7 research outputs found

    Robust estimation of deformations in free geodetic networks usingevolutionary optimisation algorithms

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    Doktorska disertacija posvećena je teoriji robusne deformacione analize geodetskih mreža, odnosno iterativnoj težinskoj transfo-rmaciji sličnosti i uopštenoj robusnoj oceni deformacija iz razl-ike opažanja. Predložene su modifikacije ovih metoda, bazirane na primeni evolutivnih optimizacionih algoritama u postupku robusne ocene vektora pomeranja, u cilju poboljšanja njihove robusnosti na postojanje pomerenih tačaka u referentnoj mreži, a samim tim i povećanja efikasnosti identifikacije pomerenih tačaka na objektu.PhD thesis is dedicated to the theory of robust deformation analysis of geodetic networks, i.e. to the Iterative weighted similarity transformation (IWST) and Generalised robust estimation of deformation from observation differences (GREDOD). Modifications of these methods are proposed, based on the application of evolutionary optimisation algorithms in the procedure of robust estimation of the displacement vector, in order to improve their robustness to the existence of displaced points in the reference network and to increase the efficiency of identification of displaced points on the object

    Geometric deformation analysis in free geodetic networks: case study for Fruska Gora in Serbia

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    The deformation measurements are performed for the purpose of obtaining information concerning ground movement and objects on the ground within given time intervals. For the purpose of improving conventional models of deformation analysis (CDA) it is desirable to use several different methods and also implement alternative procedures as a further improvement, such as the concept of robust geodetic networks and strain analysis, aimed at obtaining objective information about the movements. In the present paper, in addition to the CDA methods, we also analyze the robust methods in deformation detecting and the method of the strain analysis based on elasticity theory as a supplement to the conventional geometric deformation methods (CDA). The mentioned methods are applied and analysed for the case of a test example of Fruska Gora in Serbia, for which there exist geological and geophysical studies of recent tectonic movements. The measuring results for two measuring epochs concern the GNSS vectors measured by applying the fast static method within closed polygons over a ten-year interval, where only the horizontal movement component is analysed. The efficiency of the applied CDA and robust methods is measured by applying a mean success rate (MSR) by applying Monte Carlo simulations in order to investigate the efficiency of a given methods for a given control network

    BIM and geodesy

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    Surveying and Construction are the professions that work closely during the implementation of buildings, roads and various engineering structures. Benefits of BIM technology, which is a tool primarily intended for architects and building engineers, realizes and geodetic profession that seeks to exploit its potential. The paper will be described BIM technology and what it has in common with geodesy in modern society

    Determination of volume excavation using modern survey technologies

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    The exploitation of mineral resources is an essential factor of economic and technological development of a country, whilst the surface exploitation is the most common. This paper presents the modern spatial dana collection technologies for the purpose of monitoring the exploitation of mineral resources in open pits. Different models of volume determination implemented within the software package AutoCAD Civil 3D have been shown. Bucket-wheel excavator are often used for the purposes of exploitation in the open cast mines. This paper presents the conceptual design of a system for volume determination of excavation by bucket wheel excavators in real time, based on GNSS technology

    Identification of movements using different geodetic methods of deformation analysis

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    This paper is based on comparative analysis of applied analysis methods on geodetic networks deformation, based on two-dimensional components of GNSS baseline vectors simulated by two epochs, for the purpose of identifying significant movements in horizontal plane. The following models of deformation analysis have been applied: Pelzer (Hanover procedure) method, Karlsruhe method, Modified Karlsruhe method, and the method implemented in the JAG3D open-source software

    Accuracy analysis of UAV photogrammetry using RGB and multispectral sensors

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    In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become increasingly important as a tool for quickly collecting high-resolution (spatial and spectral) imagery of the Earth's surface. The final products are highly dependent on the choice of values for various parameters in flight planning, the type of sensors, and the processing of the data. In this paper ground control points (GCPs) were first measured using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) method, and then due to the low height accuracy of the GNSS RTK method all points were measured using a detailed leveling method. This study aims to provide a basic assessment of quality, including four main aspects: (1) the difference between an RGB sensor and a five-band multispectral sensor on accuracy and the amount of data, (2) the impact of the number of GCPs on the accuracy of the final products, (3) the impact of different altitudes and cross flight strips, and (4) the accuracy analysis of multi-altitude models. The results suggest that the type of sensor, flight configuration, and GCP setup strongly affect the quality and quantity of the final product data while creating a multi-altitude model does not result in the expected quality of data. With its unique combination of sensors and parameters, the results and recommendations presented in this paper can assist professionals and researchers in their future work

    Comparative Analysis of Deformation Determination by Applying Fiber-optic 2D Deflection Sensors and Geodetic Measurements

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    In the paper the description of an experiment for a comparative analysis of two different methods for deformation determination, geodetic and 2D deflection sensors based on fiber-optic curvature sensors (FOCSs) is given. The experiment is performed by a using specially designed assembly which makes it possible to apply both methods. For performing geodetic measurements, a geodetic micro-network is established. Measurements by applying a 2D deflection sensor and three total stations are carried out for comparison. The data processing comprises graphical and numerical analysis of the results. Based on the presented results the potential of 2D deflection sensor application in structural health monitoring (SHM) procedures is indicated. The analysis of the measurement results also indicates the importance of integrating various types of sensors for obtaining more accurate and more reliable deformation measurements results