24 research outputs found

    Reconfiguration of Distribution Networks with Presence of DGs to improving the Reliability

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    In this paper, the network reconfiguration in the presence of distributed generation units with the aim of improving the reliability of the network is studied. For this purpose four reliability parameters in the objective function are considered, which is average energy not supplied system average interruption frequency index, system average interruption duration index and momentary average interruption frequency index. The new method will be normalized objective function. Another suggestion of this paper are considering the different fault rates, locating time of faults type and prioritization of customers based on their importance. This nonlinear problem has optimized by particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm

    The pattern of knowledge sharing in organization with social interaction approach: A case study in the Research Department of National Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Company

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    The aim of this study was to provide the pattern of knowledge sharing in organization with social interaction approach. This is an applied, and descriptive-correlational research. The population consisted of senior experts and executive managers of the research department of national Iranian oil engineering and Construction Company. Thirty subjects were selected purposefully who directly involved in the project of knowledge sharing in organization. For data collection, the questionnaire and for data analysis the regression and structural equation modeling were used. The findings indicated that knowledge sharing activities, including sender, recipient, organizational context, and knowledge sharing mechanisms have a significant positive correlation with the function of knowledge sharing; furthermore, the co-existence of knowledge sharing dimensions and their suitability facilitate knowledge sharing in organization. Finally, knowledge sharing is the culture of knowledge-based interactions and appropriate approach for knowledge sharing refers to social interaction approach

    A community-based view of human capital management aligned with sustainable development

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    AbstractThe purpose of this study is to design a community-based human capital management model with a sustainable development approach.This is applied research that has been done with an exploratory strategy and a qualitative method. The method used is theme analysis and statistical population of the research consisted of managers and experts of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade and Department of Environment and Texts containing the opinions of experts on websites. In this research, snowball sampling method and semi-structured interviews were used. A total of 12 interviews were conducted and 12 texts were selected and analysed. Data coding was done manually once and in the second step using 2022 MAXQDA software.After data encoding, base themes (NO.653), Organizer themes (NO.37) and Inclusive themes (NO.12), were identified and presented as a model. It has three dimensions: context, content and consequences. Guba and Lincoln's four criteria were used to check the reliability of the findings.The context includes themes affecting human resources functions, the content includes the themes of community-based recruitment, community-based training and development, community-based performance management, community-based compensation, and community-based maintenance; And the consequences include organizational and extra-organizational consequences.Interpretation of research findings showed that identify and reinforce common true beliefs, redefining shared values and interests through dialogue and participation and “coordination between government organizations" will further facilitate community-based accountability.IntroductionIn this way, it is possible to confront changes in structures and functions that cause or intensify inequalities and non-existence. The purpose of this study was to design the human capital management model of society by considering sustainable development dimensions. This research is aimed at the purpose of the type of applied studies, which is conducted with an exploratory strategy and qualitative method. The method used is analysis thematic.The statistical population of the study was the managers and experts of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade and Department of Environment, which was conducted by targeted sampling method with 12 interviews and 12 text from meetings and speeches were analysed. After data encoding and data analysis, the proposed model was drawn that has three dimensions: field, content and outcome.Case studyThe statistical population of the study was the managers and experts of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade and Department of Environment, which was conducted by targeted sampling method with 12 interviews and 12 text from meetings and speeches were analysed.Materials and MethodsThe method used is thematic analysis and coding were performed using MAXQDA 2020 software. The statistical population of the study was managers and experts of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade and Department of Environment, which was conducted by 12 interviews by targeted sampling and 12 interviews and analysed 12 articles from the meetings and speeches it placed.Discussion and ResultsAfter data encoding, Descriptive coding (NO.653), Interpretive coding (NO.37) and Inclusive themes (NO.12), were identified and presented as a model. The strategy for this type of research is exploratory.ConclusionInterpretation of research findings showed that Identify and reinforce common true beliefs, redefining shared values and interests through dialogue and participation and “coordination between government organizations" will further facilitate community-based accountability.In community-based human capital management, we must maintain the view of the community in all processes of recruitment and recruitment of employee (Recruitment exam methods and interviews), determining the educational goals in developing and training, and in performance management, compensation and maintenance of employees. This requires a kind of transformation in the minds of the organization's managers

    The pattern of knowledge sharing in organization with social interaction approach: A case study in the Research Department of National Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Company

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    The aim of this study was to provide the pattern of knowledge sharing in organization with social interaction approach. This is an applied, and descriptive-correlational research. The population consisted of senior experts and executive managers of the research department of national Iranian oil engineering and Construction Company. Thirty subjects were selected purposefully who directly involved in the project of knowledge sharing in organization. For data collection, the questionnaire and for data analysis the regression and structural equation modeling were used. The findings indicated that knowledge sharing activities, including sender, recipient, organizational context, and knowledge sharing mechanisms have a significant positive correlation with the function of knowledge sharing; furthermore, the co-existence of knowledge sharing dimensions and their suitability facilitate knowledge sharing in organization. Finally, knowledge sharing is the culture of knowledge-based interactions and appropriate approach for knowledge sharing refers to social interaction approach

    Decision-making in crisis

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    از جمله مباحثی که در سنوات اخیر در مدیریت مطرح شده است مبحث تصمیم گیری در شرایط بحرانی است. فرایند تصمیم گیری معمولا شامل بیان صحیح اهداف، یافتن راه حل های مختلف و ممکن، ارزیابی امکان پذیری آنان، ارزیابی و عواقب و نتایج ناشی از اجرا هر یک از این راه حل ها و نهایتا، انتخاب و اجرا آن راه حلی است که معتقدیم بیشترین کمک را در نیل به اهداف سازمانی مینماید. فرایند تصمیم گیری معمولا شامل بیان صحیح اهداف، یافتن راه حل های مختلف و ممکن، ارزیابی امکان پذیری آنان، ارزیابی عواقب و نتایج ناشی از اجرا هر یک از این راه حل ها و نهایتا، انتخاب و اجرا آن راه حلی است که معتقدیم بیشترین کمک را در نیل به اهداف سازمانی می نماید

    Management of public affairs

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    در ادبیات و متون سنتی مدیریت، وظایفی چون برنامه ریزی، سازماندهی و نظارت برای مدیران موفق از الزامات اولیه بود و بعدها نیز نقش های دیگری چون نقش تصمیم گیری، نقش ارتباطی و اطلاعاتی برای مدیران مطرح گردید. اما جدایی سازمان از محیط اجتماعی و مشغول شدن مدیران به اهداف سازمان و بی التفاتی آنان به مسائل اجتماعی موجب گشوده شدن باب جدیدی در مدیریت شده است که آن را مدیریت مسائل اجتماعی با مسئولیت اجتماعی برای مدیران نام نهاده اند. مدیران امروز باید ابعاد ابعاد اجتماعی و عمومی حرفه خود را شناخته و از آثار سازمان خود بر محیط اجتماعی آن آگاه باشند. آنان باید علاوه بر وظایف سنتی به وظیفه ای جدید عنایت کنند که همانا مدیریت مسائل اجتماعی و عمومی و مسئولیت پذیری در برابر جامعه و عامه مردم می باشد. در این مقاله کوشش شده تا ابعاد مختلف این مسئله بررسی شده و این وظیفه جدید به خوانندگان نشریه مطالعات مدیریت معرفی گردد

    Analysis of factors affecting the formation of public policy in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the optimal model

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    نظام های سیاسی بر اساس بنیانهای ارزشی، اعتقادات و ایدئولوژی و فرهنگ خاص شکل می گیرند و ساختار حکومتی مناسب و شایسته به منظور تنظیم رفتار و روابط حاکمان، گروه های مختلف جامعه و افراد جامعه را طراحی و به مورد اجرا می گذارند ساختار نظام های سیاسی نیز بر مبنای ایدئولوژی، اعتقادات و ارزش هایی که نظام پایه آن استوار است، شکل میگیرد و به تبع آن نظام خط مشی گذاری نیز تعیین می شوود محور شکل گیری ساختار در نظام های سیاسی غالبا یکی از محورهای زیر است: اصالت فرد اصالت جمع اصالت فرد و جمع اصالت حق و بسته به اینکه یک نظام سیاسی کدامیک را مبنا قرار دهد ساختار نظام و خرده نظام های آن شکل می گیرد. در این تحقیق هدف شناخت این مبنا در نظام سیاسی جمهوری اسلامی ایران و تاثیر آن بر ساختار نظام حکومت و نظام خط مشی گذاری است

    The consequences of group thinking in decision-making managers

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    گروه اندیشی نحوه تفکری است که در آن اعضا گروه تحت فشار گروهی آنچنان توافق جو می شوند که از ارزیابی های واقعگرا یا نه باز می مانند و به یک گزینه که مورد نظر گروه است دل می بندند و آن را باور می دارند. زمانیکه گروه دچار ضایعه تفکر جمعی گردید محورهای بحث و گزینه های مورد نظر در تصمیم گیریها بسیار محدود شده و از اینرو تصمیمات غالباً انتخاب هایی ضعیف بوده و تصمیم گیرندگان کلیه وجوه ممکنه در انتخابها را مورد مطالعه قرار نمی دهند