6,362 research outputs found

    Engineering planar transverse domain walls in biaxial magnetic nanostrips by tailoring transverse magnetic fields with uniform orientation

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    Designing and realizing various magnetization textures in magnetic nanostructures are essential for developing novel magnetic nanodevices in modern information industry. Among all these textures, planar transverse domain walls (pTDWs) are the simplest and the most basic, which make them popular in device physics. In this work, we report the engineering of pTDWs with arbitrary tilting attitude in biaxial magnetic nanostrips by transverse magnetic field profiles with uniform orientation but tunable strength distribution. Both statics and axial-field-driven dynamics of these pTDWs are analytically investigated. It turns out that for statics these pTDWs are robust again disturbances which are not too abrupt, while for dynamics it can be tailored to acquire higher velocity than Walker's ansatz predicts. These results should provide inspirations for designing magnetic nanodevices with novel one-dimensional magnetization textures, such as 360∘^\circ walls, or even two-dimensional ones, for example vortices, skyrmions, etc.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Analyzing Competing Risk Data Using the R timereg Package

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    In this paper we describe flexible competing risks regression models using the comp.risk() function available in the timereg package for R based on Scheike et al. (2008). Regression models are specified for the transition probabilities, that is the cumulative incidence in the competing risks setting. The model contains the Fine and Gray (1999) model as a special case. This can be used to do goodness-of-fit test for the subdistribution hazardsñ proportionality assumption (Scheike and Zhang 2008). The program can also construct confidence bands for predicted cumulative incidence curves. We apply the methods to data on follicular cell lymphoma from Pintilie (2007), where the competing risks are disease relapse and death without relapse. There is important non-proportionality present in the data, and it is demonstrated how one can analyze these data using the flexible regression models.

    Sepsis-assoziierte kognitive Dysfunktion: Eine Untersuchung mit stressfreien, automatisierten Verhaltenstests

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    Survivors of medical and surgical intensive care units (ICUs) are at high risk for long-lasting cognitive impairments. Among critical illnesses that can induce cognitive deficits, sepsis is commonly regarded as the most frequent and severe cause, considering one out of three survivors of sepsis is discharged from hospital with severe de novo cognitive impairment. Chronic neuroinflammation, diffuse cerebral damage and neuronal death are considered primary correlates in the development of long-term cognitive deficits. Recent studies have suggested sepsis can cause inflammatory activation of the microglia, which lead to microglial phagocytosis of stressed but viable neurons. To establish a mouse model of sepsis, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at a dose of 1.5 mg/kg was injected in C57BL/6 mice and homozygous knockout and wildtype mice that are deficient for Mertk, Cd11b and Mfge8. Immediate sickness behavior and long-term cognitive functions of animals were analyzed to assess the effects of phagocytic deficiency and peptide treatments on cognitive deficits. To best meet the requirements of animal welfare by minimizing repetitive handling, water and/or food restriction and unnecessary suffering, we have also investigated the applicability of a fully automatized 8-arm radial arm maze (RAM) and machine learning-based humane endpoint determination. LPS-injected animals have displayed (a) characteristics of sickness behavior immediately following the injections, and (b) cognitive deficits after the one-month recovery period. Animals deficient for Mertk, Cd11b or Mfge8 have displayed greater learning performances during place learning, place reversal and avoidance conditioning. Treatment effects of Cilengitide or cRGD were observed in sucrose preference, avoidance conditioning and the early stage of place learning. In the meantime, using humane endpoints determined with machine learning models, mice of both stroke and sepsis model that are at higher risk of death could be detected at a high accuracy. Mice up to 18 months of age have shown efficient spatial learning in both working memory and combined working/reference memory paradigms in the automated 8-arm RAM without food and/or water restriction. With a mouse model of sepsis, alleviation of long-term cognitive deficits could be observed in phagocytic deficient animals and Cilengitide- or cRGD-treated animals, which might offer an explanation of underlying mechanisms of long-term cognitive deficits following systemic inflammation. Minimized suffering for animals and improved reproducibility of experimental outcomes were possible using machine learning-based endpoint determination and automated behavioral testing systems, respectively.Überlebende von chirurgischen und konservativen Intensivstationen haben ein hohes Risiko fĂŒr lang anhaltende kognitive Defizite. Die Sepsis gilt als hĂ€ufigste und schwerwiegendste der kritischen Erkrankungen, die zu kognitiven Defiziten fĂŒhren können. Einer von drei Überlebenden einer Sepsis wird mit schwerer, neu aufgetretener kognitiver Dysfunktion aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen. Chronische Neuroinflammation, diffusive zerebrale SchĂ€digungen und neuronaler Zelltod werden als die primĂ€ren Korrelate in der Entwicklung lang anhaltender kognitiver Defizite angesehen. Neuere Studien deuten darauf hin, dass Sepsis eine inflammatorische Aktivierung von Mikroglia auslöst, die zu Phagozytose gestresster, aber funktionsfĂ€higer Neurone fĂŒhrt. Um ein Mausmodell der Sepsis zu etablieren, wurden Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in C57BL/6-MĂ€use und homozygote Knockout- und Wildtyp-MĂ€use mit Mertk-, CD11b- und Mfge8-Defizienz in einer Dosierung von 1,5mg/kg injiziert. Das akute Krankheitsverhalten und langzeitige kognitive Funktionen der Tiere wurden analysiert, um die Effekte von phagozytotischer Defizienz und Behandlung mit Peptiden auf kognitive Defizite zu untersuchen. Um die Anforderungen an das Tierwohl durch Reduzierung von Handling, Wasser- und/oder Nahrungsentzug und unnötigem Leid optimal zu erfĂŒllen, untersuchten wir außerdem die Anwendbarkeit eines vollstĂ€ndig automatisierten 8-Arm-Radial Arm Mazes und von machine learning-basierter Bestimmung von Abbruchkriterien (humane endpoints). Tiere mit LPS-Injektion zeigten (a) Charakteristika von Krankheitsverhalten unmittelbar nach der Injektion und (b) kognitive Defizite nach der einmonatigen Erholungsperiode. Tiere mit Mertk-, CD11b- und Mfge8-Defizienz prĂ€sentierten bessere Lernleistungen bezĂŒglich Place Learning, Place Reversal und Avoidance Conditioning. Behandlungseffekte von Cilengitid oder cRGD konnten bezĂŒglich Sucrose Preference, Avoidance Conditioning und in der frĂŒhen Phase des Place Learning beobachtet werden. Bei der Nutzung von Machine Learning-Modellen, die Abbruchkriterien bestimmten, zeigte sich, dass MĂ€use im Schlaganfall- und im Sepsismodell mit einem höheren Todesrisiko mit hoher Genauigkeit erkannt werden konnten. MĂ€use bis zum Alter von 18 Monaten zeigten effizientes rĂ€umliches Lernen im Paradigma fĂŒr das ArbeitsgedĂ€chtnis und im kombinierten Paradigma fĂŒr das Arbeits- und ReferenzgedĂ€chtnis im automatisierten 8-Arm-Radial Arm Maze ohne Nahrungs- oder Wasserentzug. In einem Mausmodell der Sepsis beobachteten wir eine Verminderung langzeitiger kognitiver Defizite in phagozyten-defizienten und in Cilengitid- oder cRDG-behandelten Tieren, was eine ErklĂ€rung fĂŒr die Mechanismen, die langzeitigen kognitiven Defiziten zugrunde liegen, bieten könnte. Minimiertes Leid fĂŒr die Tiere und verbesserte Reproduzierbarkeit von experimentellen Ergebnissen waren möglich durch die Benutzung machine learning-basierter Bestimmung von Abbruchkriterien und automatisierter Verhaltenstestung
