728 research outputs found

    X-ray emission from thin plasmas. Collisional ionization for atoms and ions of H to Zn

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    Every observation of astrophysical objects involving a spectrum requires atomic data for the interpretation of line fluxes, line ratios and ionization state of the emitting plasma. One of the processes which determines it is collisional ionization. In this study an update of the direct ionization (DI) and excitation-autoionization (EA) processes is discussed for the H to Zn-like isoelectronic sequences. In the last years new laboratory measurements and theoretical calculations of ionization cross sections have become available. We provide an extension and update of previous published reviews in the literature. We include the most recent experimental measurements and fit the cross sections of all individual shells of all ions from H to Zn. These data are described using an extension of Younger's and Mewe's formula, suitable for integration over a Maxwellian velocity distribution to derive the subshell ionization rate coefficients. These ionization rate coefficients are incorporated in the high-resolution plasma code and spectral fitting tool SPEX V3.0.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 22 pages, 18 figure

    Line absorption of He-like triplet lines by Li-like ions. Caveats of using line ratios of triplets for plasma diagnostics

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    He-like ions produce distinctive series of triplet lines under various astrophysical conditions. However, this emission can be affected by line absorption from Li-like ions in the same medium. We investigate this absorption of He-like triplets and present the implications for diagnostics of plasmas in photoionisation equilibrium using the line ratios of the triplets. Our computations were carried out for the O VI and Fe XXIV absorption of the O VII and Fe XXV triplet emission lines, respectively. The fluorescent emission by the Li-like ions and continuum absorption of the He-like ion triplet lines are also investigated. We determine the absorption of the triplet lines as a function of Li-like ion column density and velocity dispersion of the emitting and absorbing medium. We find O VI line absorption can significantly alter the O VII triplet line ratios in optically-thin plasmas, by primarily absorbing the intercombination lines, and to a lesser extent, the forbidden line. Because of intrinsic line absorption by O VI inside a photoionised plasma, the predicted ratio of forbidden to intercombination line intensity for the O VII triplet increases from 4 up to an upper limit of 16. This process can explain the triplet line ratios that are higher than expected and that are seen in some X-ray observations of photoionised plasmas. For the Fe XXV triplet, line absorption by Fe XXIV becomes less apparent owing to significant fluorescent emission by Fe XXIV. Without taking the associated Li-like ion line absorption into account, the density diagnosis of photoionised plasmas using the observed line ratios of the He-like ion triplet emission lines can be unreliable, especially for low-Z ions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 6 pages, 4 figure

    Weak amenability of weighted group algebras

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    In this paper, we study weak amenability of Beurling algebras. To this end, we introduce the notion inner quasi-additive functions and prove that for a locally compact group GG, the Banach algebra L1(G,ω)L^1(G, \omega) is weakly amenable if and only if every non-inner quasi-additive function in L∞(G,1/ω)L^\infty(G, 1/\omega) is unbounded. This provides an answer to the question concerning weak amenability of L1(G,ω)L^1(G, \omega) and improve some known results in connection with it

    Weak amenability of weighted measure algebras and their second duals

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    In this paper, we study the weak amenability of weighted measure algebras and prove that M(G,ω)M(G, \omega) is weakly amenable if and only if GG is discrete and every bounded quasi-additive function is inner. We also study the weak amenability of L1(G,ω)∗∗L^1(G, \omega)^{**} and M(G,ω)∗∗M(G, \omega)^{**} and show that the weak amenability of theses Banach algebras are equivalent to finiteness of GG. This gives an answer to the question concerning weak amenability of L1(G,ω)∗∗L^1(G, \omega)^{**} and M(G,ω)∗∗M(G, \omega)^{**}

    On (p,q)−(p, q)-centralizers of certain Banach algebras

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    Let AA be an algebra with a right identity. In this paper, we study (p,q)−(p, q)-centralizers of AA and show that every (p,q)−(p, q)-centralizer of AA is a two-sided centralizer. In the case where, AA is normed algebra, we also prove that (p,q)−(p, q)-centralizers of AA are bounded. Then, we apply the results for some group algebras and verify that L1(G)L^1(G) has a nonzero weakly compact (p,q)−(p, q)-centralizer if and only if GG is compact and the center of L1(G)L^1(G) is non-zero. Finally, we investigate (p,q)−(p, q)-Jordan centralizers of AA and determine them

    Cohomological properties of different types of weak amenability

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    In this paper, we deal with cohomological properties of weak amenability, cyclic amenability, cyclic weak amenability and point amenability of Banach algebras. We look at some hereditary properties of them and show that continuous homomorphisms with dense range preserve cyclically weak amenability, however, weak amenability and cyclically amenability are preserved under certain conditions. We also study these cohomological properties of the θ−\theta-Lau product A×θBA\times_\theta B and the projective tensor product A⊗^BA\hat{\otimes} B. Finally, we investigate the cohomological properties of A∗∗A^{**} and establish that cyclically weak amenability of A∗∗A^{**} implies cyclically weak amenability of AA. This result is true for point amenability instead of cyclically weak amenability

    Chandra imaging of the ∼\simkpc extended outflow in 1H 0419-577

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    The Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0419-577 hosts a ∼\simkpc extended outflow that is evident in the [\ion{O}{iii}] image and that is also detected as a warm absorber in the UV/X-ray spectrum. Here, we analyze a ∼\sim30 ks Chandra-ACIS X-ray image, with the aim of resolving the diffuse extranuclear X-ray emission and of investigating its relationship with the galactic outflow. Thanks to its sub-arcsecond spatial resolution, Chandra resolves the circumnuclear X-ray emission, which extends up to a projected distance of at least ∼\sim16 kpc from the center. The morphology of the diffuse X-ray emission is spherically symmetrical. We could not recover a morphological resemblance between the soft X-ray emission and the ionization bicone that is traced by the [\ion{O}{iii}] outflow. we argue that the photoionized gas nebula must be distributed mostly along the polar directions, outside our line of sight. In this geometry, the X-ray/UV warm absorber must trace a different gas component, physically disconnected from the emitting gas, and located closer to the equatorial plane.Comment: accepted for publications A&

    A single heterochronic blood exchange reveals rapid inhibition of multiple tissues by old blood.

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    Heterochronic parabiosis rejuvenates the performance of old tissue stem cells at some expense to the young, but whether this is through shared circulation or shared organs is unclear. Here we show that heterochronic blood exchange between young and old mice without sharing other organs, affects tissues within a few days, and leads to different outcomes than heterochronic parabiosis. Investigating muscle, liver and brain hippocampus, in the presence or absence of muscle injury, we find that, in many cases, the inhibitory effects of old blood are more pronounced than the benefits of young, and that peripheral tissue injury compounds the negative effects. We also explore mechanistic explanations, including the role of B2M and TGF-beta. We conclude that, compared with heterochronic parabiosis, heterochronic blood exchange in small animals is less invasive and enables better-controlled studies with more immediate translation to therapies for humans
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