10,370 research outputs found

    Some Aspects of the Relationship between the Freiburg School and the Austrian School

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    This paper is about some aspects of the interre-lationship of the Freiburg School and the Austrian School. The relationships between these schools will be discussed in the field of econo-mic theory and economic policy. No attention will be paid to the similarities and differen-ces in the field of social phi-loso-phy and methodo-lo-gy. For the Frei-burg School we will concentrate on W. Eucken, F.A. Hayek and W. Röpke. For the Austrian School the following writers will be contem-plated: L. Mises and F.A. Hayek. Also the connection to Schumpeter will be discussed. In the case of Hayek there is a perso-nal union. The paper consists of the following sections:+ Eucken and the Austrian School. + Röpke and the Austrian School.+ Some closing remarks. The five authors who have got our special attention in trying to say something on the relationships between the Freiburg and the Austri-an School took different positions in economic theory and economic policy. Schumpeter and Mises belong to the same generation of the Austrian School. Schumpeter studied the relations between socialism, capitalism and democracry but obstained from formu-lating ideas on a policy to influence the developments he prophetized. Mises staunchly defended libera-lism and attacked the cen-trally administered economy and interventionism. He questi-oned whether the renewal of libera-lism (by e.g. Eucken, Hayek and Röpke), for which the founda-ti-ons were laid by Cannan, Knight and himself would avoid interventi-onism (i.e. interfe-rences in the economic process by direct controls). Eucken, Hayek and Röpke were looking for possibilities to influence developments. In principle the disagreement between the fundamental position of Mises and this triumvira-te may bedescribed as follows. In contrast to Mises they thought that their diagnosis of the crisis of society had to be followed by showing a way out of that crisis by the programmes of active policy they formulated. The crisis accor-ding to them was so deep and severe that they felt themsel-ves obliged to do their utmost to turn the tide. For that reason they thought active policies were neces-sary, with avoidance of centrallyadmi-nis-tered econo-mies and the kind of interventionism which Mises in their opinion with convincing arguments warnedagai-nst.J.E.L.code: B29, B31, P10, P51Economics ;

    Effect of NaCl on Asparagus Quality, Production and Mineral Leaching

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    Previous research has shown that the incidence of Fusarium oxysporum and F. redolens on asparagus roots was reduced by field applications of NaCl. F. oxysporum and F. redolens are important diseases in asparagus crops causing physiological rust (brown discoloration on the harvested spears), reduced yields, smaller spears, plant losses and may be implicated in asparagus decline. Since 2001 research has been carried out in Lelystad with asparagus plants grown in large wooden containers filled with a typical asparagus replant soil to study the effect of applications of Asparagus Salt (NaCl with addition of Mg) on asparagus quality, production and mineral leaching. In 2003 and 2004 the trial was harvested for a period of 35 days each year. In 2004 spears were graded into standard sizes to identify differences between treatments and to start with an economic evaluation. In both years Asparagus Salt had a positive effect on total yield, marketable yield and number of spears. Field applications of NaCl stimulated earliness in production. The higher loss of Mg due to leaching is compensated by adding Mg to the salt. In this experiment leaching of Mn was also studied in combination with adding Mn to Asparagus Salt

    Effect of NaCl on Asparagus Quality, Production and Mineral Leaching

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    Previous research has shown that the incidence of Fusarium oxysporum and F. redolens on asparagus roots was reduced by field applications of NaCl. F. oxysporum and F. redolens are important diseases in asparagus crops causing physiological rust (brown discoloration on the harvested spears), reduced yields, smaller spears, plant losses and may be implicated in asparagus decline. Since 2001 research has been carried out in Lelystad with asparagus plants grown in large wooden containers filled with a typical asparagus replant soil to study the effect of applications of Asparagus Salt (NaCl with addition of Mg) on asparagus quality, production and mineral leaching. In 2003 and 2004 the trial was harvested for a period of 35 days each year. In 2004 spears were graded into standard sizes to identify differences between treatments and to start with an economic evaluation. In both years Asparagus Salt had a positive effect on total yield, marketable yield and number of spears. Field applications of NaCl stimulated earliness in production. The higher loss of Mg due to leaching is compensated by adding Mg to the salt. In this experiment leaching of Mn was also studied in combination with adding Mn to Asparagus Salt

    The organization of transactions research with the Trust and Tracing Game

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    This paper presents empirical results of research on the influence of social aspects on the organization of transactions in the domain of chains and networks. The research method used was a gaming simulation called the Trust and Tracing game in which participants trade commodity goods with a hidden quality attribute. Previous sessions of this gaming simulation identified a list of variables for further investigation (Meijer et al., 2006). The use of gaming simulation as data gathering tool for quantitative research in supply chains and networks is a proof-of-principle. This paper shows results from 27 newly conducted sessions and previously unused data from 3 older sessions. Tests confirmed the use of network and market modes of organization. Pre-existing social relations influenced the course of the action in the sessions. Being socially embedded was not beneficial for the score on the performance indicators money and points. The hypothesized reduction in measurable transaction costs when there was high trust between the participants could not be found. Further analysis revealed that participants are able to suspect cheats in a session based on other factors than tracing. Testing hypotheses with data gathered in a gaming simulation proved feasible. Experiences with the methodology used are discusse

    Particles, Drops, and Bubbles in Gradient Fields

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    Particles, drops, and bubbles submerged in a host liquid are omnipresent in nature and industry. Often, they are subjected to gradients in concentration or temperature (or both). These gradients might change locally or evolve over time, placing the system far from its equilibrium. This gives rise to extraordinary rich physics at the intersection of fluid dynamics, chemical engineering, and colloid and interface science. In this thesis, we investigate the behaviour of particles, drops, and bubbles in applied gradient fields. We focus on small-scale, idealized table-top experiments closely combined with theoretical and numerical modelling to study these objects under conditions that are far from equilibrium. For the latter, we consider particles, drops, and bubbles at a water-ice interface during unidirectional solidification (Part I) and immiscible drops in density stratified ethanol-water mixtures (Part II).In Part I we deal with the freezing of suspensions and oil-in-water emulsions in order to study the interaction between different objects and an approaching water-ice solidification front. To do so in a controlled manner, we apply a thermal gradient over our sample and ensure slow, uni-directional freezing. We then change the type of object near the front to add more and more complexity to the system, starting with solid particles (chapter 1) before moving on to drops (chapter 1-4) and eventually bubbles (chapter 5).In Part II we study the dynamics of immiscible drops in a density stratified ethanol-water mixture. These studies further investigate the peculiar observation that these drops can show continuous bouncing, against gravity, caused by an oscillatory solutal Marangoni flow around the drop. In chapter 6 we look in depth into the onset of the bouncing instability and extend the experimental parameter space by changing the viscosity of the oil, in order to determine the different mechanisms that trigger it. Finally, in chapter 7, we dive further into the characteristics of the bouncing cycle through well-performed experiments and numerical simulations, aiming for a one-to-one comparison.<br/

    Fueling Incubation: Differential Use of Body Stores in Arctic and Temperate-breeding Barnacle Geese (Branta leucopsis)

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    We compared the use of body stores in breeding Barnacle Geese (Branta leucopsis) in traditional Arctic colonies in the Barents Sea with that in recently established temperate-zone breeding colonies in the Baltic Sea and North Sea by studying female body-mass loss and use of fat and protein stores during incubation. Average daily body-mass loss was almost identical in the 2 temperate-breeding populations (17.0 g and 16.5 g in Baltic Sea and North Sea, respectively), whereas Arctic-breeding females lost significantly less (10.6 g day-1). Temperate-breeding females initiated incubation with body mass 125 g higher than that of Arctic breeders, but at the end of incubation, body mass was similar among the 3 populations, averaging 1,458 g. Body-mass loss during incubation amounted to 23% (North Sea), 22% (Baltic Sea), and 15% (Barents Sea). Fat mass, as measured by isotope dilution in a subsample of females, was consistently higher in North Sea than in Barents Sea birds, but both populations showed similar rates of fat-mass loss (9.4 g day-1, on average). By contrast, loss of fat-free mass (assumed to represent wet protein) amounted to 9.3 g day-1 in North Sea birds but only 1.5 g day-1 in Barents Sea birds. Energy content of 1 g utilized body mass was 21.1 kJ (North Sea) and 34.9 kJ (Barents Sea), which equates to 376 kJ day-1 and 415 kJ day-1 drawn from stored energy, respectively. We suggest that differences in nest-attendance and post-incubation demands are responsible for the differential use of body stores in temperate- and Arctic-breeding Barnacle Geese.

    Density profiles and surface tensions of polymers near colloidal surfaces

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    The surface tension of interacting polymers in a good solvent is calculated theoretically and by computer simulations for a planar wall geometry and for the insertion of a single colloidal hard-sphere. This is achieved for the planar wall and for the larger spheres by an adsorption method, and for smaller spheres by a direct insertion technique. Results for the dilute and semi-dilute regimes are compared to results for ideal polymers, the Asakura-Oosawa penetrable-sphere model, and to integral equations, scaling and renormalization group theories. The largest relative changes with density are found in the dilute regime, so that theories based on non-interacting polymers rapidly break down. A recently developed ``soft colloid'' approach to polymer-colloid mixtures is shown to correctly describe the one-body insertion free-energy and the related surface tension

    Vibrational Spectroscopy of Glycans in Helium Nanodroplets

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    A central theme among the glycosciences is the Janus-faced nature ofglycans. Their tremendous structural diversity enables a myriad ofbiological functions ranging from energy storage to molecular recogni-tion processes. But at the same time, this structural diversity poses aformidable challenge for glycan analysis that impedes the full develop-ment of structural glycobiology. In contrast to genomics and proteomics,glycomics lacks generic sequencing methods that allow reliable, high-throughput analyses with low sample consumption. Instead, a variety ofsophisticated methods is used for glycan analysis, including mass spec-trometry. A general challenge using mass spectrometry alone, however,is the unambiguous identification of isomeric glycans. Therefore, it isoften coupled to orthogonal techniques, such as liquid chromatography.In the last two decades, the combination of mass spectrometry andgas-phase action spectroscopy emerged for glycan analysis. Variouschallenges, however, limited gas-phase spectroscopy to smaller glycans.In particular, the thermal activation of ions during the measurement ininfrared multiple-photon dissociation spectroscopy leads to significantline-broadening, which limits the amount of structural information thatcan be obtained by this method.This work overcomes these limitations by combining mass spectrom-etry and cryogenic vibrational spectroscopy using superfluid helium nanodroplets. The unique low-temperature environment of heliumdroplets allows the acquisition of vibrational spectra in the absenceof significant thermal contributions. A systematic study of isomericglycans demonstrates the outstanding resolving power that provides avariety of well-resolved absorption bands that are unique to each isomer:a true spectral fingerprint. The unique optical signatures allow theresolution of even minute structural details, such as the stereochemicalorientation of a single hydroxy group.The exceptional ability of this method to resolve structural detailswas used to investigate an elusive rearrangement reaction, called fu-cose migration, which frequently leads to the detection of misleadingfragment ions and erroneous sequence assignments in tandem massspectrometry. Because fucose migration was only observed in fragmentions, it was strictly associated with the fragmentation process. In thiswork, cryogenic vibrational spectroscopy reveals that fucose migrationis not restricted to fragment ions, and instead occurs in intact ions aswell. These results generalize fucose migration to a universal issue inmass spectrometry as a whole.In another study, the combination of cryogenic vibrational spec-troscopy and first-principles theory was used to unravel the structureof glycosyl cations, the key intermediates during chemical glycosyla-tion reactions. Various reaction pathways were postulated many yearsago, but the exact structure of glycosyl cations remained obscure dueto their short-lived and reactive nature in the condensed phase. Inthis work, the fragmentation of precursor ions was used to generateglycosyl cations in the gas phase, which provides a unique clean-roomenvironment that stabilizes these transient intermediates. The highlyresolved vibrational spectra obtained for various glycosyl cations allowan in-depth structural analysis that reveals detailed insights into the two fundamental structural motifs that enable stereoselective glycosylationreactions: neighboring group participation and remote participation.These results facilitate the mechanistic understanding of glycosylationreactions and will eventually lead to a more rational design of buildingblocks that is based on structural rather than anecdotal evidence.Een centraal thema in de glyco-wetenschappen is het dubbele karaktervan glycanen. Enerzijds maakt de enorme structurele diversiteit vanglycanen een groot aantal biologische functies mogelijk, variërend vanenergieopslag tot moleculaire herkenningsprocessen. Maar tegelijkertijdvormt deze structurele diversiteit een enorme uitdaging voor de ana-lyse van glycanen, wat de ontwikkeling van structurele glycobiologiebelemmert. In tegenstelling tot genomics en proteomics, ontbreekthet glycomics aan een generieke sequentiemethode die betrouwbare,high-throughput analyses van kleine hoeveelheden glycanen mogelijkmaakt. In plaats daarvan wordt een verscheidenheid aan geavanceerdemethoden gebruikt, waaronder massaspectrometrie. Met uitsluitendmassa-spectrometrische methoden, is een eenduidige identificatie vanverschillende isomeren van glycanen echter slechts beperkt mogelijk.Daarom wordt massaspectrometrie vaak gekoppeld aan orthogonale tech-nieken, zoals vloeistofchromatografie. In de laatste twee decennia is ookde combinatie van massaspectrometrie met gasfase-actiespectroscopieopgekomen voor glycaan analyse. Deze combinatie is tot dusver metname gebruikt voor de analyse van kleinere glycanen. In het bijzonderleidt de thermische activering van ionen gedurende infrarood multifotondissociatie spectroscopie tot een significante lijnverbreding, hetgeen de hoeveelheid structurele informatie beperkt die met deze methodeverkregen kan worden.Het onderzoek beschreven in dit proefschrift lost deze beperkingenop door massaspectrometrie te combineren met cryogene vibratiespec-troscopie, gebruikmakend van superfluïde helium nanodruppels. Delage temperatuur in de heliumdruppels maakt de opname van vibratie-spectra mogelijk in afwezigheid van significante thermische bijdragen.Een systematische studie van isomere glycanen toont het uitstekendeoplossend vermogen van deze techniek. De spectra bevatten volledigopgeloste absorptiebanden die uniek zijn voor een specifiek isomeer:een echte spectrale vingerafdruk. Deze spectra maken een identificatiemogelijk van zeer subtiele structurele details, zoals de stereochemie vaneen enkele hydroxygroep.Het uitzonderlijke vermogen van deze methode om structurele de-tails te onderscheiden is gebruikt om een lastige migratie-reactie, dezogenaamde fucose migratie, te onderzoeken. Deze migratie-reactie leidtvaak tot de detectie van misleidende fragmentionen en foutieve sequen-tietoewijzingen in tandem massaspectrometrie. Omdat fucose migratiealleen werd waargenomen in fragmentionen, werd het enkel geassoci-eerd met het fragmentatieproces. Zoals beschreven in dit proefschrift,onthult cryogene vibratiespectroscopie dat fucose migratie niet beperktis tot fragmentionen maar dat dit ook voorkomt in intacte ionen. Dezeresultaten maken duidelijk dat fucose migratie een universele kwestie isin de massaspectrometrie.In een andere studie is de combinatie van cryogene vibratiespectro-scopie en ab initio theorie gebruikt om de structuur van glycosylkationen,de belangrijkste tussenproducten tijdens chemische glycosyleringsreac-ties, te ontrafelen. Verschillende reactiepaden zijn vele jaren geledengepostuleerd, maar de exacte structuur van glycosylkationen bleef onduidelijk vanwege hun kortstondige en reactieve aard in de gecondenseerdefase. In dit werk is de fragmentatie van precursor-ionen gebruikt omglycosylkationen te genereren in de gasfase. Dit creëert een unieke“clean-room” omgeving die deze tijdelijke tussenproducten stabiliseert.De vibratiespectra verkregen voor verschillende glycosylkationen makeneen diepgaande structurele analyse mogelijk. Dit onthult gedetailleerdeinzichten in de twee fundamentele structurele motieven die stereoselec-tieve glycosyleringsreacties mogelijk maken: participatie van naburigegroepen en participatie op afstand. Deze resultaten maken een mecha-nistisch begrip van glycosyleringsreacties mogelijk en zullen uiteindelijkleiden tot een rationeler ontwerp van de benodigde bouwstenen, geba-seerd op structureel in plaats van anekdotisch bewijs

    A study on the structure and vibrations of diphenylamine by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopy and ab initio calculations

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    Laser‐desorption jet‐cooling has been applied in combination with mass‐selective gas‐phase spectroscopic techniques to study the structure and low‐frequency vibrations of diphenylamine (DPA). Two‐color (1+1′) resonance‐enhanced multiphoton ionization has been used to measure the vibrationally resolved excitation spectrum of the S1←S0 transition in the 305–309 nm region. Ion‐dip measurements have been performed to determine the vibrational structure in the electronic ground state. The electronic spectra of DPA are dominated by long progressions in low‐frequency vibrations involving the motion of the phenyl rings as a whole. For the interpretation of the experimental data ab initio calculations have been performed at the Hartree–Fock level for the S0‐state and using single‐excitation configuration interaction for the S1‐state. The DPA molecule is found to change from a pyramidal geometry around the N‐atom with unequal torsional angles of the phenyl groups in the S0‐state to a planar geometry with equal torsional angles in the S1‐state. The two most prominent vibrational motions are the in‐phase wagging and the in‐phase torsion of the phenyl rings. In addition, the resonance‐enhanced multiphoton ionization spectra of the S1←S0 transition in the DPA‐Ar, DPA‐Kr, and DPA‐Xe van der Waals complexes have been measured. From these spectra it is inferred that there is a coupling between the van der Waals modes and the low‐frequency intra‐molecular modes of DPA