16 research outputs found

    Сombining ability in synthetic hexaploid wheat × rye crosses

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    It is established that current passing through Al-Se95Te5<Sm>-Te structures is carried out by monopolar injection mechanism at participation of traps for holes. It is shown that the doping by samarium strongly influences on the current flow mechanism in the investigated structure due to changes in the energy spectrum of the local states.The local level parameters (concentration and energy state) controlling the electric charge transfer are defined with the use of existing theories of injection currents


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    Monitoring of water samples taken from some territories was carried out. So that water samples were taken from 7 different regions of the Caspian Sea and analyzed for mainly toxic organic compounds – PAHs, phenol, and its derivatives. The analyses were carried out using extremely sensitive devices such as GC-MSD gas chromatograph 6890N with a highly efficient mass-selective detector-Agilent 5975. It was determined that the investigated toxic organic compounds in the wastewaters of the Caspian Sea coast exceed the permissible limit. This fact was formed against the background of serious negative impacts on the flora and fauna of the Caspian Sea with the discharge of industrial wastewater. In water samples, 15 PAHs and 11 phenolic compounds were analyzed.Проведено моніторинг проб води, відібраних із 7 різних регіонів Каспійського моря, та проаналізовано на наявність токсичних органічних сполук – ПАУ, фенолу та його похідних. Аналізи проводилися з використанням надзвичайно чутливих пристроїв, таких як газовий хроматограф GC-MSD 6890N з високоефективним масселективним детектором Agilent 5975. Було встановлено, що досліджувані токсичні органічні сполуки у стічних водах узбережжя Каспійського моря перевищують гранично допустимі норми. Цей факт сформувався на тлі серйозних негативних впливів на флору та фауну Каспійського моря внаслідок скидання промислових стічних вод. У пробах води було проаналізовано 15 ПАВ та 11 фенольних сполук

    An intermediate antipolar phase in NaNbO3NaNbO_{3} under compression

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    The crystal structure and vibration spectra of sodium niobate NaNbO3_3 have been studied by means of neutron diffraction, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy at high pressures. An isostructural phase transformation from the initial antiferroelectric phase to an intermediate antiferroelectric phase HP-I have been observed under 2 GPa. This transformation is caused by complex reorientations of NbO6_6 octahedra. Subsequent structural phase transition from the phase HP-I to an orthorhombic phase HP-III have been detected at pressures above 10 GPa. This transition leads to suppression of an antiferroelectric state of NaNbO3_3. The observed phase transitions are accompanied by anomalies in lattice parameters compression

    Structural, magnetic and vibrational properties of multiferroic GaFeO3GaFeO_{3} at high pressure

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    The crystal, magnetic structure and vibrational spectra of multiferroic GaFeO3_3 have been studied by means of neutron, X-ray powder diffraction and Raman spectroscopy at pressures up to 6.2 and 42 GPa, respectively. A presence of Fe/Ga antisite disorder leads to a formation of the ferrimagnetic ground state with the Néel temperature TN_N = 292 K at ambient pressure. Upon compression, the magnetic ground state symmetry remains the same and the Néel temperature increases with a pressure coefficient (1/TN_N)(dTN_N/dP) = 0.011(1) GPa1^{−1}. Application of high pressure above 21 GPa leads to a gradual structural phase transition from the polar orthorhombic Pc21_1n phase to nonpolar orthorhombic Pbnm phase. It is accompanied by anomalies in the pressure behaviour of several Raman modes. Pressure dependencies of lattice parameters and Raman modes frequencies in the observed structural phases were obtained


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    Проведено моніторинг проб води, відібраних із 7 різних регіонів Каспійського моря, та проаналізовано на наявність токсичних органічних сполук – ПАУ, фенолу та його похідних. Аналізи проводилися з використанням надзвичайно чутливих пристроїв, таких як газовий хроматограф GC-MSD 6890N з високоефективним масселективним детектором Agilent 5975. Було встановлено, що досліджувані токсичні органічні сполуки у стічних водах узбережжя Каспійського моря перевищують гранично допустимі норми. Цей факт сформувався на тлі серйозних негативних впливів на флору та фауну Каспійського моря внаслідок скидання промислових стічних вод. У пробах води було проаналізовано 15 ПАВ та 11 фенольних сполук

    Competing magnetic and structural states in multiferroic YMn2{_2}O5{_5} at high pressure

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    The magnetic, structural, and vibrational properties of YMn2{_2}O5{_5} multiferroic have been studied bymeans of neutron, x-ray powder diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy at pressures up to 6 and 30 GPa,respectively. Application of high pressure,P >1 GPa, leads to a gradual suppression of the commensurate andincommensurate antiferromagnetic (AFM) phaseswith a propagation vector q = (1/2,0,qz{_z}∼1/4) and appearanceof the commensurate AFM phase with q = (1/2,0,1/2). This observation is sharply contrasting to general trendtowards stabilization of commensurate AFM phase with q = (1/2,0,1/4) found in other RMn2{_2}O5{_5} compoundsupon lattice compression. At P ∼ 16 GPa a structural phase transformation accompanied by anomalies in latticecompression and pressure behavior of vibrational modeswas observed. The comparative analysis of high-pressureand R-cation radius variation effects clarified a role of particular magnetic interactions in the formation of themagnetic states of RMn2{_2}O5{_5} compounds