4 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of non-cash transactions on the effectiveness of administration in the financial management agency, regional asset income in South Tapanuli Regency. The magnitude of the system of the effect of non-cash transactions on the effectiveness of administration in the financial management agency, regional asset income in South Tapanuli Regency. The sample of this research is 49 employees who are involved in financial management at the Financial Management Agency, Regional Asset Income in South Tapanuli Regency. From the results of simple regression testing, it is found that the non-cash transaction regression coefficient (X) = 0.405, this value means that the non-cash transaction variable (X) tends to have a direct effect on the effectiveness of financial administration at the Financial Management Agency, Regional Asset Income in South Tapanuli Regency, with the understanding that if the non-cash transaction variable (X) is increased by 100%, the effectiveness of financial administration at the Financial Management Agency, Regional Asset Income in South Tapanuli Regency will increase by 40.5%. The coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.178. So it can be concluded that from the results of this study it can be seen that non-cash transactions (X) have an effect of 17.8% on the effectiveness of financial administration at the Financial Management Agency, Regional Asset Income in South Tapanuli Regency. While the remaining 82.2% is the influence of other variables outside of research such as compensation, attendance, staffing systems, and others

    Analisis kelayakan usaha tani Kopi Arabika di Kabupaten Simalungun

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    This study aims to determine the feasibility of farming and analyze the sensitivity of Arabica coffee farming to the increase in costs and the decrease in the selling price of Arabica coffee in Simalungun Regency. The population of this study were Arabica coffee farmers, the number of respondents in this study was 60 people. The method used in the feasibility analysis is to calculate the R/C ratio, Return on Investment (ROI), NPV, IRR, Net B/C, and PP. Meanwhile, analyzing the sensitivity of farming is carried out using the method of increasing costs and decreasing the selling price of Arabica coffee in Simalungun Regency. Based on the feasibility analysis of the farming business carried out, Arabica coffee farming is categorized as still feasible to cultivate. Meanwhile, Arabica coffee farming is more sensitive to the decline in the selling price of Arabica coffee by 10% and 20%, respectively. The feasibility analysis and sensitivity analysis are one of the things that encourage people to continue cultivating Arabica coffee because based on the feasibility analysis and sensitivity analysis, Arabica coffee is suitable for cultivation.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan usaha tani dan menganalisis sensitifitas usaha tani kopi arabika terhadap kenaikan biaya dan penurunan harga jual kopi arabika di Kabupaten Simalungun. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah para petani kopi arabika, jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 60 orang. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis kelayakan adalah melakukan perhitungan R/C ratio, Return of Investmen (ROI), NPV, IRR, Net B/C, dan PP. Sedangkan menganalisis kepekaan usaha tani dilakukan dengan metode kenaikan biaya dan penurunan harga jual kopi arabika di Kabupaten Simalungun. Berdasarkan analisis kelayakan usaha tani yang dilakukan maka usaha tani kopi arabika di kategorikan masih layak untuk diusahakan. Sementara usaha tani kopi arabika lebih peka terhadap penurunan harga jual kopi arabika sebesar 10% dan 20%. Analisis kelayakan dan analisis sensitivitas tersebut menjadi salah satu hal yang mendorong masyarakat untuk tetap melakukan budidaya kopi arabika karena berdasarkan analisis kelayakan dan analisis sensitivitas kopi arabika layak untuk dibudidayaka

    Workshop Pengelolaan SDM Di Era Digital Dalam Pembangunan Desa Sijungkang Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan

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    One way to develop a region is to have quality Human Resources (HR). To realize this, several things are often done, namely through guidance, training and education. Sijungkang Village, South Tapanuli Regency, is one of the district government assisted villages. In order for the village to develop, as academics, the community service team conducted a workshop on HR management in the digital era. The purpose of this activity is to improve the quality of human resources, especially MSMEs in Sijungkang village so that they are able to face the challenges of information technology development and are able to improve the local economy. The service method is carried out through lectures and simple training on good human resource management and training in the use of digital-based technology through social media. Based on the results of interviews and questionnaires during the implementation of the community service, it was found that the enthusiasm of the participants was very good, the participants were interested in following things that were useful. This activity provides a solution in the proper use of social media and increases participants' knowledge and understanding of the importance of digital-based science today. Kata Kunci: Workshop, HR, Digital Era, Developmen


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    Regional or culinary specialties are one of the attractions for visitors or tourists who will visit. Dali ni horbo is one of the regional specialties in the North Tapanuli Regency. Dali ni horbo is made from buffalo milk. Dali ni horbo is cooked in the traditional way and uses pineapple juice as a thickening agent. In other areas in North Sumatra, there are also those who use papaya leaf extract and alo-alo as a thickening agent. Dali ni Horbo is sold in the market by traders only packaged using plastic. Simple processing methods and simple packaging methods are obstacles for Dali ni Horbo traders which causes the shelf life of Dali ni Horbo to be short, and the supply of raw materials (buffalo milk) to make Dali ni Horbo is still relatively difficult to obtain. Thus, several product innovations and the development of marketing strategies are needed so that more and more people know about Horbo Dali Ni so that the demand for Horbo Dali Ni will increase. Keywords: Dali Ni Horbo (Buffalo Milk), Culinary, Business Model, Marketing &nbsp