1,707 research outputs found

    Some Common Words in Divanü Lügati't-Türk and Aybastı Dialect

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    Türkiye Türkçesi ile ilgili çalışmaların önemli bir bölümünü ağız araştırmaları oluşturur. Ancak ağız araştırmaları arasında ağızlardaki sözvarlığı ile eski metinlerdeki sözvarlığının karşılaştırılmasına pek az rastlanır. Bu çalışmada Aybastı ağzındaki bazı verilerle Dîvânü Lügat't-Türk'teki veriler karşılaştırılmıştır. Most of the studies related to Turkish consist of dialectical studies. Amongst dialectical studies, comparision of vocabulary of the dialects and ancient writings rarely appears. In this study, the data in Aybastı dialect and Dîvânü Lügati't-Türk have been compared

    A Note On The Word "Düvlek"

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    In this text, it has been determined that the word "düvlek" has been used as a navigation term. Similarly, it has been determined by Semih Tezcan that the word "külek" has ben used in the same way. The relation between the words "düvlek" and "külek" has been studied in this article

    Autumn solid waste characterization in the Seyitler campus of Artvin Çoruh University

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    Günümüzde nüfus artışı, kentleşme, endüstrileşme gibi gelişmelere paralel olarak çevresel problemlerde de artış görülmektedir. Sözü edilen bu çevresel problemler arasında katı atıklar tarafından oluşan hava, su ve toprak kirliliği özellikle dikkatleri üzerlerine çekmektedir. Atık yönetim sistemi uygun bir şekilde yönlendirilmedikçe, yönetimler her yıl katlanarak artan atık yüküyle karşı karşıya kalacaklardır. Meydana gelen bu atıkların yerel yönetimlerce kaynağında toplanarak uygun bir şekilde bertaraf edilmesi gerekmektedir. Evsel katı atıkların yanı sıra ülkemizde kamu binalarında meydana gelen katı atıklar da önemli bir yer oluşturmaktadır. Özellikle okul, üniversite gibi eğitim mekânlarında ekonomik değeri yüksek atıkların oluşması oldukça muhtemeldir. Yapılan bu çalışma da Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Seyitler Yerleşkesi’nde meydana gelen katı atıkların nitelikleri incelenmiştir. İnceleme, eğitim öğretimin devam ettiği 19.10.2016 - 14.12.2016 tarihleri arasında dört noktada yapılmış ve güz dönemini temsil edecek şekilde kurulmuştur. Atık bileşiminin ayrıştırılması aşamasında, yerleşke genelinden toplanan atıkların %42,77’si organik, %7,23 kağıt, %6,19 plastik, %4,37 cam, %0,39 metal, %1,09 tekstil, %37,79 septik kişisel kullanım maddelerinden oluştuğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışma ile ilerleyen dönemlerde geri dönüşüm odaklı atık yönetim planlamalarının hayata geçirilmesinde zaman, miktar ve atık niteliği ile nasıl değerlendirilebileceği üzerine genel bir fayda sağlaması hedeflenmiştir.In parallel with the recent developments in population growth, urbanization, industrialization, a rising in environmental problems has also been observed. Among these environmental problems mentioned, air, water and soil pollution caused by solid wastes attract attention in particular. Unless the waste management system is appropriately guided, managements will be faced with exponentially increasing waste load every year. The waste produced should be collected and appropriately disposed by the local governments at the source. In addition to solid waste generated domestically, the solid waste produced in public buildings of our country also constitute an important place. Especially in educational places such as schools and universities, it is highly probable that high economic value wastes are formed. In this study, the qualities of the solid wastes generated in the Seyitler Campus of Artvin Çoruh University were examined. The study was conducted in four locations between 19.10.2016 and 14.12.2016, during the continuation of education to represent the fall semester. In the sortation process of the waste composition, it was determined that the wastes collected from the campus consisted of 42,77 % organic, 7,23 % paper, 6,19% plastic, 4,37% glass and 0,39% metal, 1,09% textile, 37,79% septic personal use. The aim of the study is to provide a general benefit on how the characteristics of time, quantity and waste can be evaluated in carrying out waste management plans in the future by focusing on recyclin

    Energy-Optimal Scheduling in Low Duty Cycle Sensor Networks

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    Energy consumption of a wireless sensor node mainly depends on the amount of time the node spends in each of the high power active (e.g., transmit, receive) and low power sleep modes. It has been well established that in order to prolong node's lifetime the duty-cycle of the node should be low. However, low power sleep modes usually have low current draw but high energy cost while switching to the active mode with a higher current draw. In this work, we investigate a MaxWeightlike opportunistic sleep-active scheduling algorithm that takes into account time- varying channel and traffic conditions. We show that our algorithm is energy optimal in the sense that the proposed ESS algorithm can achieve an energy consumption which is arbitrarily close to the global minimum solution. Simulation studies are provided to confirm the theoretical results

    Temperature influence on n mineralisation potential in different land uses in artvin, turkey

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    In this study, effects of different temperatures (10, 15 and 20°C) on N mineralisation po- tential were investigated in young spruce stands, old spruce stands with and without Rhododendron ponticum understory, and adjacent grasslands in the Genya mountain, Artvin, Turkey. Soil samples were taken from surface 0–15 cm soil depth and incubated in standard laboratory conditions (60% water holding capacity (WHC)) to determine mineralisation potential for 63 days period. Soil N mineralisation rates differed with temperature and vegetation type. Mineralisation potential at 10°C temperature was greater in spruce stands with Rh. ponticum understory (108.90 kg N/ha/63 days) than in the other sites. On the other hand, mineralisation potentials at 15 and 20°C were the greatest in grassland (103.51 kg N ha/63 days and 94.12 kg N ha/63 days) sites compared to other sites. There were positive correlation between N mineralisation potential and soil total nitrogen content (% and kg/ha) and negative correlation between N mineralisation potential and C/N rate

    Malaria Epidemiology in Mersin Province, Turkey from 2002 to 2011

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    Background: Malaria is an infectious disease caused by Plasmodium spp. with high morbidity and mortality in human in tropical and subtropical regions. In recent years, number of malaria cases has been significantly reduced because of fight with the disease in Turkey. This study intended to investigate the malaria epidemiology in Mersin Province from 2002 to 2011 using data from the provincial Public Health Directorate. Methods: Over ten years, 303573 blood samples were taken from the people by active and passive surveillance methods and blood smears were prepared. Smears were stained with Giemsa and examined under the microscope. Results: Totally, 73 people including 44 male and 29 female were positive in terms of Plasmodium spp. It was determined that P. vivax observed in 67 cases while P. falciparum in 6 cases. Cases were mainly observed in 15 to 44 years old range, showed an increase between June-September periods and a significant decrease after 2006. Out of the 73 malaria cases, 54 cases were from Mersin Province and 13 cases were imported from another province of Turkey. Six cases were transmitted from abroad. Conclusion: These results provide information about malaria epidemiology in an endemic area in Turkey and contribute its prevention in Mersin Province

    Effect of different land use on soil respiration in winter

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    The effect of different land uses on soil respiration was investigated in winter 2009 in black locust, grassland, apple orchard (apple trees and grass) and walnut areas in Seyitler Village, Artvin, Turkey. Soil respiration was measured in December by the soda-lime (NaOH, KOH) technique. Mean daily soil respiration ranged from 0.29 to 1.26 g C m-2 d-1 . Mean daily soil respiration in black locust was greater than the other areas. Soil respiration was different in the investigated four vegetation types. Established difference was non significant and correlations were negative among soil respiration, soil moisture and soil temperature. These results show that black locust has higher soil biological activity compared to the other areas in this season

    Expectations of primary mathematics student teachers from their instructors and classmates

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    AbstractThis study was conducted to determine freshman mathematics student teachers’ expectations from their instructors and classmates in terms of contribute to their career development. In this study, case study method was used. A questionnarie with 2 open-ended questions was administered to total 152 freshman mathematics student teachers enrolled to Department of Elementary Mathematics Education, in Fatih Faculty of Education, in autumn semester of 2009-2010 academic year. As a result, it is revealed that freshman mathematics student teachers expect from their instructors about learning environment, exam question, assessment and evaluation and social relations between instructor and students