610 research outputs found

    A méltányosság – egy kísérlet a fogalom tisztázására (The fairness: an attempt to clarify the term)

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    A méltányosság egyaránt szerepet játszik a társadalmi, szervezeti és szervezetközi kapcsolatokban. A szakirodalom szerint a mindkét fél által méltányosnak tekintett kapcsolatok növelik a részt vevő szervezetek aggregált eredményességét, hosszú távon a kölcsönös és közös versenyelőny kialakítását szolgálják. De mit jelent a méltányosság? A szerző ismerteti a méltányosság és a hozzá szorosan kötődő fogalmak általános meghatározását, majd megvizsgálja Arisztotelész nézeteit az igazságosságról és a méltányosságról. Érint néhány filozófiai koncepciót, melyek a társadalmi igazságosságot egymástól eltérő módon interpretálják, majd részletezi a közgazdaságtan, a kísérleti közgazdaságtan, valamint a szervezeti pszichológia legjelentősebb igazságossági és méltányossági koncepcióit. A tanulmány átfogó képet nyújt a méltányosság definícióiról az áttekintett szakirodalom és a további vállalatközi méltányosságkutatáshoz kötődő relevancia alapján. _______ Fairness plays a role in social,organizational and interorganizational relations. Relationships which are considered to be fair by both parties increase the aggregate effectiveness of the participating organizations and develop mutual and reciprocal competitive advantage in the long-run. But what does fairness mean? The author describes the general definition of fairness and its closely related notions, which is followed by a review of Aristotle’s understanding of justice and equity. Some of the philosophical concepts with different social justice interpretation are examined. The author details the most important concepts of justice, equity and fairness of economics, experimental economics, and organizational psychology. The study provides a comprehensive picture of fairness and equity definitions based on the literature overview and the relevance of further research related to inter-company fairness

    History of the Service-Learning It Requirement in Maryland

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    Schools in Maryland have long provided some opportunities for students to volunteer. There have been the usual walk-a-thons, canned-food drives, visits to the elderly, and tree-planting projects. Building on this tradition, in 1985 the Maryland State Board of Education enacted a requirement that all school systems offer courses and programs in community service, open to all students, for elective credit, to provide opportunities for students to reach beyond themselves to help others. Two hundred of Maryland teachers were trained by the state, and during the 198889 school year, over 1,000 students were engaged in community service projects for credit (Maryland Student Service Alliance)


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    As railway traffik is a forced trajectory movement, the movement determined track is the basic requirement. i.e. in the track - vehicle system the track is the primary influential factor of the movement. The kinematically well designed track decreases the quantity of rising stresses and advantageously influences the physical and physiological characteristics of railway traffic. Making our regular and higher speed railway tracks suitable for the present re- quirements, for the future demands requires first of all right kinematical design of the track. The paper highlights the importance of high-speed tracks geometry and of up-to- date turnout geometry

    Selection of winter cereals for organic agriculture

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    Productivity in agriculture has more than tripled in developed countries since the 1950s. Beyond the success of plant breeding, the increased use of inorganic fertilizers, application of pesticides, and spread of irrigation also contributed to this success. However, impressive yield increases started to decline in the 1980s because of the lack of sustainability. One of the most beneficial ways to increase sustainability is organic agriculture. In such systems the prerequisite of successful farming is the availability of crop genotypes that perform well. However, selection of winter cereals for sub-optimal growing conditions is still neglected, and the organic seed market also lacks of information on credibly tested varieties suitable for organic agriculture
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