1,701 research outputs found

    A Duration-Dependent Regime Switching Model for an Open Emerging Economy

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    We employ duration-dependent Markov-switching vector auto-regression (DDMSVAR) methodology to construct an economic cycle model for an emerging economy. By modifying the software codes for DDMSVAR methodology written by Pelagatti (2003), we show how to estimate the economic cycles in an emerging economy where macroeconomic shocks are suddenly observed and their levels are deep. The monthly values of net international reserves, domestic debt, inflation and industrial production in the Turkish economy from January 1989 to July 2007 are used for constructing the empirical analysis. Empirical evidence shows that DDMSVAR model can be successfully used in an emerging economy to estimate the cycles using basic macroeconomic indicators.duration dependent regime switching model, economic cycles, Markov models, Turkish economy

    Dynamic behavior of reinfor ced concrete frames with infill walls

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Civil Engineering, Izmir, 2011Includes bibliographical referencesText in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishxiv, 132 leavesCurrent practices utilize infill walls as insulation or partition material but not as a structural material. The main reason for this choice is the complexity of the partition wall-frame interaction behavior. Therefore infill walls typically ignored in the structural designs. However, existence of partition walls heavily effect stiffness, strength and behavior of structures. The main purpose of the presented study is the investigation of the dynamic parameters of reinforced concrete frames with and without infill walls. Moreover, lateral strength, stiffness and energy dissipation properties of the frames are also studied. In order to achieve the purpose four planar, one-bay, four story RC frames with 1/5 scale are designed, constructed and tested. In the frames main parameters are selected as presence of partition walls and ductile/non-ductile reinforcement detailing. Experiments are consisted of static and dynamic tests. In static tests each frame subjected to lateral loads that were applied at the each story level to provide a lateral loading increasing with height. Lateral load levels were controlled by the drift levels in the first story. Dynamic tests were performed at the end of each deformation level and modal analysis methods are utilized. Analyses have shown that existence of partition walls in the frame increased the natural frequencies of the frames. However, reinforcement detailing did not have a significant effect on natural frequencies. It is also observed that the natural frequencies of the frames decreased with increasing damage level. On the other hand, presence of partition walls effected the damaged behavior of the frames and drift is observed to concentrate to the first story with the increasing level of damage. And finally stiffness, strength and energy dissipation properties of frames with partition walls are observed to be dramatically higher than the frames without partition walls

    Offline and real time noise reduction in speech signals using the discrete wavelet packet decomposition

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    This thesis describes the development of an offline and real time wavelet based speech enhancement system to process speech corrupted with various amounts of white Gaussian noise and other different noise types

    Određivanje izvoznih kompetencija u industriji namještaja uz pomoć modela stabla odlučivanja

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    In order to increase the competitiveness of companies, there are factors that need to be considered both in the domestic and foreign markets. In particular, companies that want to maintain their presence in the foreign market must differentiate from other companies in the industry and gain significant advantages over their competitors in order to maintain this continuity. If companies pay more attention to the factors that are effective in export, they can be predicted to be successful in competition and especially in export. The aim of this study was to determine the factors and issues affecting export performance in furniture industry and to determine the effect of these factors and issues on exports. In this context, the application data were obtained from the survey of 182 managers of companies operating in the furniture industry in Turkey. The scenarios produced in the study were made with J48 algorithm-decision trees modeling, which is one of the data mining methods. Thanks to these scenarios, road maps were drawn to give ideas to the companies and managers planning to export. As a result of this study, the “staff status” factor, the “manager’s overseas experience” and “the legal form of the company” were identified as the main determinants of export.Kako bi se povećala konkurentnost tvrtke, potrebno je uzeti u obzir čimbenike koji utječu na domaće i inozemno tržište. Tvrtke koje žele biti kontinuirano zastupljene na inozemnom tržištu moraju se izdvajati od ostalih tvrtki i imati znatne prednosti pred konkurentskim tvrtkama. Ako tvrtke više pozornosti pridaju čimbenicima koji utječu na izvoz, može se očekivati da će biti konkurentne u izvozu svojih proizvoda. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi čimbenike i probleme koji u industriji namještaja utječu na izvoz i procijeniti njihov utjecaj na izvoznu uspješnost. U tu su svrhu anketirana 182 voditelja tvrtki za proizvodnju namještaja koje posluju u Turskoj. Scenariji prikazani u ovom istraživanju načinjeni su uz pomoću algoritma J48 – modela stabla odlučivanja, što je jedna od metoda rudarenja podataka. Zahvaljujući tim scenarijima, izrađeni su hodogrami koji mogu pomoći tvrtkama i voditeljima u planiranju izvoza. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da su glavne odrednice izvoza status osoblja, inozemno iskustvo voditelja tvrtke i pravni oblik tvrtke

    A modular software architecture for UAVs

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    There have been several attempts to create scalable and hardware independent software architectures for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). In this work, we propose an onboard architecture for UAVs where hardware abstraction, data storage and communication between modules are efficiently maintained. All processing and software development is done on the UAV while state and mission status of the UAV is monitored from a ground station. The architecture also allows rapid development of mission-specific third party applications on the vehicle with the help of the core module

    The Relationship Between the Emotion Management Proficiencies of School Admininstrators and The Motivation Level of The Teachers

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    The aim of this research is to put forth the relationship between the emotion management proficiencies of the managers and the motivation level of the teachers. In this study, the opinions of school administrators on the emotion management behavior and the motivation level of the teachers have been examined.It was determined whether or not the opinions of the teachers differentiate according to the changes of genre, marital status, school type, the number of the teachers and the working time at the school they work.In this scanning model was used in this study. 374 teachers chosen by random sampling from 650 teachers working in primary, secondary and high schools in the district of Simav in Kütahya created the research phase. Two scales, Mottaz's (1985) “Job Motivation Scale” and “Emotion Management Behaviors of Managers in Terms of Management Process developed by Çoruk and Akçay (2012) were used. According to the findings obtained from the research, the motivation perceptions of the teachers and the proficiency levels of the emotion management of the school principals were found. While the proficiency level of the emotion management of the school administrators differentiates significantly depending on the numbers of the teachers in the whole dimensions of the emotion management, it differentiates depending on the school type in the communication and evaluation dimension. The intrinsic and extrinsic motivation opinions of the teachers differentiate significantly depending on the number of the teachers at school. As a result, it has been reached that there is a positive directional strong relationship between the emotional management and and the teacher motivation. Keywords: Emotion management, motivation, School Administrator

    Assessment of the quality and reliability of the information on lateral epicondylitis surgery on YouTube

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    Aim: To investigate the quality and reliability of videos related to lateral epicondylitis (LE) surgery on YouTube® and to define a new scoring system that can be used to assess online information about LE. Method: To conduct the study, a search on YouTube® using the words "lateral epicondylitis surgery" and "tennis elbow surgery" was conducted on February 15, 2022. The first 100 videos that appeared upon the search were included in the study. The videos were classified based on the type of publishing source as a medical doctor, medical center, and Commercial/Medical media agency. Two authors independently analyzed the videos. The quality and reliability of the videos were examined using DISCERN score, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) score, Health on the Net (HON) score, and a novel YouTube® LE-score (LES). Video Power Index (VPI) and View Ratio (VR) were used to assess the popularity of videos. Results: A total of 29 videos were included in the study. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of DISCERN, JAMA, HON, and LES scores. Although the group of medical doctors had much higher VRs and VPIs, there was no significant difference between the groups. LES score was found to be positively correlated with DISCERN, JAMA and HON (rho 0.879, p< 0.001; rho 0.709, p < 0.001; rho, 0.838, p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusion: The quality and reliability of the online information made available by YouTube® concerning LE surgery had an average level of quality and reliability. In addition, the LES scoring system created by us was highly compatible with the DISCERN and JAMA scoring systems accepted in the literature. It can be used as evaluation scoring in searches about lateral epicondylitis