54 research outputs found
Relation between participating in playgroup with child development
Playgroup is one of early education programs to promote child development. A cohort study found that early education program resulted in better social performance. However this study did not evaluate the influence of this program on child development. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether participating in playgroup relates to child development achievement. This was a cross sectional study conducted on children in Yogyakarta Special Region. The subjects were children in the first month of kindergarten. The child development was tested using Denver II. Other data were collected by questioners and filled by their parents. Chi-square test was used to analyze the factorsthat influenced the child development. One hundred and seventy two children participated in the study. It was found that the development achievement of children participating in playgroup were 3.2 times better than those not participating in playgroup (p=0.002; OR: 3.248; 95% CI: 1.558-6.774), whereas gender, education of parents, number of slibings, and birth weight were not associated with the child development achievement. In conclusion, joining the playgroup relates to the child achievement development.Keywords: playgroup - child development - Denver II test - kindergarten - educatio
Perbedaan asupan makan balita di perkotaan dan perdesaan pada provinsi dengan beban gizi ganda
Differences in food intake among children under five years in urban and rural areas in provinces with the double burden of malnutritionBackground: The double burden of malnutrition is one of the nutritional problems in children at national and global levels. Food intake is the main cause of the double burden of malnutrition. Differences in residence in urban and rural areas will affect food access which will have an impact on different food intake. Objective: To analyze the differences in energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake of children under-fives in urban and rural areas in provinces with the double burden of malnutrition. Methods: This research used secondary data analysis using the Total Diet Study (TDS) 2014. The subjects of this study were 813 children in provinces with a dual burden of malnutrition that fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Provinces with the double burden of malnutrition are provinces with a prevalence of underweight children aged ≥24-59 months at >22.36% and a prevalence of overweight children age ≥24-59 months at >1.23%. Total Diet Study (TDS) data will provide information on food intake of children through recall results, differences in residence obtained from district classification data, the double burden of malnutrition data obtained from children nutritional status is overweight and underweight based on weight and age data of children processed using WHO-ANTRO software. Results: The average intake of energy, protein, and fat in the urban area are higher than in a rural area, but the average carbohydrate intake in an urban area is lower than in a rural area. The average intake of energy in urban was 1300.01 kcal, in rural areas was 1223.23 kcal (p=0.0008). The average intake of protein in urban was 55.03 g, in rural areas was 47.67 g (p<0.0001). The average intake of fat in urban was 47.99 g, in rural areas was 37.12 g (p<0.0001). The average intakes of carbohydrate in urban were 163.61 g, in rural areas was 178.88 g (p=0.0042).Conclusions: There are differences in energy, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake of children under five years in urban and rural areas in provinces with the double burden of malnutrition
Analisis Pelaksanaan Trias Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) dan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) di SLB C di Bantul
Evaluation of triage programs school health unit and clean and health living behavior in school for children with special educational needs BantulPurposeThis study aimed to get an overview of school health unit and implementation of clean and health living behavior in school for children with special educational needs. MethodsThis research used qualitative methods with a case study approach. Participants of the study included the principal, the teacher, students and public health center staff, the senior managers of the school, and the Yogyakarta provincial youth and sports education department. Qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation studies. ResultsThe implementation of trias school health unit program was in the good category. Some clean and health living indicators were still in low category. The obstacles of the school health unit and clean and health living behavior program implementation were limited understanding of students, low coverage of teacher and school training, economic conditions and parental attitudes, school readiness, and involvement of relevant agencies. Factors affecting school health unit implementation included curriculum, school organization, and partnership. ConclusionThe implementation of school health unit and clean and health can be enhanced through partnership optimization with community health centers, related offices, non-governmental organizations, and education and health universities.Latar Belakang: Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS) merupakan usaha kesehatan pokok puskesmas dengan siswa sebagai sasaran utama. Pelaksanaan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) di Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) dan derajat kesehatan siswa belum sesuai, terlihat adanya masalah kesehatan siswa berupa diare, cacingan, dan caries gigi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran pelaksanaan UKS dan PHBS di SLB C Bantul.Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan case study. Partisipan adalah kepala sekolah, guru pengelola UKS, dan siswa di SLB Dharma Bhakti Piyungan dan SLB Bangun Putra Kasihan, petugas Puskesmas Piyungan dan Kasihan I, pengelola Tim Pembina UKS kecamatan, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bantul, serta Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi Yogyakarta. Data kualitatif didapatkan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Analisa data dengan model interaktif Huberman and Miles meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, serta penarikan kesimpulan, dengan menggunakan software Open Code versi Penelitian: Pelaksanaan program Trias UKS di SLB C dalam kategori baik. Di kedua SLB tersebut mayoritas siswa melaksanakan PHBS dengan baik. Adapun indikator PHBS yang masih rendah adalah siswa tidak buang air kecil sembarang tempat (77,5%), siswa melaksanakan piket kelas (10%), pengukuran TB/BB tiap 6 bulan (70%), tidak membuang sampah sembarangan (72,5%), kuku bersih dan tidak panjang (77,5%), serta mulut bersih dan tidak ada karies (75%). Kendala pelaksanaan program UKS dan PHBS adalah keterbatasan pemahaman (fungsi kognitif) siswa, rendahnya cakupan pelatihan guru dan sekolah, kondisi ekonomi dan sikap orang tua, kesiapan sekolah, serta keterlibatan instansi terkait. Faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan UKS meliputi kurikulum, organisasi sekolah, serta kemitraan.Kesimpulan: Pelaksanaan UKS dan PHBS di SLB C Bantul dapat ditingkatkan melalui optimalisasi kemitraan dengan puskesmas, dinas terkait, Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat, serta Perguruan Tinggi pendidikan dan kesehatan.
PAJANAN ASAP DALAM RUMAH TERHADAP KEJADIANISPA NONPNEUMONIA PADA ANAK BALITA DI KABUPATENKAPUASMayae Hugo, Ova Emilia,Mei Neni SitaresmiABSTRACTBackground: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) is one of themain causes of disease burden in developing countries,and 40-60% patients visits at the health center. Riskesdes analysis report the under–five children who suffer fromupper respiratory tract infection prevalence 42.8%. ARI occurrence is affected by many factors, includingenvironmental factors. Little attention has been given to indoor air pollution particularly for people in ruralareas, although the known particles of smoke in the room known as the most influential factors on the health ofchildren where children spend most of their time indoorsObjective: To know whether smoke exposure inside the house is a risk factor toward non pneumonia ARI amongunder-five children.Method: This was a study using a case control study design. Subjects were under-five children aged 12-59 monthsold in Kapuas District taken by non probability sampling method. Sample size was 106, divided into two groupsnamely case (n=53) and control (n=53). Data analysis used univariate analysis, bivariate analysis, and multivariateanalysis with logistic regression.Result: Non pneumonia ARI had a 2.7 time greater risk of contracting under-five children exposed by smokeinside their house (95%CI=1.16-6.60). Multivariate analysis proportion of house condition which was not reallyhygienic, member of family who contracted ARI, bad nutritional status had a significant relationship to nonpneumonia ARI among under-five children.Conclusion: Non pneumonia ARI among under-five children had a significant relationship to smoke exposureinside the house.Keywords: non pneumonia ARI, smoke exposure inside the house, under-five children ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Infeksi saluran pernapasan akut (ISPA) merupakan salah satu penyebab utama beban penyakit dinegara berkembang. Terdapat 40-60% kunjungan pasien di pusat layanan kesehatan. Analisis Riskesdesmelaporkanprevalensi anak-anak balita yang menderita infeksi saluran pernapasan atas 42,8%. Kejadian ISPA dipengaruhioleh banyak faktor, termasuk faktor lingkungan. Sedikitnya perhatian yang diberikan terhadap polusi udara dalamruangan terutama bagimasyarakat di daerah pedesaan,meskipun partikel yang berasal dari asap di dalam ruangandikenal sebagai faktor yang paling berpengaruh pada kesehatan anak di mana anak-anak menghabiskan sebagianbesar waktu mereka di dalam ruangan.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui apakah paparan asap di dalam rumah merupakan faktor risiko terhadap non pneumoniaISPA pada balita.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan menggunakan disain penelitian kasus kontrol. Subyekpenelitian adalah balita berusia 12-59 bulan di Kabupaten Kapuas diambil dengan metode non probabilitysampling. Jumlah sampel adalah 106, dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok kasus (n=53) dan kelompokkontrol (n=53). Analisis data yang digunakan analisis univariat, analisis bivariat, dan analisis multivariat denganregresi logistik. Hasil dan Pembahasan: ISPA non pneumonia memiliki risiko 2,7 kali lebih besar menjangkiti anak yang terpaparasap di dalam rumah mereka (95% CI=1,16-6,60). Proporsi analisis multivariabel kondisi rumah yang tidak benarbenarhigienis, anggota keluarga yang terjangkit ISPA, status gizi buruk memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadapISPA non pneumonia pada balita.Kesimpulan: ISPA non pneumonia pada balita memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap paparan asap di dalamrumah.Kata kunci: ISPA non pneumonia, paparan asap di dalam rumah, balit
Asuhan bidan dan perawat yang tepat mengurangi risiko kejadian hipotermi pada bayi baru lahir
Penelitian kohort prospektif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh asuhan bidan dan perawat terhadap kejadian hipotermi pada bayi baru lahir. Subyek dikelompokan dalam kelompok asuhan tidak tepat (n=32) dan kelompok asuhan tepat (n=32). Observasi asuhan bidan dan perawat menggunakan checklist the warm chain dari WHO. Pengukuran suhu axila dilakukan pada menit ke-30, menit ke-60, jam ke-6, jam ke-12, jam ke-24. Hasil penelitian menunjukan asuhan perawat dan bidan yang tepat menurunkan risiko 1,4 kali kejadian hipotermi pada bayi baru lahir
Ketepatan waktu vaksinasi campak sebagai faktor preventif kejadian campak di kota Yogyakarta
Latar Belakang: Setiap tahun lebih dari 1,4 juta anak di dunia meninggal karena berbagai penyakit yang sesungguhnya dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi. Tahun 2013 dilaporkan terjadi KLB campak di Indonesia sebanyak 128 KLB dengan jumlah kasus 1.677. Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta merupakan wilayah dengan pencapaian kinerja dan derajat kesehatan terbaik di Indonesia. Cakupan imunisasi campak di provinsi DIY telah mencapai target ≥ 95%. Berdasarkan surveilans Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta tahun 2012, angka kejadian kasus campak dari (379 kasus), sebanyak (356 kasus) terjadi di Wilayah Kota Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan pemberian vaksinasi campak yang tidak tepat waktu dengan kejadian campak di kota Yogyakarta.Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah matched case control. Sebanyak 33 kasus dan 33 kontrol diambil sebagai sampel penelitian. Kasus adalah anak usia 9-48 bulan dengan gejala klinis campak (demam, rash dan salah satu dari batuk, pilek/beringus atau conjungtivitis) yang didiagnosa oleh dokter puskesmas dan dikonfirmasi hasil pemeriksaan laboratoriumnya . Kontrol adalah anak yang tidak sakit campak (sehat) di periode yang sama berasal dari tetangga kasus.Hasil: Analisis bivariat menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara ketepatan vaksinasi campak dengan kejadin campak dimana nilai p= 0.0042 OR=7 (95% CI: 1.60-63.45). Analisis multivariat setelah dilakukan pengontrolan dengan memasukan jenis kelamin dan pendidikan ibu diperoleh ketepatan vaksinasi campak signifikan dilihat dari nilai p=0.008 OR-8.2 (95%CI:1.7-40.3),jenis kelamin OR=0.95(95%CI=0.33-2.7) dan pendidikan ibu OR=1.96 (95%CI=0.4-9.5).Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan antara ketepatan vaksinasi campak dengan kejadian campak di Kota Yogyakarta. Timely measles vaccination as a preventive factor on measles occurrence in YogyakartaPurposeThis study aimed to see the relation of timely measles vaccination on measles occurrence.MethodsThis research was a matched case control study. A total of 33 cases and 33 controls were used as samples. Case subjects were toddlers aged 9-48 months with measles clinical symptoms (fever, rash and one of cough, cold/runny or conjunctivitis) who were diagnosed by clinic doctors and confirmed by laboratory (positive IgM) and children without measles (healthy) in the same period who came from the neighboring areas in the city of Yogyakarta as controls.ResultsBivariable analysis showed a significant correlation between timely measles vaccination with occurrence of measles disease where p = 0.0042 and OR = 7 (95% CI: 1.60-63.45). On multivariate analysis, after controlling by including gender and maternal education gained correlation between measles vaccination views of the value of p = 0.008, OR-8.2 (95% CI: 1.7-40.3), gender OR = 0.95 (95% CI = 0.3-2.7 ) and maternal education OR = 1.96 (95% CI = 0.4-9.5).ConclusionThere was a correlation between timely measles vaccination with the occurrence of the disease of measles in the city of Yogyakarta
Asupan protein, kalsium dan fosfor pada anak stunting dan tidak stunting usia 24-59 bulan
Background: Indonesia is one of developing country which still facing a serious problem concerning stunting. Causes of stunting is a complex things, one of the cause is protein intake which is have effect on the level plasma insulin growth factor I (IGF-I), protein bone matrix and growth factor, also calcium and phosphorus that has an important role in bone formation. One of the province in Indonesia which has stunting prevalence above level of National prevalence is West Borneo. Pontianak as the capital city of West Borneo is still facing serious problem concerning stunting and the low level of food security.Objective: Analyze protein, calcium and phosphorus intake of stunting and non stunting children aged 24-49 months in Pontianak.Method: The study was an analytical observational with cross sectional design. Samples of the study were children aged 24-59 months in the districts of East Pontianak and North Pontianak, West Borneo, as much as 90 samples have been chosen by using simple random sampling technique. The research was conducted from July - August 2015. Statistical analysis was performed by using chi square and t-test.Results: Protein, calcium and phosphorus intake are lower to the stunting compare to non stunting children (p<0,05). Stunting prevalence of lower protein group is higher 1,87 times than adequate protein intake group. Stunting prevalence of low calcium intake group is higher 3,625 times than adequate calcium intake group. Moreover, the stunting prevalence of low phosphor intake group is higher 2,29 times than adequate phosphor intake group.Conclusion: Protein, calcium and phosphor intake significant lower to the stunting compare to non stunting children aged 24- 59 months in Pontianak.
Kadar kalsium serum pada anak stunting dan tidak stunting usia 24-59 bulan
Background: Children with stunning as the accumulations of the lack of nutrient or continuous infection are highly at risk to suffer from illness and death. In developing country, there are 165 million children under the age of suffering from stunting. Research done showed that nationally stunting prevalence in 2013 is 37,2 percent. West Borneo is one of the twenty provinces with the stunting prevalence above the national average. During the growth period, children need calcium, especially for ossification. The lack of calcium is mainly caused by inadequate intake and or non-optimal calcium absorption. Some of the previous research has shown that the level of calcium serum of children with stunting has significantly lowered than the normal children.Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the calcium serum level of the children with stunting aged 24-59 months in Pontianak City.Method: This study is a cross-sectional design. It conducted in East Pontianak and North Pontianak subdistricts, from July to August 2015. A number of samples were 90 children. Statistical analysis was performed using chi-square, t-test, and logistic regression.Results: There was no significance in serum calcium level between stunting and nonstunting children (p=0,193). The average of the calcium serum level of the stunting children was 12,14±1,97 mg/dl, while the nonstunting children were 12,16±1,63 mg/dl. The t-test showed that there was no significant difference (p=0,966).Conclusion: There is no significant difference of the calcium serum level between the stunting and nonstunting children aged 24- 59 months in Pontianak City (p=0,193)
Praktik pemberian makan terhadap kejadian kurus pada anak baduta
Background: Wasting is an acute malnutrition form that interrupts immune function, prolong duration of infection and in the end increase mortality risk of children. It is not clear yet which risk factor leading to wasting, simply because wasting-suspected risk factors were also involved in another kind of malnutrition such as stunting and underweight.
Objective: To determine whether infant and young child feeding practices is risk factor for wasting in under two year children.
Method: This research was mix method research which used matching case control design for quantitative research and focus group discussion to gather information in qualitative research. Case were wasting children age 3-23 months old (z-score WHZ <-2 SD) while control were non-wasting children age 3-23 months old (z-score WHZ ≥-2 SD). This research involved 106 under-two years old children and 14 nutritionist from 14 community health center which randomly chosen. Control group was matched by age and socio economic to case group.
Results: Case group had more proportion of inappropriate feeding practices (26.41%% vs 20.75%). More than half respondent failed to meet Indonesian recommended dietary allowance for energy (57.55%). Inappropriate infant and young child feeding practice significantly did not increased risk of wasting in under two children at Yogyakarta (OR=1.4; 95% CI:0.62-3.36; p=0.523). Nutritionist from community health center focused in consultation and counseling in effort to increase infant and young child feeding practice.
Conclusion: Feeding practices in under-two children in Yogyakarta was already good. Infant and young child feeding practice was not risk factor for wasting in under two years old children at Yogyakarta
Health-Care Providers' Perspectives towards Childhood Cancer Treatment in Kenya
This study explored perspectives of health-care providers on childhood cancer treatment in Kenya.
A self-administered questionnaire was completed by 104 health-care providers in January and February 2013.
Seventy six percent of the health-care providers believed cancer to be curable. More doctors than other health-care providers had this positive opinion (p=0.037). The majority of health-care providers (92%) believed that most children with cancer will not be able to finish their treatment due to financial difficulties. They considered that prosperous highly-educated parents adhere better with treatment (88%) and that doctors adhere better with treatment for prosperous highly-educated parents (79%). According to 74% of health-care providers, quality of care is better for prosperous highly-educated parents (74%). Most health-care providers reported giving more explanation (71%), work with greater accuracy (70%) and use less difficult vocabulary (55%) to prosperous more educated families. Only 34% of health-care providers reported they feel more empathy towards patients from prosperous families. Reasons for non-adherence with the protocol according to health-care providers are: family refuses drugs (85%), inadequate supply of drugs at pharmacy (79%), child looks ill (75%), and financial difficulties of parents (69%).
Health-care providers' health beliefs and attitudes differ for patients with families having high versus low socio-economic backgrounds
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