1,372 research outputs found

    Efficacy of iron-biofortified crops

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    Biofortification aims to increase the content of micronutrients in staple crops without sacrificing agronomic yield, making the new varieties attractive to farmers. Food staples that provide a major energy supply in low- and middle-income populations are the primary focus. The low genetic variability of iron in the germplasm of most cereal grains is a major obstacle on the path towards nutritional impact with these crops, which is solvable only by turning to transgenic approaches. However, biofortified varieties of common beans and pearl millet have been developed successfully and made available with iron contents as high as 100 mg/kg and 80 mg/kg, respectively, two to five times greater than the levels in the regular varieties. This brief review summarizes the research to date on the bioavailability and efficacy of iron-biofortified crops, highlights their potential and limitations, and discusses the way forward with multiple biofortified crop approaches suitable for diverse cultures and socio-economic milieu. Like post-harvest iron fortification, these biofortified combinations might provide enough iron to meet the additional iron needs of many iron deficient women and children that are not covered at present by their traditional diets.Keywords: Biofortification, Iron, Beans, Pearl millet, Rice, Polyphenols, Phytic acid, Anemia, Efficacy, Nutrition-Agriculture linkage

    The leading Ruelle resonances of chaotic maps

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    The leading Ruelle resonances of typical chaotic maps, the perturbed cat map and the standard map, are calculated by variation. It is found that, excluding the resonance associated with the invariant density, the next subleading resonances are, approximately, the roots of the equation z4=γz^4=\gamma, where γ\gamma is a positive number which characterizes the amount of stochasticity of the map. The results are verified by numerical computations, and the implications to the form factor of the corresponding quantum maps are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures included. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Scaling Analysis of Fluctuating Strength Function

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    We propose a new method to analyze fluctuations in the strength function phenomena in highly excited nuclei. Extending the method of multifractal analysis to the cases where the strength fluctuations do not obey power scaling laws, we introduce a new measure of fluctuation, called the local scaling dimension, which characterizes scaling behavior of the strength fluctuation as a function of energy bin width subdividing the strength function. We discuss properties of the new measure by applying it to a model system which simulates the doorway damping mechanism of giant resonances. It is found that the local scaling dimension characterizes well fluctuations and their energy scales of fine structures in the strength function associated with the damped collective motions.Comment: 22 pages with 9 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    From Vicious Walkers to TASEP

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    We propose a model of semi-vicious walkers, which interpolates between the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process and the vicious walkers model, having the two as limiting cases. For this model we calculate the asymptotics of the survival probability for mm particles and obtain a scaling function, which describes the transition from one limiting case to another. Then, we use a fluctuation-dissipation relation allowing us to reinterpret the result as the particle current generating function in the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process. Thus we obtain the particle current distribution asymptotically in the large time limit as the number of particles is fixed. The results apply to the large deviation scale as well as to the diffusive scale. In the latter we obtain a new universal distribution, which has a skew non-Gaussian form. For mm particles its asymptotic behavior is shown to be ey22m2e^{-\frac{y^{2}}{2m^{2}}} as yy\to -\infty and ey22mym(m1)2e^{-\frac{y^{2}}{2m}}y^{-\frac{m(m-1)}{2}} as yy\to \infty .Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures, Corrected reference

    Spectral Correlations from the Metal to the Mobility Edge

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    We have studied numerically the spectral correlations in a metallic phase and at the metal-insulator transition. We have calculated directly the two-point correlation function of the density of states R(s,s)R(s,s'). In the metallic phase, it is well described by the Random Matrix Theory (RMT). For the first time, we also find numerically the diffusive corrections for the number variance predicted by Al'tshuler and Shklovski\u{\i}. At the transition, at small energy scales, R(ss)R(s-s') starts linearly, with a slope larger than in a metal. At large separations ss1|s - s'| \gg 1, it is found to decrease as a power law R(s,s)c/ss2γR(s,s') \sim - c / |s -s'|^{2-\gamma} with c0.041c \sim 0.041 and γ0.83\gamma \sim 0.83, in good agreement with recent microscopic predictions. At the transition, we have also calculated the form factor K~(t)\tilde K(t), Fourier transform of R(ss)R(s-s'). At large ss, the number variance contains two terms =Bγ+2πK~(0)where= B ^\gamma + 2 \pi \tilde K(0) where \tilde{K}(0)isthelimitoftheformfactorfor is the limit of the form factor for t \to 0$.Comment: 7 RevTex-pages, 10 figures. Submitted to PR

    On the statistical significance of the conductance quantization

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    Recent experiments on atomic-scale metallic contacts have shown that the quantization of the conductance appears clearly only after the average of the experimental results. Motivated by these results we have analyzed a simplified model system in which a narrow neck is randomly coupled to wide ideal leads, both in absence and presence of time reversal invariance. Based on Random Matrix Theory we study analytically the probability distribution for the conductance of such system. As the width of the leads increases the distribution for the conductance becomes sharply peaked close to an integer multiple of the quantum of conductance. Our results suggest a possible statistical origin of conductance quantization in atomic-scale metallic contacts.Comment: 4 pages, Tex and 3 figures. To be published in PR

    Flow injection-photoinduced-chemiluminescence determination of ziram and zineb

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    A simple, sensitive and rapid method for the determination of the pesticides ziram and zineb was described. This new method was based on the coupling of FIA methodology and direct chemiluminescent detection; this approach had not been used up to now with these pesticides. The additional use of an 'on line' photochemical reaction, which was performed by using a photoreactor consisting of a long piece of PTFE helically coiled around a 15 W low pressure lamp, increased by a factor >20 the chemiluminometric response of the pesticides. An additional 3-fold improvement in the analytical signal was also achieved by using quinine as sensitizer. The obtained throughputs were very high (121 and 101 h(-1) for ziram and zineb, respectively); this feature together with its low limit of detection (1 ngmL(-1)) makes this method particularly well suited to routine analyses of environmental samples. On the other hand, its applicability to two members of the dithiocarbamate family of pesticides, makes it promising for the determination of the rest of the members of this family. The method was demonstrated by application to spiked water samples from different origins (ground, river and irrigation).The authors would like to thank Ministry of Education and Science from Spain for financial support: Project CTM2006-11991 and FEDER funds.López-Paz, JL.; Catalá-Icardo, M. (2008). Flow injection-photoinduced-chemiluminescence determination of ziram and zineb. Analytica Chimica Acta. 625(2):173-179. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2008.07.027S173179625

    Two-Dimensional Unoriented Strings And Matrix Models

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    We investigate unoriented strings and superstrings in two dimensions and their dual matrix quantum mechanics. Most of the models we study have a tachyon tadpole coming from the RP^2 worldsheet which needs to be cancelled by a renormalization of the worldsheet theory. We find evidence that the dual matrix models describe the renormalized theory. The singlet sector of the matrix models is integrable and can be formulated in terms of fermions moving in an external potential and interacting via the Calogero-Moser potential. We show that in the double-scaling limit the latter system exhibits particle-hole duality and interpret it in terms of the dual string theory. We also show that oriented string theories in two dimensions can be continuously deformed into unoriented ones by turning on non-local interactions on the worldsheet. We find two unoriented superstring models for which only oriented worldsheets contribute to the S-matrix. A simple explanation for this is found in the dual matrix model.Comment: 36 pages, harvmac, 2 eps figure

    Compaction of Rods: Relaxation and Ordering in Vibrated, Anisotropic Granular Material

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    We report on experiments to measure the temporal and spatial evolution of packing arrangements of anisotropic, cylindrical granular material, using high-resolution capacitive monitoring. In these experiments, the particle configurations start from an initially disordered, low-packing-fraction state and under vertical vibrations evolve to a dense, highly ordered, nematic state in which the long particle axes align with the vertical tube walls. We find that the orientational ordering process is reflected in a characteristic, steep rise in the local packing fraction. At any given height inside the packing, the ordering is initiated at the container walls and proceeds inward. We explore the evolution of the local as well as the height-averaged packing fraction as a function of vibration parameters and compare our results to relaxation experiments conducted on spherically shaped granular materials.Comment: 9 pages incl. 7 figure

    Accuracy and Stability of Computing High-Order Derivatives of Analytic Functions by Cauchy Integrals

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    High-order derivatives of analytic functions are expressible as Cauchy integrals over circular contours, which can very effectively be approximated, e.g., by trapezoidal sums. Whereas analytically each radius r up to the radius of convergence is equal, numerical stability strongly depends on r. We give a comprehensive study of this effect; in particular we show that there is a unique radius that minimizes the loss of accuracy caused by round-off errors. For large classes of functions, though not for all, this radius actually gives about full accuracy; a remarkable fact that we explain by the theory of Hardy spaces, by the Wiman-Valiron and Levin-Pfluger theory of entire functions, and by the saddle-point method of asymptotic analysis. Many examples and non-trivial applications are discussed in detail.Comment: Version 4 has some references and a discussion of other quadrature rules added; 57 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables; to appear in Found. Comput. Mat