128 research outputs found

    A novel variant of the 13C-methacetin liver function breath test that eliminates the confounding effect of individual differences in sytemic CO2 kinetics

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    The principle of dynamic liver function breath tests is founded on the administration of a 13C-labeled drug and subsequent monitoring of 13CO2 in the breath, quantified as time series delta over natural baseline 13CO2 (DOB) liberated from the drug during hepatic CYP-dependent detoxification. One confounding factor limiting the diagnostic value of such tests is that only a fraction of the liberated 13CO2 is immediately exhaled, while another fraction is taken up by body compartments from which it returns with delay to the plasma. The aims of this study were to establish a novel variant of the methacetin-based breath test LiMAx that allows to estimate and to eliminate the confounding effect of systemic 13CO2 distribution on the DOB curve and thus enables a more reliable assessment of the hepatic detoxification capacity compared with the conventional LiMAx test. We designed a new test variant (named "2DOB") consisting of two consecutive phases. Phase 1 is initiated by the intravenous administration of 13C-bicarbonate. Phase 2 starts about 30 min later with the intravenous administration of the 13C-labelled test drug. Using compartment modelling, the resulting 2-phasic DOB curve yields the rate constants for the irreversible elimination and the reversible exchange of plasma 13CO2 with body compartments (phase 1) and for the detoxification and exchange of the drug with body compartments (phase 2). We carried out the 2DOB test with the test drug 13C-methacetin in 16 subjects with chronic liver pathologies and 22 normal subjects, who also underwent the conventional LiMAx test. Individual differences in the systemic CO2 kinetics can lead to deviations up to a factor of 2 in the maximum of DOB curves (coefficient of variation CV ≈ 0.2) which, in particular, may hamper the discrimination between subjects with normal or mildly impaired detoxification capacities. The novel test revealed that a significant portion of the drug is not immediately metabolized, but transiently taken up into a storage compartment. Intriguingly, not only the hepatic detoxification rate but also the storage capacity of the drug, turned out to be indicative for a normal liver function. We thus used both parameters to define a scoring function which yielded an excellent disease classification (AUC = 0.95) and a high correlation with the MELD score (RSpearman = 0.92). The novel test variant 2DOB promises a significant improvement in the assessment of impaired hepatic detoxification capacity. The suitability of the test for the reliable characterization of the natural history of chronic liver diseases (fatty liver-fibrosis-cirrhosis) has to be assessed in further studies

    Metabolic enhancement of mammalian developmental pausing

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    The quest to model and modulate embryonic development became a recent cornerstone of stem cell and developmental biology. Mammalian developmental timing is adjustable in vivo by preserving preimplantation embryos in a dormant state called diapause. Inhibition of the growth regulator mTOR (mTORi) pauses mouse development in vitro, yet constraints to pause duration are unrecognized. By comparing the response of embryonic and extraembryonic stem cells to mTORi-induced pausing, we identified lipid usage as a bottleneck to developmental pausing. Enhancing fatty acid oxidation (FAO) boosts embryo longevity, while blocking it reduces the pausing capacity. Genomic and metabolic analyses of single embryos point toward a deeper dormant state in FAO-enhanced pausing and reveal a link between lipid metabolism and embryo morphology. Our results lift a constraint on in vitro embryo survival and suggest that lipid metabolism may be a critical metabolic transition relevant for longevity and stem cell function across tissues

    Transcriptomics assisted proteomic analysis of Nicotiana occidentalis infected by Candidatus Phytoplasma mali strain AT

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    Phytoplasmas are pathogenic bacteria within the class of Mollicutes, which are associated with more than 1000 plant diseases. In this study, we applied quantitative mass spectrometry to analyse affected pathways of the model plant tobacco (Nicotiana occidentalis) upon Candidatus Phytoplasma mali strain AT infection. Using tissue obtained from leaf midribs, 1466 plant-assigned proteins were identified. For 1019 of these proteins, we could reproducibly quantify the expression changes of infected versus noninfected plants, of which 157 proteins were up- and 173 proteins were downregulated. Differential expression took place in a number of pathways, among others strong downregulation of porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism and upregulation of alpha-linolenic acid metabolism, which was consistent with observed increased levels of jasmonic acid, a key signal molecule of plant defence. Our data shed light on the molecular networks that are involved in defence of plants against phytoplasma infection and provide a resource for further studies

    A Y2H-seq approach defines the human protein methyltransferase interactome

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    To accelerate high-density interactome mapping, we developed a yeast two-hybrid interaction screening approach involving short-read second-generation sequencing (Y2H-seq) with improved sensitivity and a quantitative scoring readout allowing rapid interaction validation. We applied Y2H-seq to investigate enzymes involved in protein methylation, a largely unexplored post-translational modification. The reported network of 523 interactions involving 22 methyltransferases or demethylases is comprehensively annotated and validated through coimmunoprecipitation experiments and defines previously undiscovered cellular roles of nonhistone protein methylation

    HEPATOKIN1 is a biochemistry-based model of liver metabolism for applications in medicine and pharmacology

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    The epidemic increase of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) requires a deeper understanding of the regulatory circuits controlling the response of liver metabolism to nutritional challenges, medical drugs, and genetic enzyme variants. As in vivo studies of human liver metabolism are encumbered with serious ethical and technical issues, we developed a comprehensive biochemistry-based kinetic model of the central liver metabolism including the regulation of enzyme activities by their reactants, allosteric effectors, and hormone-dependent phosphorylation. The utility of the model for basic research and applications in medicine and pharmacology is illustrated by simulating diurnal variations of the metabolic state of the liver at various perturbations caused by nutritional challenges (alcohol), drugs (valproate), and inherited enzyme disorders (galactosemia). Using proteomics data to scale maximal enzyme activities, the model is used to highlight differences in the metabolic functions of normal hepatocytes and malignant liver cells (adenoma and hepatocellular carcinoma)

    Androgen receptor condensates as drug targets

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    Transcription factors are among the most attractive therapeutic targets, but are considered largely undruggable. Here we provide evidence that small molecule-mediated partitioning of the androgen receptor, an oncogenic transcription factor, into phase-separated condensates has therapeutic effect in prostate cancer models. We show that the phase separation capacity of the androgen receptor is driven by aromatic residues and short unstable helices in its intrinsically disordered activation domain. Based on this knowledge, we developed tool compounds that covalently attach aromatic moieties to cysteines in the receptors’ activation domain. The compounds enhanced partitioning of the receptor into condensates, facilitated degradation of the receptor, inhibited androgen receptor-dependent transcriptional programs, and had antitumorigenic effect in models of prostate cancer and castration-resistant prostate cancer in vitro and in vivo. These results establish a generalizable framework to target the phase- separation capacity of intrinsically disordered regions in oncogenic transcription factors and other disease-associated proteins with therapeutic intent

    Promoting More Physical Activity and Less Sedentary Behaviour During the COVID-19 Situation – SportStudisMoveYou (SSMY): A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Objective: To determine the effect of an innovative, online-based intervention, addressing the possible decline of physical activity (PA) and increase of sedentary behavior (SB) during COVID-19 stay at home restrictions in Switzerland. Methods: This study investigated the effect of a two-week, social cognitive theory based, online-video moderate to vigorous (MV)PA or SB intervention on MVPA and SB behaviour and intention via a 3 group by 2 time point parallel randomized controlled trial during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adults (≥18 yo) were recruited over the internet between April 10th and April 19th 2020 (n = 129; 75.2% female; mean age = 29.0 [SD 11.8] years). Both intervention groups received five videos targeting either SB for the SB group or MVPA for the MVPA group and were compared to an attention control group (fruit and vegetable consumption). It was hypothesized that MVPA time and intention would increase for the MVPA group and the SB group would outperform control on SB behaviour and intention indicators. Results: No significant interactions were found for the MVPA group (n = 41) versus control (n = 40). Only one significant interaction was measured for the SB group (n = 48; intention of active breaks F = (2,114) = 5.84, p = 0.004, ηp2 = 0.09). Although mostly non-significant and small effects, the MVPA group showed results pointing in the hypothesized direction on all PA indicators and the SB on all SB indicators, respectively. Conclusion: Considering this study’s limitations (e.g. small intervention dose), video-based online PA and SB interventions seem promising and feasible. This approach is appropriate for COVID-19 and other stay at home situations

    Wafer scale transfer route for top down III nitride nanowire LED arrays based on the femtosecond laser lift off technique

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    The integration of gallium nitride GaN nanowire light emitting diodes nanoLEDs on flexible substrates offers opportunities for applications beyond rigid solid state lighting e.g., for wearable optoelectronics and bendable inorganic displays . Here, we report on a fast physical transfer route based on femtosecond laser lift off fs LLO to realize wafer scale top down GaN nanoLED arrays on unconventional platforms. Combined with photolithography and hybrid etching processes, we successfully transferred GaN blue nanoLEDs from a full two inch sapphire substrate onto a flexible copper Cu foil with a high nanowire density 107 wires cm2 , transfer yield 99.5 , and reproducibility. Various nanoanalytical measurements were conducted to evaluate the performance and limitations of the fs LLO technique as well as to gain insights into physical material properties such as strain relaxation and assess the maturity of the transfer process. This work could enable the easy recycling of native growth substrates and inspire the development of large scale hybrid GaN nanowire optoelectronic devices by solely employing standard epitaxial LED wafers i.e., customized LED wafers with additional embedded sacrificial materials and a complicated growth process are not require

    Dynamic antagonism between key repressive pathways maintains the placental epigenome

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    DNA and Histone 3 Lysine 27 methylation typically function as repressive modifications and operate within distinct genomic compartments. In mammals, the majority of the genome is kept in a DNA methylated state, whereas the Polycomb repressive complexes regulate the unmethylated CpG-rich promoters of developmental genes. In contrast to this general framework, the extra-embryonic lineages display non-canonical, globally intermediate DNA methylation levels, including disruption of local Polycomb domains. Here, to better understand this unusual landscape's molecular properties, we genetically and chemically perturbed major epigenetic pathways in mouse trophoblast stem cells. We find that the extra-embryonic epigenome reflects ongoing and dynamic de novo methyltransferase recruitment, which is continuously antagonized by Polycomb to maintain intermediate, locally disordered methylation. Despite its disorganized molecular appearance, our data point to a highly controlled equilibrium between counteracting repressors within extra-embryonic cells, one that can seemingly persist indefinitely without bistable features typically seen for embryonic forms of epigenetic regulation
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