679 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Readability of Informed Consent Forms Used for Emergency Procedures

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of the study was to evaluate the readability levels of informed consent forms used for patient consent before emergency procedures applied in emergency service in Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Medical Faculty Emergency Service Clinic through readability formula. METHOD: Fifteen informed patient consent forms used for emergency medical applications in Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Medical Faculty Emergency Medicine Department were evaluated. Information text available on the forms was transferred into Microsoft Word program. Average word number, syllable number and words with syllable number of four and above were calculated. Ateşman and Bezirci-Yılmaz formulas defined for determining the readability level of Turkish texts and Gunning fog, Flesch kincaid formulas measuring the general readability level were used for calculating the readability level of consent forms. RESULTS: Readability levels of all consent forms were detected at average difficulty level according to Ateşman formula, very difficult according to Flesch-Kincaid formula, difficult according to Gunning fog formula and at high school level according to Bezirci-Yılmaz. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the readability level of emergency intervention consent forms used in the clinic was detected as hard and required high school or higher education level. The conclusion is that attention should be paid to this subject which is both medically and legally binding for the doctors and verbal and visual support should be provided for informing the patients in addition to consent forms

    Foreign direct investment and technology spillovers in the Turkish manufacturing industry

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    Technology spillovers from foreign to domestic firms in emerging economies are considered to be the most important channel through which Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) influence the host economy. Empirical evidence about the existence, magnitude and direction of FDI-related spillovers in these countries is contradictory pointingto the necessity of conducting more econometric studies using firm-level data. We conduct an econometric analysis to assess the impact of FDI-related horizontal technology spillovers on output growth of domestic firmsin the Turkish manufacturing industry over 2003-2006. Whena broad definition of foreign ownership is adopted,our findings suggest that horizontal spillovers occur from foreign to local firms in the sectorof activity. Export-oriented firms do notbenefit from these spillovers in contrast to firmsproducing mainly for the domestic market. However, when foreign ownership is defined according to whether the minority or majority of capital is detained by the foreign partner, horizontal spillovers seem to originate from foreign firms with majority or full foreign ownership while no such effect is associated with minority-owned foreign firms

    The association of bladder myeloid sarcoma and unclassified myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative disease

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    Myeloid sarcoma of the urinary bladder is a rare disorder. We report a 71-year-old man with hematuria who had a diffuse myeloid sarcoma of the bladder. He was also under follow-up for unclassified myeloproliferative/myelodysplastic disorder, diagnosed two months before. Abdominal ultrasonography and computed tomography findings were normal. Diagnostic cystoscopy revealed patchy areas of mucosal swelling with hyperemia. Histopathological examination of biopsies demonstrated a neoplasm composed of blasts showing myeloperoxidase positivity by immunohistochemistry. To our knowledge, the current case is the first case of myeloid sarcoma in the urinary bladder without evidence of a mass lesion, with a concurrent diagnosis of unclassifiable myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative disease

    Complete response to acupuncture therapy in female patients with refractory interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome

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    Objectives: Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain syndrome (IC/BPS) is a considerable issue in urology and gynecology and unfortunately, the treatment options recommended are not fully efficient. Therefore, in this study we aimed to determine the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment in patients with refractory IC/BPS. Material and methods: 12 refractory IC/BPS female patients received ten sessions of acupuncture twice a week. The visual analog score (VAS), interstitial cystitis symptom index (ICSI), interstitial cystitis problem index (ICPI), O’Leary-Saint symptom score (OSS), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ9), Pelvic pain and urgency & frequency patient symptom scale tests (PUF) and maximum voided volume (MVV) was completed in 1st, 3rd, 6th and 12th months following the treatment. Results: There was a statistically significant decrease in all of the scores evaluated at first month compared with the baseline. While the change in VAS score in 1, 3, 6 and 12th months were found statistically significant, measurements of ICSI, OSS and PUF scores and MVV values in the 6th and 12th months and ICPI and PHQ scores in the 12th month were not found statistically significant compared to the pre-treatment period. Response to treatment for the first three months after acupuncture application was (100%), but this ratio was measured as 33.3% (4/12) in the sixth month and 16.6% in the 12th month (2/12). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that acupuncture appears to be an effective, useful, non-invasive method in IC/BPS patients. It can be used as an appropriate treatment method not only in refractory but also in IC patients since it is rather advantageous compared to other treating agents

    A New Demodulator For Inverse Pulse Position Modulation Technique

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    nverse pulse position modulation is one of the modulation techniques for Visible Light Communication VLC systems. In this paper, a new demodulator scheme, which is named as Slot Period Detector SPD , is proposed by using frequency detection technique. The proposed architecture computes the period time for each slot. Thanks to SPD technique, the complexity of I-PPM receiver is dramatically reduced. However, the traditional receiver has better Bit Error Rate BER performance than that of proposed SPD structure. The important issue is that whether the proposed receiver is practicable for real-time systems hence, the SPD is implemented on Field Programmable Gate Arrays FPGA board to demonstrate an applicable receiver

    Organik Ispanak Üretiminde Farklı Bitki Besin Maddesi Uygulamalarının Toprak Yapısı Üzerine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Bu çalışma, yeşil gübrelemenin toprağın fiziksel ve kimyasal yapısı üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacı ile Yalova koşullarında yürütülmüştür. Deneme, yeşil gübreli ve yeşil gübresiz olmak üzere iki ana parselde tesadüf blokları deneme deseninde çakılı deneme düzenine göre planlanmıştır. Araştırmada yeşil gübre bitkisi olarak adi fiğ kullanılmıştır. Bitki besin maddesi olarak ise; deniz yosunu özü (DYÖ), bioenzim (BİO), sığır gübresi (SG), tavuk gübresi (TG), koyun gübresi (KG) ve ticari gübre (NPK) ele alınmıştır. Deneme parsellerinde su ile doymuşluk miktarını en fazla artıran uygulama KG olmuş bunu SG, NP, TG ve şahit izlemiştir. YG uygulaması yapılan parselde su ile doymuşluk özelliği %50.51 olarak belirlenirken YG’siz parselde bu miktar %45.69 bulunmuştur. Toprak yapısında, toplam tuz içeriği ve . pH değişimi üzerine bitki besin materyali ve ön bitki uygulamalarının etkisi önemli bulunmamıştır. NP uygulaması, ıspanak denemesinde toprak pH’sının asitliliğe doğru kaymasına sebep olmuştur. Denemeye başlamadan önce 7.05 olan pH değeri YG’li NP uygulamasında %15.16 ve YG’siz NP uygulamasında ise %17.42 oranında azalmaya neden olmuştur. Bitki besin maddelerinden hayvan gübreleri başlangıca göre toprak yapısında bulunan P2O5 ve K2O miktarını artırıcı etki yapmıştır

    A novel approach to selecting a competition index: the effect of competition on individual-tree diameter growth of Calabrian pine

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    In this study, we evaluated the performance of 18 competition indices composed of nine distance-dependent and nine distance-independent indices in explaining the variation in individual-tree diameter growth of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) in the central Mediterranean region of Turkey. The data were obtained from 432 sample plots with varying stand age, site index, and stand density. To evaluate the performance of each competition index, the mean square error reduction approach was used relative to the noncompetition. Also, this study compared fixed and mixed effects models to analyze diameter growth. Statistical analyses showed that the best distance-independent competition indices performed as well as the best distance-dependent competition indices. The distance-independent competition index of Schroder and Gadow (1999; Can. J. For. Res. 29(2): 280-283, doi:10.1139/x98-199) performed best and is recommended for use in future growth and yield models to be used in the central Mediterranean region of Turkey. Also, the best selection of competitive neighbors was achieved using the area of influence overlap method, whereas the fixed-radius and angle count sampling methods had no significant improvement in quantifying the competition effects. On the other hand, all mixed effects models provided much better fits than their fixed model counterparts.Dans cette étude, nous évaluons la performance de 18 indices de compétition, comprenant neuf indices dépendants des distances et neuf indices indépendants des distances, pour expliquer la variation de la croissance en diamètre d’individus de pin de Calabre (Pinus brutia Ten.) dans la région méditerranéenne centrale de la Turquie. Les données ont été obtenues de 432 placettes échantillons couvrant une gamme d’âge du peuplement, d’indice de qualité de station et de densité du peuplement. Pour évaluer la performance de chaque indice de compétition, nous avons utilisé l’approche de la réduction de l’erreur quadratique moyenne par rapport à l’absence de compétition. De plus, cette étude compare des modèles à effets fixes et mixtes pour analyser la croissance en diamètre. Les analyses statistiques montrent que les meilleurs indices de compétition indépendants des distances sont aussi performants que les meilleurs indices dépendants des distances. L’indice de compétition indépendant des distances de Schröder et Gadow (1999; Can. J. For. Res. 29(2): 280–283, doi:10.1139/x98-199) est le plus performant et son utilisation est recommandée pour les futurs modèles de croissance et de production qui seront utilisés dans la région méditerranéenne centrale de la Turquie. De plus, la meilleure sélection des arbres voisins concurrents a été réalisée à l’aide la méthode de chevauchement de l’aire d’influence alors que les méthodes à rayon fixe et par balayage sous angle constant n’ont pas significativement amélioré la quantification des effets de compétition. Par ailleurs, tous les modèles à effets mixtes ont produit de bien meilleurs ajustements que les modèles à effets fixes équivalents. [Traduit par la Rédactio

    Identification of Durum Wheat Cultivars and Their Tetraploid Relatives with Low Cadmium Content

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    U ovom su radu okarakterizirani genotipovi 71 kultivara tvrde pšenice (Triticum durum Desf.), 22 kultivara dvozrnca (Triticum dicoccum L.) i 11 kultivara divlje dvozrne pšenice (Triticum dicoccoides L.) u svrhu pronalaska alela povezanih s većim udjelom kadmija. Nakon toga je uzgojem u posudi ispitan fenotip 14 odabranih kultivara s malim i velikim udjelom kadmija, radi potvrde genotipskih podataka. Identificirana su 32 genotipa tvrde (durum) pšenice, jedan kultivar dvozrnca i četiri kultivara divlje dvozrne pšenice koji sadržavaju alele povezane s velikim udjelom kadmija, te 68 genotipova koji sadržavaju alele povezane s malim udjelom kadmija, i to 39 kultivara durum pšenice, 21 dvozrnca i 7 divlje dvozrne pšenice. Povrh toga, fenotipske karakteristike uočene nakon uzgoja u posudama potvrdile su rezultate molekularne analize. Marker je uspješno upotrijebljen za klasifikaciju kultivara durum pšenice u one s velikim ili malim udjelom kadmija, pa je zaključeno da se može upotrijebiti u programu uzgoja novih kultivara durum pšenice koja sadržava alele povezane s malim udjelom kadmija. Zbog rutinske primjene fosfornih gnojiva na poljoprivrednim površinama i utjecaja ostalih antropogenih čimbenika što dovode do akumulacije toksičnog kadmija, treba čim prije razviti nove kultivare durum pšenice s malim udjelom kadmija za sigurnu proizvodnju makarona i ostalih tipova pšeničnih proizvoda za prehranu ljudi i ishranu stoke.In this study, 71 durum wheat cultivars (Triticum durum Desf.), 22 emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum L.) and 11 wild emmer (Triticum dicoccoides L.) genotypes were genetically characterized to determine the alleles associated with high cadmium (Cd) content. After genotypic characterization, 14 cultivars selected among all genotypes with low and high Cd content were phenotyped by a pot experiment to verify the genotypic data. Identification of 32 durum wheat, one emmer wheat and four wild emmer genotypes showed that they have alleles associated with high Cd content, while 68 genotypes of which 39 durum wheat, 21 emmer wheat and 7 wild emmer cultivars had alleles associated with low Cd content. Moreover, phenotypic data obtained from pot experiment were similar to the molecular data. To sum up, the marker successfully classified durum wheat cultivars into either high or low accumulators and these results can be safely used in breeding programs to improve new durum wheat cultivars with alleles associated with low Cd content. Due to routine use of phosphorus fertilizers in agricultural areas and other anthropogenic factors related to Cd toxicity, new durum wheat cultivars with low Cd content should be urgently developed for safe production of macaroni or other types of wheat products for human and animal consumption

    Modeli biomase stabala kalabrijskog bora u mediteranskom području Turske

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    The aim of this study was to develop allometric equations for the estimation of above-ground biomass components of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) tree in the Mediterranean Region of Turkey. Using regression analysis, different allometric equations were fitted for the tree components of the above-ground biomass using diameter at breast height (dbh) and tree height as estimators. Two hundred and ninety-two trees between 0.4 and 63.0 cm in dbh were randomly sampled throughout 292 natural, pure Calabrian pine stands in Turkey’s Mediterranean Region, where it forms diverse stand structures. Finally, the allometric equations were developed for the tree components of the Calabrian pine tree for the stem, bark, branch, needle and total above-ground biomass. The stem, bark and total biomass equations explained more than 90% of the observed variability, while the branch and needle biomass equations explained 82% and 65%, respectively.Cilj istraživanja bio je razvoj alometrijskih jednadžbi radi procjene nadzemnih sastavnica biomase stabala kalabrijskog bora (Pinus brutia Ten.) u mediteranskom području Turske. Uporabom regresijske analize, dobivene su različite alometrijske jednadžbe za pojedine sastavnice nadzemne biomase stabla. Ukupno je 292 stabla prsnog promjera između 0,4 i 63,0 cm slučajno uzorkovano unutar prirodnog rasprostranjenja Kalabrijskog bora na mediteranskom području Turske, gdje tvori različite sastojinske strukture. Pri modeliranju i određivanju jednadžbi korišteni su prsni promjeri i visine uzorkovanih stabala kao procjenitelji. Dobivene su alometrijski jednadžbe za nadzemnu biomasu stabala Kalabrijskog bora i to zasebno za deblo, koru, grane, iglice i za ukupnu nadzemnu biomasu. Jednadžbe za deblo, koru i ukupnu biomasu objašnjavaju više od 90% ukupne varijabilnosti, dok jednadžbe za biomasu grana i iglica objašnjavaju 82 %, odnosno 65 % od ukupne varijabilnosti

    Modeli rasta prirodnih sastojina kalabrijskog bora u središnjem mediteranskom području Turske

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    Stand growth models are needed for a variety of forestry practices, primarily management plans and silvicultural studies. The goal of this study was to create stand-level models for natural, pure even-aged stands of Calabrian pine in the central Mediterranean region of Turkey. The study area consists of pure and natural Calabrian pine stands located within the boundaries of the Antalya and Mersin Regional Forestry Directorates in the central Mediterranean region of Turkey. Data was collected from 486 temporary plots scattered throughout the region. Two trees (the dominant tree and the tree representing the quadratic mean diameter of the stand) were measured in each plot, yielding 972 trees. The data showed that the age varied from 6 to 135 years, the site index (SI) from 8.5 to 33.5 m, and the density from 0.3 to 12.4. The density-dependent yield tables were generated using regression equations based on stand age, SI, and stand density with individual, two-factor, and three-factor interaction effects. For SI classes I, II, and III, the optimal rotation period that would result in the highest yields for pure Calabrian pine stands is 60, 65, and 75 years, respectively. The stand growth models developed (i.e., density-dependent yield tables) agreed with the fundamental growth principles and data provided in the literature.Modeli rasta sastojina potrebni su za različite prakse u šumarstvu, ponajprije planove gospodarenja i studije uzgoja šuma. Cilj ove studije bio je stvoriti modele na razini sastojina za jednodobne, čiste i prirodne sastojine kalabrijskog bora u središnjem mediteranskom području Turske. Područje istraživanja sastoji se od čistih i prirodnih sastojina kalabrijskog bora, smještenih unutar granica regionalnih uprava za šumarstvo Antalije i Mersina u središnjoj mediteranskoj regiji Turske. Podaci su prikupljeni s 486 privremenih ploha razasutih diljem regije. Dva stabla (dominantno stablo i stablo koje predstavlja kvadratni srednji promjer sastojine) izmjerena su na svakoj plohi, dajući 972 stabla. Podaci su pokazali da je starost varirala od 6 do 135 godina, indeks staništa (SI) od 8,5 do 33,5 m, a gustoća od 0,3 do 12,4. Prirasno-prihodne tablice ovisne o gustoći generirane su korištenjem regresijskih jednadžbi na temelju starosti sastojine, SI i gustoće sastojine s pojedinačnim, dvofaktorskim i trofaktorskim interakcijskim učincima. Optimalno razdoblje ophodnje koje bi rezultiralo najvećim prinosima za čiste sastojine kalabrijskog bora može se odabrati kao 60, 65 i 75 godina za SI klase I, II, odnosno III. Razvijeni modeli rasta sastojine (tj. Prirasno-prihodne tablice ovisne o gustoći) slagali su se s temeljnim zakonima rasta i podacima prikazanim u literaturi