41 research outputs found

    The dynamic trophic niche of an island bird of prey

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    Optimal foraging theory predicts an inverse relationship between the availability of preferred prey and niche width in animals. Moreover, when individuals within a population have identical prey preferences and preferred prey is scarce, a nested pattern of trophic niche is expected if opportunistic and selective individuals can be identified. Here, we examined intraspecific variation in the trophic niche of a resident population of striated caracara (Phalcoboenus australis) on Isla de los Estados (Staten Island), Argentina, using pellet and stable isotope analyses. While this raptor specializes on seabird prey, we assessed this population\u27s potential to forage on terrestrial prey, especially invasive herbivores as carrion, when seabirds are less accessible. We found that the isotopic niche of this species varies with season, age, breeding status, and, to a lesser extent, year. Our results were in general consistent with classic predictions of the optimal foraging theory, but we also explore other possible explanations for the observed pattern. Isotopic niche was broader for groups identified a priori as opportunistic (i.e., nonbreeding adults during the breeding season and the whole population during the nonbreeding season) than it was for individuals identified a priori as selective. Results suggested that terrestrial input was relatively low, and invasive mammals accounted for no more than 5% of the input. The seasonal pulse of rockhopper penguins likely interacts with caracara\u27s reproductive status by constraining the spatial scale on which individuals forage. Niche expansion in spatially flexible individuals did not reflect an increase in terrestrial prey input; rather, it may be driven by a greater variation in the types of marine prey items consumed

    Ripening and quality responses of avocado, custard apple, mango and papaya fruit to 1-methylcyclopropene

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    The potential for the ethylene binding inhibitor, 1-methylcyclopropene, to delay ripening of 'Hass' avocado, 'African Pride' custard apple, 'Kensington Pride' mango and 'Solo' papaya was examined. Fruit were gassed with 25 muL/L 1-methylcyclopropene for 14 h at 20 degreesC, followed by treatment with 100 muL/L ethylene for 24 h, and then ripened at 20 degreesC. Ethylene treatment alone generally halved the number of days for fruit to reach the ripe stage, compared with untreated fruit. 1-Methylcyclopropene treatment alone increased the number of days to ripening by 4.4 days (40% increase), 3.4 days (58%), 5.1 days (37%) and 15.6 days (325%) for avocado, custard apple, mango and papaya, respectively, compared with untreated fruit. Applying 1-methylcyclopropene to the fruit before ethylene prevented the accelerated ripening normally associated with ethylene treatment, so that the number of days to ripening for fruit treated with 1-methylcyclopropene plus ethylene was similar to the number of days to ripening for fruit treated with 1-methylcyclopropene alone. 1-Methylcyclopropene treatment was associated with slightly higher severity of external blemishes in papaya and custard apple, slightly higher rots severity in avocado, custard apple and papaya, and at least double the severity of stem rots in mango, relative to fruit not treated with 1-methylcyclopropene. Thus, 1-methylcyclopropene treatment has the potential to reduce the risk of premature ripening of avocado, custard apple, mango and papaya fruit due to accidental exposure to ethylene. However, additional precautions may be necessary to reduce disease severity associated with 1-methylcyclopropene treatment

    Hot water treatments improve 'Hass' avocado fruit quality after cold disinfestation

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    The potential for hot water treatment (HWT) to improve quality of ‘Hass’ avocado following cold disinfestation for fruit flies, was investigated. Avocado fruit were placed in water at 38–42 °C for 20–60 min, disinfested for 16 days at 1 °C, then ripened at 20 °C. In the following season, fruit from another orchard were treated with hot water at 39–42 °C for 20–30 min, disinfested as above, then ripened at 16 °C. In both seasons, HWT significantly reduced skin damage caused by cold disinfestation, with 40 °C for 30 min, 41 °C for 20–30 min and 42 °C for 25–30 min giving the greatest reduction. Hot water treatments also reduced body rots in ripe fruit, with 40 and 41 °C for 30 min being consistently the most effective. Treatment at 42 °C increased body rots compared to the other HWTs in one season, and there was no benefit of HWT times longer than 30 min. The severity of vascular browning (VB) and mesocarp discolouration (MD) in ripe fruit was generally low, and increased following cold disinfestation. Hot water treatments reduced VB severity but had no effect on MD. Treatment at 41 °C for 25–30 min and 42 °C for 25 min increased the percentage of externally acceptable fruit (less than 5% of the skin area with defects) from 0 to about 80% 3 days after removal from disinfestation. The same treatment also increased the percentage of ripe fruit with acceptable flesh quality (less than 5% of the flesh with rots or disorders) from 0 to 16–20%, due mainly to reduced body rots. These results indicate the commercial potential of HWTs of about 41 °C for 25–30 min, or 42 °C for 25 min to improve avocado external and internal fruit quality following cold disinfestation

    Custard Apple Information Kit. Agrilink, your growing guide to better farming guide

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    Each Agrilink kit has been designed to be both comprehensive and practical. As the kits are arranged to answer questions of increasing complexity, they are useful references for both new and experienced producers of specific crops. Agrilink integrates the technology of horticultural production with the management of horticultural enterprises. REPRINT INFORMATION - PLEASE READ! For updated information please call 13 25 23 or www.daf.qld.gov.au This publication has been reprinted as a digital book without any changes to the content published in 1998. We advise readers to take particular note of the areas most likely to be out-of-date and so requiring further research: see detailed information on first page of the kit. Even with these limitations we believe this information kit provides important and valuable information for intending and existing growers. This publication was last revised in 1998. The information is not current and the accuracy of the information cannot be guaranteed by the State of Queensland. This information has been made available to assist users to identify issues involved in the production of custard apples. This information is not to be used or relied upon by users for any purpose which may expose the user or any other person to loss or damage. Users should conduct their own inquiries and rely on their own independent professional advice. While every care has been taken in preparing this publication, the State of Queensland accepts no responsibility for decisions or actions taken as a result of any data, information, statement or advice, expressed or implied, contained in this publication

    Buoyancy-driven convection around chemical fronts traveling in covered horizontal solution layers

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    Density differences across an autocatalytic chemical front traveling horizontally in covered thin layers of solution trigger hydrodynamic flows which can alter the concentration profile. We theoretically investigate the spatiotemporal evolution and asymptotic dynamics resulting from such an interplay between isothermal chemical reactions, diffusion, and buoyancy-driven convection. The studied model couples the reaction-diffusion-convection evolution equation for the concentration of an autocatalytic species to the incompressible Stokes equations ruling the evolution of the flow velocity in a two-dimensional geometry. The dimensionless parameter of the problem is a solutal Rayleigh number constructed upon the characteristic reaction-diffusion length scale. We show numerically that the asymptotic dynamics is one steady vortex surrounding, deforming, and accelerating the chemical front. This chemohydrodynamic structure propagating at a constant speed is quite different from the one obtained in the case of a pure hydrodynamic flow resulting from the contact between two solutions of different density or from the pure reaction-diffusion planar traveling front. The dynamics is symmetric with regard to the middle of the layer thickness for positive and negative Rayleigh numbers corresponding to products, respectively, lighter or heavier than the reactants. A parametric study shows that the intensity of the flow, the propagation speed, and the deformation of the front are increasing functions of the Rayleigh number and of the layer thickness. In particular, the asymptotic mixing length and reaction-diffusion-convection speed both scale as square root Ra for Ra>5. The velocity and concentration fields in the asymptotic dynamics are also found to exhibit self-similar properties with Ra. A comparison of the dynamics in the case of a monostable versus bistable kinetics is provided. Good agreement is obtained with experimental data on the speed of iodate-arsenous acid fronts propagating in horizontal capillaries. We furthermore compare the buoyancy-driven dynamics studied here to Marangoni-driven deformation of traveling chemical fronts in solution open to the air in the absence of gravity previously studied in the same geometry [L. Rongy and A. De Wit, J. Chem. Phys. 124, 164705 (2006)].Journal Articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    The effect of a crosslinking chemical reaction on pattern formation in viscous fingering of miscible fluids in a Hele–Shaw cell

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    Viscous fingering can occur in fluid motion whenever a high mobility fluid displaces a low mobility fluid in a Darcy type flow. When the mobility difference is primarily attributable to viscosity (e.g., flow between the two horizontal plates of a Hele-Shaw cell), viscous fingering (VF) occurs, which is sometimes termed the Saffman-Taylor instability. Alternatively, in the presence of differences in density in a gravity field, buoyancy-driven convection can occur. These instabilities have been studied for decades, in part because of their many applications in pollutant dispersal, ocean currents, enhanced petroleum recovery, and so on. More recent interest has emerged regarding the effects of chemical reactions on fingering instabilities. As chemical reactions change the key flow parameters (densities, viscosities, and concentrations), they may have either a destabilizing or stabilizing effect on the flow. Hence, new flow patterns can emerge; moreover, one can then hope to gain some control over flow instabilities through reaction rates, flow rates, and reaction products. We report effects of chemical reactions on VF in a Hele-Shaw cell for a reactive step-growth cross-linking polymerization system. The cross-linked reaction product results in a non-monotonic viscosity profile at the interface, which affects flow stability. Furthermore, three-dimensional internal flows influence the long-term pattern that results

    Uncertainty Quantification of Regional Cardiac Tissue Properties in Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy Using Adaptive Multiple Importance Sampling

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    Introduction: Computational models of the cardiovascular system are widely used to simulate cardiac (dys)function. Personalization of such models for patient-specific simulation of cardiac function remains challenging. Measurement uncertainty affects accuracy of parameter estimations. In this study, we present a methodology for patient-specific estimation and uncertainty quantification of parameters in the closed-loop CircAdapt model of the human heart and circulation using echocardiographic deformation imaging. Based on patient-specific estimated parameters we aim to reveal the mechanical substrate underlying deformation abnormalities in patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC). Methods: We used adaptive multiple importance sampling to estimate the posterior distribution of regional myocardial tissue properties. This methodology is implemented in the CircAdapt cardiovascular modeling platform and applied to estimate active and passive tissue properties underlying regional deformation patterns, left ventricular volumes, and right ventricular diameter. First, we tested the accuracy of this method and its inter- and intraobserver variability using nine datasets obtained in AC patients. Second, we tested the trueness of the estimation using nine in silico generated virtual patient datasets representative for various stages of AC. Finally, we applied this method to two longitudinal series of echocardiograms of two pathogenic mutation carriers without established myocardial disease at baseline. Results: Tissue characteristics of virtual patients were accurately estimated with a highest density interval containing the true parameter value of 9% (95% CI [0–79]). Variances of estimated posterior distributions in patient data and virtual data were comparable, supporting the reliability of the patient estimations. Estimations were highly reproducible with an overlap in posterior distributions of 89.9% (95% CI [60.1–95.9]). Clinically measured deformation, ejection fraction, and end-diastolic volume were accurately simulated. In presence of worsening of deformation over time, estimated tissue properties also revealed functional deterioration. Conclusion: This method facilitates patient-specific simulation-based estimation of regional ventricular tissue properties from non-invasive imaging data, taking into account both measurement and model uncertainties. Two proof-of-principle case studies suggested that this cardiac digital twin technology enables quantitative monitoring of AC disease progression in early stages of disease