46 research outputs found

    Contenido en grasa y composición en ácidos grasos de semillas de avellana empaquetadas al vacío durante su almacenamiento

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    The fat contents and fatty acid compositions of three hazelnut cultivars; Tombul, Palaz and Kalinkara were investigated during storage at 21 °C with 60-65 % relative bhumidity. The total fat contents of kernels in vacuum packages increased significantly with storage time. It is believed that the absolute value of fat content does not increase but that the kernel water content and total weight decrease. The palmitic and oleic acid contents of stored hazelnuts increased, while linoleic acid content decreased. No significant differences were found for stearic and linolenic acids during storage.El contenido en grasa y la composición en ácidos grasos de tres cultivares de avellana (Tombul, Palaz y Kalinkara) han sido monitorizados durante su almacenamiento a 21 ºC y una humedad relativa del 60-65 %. Los porcentajes de grasa total de las semillas empaquetadas al vacío aumentaron significativamente con el tiempo de almacenamiento. Ello se cree que es debido no a que el valor absoluto de contenido graso aumente, sino a que disminuye el contenido en agua de la semilla y su peso total. Los porcentajes de ácidos palmítico y oleico aumentan en las avellanas almacenadas, mientras que el porcentaje de linoleico descendíó. No se hallaron diferencias significativas en los porcentajes de los ácidos esteárico y linoleico durante el almacenamiento

    Improvement Storability of ‘Angeleno’ Plum with the Combination of 1-Methylcyclopropene Treatment and Controlled Atmosphere Storage

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    The combined effects of postharvest 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) treatment and controlled atmosphere (CA) storage on storage life and quality of ‘Angeleno’ (Prunus salicina Lindl.) plum were investigated after being treated with 1-MCP (625 ng g-1) at room temperature for 12 h. Following the treatment, fruit were stored in normal atmosphere (NA) and CA (1% O2-3% CO2) at 0 ºC and 90±5% relative humidity for 120 d. Fruit firmness, weight loss, respiration rate, ethylene production, soluble solid content, titratable acidity, fruit skin color and sensorial evaluation (external appearance, taste and chilling injury) were performed at harvest date and one month intervals during storage. Only 1-MCP treatment delayed the change in properties related to fruit ripening such as fruit softening, decrease in titratable acidity and increase in soluble solid content. Nevertheless, these effects were significantly higher when 1-MCP-treated plums were stored in CA conditions. The highest color change was found in NA conditions. ‘Angeleno’ plum stored in CA conditions gave the best results in terms of some quality parameters during storage. The combination of 1-MCP and CA storage prolonged storage life of ‘Angeleno’ plum compared to other treatments. These result demonstrated that the postharvest 1-MCP treatment can be used in the cold storage of Angeleno plums

    Combined Effects of MAP and Postharvest Salicylic Acid Treatment on Quality Attributes of Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) Bunches during Storage

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    The effects of combinations of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) with salicylic acid (SA) treatment on storage and shelf life quality of dill (Anethum graveolens L. cv. Asder) leaves were investigated. After harvest, dill leaves were dipped into an aqueous solution containing different concentrations of salicylic acid (1, 2 and 4 mM) for 2 minutes. The control group was immersed in distilled water only for 2 minutes. Treated samples were dried with blotting paper and placed in modified atmosphere package and stored at 0 ºC and 90±5% relative humidity (RH) conditions for 25 days. After cold storage, dill leaves were kept at 10 ºC and 55-60% RH for 2 days to simulate commercial practice (shelf life), and analyzed for same quality parameters performed during cold storage. Weight loss, color, respiration rate, gas composition in package, soluble solids content (SSC) and ascorbic acid content were determined initially and at 5 dayintervals. The dill bunches were also evaluated for visual quality during storage period. According to the results, SA treatment allowed dill leaves to stay green longer than those of control group. 1 mM concentration of SA was the best treatment for prolonging the storage life of dill leaves with keeping the quality.&nbsp

    Effect of pre-harvest oxalic acid treatment on shelf-life of apricot cv. ‘Roxana’

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    Çalışmada, hasat öncesinde oksalik asit (OA) uygulamasının raf ömrü süresince ‘Roxana’ kayısı çeşidinin meyve kalitesi üzerine olan etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, tahmini hasat tarihinden 7 gün önce farklı dozlarda (0, 1, 2, 4 ve 8 mM) oksalik asit uygulanmıştır. Optimum hasat tarihinde (sert olum döneminde) derilen meyveler oda sıcaklığında (20±1°C) ve %50–60 nem koşullarında 8 gün süreyle raf ömründe tutulmuştur. Raf ömrü süresince 2 gün aralıklarla bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal analizler (ağırlık kaybı, metve eti sertliği, suda çözünebilir kuru madde miktarı, titre edilebilir asitlik, meyve rengi, etilen üretimi ve solunum hızı) yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, farklı dozlardaki OA uygulamaların hepsi bazı meyve kalite parametrelerindekontrolden daha iyi sonuçlar vermiştir. Özellikle OA’nin 1 mM’lık dozu meyve kalitesinin korunması bakımından en iyi uygulama olduğu saptanmıştır.The effect of pre-harvest oxalic acid treatment on the shelf-life of apricot cv. ‘Roxana’ was investigated. For this purpose, different doses (0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 mM) of oxalic acid (OA) solutions were applied 7 days before the optimal harvest stage. Fruit, harvested at optimum stage (firm-ripe stage), transported to the postharvest physiology laboratory, immediately. Harvested fruit was kept at room (20±1°C) temperature and 50–60% relative humidity conditions for 8 days for shelf-life evaluation. During the storage period, some physical and chemical analyses (weight loss, fruit firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, fruit color, ethylene production, and respiration rate) were performed at 2-day intervals. As a result, all doses of OA gave better results than the control group in terms of some quality parameters. Especially, 1 mM dose of OA was the most effective treatment for maintaining fruit quality

    Predictors of Enhancing Human Physical Attractiveness: Data from 93 Countries

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    People across the world and throughout history have gone to great lengths to enhance their physical appearance. Evolutionary psychologists and ethologists have largely attempted to explain this phenomenon via mating preferences and strategies. Here, we test one of the most popular evolutionary hypotheses for beauty-enhancing behaviors, drawn from mating market and parasite stress perspectives, in a large cross-cultural sample. We also test hypotheses drawn from other influential and non-mutually exclusive theoretical frameworks, from biosocial role theory to a cultural media perspective. Survey data from 93,158 human participants across 93 countries provide evidence that behaviors such as applying makeup or using other cosmetics, hair grooming, clothing style, caring for body hygiene, and exercising or following a specific diet for the specific purpose of improving ones physical attractiveness, are universal. Indeed, 99% of participants reported spending \u3e10 min a day performing beauty-enhancing behaviors. The results largely support evolutionary hypotheses: more time was spent enhancing beauty by women (almost 4 h a day, on average) than by men (3.6 h a day), by the youngest participants (and contrary to predictions, also the oldest), by those with a relatively more severe history of infectious diseases, and by participants currently dating compared to those in established relationships. The strongest predictor of attractiveness-enhancing behaviors was social media usage. Other predictors, in order of effect size, included adhering to traditional gender roles, residing in countries with less gender equality, considering oneself as highly attractive or, conversely, highly unattractive, TV watching time, higher socioeconomic status, right-wing political beliefs, a lower level of education, and personal individualistic attitudes. This study provides novel insight into universal beauty-enhancing behaviors by unifying evolutionary theory with several other complementary perspectives

    Meyvelerde Derim Sonrası Dönemde Görülen Üşüme Zararı Üzerine Sıcaklık Koşullandırmalarının Etkileri

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    Tropikal ve subtropikal orijinli bahçe ürünlerinin çoğu düşük sıcaklıklara hassastır. Bu ürünler belli bir süre 10-15°C’nin altında fakat donma noktasının üzerinde tutulduklarında üşüme zararı meydana gelmektedir. Bu üşüme sıcaklıklarında, normal metabolik süreçlerin yürütülememesinden dolayı dokuların dayanım güçleri azalmaktadır. Üşüme stresine maruz kalan üşümeye hassas ürünlerde çeşitli fizyolojik ve biyokimyasal değişimler ve hücrelerde fonksiyon bozuklukları meydana gelmektedir. En fazla karşılaşılan üşüme zararı belirtileri; beneklenme (pitting), iç kararması, öz kararması, yumuşak iç bozukluğu, yumuşak yanıklık ve olgunlaşma bozukluklarıdır. Bu bozulmalardan dolayı ürünlerin kalitelerinin daha uzun süre korunmasını sağlayan düşük sıcaklıkta depolama uygulamasından üşüme zararına hassas taze ürünler yeterince faydalanamamaktadır. Bu ürünlerde hasat öncesi ve sonrası birçok teknik ve kimyasal uygulanarak üşüme zararının etkilerinin azaltılması veya geciktirilmesi için çalışmalar yürütülmektedir. Fakat tüm ürünler ve tüm koşullarda etkili bir tek yöntem bulunmamakta, her tür ve çeşit hatta her bir durum için ayrı ayrı üşüme zararınının etkilerinin azaltılması için teknikler kullanılmaktadır. En fazla kullanılan yöntemlerden biri de ürünlerin depolama öncesinde veya sırasında farklı sıcaklıkların uygulandığı sıcaklık koşullandırması yöntemidir. Farklı meyveler için farklı sıcaklık koşullandırmaları kullanılmaktadır

    Role of Controlled Atmosphere, Ultra Low Oxygen or Dynamic Controlled Atmosphere Conditions on Quality Characteristics of ‘Scarlet Spur’ Apple Fruit

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    In this study, the effects of three cold storage technologies, (i) controlled atmosphere-CA (CO2 4%, O2 3%), (ii) ultra low oxygen-ULO and (iii) dynamic controlled atmosphere-DCA, were investigated on fruit quality of ‘Scarlet Spur’ apples stored during 10 months plus 7 days of shelf life at 20 °C. After harvest, apples were stored at 0 °C and 90±5% relative humidity during 10 months in CA, ULO (CO2 3%, O2 1%,) and DCA (CO2 1%, O2 0.5%) conditions. HarvestWatch™ sensors were used for assessment of lower oxygen limit (LOL) of fruit during DCA storage. DCA was the best storage condition suppressing ethylene synthesis and respiration rate during storage. The ULO and DCA conditions showed similar results in the maintenance of firmness and TA amount. Weight loss in these conditions was also lower than CA. No significant difference was observed between storage conditions in terms of SSC. DCA technology gave better results in maintaining color of ‘Scarlet Spur’ than other conditions during cold storage. Result showed that; ULO and DCA conditions were more effective in maintaining quality compared to CA in terms of all quality parameters