5,556 research outputs found

    Central banks and the money supply

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    Banks and banking, Central ; Money supply

    Socializing Young People to Ethics via Play Experience: Browser Games and Parental Concerns for Safety Online

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    This paper considers an online game and its relation to safety and privacy, in order to examine social and ethical issues raised by parental concern over harmful content. To gain real insights on the responsibility of adults, it develops a hands-on approach that takes into account the major stakeholders, especially young people and the related circle of people around them. Therefore the research question that is raised is: how do browser games provide reassurance to parents about their children’s safety and privacy? The issue of safety online is explored in three parts, using an ethnographic research framework: it explores a specific online game, it provides a profile of participants, it analyses their types of actions in relation to safety and privacy, and discusses the results in terms of incidence of risk, peer-monitoring and community control. The findings show that there is a rather strong tendency to self-regulation, but that tendency is partly due to a strong presence of mediating adults and peers. The results are discussed in terms of incidence of risk, peer-monitoring and networked means of control on the one hand, and in terms of scientific contribution to socialization theory on the other hand. They lead to final considerations on the repertoire of ethical strategies set up online and its meaning for the concerns of adults towards online risk as well as the need for policies on regulation and self-regulation. They also lead to extensions on the socialization to norms and the appropriation of ethics by young people

    Accounting: The basic for business decisions

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    The environment of accounting is changing fast, and this environmental changes, such as continued inflation and critical financials problem of many cities, affect the goals and the content of an introductory text in accounting. In order to function intelligently as a citizen as well as in a business of any size or type, every individual need more than ever before a clear understanding the accounting basic concept. In this fifth edition, we have tried to reflect the impact of inflation on accounting measurements and to suggest the direction of needed changing on accounting concept and method. The importance of adequate disclosure in the system on financial reporting is stressed, and attention is drawn to the need for inprove accounting controls in all sectors of societ

    Lone Man and All My Relations

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    Lone Man is the central creation figure of the Mandan, an indigenous people of present-day North Dakota. The story of Lone Man begins with the creation figure becoming self-aware on the open ocean. He creates the Earth and sets off to discover his people. Doug Meigs is writing the oral history of Robert O’Brien, a modern Mandan man living in Omaha, Nebraska, who grew up without any knowledge of tribal identity. Late in life, he would set off to learn that he was Mandan. O’Brien is still coming to terms with the meaning of that identity

    Gauging Technology Use in Pre-K -12 Classrooms

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    While research in the field of education suggests teachers are using technology more frequently, a tool for gauging this use was needed to provide educators with feedback regarding best practices. This study focused on the development and pilot of an Instrument for measuring levels of integration within constructivist learning environments as noted by the indicators in the Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) model. Analyses conducted in the study showed the questionnaire to be a highly valid and reliable instrument in terms of measuring the model. Recommendations were made for its use in Pre-K - 12 settings as well as in teacher education

    Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: Translation From Population to Prevention: The Kelly West Award Lecture 2009

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    In the book Epidemiology of Diabetes and Its Vascular Lesions (1978), Kelly West summarized extant knowledge of the distribution and causes of diabetes. The 30 years of epidemiological research that followed have seen remarkable advances in the understanding of obesity as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, and diabetes and pre-diabetes as risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Increasingly detailed understanding of these relationships has, unfortunately, been accompanied by an alarming increase in the prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. West recognized that pre-diabetes is recognizable as what we now call metabolic syndrome. He predicted that novel insight into diabetes pathogenesis would come from biochemical and genetic epidemiology studies. He predicted that type 2 diabetes could be prevented by healthy lifestyle change. The challenge now is for us to translate these insights into effective strategies for the prevention of the modern epidemic of diabetes and vascular disease

    La téléréalité et les féminismes. La norme d’internalité et les (en)jeux de genre et de sexe

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    Les émissions de téléréalité sont révélatrices d’une certaine conception de la femme, même si elles ne se réclament d’aucun féminisme. Les stéréotypes de la « féminité », c’est-à-dire un ensemble d’attentes concernant la façon dont les femmes doivent se comporter en public comme en privé, y sont sur-représentés, sur un mode quasi pornographique. Cette « quasi-pornographie » a pour fonction de favoriser l’acquisition de la norme d’internalité, c’est-à-dire celle par laquelle la fillette intériorise les critères de réussite et se les approprie, sur la base de la présentation de soi telle qu’elle est renforcée par la téléréalité – le modèle étant la vedette ou son avatar, la Lolita. Ces émissions participent ainsi de la surveillance sociale, surveillance-spectacle qui s’appuie sur l’intérêt des jeunes filles pour les mécanismes d’inclusion et d’exclusion sociale, qui influent sur la constitution de leur identité personnelle. Elles tendent à favoriser le discours féminin, perçu comme en phase avec le modèle télévisé commercial et la notoriété des marques et à évacuer le discours féministe, potentiellement critique à l’égard des pratiques, des déplacements et des dépendances véhiculées par le média. Il se dégage la nette impression d’une régression sur les acquis antérieurs des mouvements sociaux féministes et d’un grand désarroi des représentations collectives devant la précarité de l’émancipation. Cette difficulté à pérenniser les gains place les nouveaux enjeux du féminisme dans l’articulation entre libération des sexes et différence des générations.Reality TV programs reveal a certain vision of women, though they don’t claim any explicit relation to feminism. The stereotypes of femininity (i.e. the expectations about the way in which women are to behave in public as in private spheres) are over-represented, on a quasi-pornographic mode. Such quasi-pornography functions in order to favor the acquisition of the norm of internality whereby a young girl internalizes the social criteria for success and interprets them on the basis of the self-presentation that is re-enforced by reality programming – the role model being the star or its avatar, the Lolita. Such programs partake in social surveillance, turned into a spectacle that feeds on the young girl’s interests in understanding mechanisms of social inclusion and exclusion that in turn will influence the way she will construct her personal identity. They tend to favor a discourse on femininity, in congruence with the audiovisual commercial model and the notoriety of brands, and to exclude a discourse on feminism, that could potentially be critical of the practices, displacements and dependencies created by the media. There results a clear impression of regression from the past inroads of feminist social movements and a great sense of disarray in relation to the precariousness of emancipation. Such difficulty in maintaining feminist gains implies to posit the new stakes of feminism in the need to bridge the gap between the generations as much as between the sexes

    \u3ci\u3eMoon Song\u3c/i\u3e

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    Zoon, zoon, cuddle and croon- Over the crinkling sea, The moon man flings him a silvered net Fashioned of moonbeams three

    Generalship: Qualities, Instincts, and Character

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