachers and parents

    3i Pembelajaran terpadu

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    3H pembelajaran terpadu

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    Pengaruh Media Audiovisual Terhadap Motivasi Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV SD Putra Jaya

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    Kemajuan teknologi dengan adanya media audiovisual dalam proses pembelajaran dapat memberikan banyak dorongan kepada siswa, karena berupa audiovisual/suara gambar. Penggunaan audiovisual diharapkan mampu memberikan semangat serta motivasi belajar siswa dan menciptakan kepuasan dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh media audiovisual terhadap motivasi belajar IPA siswa kelas IV SD Putra Jaya Depok. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan pendekatan quasi eksperimen desain, dengan menerapkan pretest dan posttest. Dengan pengambilan teknik sampel jenuh. Uji instrument dengan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Uji validitas menggunakan Korelasi Product Moment didapatkan 30 pernyataan angket yang valid dari 48 butir pernyataan. Uji Reliabilitas memakai rumus Alpha Cronbach. Uji analisis persyaratan normalitas memakai uji Liliefors dan uji homogenitas menggunakan uji Fisher. Berikutnya, Uji Hipotesis menggunakan uji-t. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap motivasi belajar IPA dengan menggunakan media audiovisual pada siswa kelas IV SD Putra Jaya Depok

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Quizizz Terhadap Minat Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penggunaan media dalam pembelajaran sangat penting untuk membangun kualitas proses belajar agar tujuan yang diharapkan dapat tercapai. Penggunaan media dalam proses belajar mengajar harus kreatif serta inovatif untuk menjauhkan siswa dari kejenuhan dalam belajar dan dapat menumbuhkan minat belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran . penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihati pengaruh aplikasi quizizz terhadap minat belajar IPA siswa kelas V SDN 19 Kramat Jati. Penelitian ini berupa penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan quasi experiment dengan bentuk posttest only control design. Dengan teknik pengambilan sampel jenuh. Uji Validitas menggunakan rumus product moment dan dari 30 pernyataan didapatkan 25 pernyataan valid dan 5 pernyataan drop. Uji Reliabilitas menggunakan rumus alpha cornbach. Uji analisis persyatan normalitas menggunakan uji Liliefors dan Uji Homogenitas menggunakan Uji Fisher. Terkahir, Uji Hipotesis dilakukan menggunakan uji-t . Hasil penelitian ini menjunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh aplikasi quizizz terhadap minat belajar IPA siswa kelas V SDN Kramat Jati 19

    Embedding Religious Character Values in Science Learning at SDS Muhammadiyah 4 Jakarta

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    Instilling religious character values in the science learning process is a must for teachers. This research intends to find out the cultivation of religious character values in science learning at SDS Muhammadiyah 4 Jakarta. The procedure used is a qualitative descriptive method using observation, interviews, and questionnaires about the religious character of students. The subjects of this research were all 16 students in class IV, 3 science teachers, and the homeroom teacher. The research was conducted in December 2022 - January 2023. Data analysis used Miles Hubernman. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the teacher's skills in carrying out science teaching and learning activities based on religious characters at SDS Muhammadiyah 4 Jakarta are very good. Where all the taught teachers have been able to produce religious personality values. There are also suggestions for related parties, both school principals and the Ministry of Education and Culture to be able to distribute training for teachers in order to improve teaching and learning activities that lead to instilling student character values so that teachers can easily implement them in class

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