74 research outputs found

    Development of MPC-DPA polymeric nanoparticle systems for inhalation drug delivery applications

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    Inhalation of nanoparticles for pulmonary drug delivery offers the potential to harness nanomedicine formulations of emerging therapeutics, such as curcumin, for treatment of lung cancer. Biocompatible nanoparticles composed of poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine)-b-poly(2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (MPC-DPA) have been shown to be suitable nanocarriers for drugs, whilst N-trimethyl chitosan chloride (TMC) coating of nanoparticles has been reported to further enhance their cellular delivery efficacy; the combination of the two has not been previously investigated. Development of effective systems requires the predictable, controllable, and reproducible ability to prepare nanosystems possessing particle sizes, and drug loading capacities, appropriate for successful airway travel, lung tissue penetration, and tumour suppression. Although a number of MPC-DPA based nanosystems have been described, a complete understanding of parameters controlling nanoparticle formation, size, and morphology has not been reported; in particular the effects of differing solvents phases remains unclear. In this current study a matrix of 31 solvent combinations were examined to provide novel data pertaining to the formation of MPC-DPA nanoparticles, and in doing so afforded the selection of systems with particle sizes appropriate for pulmonary delivery applications to be loaded with curcumin, and coated with TMC. This paper presents the first report of novel data detailing the successful preparation, characterisation, and optimisation of MPC-DPA nanoparticles of circa 150 – 180 nm diameter, with low polydispersity, and a curcumin loading range of circa 2.5 – 115 µM, tunable by preparation parameters, with and without TMC coating, and thus considered suitable candidates for inhalation drug delivery applications

    Gadolinium tagged osteoprotegerin-mimicking peptide: a novel magnetic resonance imaging biospecific contrast agent for the inhibition of osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast activity

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    The control of osteoblast/osteoclast cross-talk is crucial in the bone remodelling process and provides a target mechanism in the development of drugs for bone metabolic diseases. Osteoprotegerin is a key molecule in this biosignalling pathway as it inhibits osteoclastogenesis and osteoclast activation to prevent run-away bone resorption. This work reports the synthesis of a known osteoprotegerin peptide analogue, YCEIEFCYLIR (OP3-4), and its tagging with a gadolinium chelate, a standard contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging. The resulting contrast agent allows the simultaneous imaging and treatment of metabolic bone diseases. The gadolinium-tagged peptide was successfully synthesised, showing unaltered magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent properties, a lack of cytotoxicity, and dose-dependent inhibition of osteoclastogenesis in vitro. These findings pave the way toward the development of biospecific and bioactive contrast agents for the early diagnosis, treatment, and follow up of metabolic bone diseases such as osteoporosis and osteosarcoma

    Use of Poly (ε-Lysine) Dendrons: A Strategy Targeting Bacterial Quorum Sensing and Biofilm Formation

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is recognised as a major aetiological agent of nosocomial infections, which are associated with multiple-antibiotic resistance. Among many of its important virulence factors is its ability to form biofilms on the surfaces of implantable medical devices and to produce toxic metabolites, pyocyanin, via an intercellular cell density-dependent signalling system of communication. In this study, poly (ε-lysine) dendrons composed of increasingly branching generations were synthesised, characterised, and examined for their effects on virulence factor production in P. aeruginosa. The results show that these hyperbranched poly (ε-lysine) dendrons, in particular the 3rd generation, can increase the efficacy of a conventional antibiotic, ciprofloxacin, and reduce pyocyanin production, with marginal effects on the rate of bacterial replication, suggesting that the observed effects are not due to dendron toxicity. Furthermore, dendron and ciprofloxacin coadministration was identified as the most effective strategy which highlights the potential of peptide-based dendrons as quorum sensing inhibitors.</jats:p

    Development of geopolymer mortar under ambient temperature for in situ applications

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    Geopolymer concrete technology involves production of more environmentally friendly waste material-based concrete which could be a viable solution for conventional concrete replacement. Typical fly ash-based geopolymer concrete however requires high temperature curing treatment in order to develop sufficient early strength properties, which is considered a severe limitation for cast-in-place concrete applications. Most previous studies on geopolymer concrete have focused on the properties of concretes pre-hardened by heat curing and/or by aggressive chemical treatment (e.g. alkali activation using concentrated sodium hydroxide (NaOH)). The current study presents an extensive experimental investigation on the mechanical and microstructural properties of geopolymer concrete mixes prepared with a combination of fly ash and slag cured under ambient temperature. ‘User friendly’ geopolymer mixes were produced using fly ash (FA) and Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS) mixed together with potassium silicate with molar ratio equal to 1.2 (as the activator) and water. The results indicated that heat curing treatment can be avoided by partial replacement of fly ash with slag. The compressive strength of the examined mixes was found to be in the range of 40–50 MPa for 40% and 50% GGBS replacement mixtures respectively. Moreover, the flexural and direct tensile strengths of geopolymer mixes are considerably improved as the GGBS content is increased. Based on FTIR and SEM/EDS analysis, the inclusion of a higher content of GGBS resulted in a denser structure by formation of more hydration products

    Surface functionalization superparamagnetic nanoparticles conjugated with thermoresponsive poly(epsilon-lysine) dendrons tethered with carboxybetaine for the mild hyperthermia-controlled delivery of VEGF

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    AbstractVascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the growth factor responsible for the triggering of angiogenesis, the process of blood vessel formation supporting the long-term viability of any repaired or regenerated tissue. As the growth factor is effective only when concentration gradients are generated, new shuttles need to be developed that ensure both the control of gradients at the site of tissue repair and the release of VEGF at physiological levels. Magnetic hyperthermia is the production of heat induced by magnetic materials through their exposure to an external oscillating magnetic field. In this paper, magnetic nanoparticles capable of generating controllable hyperthermia were functionalised with hyperbranched poly(epsilon-lysine) peptides integrating in their core parallel thermoresponsive elastin-like peptide sequences and presenting an uppermost branching generation tethered by the zwitterionic amino acid carboxybetaine. The results show that these functionalised magnetic nanoparticles avidly bind VEGF and release it only upon generation of mild-hyperthermic pulses generated by oscillating magnetic filed. The VEGF release occurred in a temperature range at which the elastin-like peptides collapse. It is proposed that, through the application of an external magnetic field, these magnetic carriers could generated gradients of VEGF in vivo and allow its tuned delivery in a number of clinical applications.Statement of SignificanceThe present paper for the first time reveals the possibility to control the delivery of VEGF through mild hyperthermia stimuli generated by a oscillating magnetic field. To this purpose, magnetic nanoparticles of high size homogeneity and coated with a thin coating of poly(acrylic acid) were functionalised with a novel class of poly(epsilon lysine) dendrimers integrating in their structure a thermoresponsive amino acid sequence mimicking elastin and exposing at high density a zwitterionic modified amino acid, the carboxybetaine, known to be able to bind macromolecules. Physicochemical and biochemical characterisation elegantly show the link between the thermal properties of the nanoparticles and of the dendrimer change of conformation and how this enable the release of VEGF at temperature values compatible with the growth factor stability

    Plasma lysophosphatidylcholine levels are reduced in obesity and type 2 diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are associated with increased circulating free fatty acids and triacylglycerols. However, very little is known about specific molecular lipid species associated with these diseases. In order to gain further insight into this, we performed plasma lipidomic analysis in a rodent model of obesity and insulin resistance as well as in lean, obese and obese individuals with T2DM. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Lipidomic analysis using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry revealed marked changes in the plasma of 12 week high fat fed mice. Although a number of triacylglycerol and diacylglycerol species were elevated along with of a number of sphingolipids, a particularly interesting finding was the high fat diet (HFD)-induced reduction in lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) levels. As liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue play an important role in metabolism, we next determined whether the HFD altered LPCs in these tissues. In contrast to our findings in plasma, only very modest changes in tissue LPCs were noted. To determine when the change in plasma LPCs occurred in response to the HFD, mice were studied after 1, 3 and 6 weeks of HFD. The HFD caused rapid alterations in plasma LPCs with most changes occurring within the first week. Consistent with our rodent model, data from our small human cohort showed a reduction in a number of LPC species in obese and obese individuals with T2DM. Interestingly, no differences were found between the obese otherwise healthy individuals and the obese T2DM patients. CONCLUSION: Irrespective of species, our lipidomic profiling revealed a generalized decrease in circulating LPC species in states of obesity. Moreover, our data indicate that diet and adiposity, rather than insulin resistance or diabetes per se, play an important role in altering the plasma LPC profile
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