9 research outputs found

    「教育関係」における対話のとらえかたに関する一考察 ―参与観察記録の分析のために―

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    本研究ノートでは,教師と子どもの関係に存在する,対話に関する先行研究を取り上げて整理する。本稿で取り上げたの は,教育心理学者の岡本夏木が明らかにした「一次的ことば」と「二次的ことば」,教育哲学などを専門とする中田基昭が明らかにした「直接的対話」と「間接的対話」,さらに,両者の研究を組み合わせた教育人間学などを専門とする岡田敬司の「一次的言葉を用いた間接的対話」である。まず,これらの理論の特徴を抽出し,次に,「一次的言葉を用いた間接的対話」の限界を指摘した上で,対話における意味や話者の意識を考慮に入れながら,「包括的対話」という概念を提案する

    イギリスの初等教育 : 1988年から2011年の文化的文脈における教育政策と教育実践

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    What can we learn from policy change? What can we learn about primary schools and primary teaching by understanding the dynamics of recent change? This lecture will present an account and an analysis of changes in policy and practice over the last twenty years in Britain. It will also discuss the continuing process of change and current policy trends following a recent change of government. The session will encourage students to reflect on comparisons between Japan and Britain as a way of understanding the social, economic and political factors that inform primary education. The session will be arranged in three sections: 1. Curriculum - national curriculum and the needs of primary children - citizenship, health and welfare - assessment and testing 2. Teachers - teacher qualification and professional development - teacher autonomy and teaching methods - teachers and other adults in the classroom 3. School governance - variety of types of primary school - local accountability - national accountabilit

    子どもたちの生活の向上 : 1997年から2011年の政策と施行

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    The incoming ‘New Labour’ government in Britain in 1997 promoted educational attainment as its top policy priority. But by 2003 this priority had a wider focus on improving outcomes for all children – in terms of their health, safety and general well-being, as well as education and training for work. The lecture will describe the wide programme of policy initiatives introduced by the Labour government to improve children’s lives, and the changes made by the Coalition Government from May 2010. It will examine how these have impacted on local authorities, schools and other services for children. The session will also encourage students to relate the above to social policy in Japan. How do policies shape the way that services are provided to children and families? The session will be arranged in three sections: 1. Integrating children’s services - national policy - role and experience of Local Authorities (LAs) - influencing practice of professionals working with children 2. Childcare, parenting and provision - expansion of childcare through legislation - children’s centres - extended schools 3. Child protection and vulnerable children - child abuse - vulnerable groups - children in poverty - children in care - disabled children - children in trouble with the la

    特別なニーズ及び障害のある子どもたちへの学習の推進 : イングランドにおける近年の政策と革新

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    In a two year pilot (2009-2011) involving 454 schools and 28,000 pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), a programme called ‘Achievement for All’ (AfA) demonstrated huge impact in terms of outcomes for the children and cultural change in schools. There are now over 1,200 schools using the AfA programme. This seminar will describe the AfA approach and engage participants in practical discussion and activities relating to the AfA programme