33 research outputs found

    Digital Pasts Analog Futures [védés előtt]

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    The Digital Pasts Analog Futures PhD thesis focuses on the future, exploring whether analogue values will continue to be needed in human existence, communication, learning and development in the age of digitization and beyond. The subject of the research is handwriting, a human activity that is not only a simple recording of information, but also a multifaceted process of coordination that enables the acquisition and maintenance of additional skills. The main research question of the dissertation is how humanity today relates to digital and analogue solutions, how the inevitability of analogue solutions can be identified in our everyday thinking and actions. The research can be divided into four main phases. (1) The first phase was a literature analysis and systematic literature review, which examined the past and present of handwriting across disciplines. The primary aim was to explore the status of handwriting as an analogue value and human activity. (2) In the second exploratory phase, we examined essays written by young adults (also CUB students) (typed and handwritten) detailing their analogue and digital experiences. This aims to explore and validate the problem and the issues raised in detail. (3) The third phase is a design interaction in the form of a collaborative netnographic analysis. (4) The fourth phase was a design action, which resulted in a crowd funding project around a real product (a writing instrument) created in the framework of the research. The research is based on a combination of different paradigms. The interplay of the above phases has contributed greatly to the results of the research. The first and second research phases have shown that analogue values such as handwriting have a place, relevance and future in the digital world. The third, netnographic analysis phase led to a real-world connection, whereby the resulting data was coded and the results interpreted to formulate all the characteristics of the product created during the design action, and contributed to the marketing, economic, scheduling, production and management plans for the crowd funding project. The success of the design and sales phase of the design action not only financed it economically, but also validated all the phases and results of the researc

    Hogyan segíthetik a távdolgozók a cégek növekedését? = How could remote working help to improve the growth of organizations?

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    Jelen cikk Jon Paolo Fortich előadásának kivonata, melynek elsődleges témája a távmunkában történő munkavégzés módozatai, lehetőségei és előnyei. Napjainkban nagy anyagi és infrastrukturális terhet ró a cégekre a megfelelő munkaerő megtalálása. Az előadó saját tapasztalatai alapján fogalmazza meg a választ erre a problémára több példán keresztül, melyek segítségével megismerhetjük, mind a távmunka, mind a digitális nomád életmód értékeit, hasznát és a bennük rejlő értékeket és lehetőségeket a különböző méretű cégek számára. Bemutatásra kerül ennek a munkavégzési formának a folyamata, háttere, eredményei, valamint ezek alkalmazhatósága. = This paper is a summary of Jon Paolo Fortich’s presentation. Tha main subjects are the types, potentials and the vantages of remote working. Nowadays, finding the right workforce places a heavy financial and infrastructural burden on companies. Based on his own experience, the speaker formulates the answer to this problem through several examples that will help us learn about the values, benefits, and inherent values and opportunities of both remote working and digital nomadic lifestyles for companies of all sizes. The speaker presents the process, the background, the results and the applicability of this type of work

    Application of Ionic Liquids in the Utilization of the Agricultural Wastes: Towards the One-Step Pre-Treatment and Cellulose Hydrolysis

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    Cheap, renewable lignocellulosic materials are relevant to the future of biofuel production. Wood and agricultural wastes (e.g. straw, corn stover) provide a raw material source that cannot be used for human consumption, thus biofuels from such sources do not threaten the food supply. The aim of the work was to carry out the pre-treatment and hydrolysis of lignocellulosic material in the same ionic liquid solvent (1-n-butyl-3- methyl-imidazolium-chloride, [Bmim]Cl), using ground wheat straw and a mixture of corn (Zea mays) leaf and stover, as substrates. Our measurements show that it is possible to achieve an acceptable glucose content from the cellulose by applying Cellic® CTec2 and Cellic® HTec2 enzyme complexes

    A Theoretical Concept of an Innovative and Sustainable Product Based on an Unconventional Approach to Design Development

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    Health security measures have become increasingly important in tourism, as there is a heightened need to rebuild the trust of tourists in destinations and tourism services. Innovative product development might help respond to the emerging health-related needs of tourists. We address the lack of the application of Designcommunication (DIS:CO)-based approaches in the field of tourism, present a process for the theoretical development of a smart device, and explore its applications. Combining the results of the qualitative inquiry and applying DIS:CO in research and development, the concept of 4S—traveling Safe, Secure, Smart, and Sustainable—emerges in a socio-cultural and economic context, supporting the foundation of the material realisation of the product. As a result, the 4S concept presents how customised, continual feedback on the health condition of the user before and during a trip, and notifications about possible health risks in different tourist areas, might facilitate the process of trust-building. Although data on unconventional tourists is not included in tourism statistics, the designed product can assist in gathering information about them, too. With the permission of users, the built-in functions of the designed product can be used to detect their position and direction of movement. The product also helps monitor the health of tourists by providing up-to-date data on infection levels to tourism service providers. In its passive mode, as a souvenir, the device strengthens travel desire

    Hidakból teremtett emlékek, avagy kísérlet egy innovatív tárgy megalkotására a B-bridge koncepción keresztül = Souvenirs created from bridges – an innovative product generated by a B-bridge concept

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    A tanulmány a turizmus és a tárgy kapcsolatával foglalkozik, amelyben nem a turizmus és a tárgy viszonyának alapvető kérdéseit boncolgatjuk, hanem azt mutatjuk meg, hogyan lehet egy innovatív tárgyat megalkotni három különböző tudományág közös jellemzőinek megtalálásán, erősségeinek ötvözésén és végül egy tervezői koncepció felállításán keresztül.4 A B-bridge koncepció lényege egy olyan eszköz megteremtése, amely aktív és inaktív módon is segíti a Budapestre érkező turisták élményszerzését. Aktív állapotban a tárgy hozzájárul a turista aktív és passzív időeltöltéséhez, míg a hazatérés után inaktívan, emléktárgyként szolgál az utazási élmények elraktározására, később pedig felidézésére. Munkánk nem lenne teljes a tárgy gazdasági hasznosságának ismertetése nélkül, hiszen mai világunkban elengedhetetlen, hogy egy jó ötlet pénzügyileg is releváns megalapozottsággal rendelkezzen. Kutatásunk záróakkordjaként bemutatjuk a javasolt tárgy megalkotásában rejlő kihívásokat és a jövőbeli lehetőségeket. = This study examines the relationship between tourism and an object. It does not focus on the basic question of this relationship but shows how it is possible to create an innovative object by defining the common features of three disciplines, by merging their strengths, and, finally by forming a design concept.5 The aim is to create an object, which helps tourists who visit Budapest to enhance their experience in both an active and an inactive way. It should contribute to the active and passive periods of their stay whilst, after their return home it acts as a souvenir to store and later to recall the memories. The study would not be complete without describing the economic advantages of the object, since today it is vital that a good idea should show some relevant financial benefit. Finally, the paper presents the challenges and opportunities of producing the product

    Ionos folyadékok alkalmazása biomassza értéknövelő feldolgozására

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