21 research outputs found

    Gallstone ileus an unusual reason for right iliac fossa pain in Crohn's disease: a case report

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    The symptoms of Crohn's disease can vary significantly among afflicted individuals. It is a chronic inflammatory disease, which has many complications involving gastrointestinal and other symptoms. The diagnosis of gallstone ileus is difficult in Crohn's disease and an early diagnosis can reduce mortality. We present a case of 72 year old female with known Crohn's disease with acute right iliac fossa pain. She was investigated with an abdominal CT, giving a definite diagnosis of gallstone ileus

    Relationship of servant leadership with employee in-role and extra-role performance in GLC’s of Malaysia

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    This research aims to study the relationship of servant leadership with employee performance of in-role and extra role performance. Servant leadership, and its relationship with employee OCB and task performance are discussed to start with. Though some literature is available on links of servant leadership with employee task performance or Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, but how these two behaviors interact is not explained much. This paper explains that servant leadership has positive relationship with OCB. Though, other leadership approaches are different from servant leadership as its focus is on personal integrity and lasting relationships with employees

    Mediating role of open innovation between the relationship of Blue ocean strategy and innovation performance, a study of Malaysian industry

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    This paper presents the introduction, literature review and methodology part of a bigger research work. Blue ocean strategy, open innovation strategy and innovation performance are the main constructs of this study. In the start after the introduction of problem of innovation performance and discussion of Malaysian industries specifically, Government linked companies is presented. Then variables of the study are discussed in detail. Then relationship of these variables are discussed, and the mediating variable of innovation strategy is presented. Relationship of these different variables are established from previous literature. In the end, theoretical framework is displayed and hypothesis are created for this study. Methodology and conclusion are also discussed. A self-administered questionnaire for Kim & Mauborgne’s Blue ocean strategy’s five characteristics is developed. While already established questionnaires are used for other two variables of innovation strategy and innovation performance. Results and discussion section presents the reliability, correlation and regression analysis of the pilot study, performed in Malaysian industry. In the end, possible future work of the study is elaborated.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Efficacy of Aloe Vera Cream for Healing Diabetic Foot Ulcers

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    Background :To compare the efficacy of aloe vera cream with normal saline dressings for infected diabetic leg ulcers. Methods: In this randomized controlled trial 60 patients with infected ulcers on lower limbs were assigned into 2 groups by random sample collection using lottery method. Patients in Group A received aloe vera dressings and patients in Group B received saline soaked dressings daily and were advised to revisit after 8 days. Wound was assessed on the very first visit and then on the 8th day. Patients were assessed with reference to duration of diabetes, grade of ulcer, body mass index and efficacy of treatment. Results: Out of 60 patients, majority were females (53.33%). The efficacy of AVC (aloe vera) dressing was significantly higher than that of NSD (normal saline dressing). i.e. 100% vs 53.3%. (p-value = 0.000) Similar trend was observed for age, gender, BMI, Grade of ulcer and duration of diabetes (p = < 0.05) except for patients with 11-15 years of diabetes & obesity. Conclusion: Efficacy of Aloe vera is higher as compared to that of NSD for treating diabetic foot ulcers. Added advantage of Aloe vera is its cost effectiveness and minimal side effects

    The Effect of Energy Drink on Histomorphological Changes in Skeletal Muscles of Wistar Albino Rats

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    Objective: To observe the histomorphological alterations induced by consumption of energy drinks on skeletal muscles of Albino rats. Study Design:An experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: The study was conducted by the Department of Anatomy in collaboration with the animal house of Liaquat national hospital and medical college (LNH&MC), Karachi from November 2 to December 1 2020. Materials and Methods: For the study, 30 adult male Wistar Albino rats weighing between 140 and 200 grammes were allocated evenly into 3 groups. Group A served as control, kept on a regular laboratory diet. Group B served as a low dose treated group receiving energy drink at a dose of 7.5ml/day while group C received a high dose of drink i-e 15ml/day via gastric tube. All the animals were sacrificed following completion of the experimental period and were subjected to microscopic examination for histo-morphological study. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 25. Results: The Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained sections revealed significant structural and parenchymal damage in skeletal muscle tissue. The regular parallel arrangement of skeletal muscle fibers was lost with the disappearance of nuclei. Dilated and congested blood vessels were observed in the treated tissues. Infiltration of mononuclear cells was also observed suggesting the inflammatory changes in the tissues of animals treated with caffeinated beverages in the present study. Conclusion: The consumption of energy drinks produces a significant histo-morphological alteration in the skeletal muscles of Wistar Albino rat

    Anatomical Variations of Rhinogenic Headache and Its Relation with Sinusitis: A Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan Study

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    Background: Variable anatomy, hallmark of sinonasal region is the reason for the etiology of sinonasal symptoms such as rhinogenic headache. This study aimed to investigate the incidence of anatomical variations of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in sinusitis patients with complaint of rhinogenic headache on computed tomography of paranasal sinuses, and the correlation of these variants with a rhinogenic headache. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study (n=50) of 18-60 years having sinusitis with rhinogenic headache was steered at the Department of Radiology in the PNS Shifa Hospital of Karachi, Pakistan, between June-December 2021. After obtaining written informed consent, all subjects were investigated for various anatomical variants of the sinonasal region detected on computed tomographic scans of paranasal sinuses and were correlated with a rhinogenic headache. The Chi-square test and Pearson correlation were applied for statistical analysis and the level of significance was set at p≤ 0.05. Results:  The most common anatomical variant of sinonasal region detected was agger nasi cells 32(64%) (Right: r/r -0.24, p =0.09; Left: r/r -0.28, p = 0.04), followed by deviated nasal septum 28(56%) (r/r 0.04, p= 0.75), concha bullosa 23(46%) (r/r 0.07, p=0.59), deviated nasal septum with bony spur (r/r 0.07, p=0.62) and other variants. The overall, study found male (68%) predominance. Significant association existed between rhinogenic headache and some of the anatomical variants along with sinus mucosal thickening (p<0.05). Conclusion: The significant association (p<0.05) was found between rhinogenic headache and different anatomical variants like agger nasi cells, left-sided agger nasi cells, right-sided Haller’s cells, left-sided maxillary and ethmoid sinusitis. Keywords: Rhinogenic Headache; CT-PNS; Sinonasal Region; Anatomical Variants

    Assessment of Knowledge Retention Ability of Undergraduate Medical Students

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    BACKGROUND: Being a natural phenomenon, the knowledge learned by students is quickly forgotten. However, various factors are pertinent for one’s memory and knowledge retention ability. This ability is not investigated earlier among pass and fail students of a particular exam. OBJECTIVES: To determine and compare short term memory and Knowledge retention ability among pass and fail students of mid-term exam. METHODS: 103 first-year MBBS students were examined in 3 cycles after result of mid-term examination announced. These cycles consisted of 2 components related with short term memory (1st & 2nd cycles) & knowledge retention ability (3rd cycle) with one week duration apart. RESULTS: Class attendance of pass, fail and absentees groups demonstrated statistically significant (P fail > absentees and significant correlation with marks obtained. A comparison between short term memory & knowledge retention ability also demonstrated statistically significant (P<0.0005) difference. CONCLUSION: The quality of learning positively correlates with the class attendance. Short term memory and knowledge retention abilities are significantly better in pass students and statistically correlate with each other. Regular conduct of such tests is suggested to assess short term memory & knowledge retention ability so that appropriate methods to enhance these can be adopted

    Use of Computed Tomography for Nasal and Paranasal Anatomic Variants

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    Augmentations and improvements in sinus surgical methods and computed tomography (CT) have concurrently elaborated interest in variable anatomical features of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses (PNS). Anatomical variations are normal morphological structures that are present in humans. The presence of these anatomical variations can affect nearby anatomical relations resulting in structural modifications. By the broad perspective of anatomical features in the sinonasal area, certain anatomical characteristics are supposed to be a risk factor for the advancement of sinus pathological conditions and hence it should be essential for the radiologist to be conscious of the variable anatomical structures residing within the nasal and PNS area, significantly if the treatment plan includes surgical procedures. The sinonasal tomographic imaging is required in symptomatic subjects of sinusitis to evaluate the mysterious sinonasal anatomy including morphology, variations, detailed bony visualization, and pathologies within the sinonasal region and surroundings. This review includes studies from 2013-2023 which were extracted from searching databases like Google Scholar, Internet sources, PubMed, Scopus, and Medline to establish a critical review of hidden anatomy of nasal and paranasal sinus region, detected by computed tomography and highlight the operative significance to enhance the surgical outcomes globally

    Antisynthetase syndrome: a case report.

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    The case is about a 48-year-old man with one week history of progressively worsening shortness of breath and reduced exercise tolerance. Laboratory investigations revealed raised ESR, creatine kinase (CK) and positive anti-aminoacyl-transfer RNA synthetase. High resolution computed tomography (HRCT) chest showed prominent mediastinal lymph nodes and scattered lung nodules. These findings along with clinical features and investigations confirmed the diagnosis of antisynthetase syndrome (ASS). The radiological investigations proved to be the key step in diagnosis and management of this case

    Review of fabrication of SAW sensors on flexible substrates: Challenges and future

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    Surface acoustic waves sensors are based on piezoelectric materials. These sensors are the best choice for sensing purposes due to their unprecedented accuracy. SAW sensors are often used in biochemical sensors, drug production, chemicals agents and gas analytes as sensing devices. These systems are extremely competitive due to their compact size, high thermal efficiency, stability, and capacity to integrate wirelessly. In the past two decades, considerable research has been conducted on the manufacturing of SAW on rigid substrates. These substrates of SAW sensors preclude their use in wearable technologies. The review will cover the research conducted on flexible saw sensors to highlight limitations in this research area for future applications sensors in wearable technology. In the end, future directions and strategies have been discussed to overcome the current challenges