1,042 research outputs found

    Schwannoma of the cervical vagus nerve: A rare benign neurogenic tumor

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    A schwannoma, also known as an acoustic neuroma, is a benign nerve sheath tumor composed of schwann cells, which normally produce the insulating myelin sheath covering the peripheral nerves. Schwannoma, originating from the cervical vagus nerve, is an extremely rare neoplasm that usually occurs in men between the 3rd and 6th decades of life. The most common presentation is a painless, slow-growing, lateral neck mass;this appears in a large proportion of cases. Complete surgical resection with care to protect the nerve of origin is the recommended treatment of choice. Here, we report a case of cervical vagal schwannoma in a 55-year-old male who admitted with the complaint of a firm and painless mass lesion on the right side of the neck. The management of the case is discussed along with the relevant literature.Keywords: Neurilemmoma; Neoplasms; Vagus nerve; Treatment

    A Deep Learning-Based Hybrid Approach to Detect Fastener Defects in Real-Time

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    A fastener is an important component used to fix the rail in railways. Defects in this component cause the rail and ballast to remain unstable. If the defective fasteners are not replaced in time, it is inevitable that the train will derail, and serious accidents will occur. Therefore, this component should be inspected periodically. Conventional image processing-based control systems are affected by noise and different lighting conditions in the real environment. In this study, it is aimed to determine the defects of fasteners with a deep learning-based hybrid approach. The YOLOv4-Tiny method is used for fastener detection and localization. This method gives accurate results, especially for the detection of small objects. After the fastener position is determined, a new lightweight convolutional neural network model is used for defect classification. The proposed convolutional neural network for classification has a small network structure because it uses depth-wise and pointwise convolution layers. When the experimental results are compared with other known transfer learning methods, better results were obtained in terms of training/test time and accuracy

    Comparison of depression, anxiety and long-term quality of health in patients with a history of either primary closure or Limberg flap reconstruction for pilonidal sinus

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    OBJECTİVE: Pilonidal sinus is characterized by high operative morbidity mainly due to wound problems. We aimed to compare the quality of health, comfort and psychological status in patients who underwent surgery for pilonidal sinus. METHODS: A total of 205 pilonidal sinus patients operated on with either primary closure or Limberg flap reconstruction were compared in terms of depression, anxiety, and long-term quality of health by using Short Form 36, Beck Depression Inventory, and Beck Anxiety Inventory scales. RESULTS: There were 107 patients in the primary closure group with a mean follow-up of 29.6±7.7 months and 98 patients in the Limberg flap group with a mean follow-up of 34.1±7.3 months. In the SF-36 analysis, the mental health and bodily pain scores (59±6 and 56±11 in the primary closure group and 62±8 and 61±10 in the Limberg flap group) were significantly higher in the Limberg flap group (p = 0.014 and p = 0.002, respectively). The mean Beck Depression Inventory (19±6.13 vs. 16±4.90

    Integrating cognitive presence strategies: A professional development training for K-12 teachers

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    For K-12 teachers to improve effective teaching skills, cognitive presence (CP) integration into teaching and learning process is of utmost value. CP strategy training can serve as a facilitating component in supporting K-12 teachers’ instructional capacity. This study presents findings of a teacher professional development training aiming CP strategy implementation at K-12 level. Following a mixed-method methodology, the present research was carried out with 53 teachers from four different campuses and grade levels, who were guided to implement CP strategies in their teaching context. The data sources were CP-integrated lesson plans, trainers’ feedback on these lesson plans, teacher responses on a questionnaire. The data collection methods were utilizing an end-of-the-training questionnaire directed to teachers, lesson plan evaluation through a CP rubric, content analysis of trainer feedback on lesson plans and revised lesson plans. Results unveiled that this professional development training designed and implemented for K-12 teachers led to significantly positive changes in teachers’ CP strategy integration into lesson plans regardless of levels, subjects or topics. This study could also provide important contributions to designing teacher professional development training for researchers, practitioners and teacher trainers, particularly in CP dimension. © 2023 by authors; licensee CEDTECH by Bastas, CY

    The impact of metabolic risk management on recurrence of urinary stones

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    Introduction: Urinary stone disease is a common urologic problem and recurrence in stone formation is a very familiar issue to urologists. Although recurrence in stone formation has been linked to metabolic abnormalities, it can be accessible by metabolic risk analysis studies.Methods: Herein, we present our experience in metabolic risk management on recurrence of urinary stones for 10 years in Akdeniz University School of Medicine department of Urology. We retrospectively analyzed Akdeniz University Urinary Stone Database between dates of January 2000 and December 2010. We found over 3500 patients who were managed by SWL (shock wave lithotripsy) or PCNL (percutaneus nephrolithotripsy) or URS (Ureterorenoscopic lithotripsy) or open surgery.Results: 525 patients’ metabolic risk analysis was ordered due to recurrent urinary stone disease. Only 134 (25.5 %) current metabolic analysis were returned. Mean patient age was 32.2 years (range: 19-82 years).Patients were 103 male and 31 female. Stone analysis results were CaOx monohydrate in 48 (35.8 %), CaOx dihydrate in 8 (5.9 %), CaOx mono and dihydrate in 70 (52.2 %), uric acid in 3, CaOx monohydrate and uricacid in 2, cystine in 2, and struvite in 1 patient, respectively. The  metabolic risk analysis showed some abnormality in 54 (40.2 %) patients.Conclusion: Although compliance to metabolic risk analysis studies is low among recurrent urinary stone formers, some significant metabolic abnormalities could be detected in those who are effectively screened.Recurrence of urinary stones in patients who are started on appropriate metabolic management can be prevented

    Evaluation of factors that affect skin to subarachnoid space distance

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    Introduction: Lumbar puncture is a procedure frequently used in anesthetic practice. For the success of the procedure, prediction of skin to subarachnoid space distance (SSD) is valuable. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the relationship between SSD with age and body mass index (BMI). Methods: Two hundred and fifty patients, ASA physical status I, II, and III scheduled to undergo elective surgery under spinal anesthesia, were studied. Spinal anesthesia was induced in the sitting position at the L3–4 vertebral level using a midline approach. Furthermore, the level of L3–L4 was identified by palpation, using Tuffier’s line as a guide. Following an intrathecal injection, the spinal needle was grasped between the thumb and the index finger during its removal from the patient’s back. From the grasping point, SSD was measured using rulers. Results: Mean values of SSD at the L3-4 interspace were 55.43±6.47 mm (range 35-74). Statistically significant correlations were observed between SSD with BMI and body weight (ρ=0.650, P<0.001 and ρ=0.651, P<0.001, respectively). Statistically significant correlation was not found between SSD with age, gender and body height (ρ=0.120, P=0.058; ρ=-0.047, P=0.4568 and ρ=0.089, P=0.159, respectively). Conclusions: SSD is affected by BMI and body weight but not by age, gender and body height

    Farklı tipteki aljinat dental ölçü maddelerinin sitotoksisite yönünden değerlendirilmesi

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the cytotoxicity of different types of alginate impression materials. Material and Method: Cavex CA37, A3KROM, ALGINPLUS FAST ve ORALGHINE alginate impression materials were used. According to the manufacturer’s instructions, alginates were mixed with serum physiological to obtain alginate specimens. Specimens were performed in sterile with ethylene oxide gas and then placed on to the L929 fibroblast cell culture. According to the 1999 ISO 10993-5 protochols, cytotoxicity were determined by means of agar overley test. Results: According to the lisis of the cells, ORALGH<NE and Cavex CA37; 4-4-4-5-5, ALGINPLUS and A3KROM; 2-3-3-3-2 were determined. Values of the cytotoxicity were determined 4,4 for ORALGH<NE and Cavex CA37, whereas 2,6 for ALGINPLUS and A3KROM. Conclusion: Cytotoxicity degree of the alginates were different because of the composition of the alginates. It was determined that ORALGHINE and Cavex CA37 were severely cytotoxic, ALGINPLUS and A3KROM were moderately cytotoxic. ÖZET Amaç: Bu in vitro çalışmanın amacı, farklı tipteki aljinat ölçü maddelerini sitotoksisite yönünden değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Farklı tipteki dört aljinat, Cavex CA37, A3KROM, ALGINPLUS FAST ve ORALGHINE, üretici firmaların talimatlar doğrultusunda belirtilen oranlarda, serum fizyolojik ile karıştırılarak aljinat numuneleri hazırlandı. Hazırlanan numuneler etilen oksit gazıyla steril edildi ve L929 fibroblast hücre serisi kullanılarak elde edilen kültüre yerleştirildi. Agar overley testi kullanılarak sitotoksisitenin belirlenmesinde ISO 1999 yıl 10993-5 numaral protokolü takip edildi. Bulgular: Hücrelerin lizis miktarına göre yapılan puanlama değerleri ORALGHINE ve Cavex CA37 için; 4-4-4-5-5, ALGINPLUS ve A3KROM için; 2-3-3-3-2 olarak tespit edildi. Sitotoksisite değerleri de ORALGHINE ve Cavex CA37 için 4.4, ALGINPLUS ve A3KROM için ise 2.6 olarak bulundu. Sonuçlar: İçerik farklılığına bağlı olarak aljinatlarn sitotoksisite değerleri farklılık göstermiştir. ORALGHINE ve Cavex CA37’nin belirgin derecede sitotoksik olduğu, ALGINPLUS ve A3KROM’ un ise makul derecede sitotoksik olduğu belirlendi. Anahtar kelimeler: Sitotoksisite, aljinat

    The Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Integrative Self-knowledge Scale

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    AbstractThe aim of this research is to examine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Integrative self -knowledge Scale (ISKS; Ghorbani, Watson, & Hargis, 2008). Participants were 396 university students (277 were female and 119 were male) from Sakarya University. The results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the three dimensional model was well fitted and Chi-Square value (x2=108. 38, df=49, p=0. 00) which was calculated for the adaptation of the model was found to be significant. The goodness of fit index values of the model were RMSEA=.055, NFI=.97, CFI=.98, IFI=.98, RFI=.96, GFI=.96, and SRMR=.041. The internal consistency coefficients of three subscales were .74, .77, and .83, respectively. The overall internal consistency coefficient of the scale was .86. The corrected item-total correlations of ISKS ranged from .37 to .67. Overall findings demonstrated that this scale had high validity and reliability scores and that it may be used as a valid and reliable instrument in order to assess self-knowledge levels of individuals

    Current Methods for Acceleration of Orthodontic Tooth Movement

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    The awareness of the society and, accordingly, the number of patients who need orthodontic treatment has increased gradually. Nowadays, the importance of the concept of time has focused the attention of researchers on the completion of orthodontic treatments in a shorter time. Heavy forces applied to shorten the treatment period in orthodontic treatments cause many undesirable conditions, such as root resorption, crushing of periodontal fibers, and formation of hyalinization tissue. Therefore, researchers are working on methods that will accelerate orthodontic tooth movement and shorten the treatment time. In this section, applications that accelerate orthodontic tooth movement will be discussed