6,915 research outputs found

    Zur Differenz zwischen Religion und Religiosität bei jungen Menschen. Ein Problemaufriss

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    Streib H. Zur Differenz zwischen Religion und Religiosität bei jungen Menschen. Ein Problemaufriss. In: Meier U, Kropac U, König K, eds. Zwischen Religion und Religiosität. Regensburg: Pustet; 2015: 27-40

    Processing strategies. QLIF subproject 5: Development of a framework for the design of minimum and low input processing strategies, that guarantee food quality and safety

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    Organic processing standards already prohibit the use of many chemicals, additives and preservatives, which are used in the processing of conventional foods. Yet, there are frequent discussions of the underlying principles on organic food processing regarding such aspects as environmentally friendly processing, minimal use of additives, sensory quality, and transportation. It is therefore essential to develop a framework or code of practice, which can be used to determine whether novel processing strategies are compatible with organic processing standards and principles as well as consumer demands and expectations in relation to quality characteristics of processed food. In the present subproject part of the research comprised an assessment of alternative sanitising protocols under controlled laboratory conditions in the processing of fresh cut lettuce and mixtures of fresh-cut-vegetables. During these studies it was found that, with regard to ecological aspects, ozone is a good alternative to the existing disinfectants, such as chlorine, in the organic field. Further research concerned an assessment of processing technologies that may improve the nutritional composition of dairy products, such as increased content of conjugated linolenic acids (CLA)

    Evaluate ERTS Imagery for Mapping and Detection of Changes of Snowcover on Land and on Glaciers

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    ERTS-1 imagery for mapping and detecting changes in snow cover on land and glacier

    Sunspot Number Variations

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    In this activity students find the patterns that emerge when sunspot numbers are plotted over a period of time. Students learn about sunspot variations and the solar cycle, and are able to predict future solar minimums and solar maximums. The required sunspot charts can be downloaded along with the student worksheets. Educational levels: Middle school

    The non-existence of a universal topological type space

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    The concept of types was introduced by Harsányi[8]. In the literature there are two approaches for formalizing types, type spaces: the purely measurable and the topological models. In the former framework Heifetz and Samet [11] showed that the universal type space exists and later Meier[13] proved that it is complete. In this paper we examine the topological approach and conclude that there is no universal topological type space in the category of topological type spaces

    How to Prepare a Loan Proposal.

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    The possible existence of Hs in nature from a geochemical point of view

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    A hypothesis of the existence of a long-lived isotope 271Hs in natural molybdenites and osmirides is considered from a geochemical point of view. It is shown that the presence of Hs in these minerals can be explained only by making an additional ad hoc assumption on the existence of an isobaric pair of 271Bh-271Hs. This assumption could be tested by mass-spectrometric measurements of U, Pb, Kr, Xe, and Zr isotopic shifts.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2006, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 165-168 in pres

    Razlika između karakteristika bolesnika s karcinomom lijevog i desnog kolona - iskustvo jedne ustanove

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    Objectives: The purpose of the study was to determine the difference in time until the appearance of relapse or metastases in patients treated for colorectal cancer, depending on the location of the tumor in the left or right colon at the Oncology Clinic of Clinical Medical Centre Osijek between 1st January 2010 and 31st December 2012. Study design: historical prospective study Material and methods: Study included patients whose data were recorded from medical archive at the Oncology Clinic of Clinical Medical Centre Osijek. The data on patients’ deaths were recorded from the Registry Office of the Republic of Croatia. Results: The study included 272 patients, 160 (58.8%) men and 112 (41.2%) women. According to the location, left sided colon tumor was discovered in 211 (77.6%) patients and right-sided in 61 (22.4%). The median age was 67 years. Right-sided colon tumors are considerably larger with median diameter of 6 cm, with median number of 16. Median of time until the appearance of the metastases is 20 months (interquartile range is from 8 to 29 months); marked time being shorter in right-sided colon tumors. Positive outcome of the treatment was achieved in 205 (75.4%) patients, with no significant difference in comparison to the colon cancer localization. By using Kaplan-Meier analysis of patients’ survival rates, a total 5- year survival rate of 72% was achieved in right-sided colon tumor in comparison to 62% in patients with the left-sided colon tumor. Conclusion: This study confirms that there is a difference in colorectal cancer according to its localisation. Patients with right-sided colorectal cancer are older, the carcinoma is larger, the time until the appearance of a relapse or a metastases is shorter in right sided colon cancer while 5-year survival rate is lower in left sided colon cancer.Cilj Istraživanja: Utvrditi razliku u vremenu do pojave recidiva ili presadnica kod bolesnika liječenih zbog kolorektalnog karcinoma ovisno o smještaju u lijevom ili desnom kolonu u pacijenata liječenih na Zavodu za onkologiju, KBC-a Osijek od 1. siječnja 2010. do 31. prosinca 2012. Nacrt studije: Povijesno prospektivna studija Materijal i metode: U istraživanje su uključeni ispitanici čiji su podatci preuzeti iz arhive medicinske dokumentacije Zavoda za onkologiju KBC-a Osijek, podatci o smrti pacijenata preuzeti su od nadležnog Matičnog ureda Republike Hrvatske. Rezultati: U istraživanje je uključeno 272 pacijenta, od kojih je 160 (58,8 %) muškaraca i 112 (41,2 %) žena. Prema lokalizaciji, ljevostrani tumor kolona ima 211 (77,6 %) bolesnika, a desnostrani njih 61 (22,4 %). Središnja dob pacijenta (medijan) je 67 godina. Značajno su veći u promjeru desni tumori kolona, medijana 6 cm. Medijan vremena do pojave metastaza iznosi 20 mjeseci (interkvartilnog raspona 8 do 29 mjeseci), pri čemu je značajnije kraći kod desnih tumora kolona. Pozitivan ishod liječenja imalo je 205 (75,4 %) bolesnika, bez značajne razlike u odnosu na lokalizaciju tumora kolona. Kaplan – Meierovom analizom preživljenja promatranih bolesnika podijeljenih prema lokalizaciji, dobiveno je petogodišnje ukupno preživljenje 72 % za tumor u desnom kolonu, u odnosu na 62 % kod bolesnika koji su imali tumor u lijevom kolonu. Zaključak: U ovom istraživanju potvrđeno je da postoji razlika u kolorektalnom karcinomu s obzirom na njegov položaj. Pacijenti s desnim kolorektalnim karcinomom su starije dobi, tumor je veći u promjeru,vrijeme do pojave presadnica ili recidiva je kraće, te je petogodišnje preživljavanje manje

    Preživljenje bolesnika s karcinomom prostate s metastazama utvrđenim kod postavljanja dijagnoze: 14-godišnje praćenje u Općoj bolnici Karlovac

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    Despite a very favorable stage migration, there are still patients with bone and/or nodal metastasis at the time of initial diagnosis of prostate cancer (CaP). The incidence of these patients varies significantly from country to country depending on whether or not programs for CaP screening are implemented in their health policy. In contrast to vast interest for prognosis of patients who develop metastasis after radical treatment of presumed localised CaP, there are only a few studies in recent literature analyzing survival of patients diagnosed with metastasis at initial presentation. In our study, we analyzed 128 patients with CaP in whom metastasis were assessed at the time of diagnosis. Ninety-five (74.2%) of all metastatic patients had bone metastasis (T1-4N0M1), 17 (13.3%) had metastasis in lymph nodes (T1-4N1M0) and in 16 (12.5%) patients metastasis were assessed both in bones and lymph nodes (T1-4N1M1). Patients with both bone and nodal metastasis (T1-4N1M1) had a significantly higher average PSA value and significantly higher average Gleason score. The median time to progression for all pateints was 12 (1-86) months while the median survival time was 18 (1-135) months. The tumor-specific survival of the patients with both bone and nodal metastasis (T1-4N1M1) was significantly worse than the survival of the patients with only bone or only nodal involvement. In conclusion, despite the introduction of new hormonal and cytotoxic agents and strategies, prognosis for patients with metastatic prostate cancer remains poor, especially if they initially present with both bone and nodal metastasis.Unatoč tendenciji otkrivanja karcinoma prostate u sve ranijem stadiju, i dalje se javljaju bolesnici s koštanim i/ili limfnim metastazama utvrđenim u trenutku postavljanja dijagnoze primarnog tumora. Pojavnost ovih bolesnika bitno se razlikuje od zemlje do zemlje ovisno o primjeni probira na karcinom prostate u zdravstvenom sustavu. Za razliku od širokog zanimanja za prognozu bolesnika koji su razvili metastaze karcinoma prostate nakon radikalnog liječenja, suvremena literatura nudi svega nekoliko istraživanja koja se bave preživljenjem bolesnika kod kojih su metastaze utvrđene u trenutku postavljanja dijagnoze. U našem istraživanju analizirali smo 128 bolesnika koji su imali metastaze u trenutku postavljanja dijagnoze karcinoma prostate. Kod 95 (74,2%) bolesnika metastaze su utvrđene u kostima (T1-4N0M1), kod 17 (13,3%) u limfnim čvorovima dok su kod16 (12,5%) bolesnika metastaze u trenutku postavljanja dijagnoze primarnog tumora bile prisutne i u kostima i u limfnim čvorovima (T1-4N1M1). Bolesnici koji su imali i koštane i limfne metastaze(T1 4N1M1) imali su značajno višu prosječnu vrijednost PSA te znatno viši prosječni Gleason score. Srednje vrijeme do progresije bolesti iznosilo je za sve bolesnike 12 (1-86) mjeseci, dok je prosječno trajanje života iznosilo 18 (1-135) mjeseci. Prosječno preživljenje bolesnika koji su imali i koštane i limfne metastaze (T1-4N1M1) bilo je značajno kra}e u odnosu na bolesnike koji su imali samo koštane ili samo limfne metastaze. U zaključku ističemo da prognoza bolesnika s metastatskom boleš}u utvrđenom prilikom postavljanja dijagnoze karcinoma prostate, usprkos uvođenju novih hormonskih i citotoksičnih lijekova i novih strategija, ostaje loša, posebno za bolesnike s metastazama i u kostima i u limfnim čvorovima