62 research outputs found

    Collaboration with an Enterprise at a Japanese University

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    Until recently, most public health nursing curriculums were based on nurturing community health nurses. However, due to widespread changes in curriculums and a slow increase in demand for occupational health nurses, there has been an increase in interest among nursing students. The current structure of lectures does not sufficiently satisfy the increasing expectations of the business sector or the students. This research reports on the collaboration with an enterprise and the creation of a curriculum which with limited credits will attract occupational health nursing students (The Health Support Department of Oita Canon Corporation.)

    MafB is a critical regulator of complement component C1q

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    The transcription factor MafB is expressed by monocytes and macrophages. Efferocytosis (apoptotic cell uptake) by macrophages is important for inhibiting the development of autoimmune diseases, and is greatly reduced in Mafb-deficient macrophages. Here, we show the expression of the first protein in the classical complement pathway C1q is important for mediating efferocytosis and is reduced in Mafb-deficient macrophages. The efferocytosis defect in Mafb-deficient macrophages can be rescued by adding serum from wild-type mice, but not by adding serum from C1q-deficient mice. By hemolysis assay we also show that activation of the classical complement pathway is decreased in Mafb-deficient mice. In addition, MafB overexpression induces C1q-dependent gene expression and signals that induce C1q genes are less effective in the absence of MafB. We also show that Mafb-deficiency can increase glomerular autoimmunity, including anti-nuclear antibody deposition. These results show that MafB is an important regulator of C1q


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     本研究の目的は,急性期病院において老人看護専門看護師が行う老人看護コンサルテーションの結果から,高齢者ケアの困難さを解決に導くための院内教育ニーズを明らかにすることである.調査対象は急性期病院における老人看護コンサルテーション結果報告書61であり,年齢やコンサルテーションの回答からコンサルテーション概要表を作成した.データ分析は,類似のコンサルテーションをカテゴリー化するとともに,コンサルテーション回答の質的な内容を読みとり,看護師に対する院内教育ニーズを明らかにした.その結果,依頼が多かった老人看護コンサルテーションは「せん妄ケア」「病気の軌跡や死への対峙を支えるケア」「認知症およびBPSD へのケア」だった.また,老人看護コンサルテーション結果からみた院内教育ニーズの特徴として,高齢者自身への関心の向け方やそれをケアにどのようにいかしていくか,その結果を実際のケアに適用できるような能力の育成があげられた.さらに,院内教育ニーズとして高齢者への困難なケア方法の技術を教えるだけでなく,技術を駆使するときの考え方の能力育成や,相手の心情の推察を包括的に行うとともにコミュニケーション技術の育成が必要であることが明らかとなった

    Effects of inorganic mercury and methylmercury on osteoclasts and osteoblasts in the scales of the marine teleost as a model system of bone

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    To evaluate the effects of inorganic mercury (InHg) and methylmercury (MeHg) on bone metabolism in a marine teleost, the activity of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) as indicators of such activity in osteoclasts and osteoblasts, respectively, were examined in scales of nibbler fish (Girella punctata). We found several lines of scales with nearly the same TRAP and ALP activity levels. Using these scales, we evaluated the influence of InHg and MeHg. TRAP activity in the scales treated with InHg (10-5 and 10-4 M) and MeHg (10-6 to 10-4 M) during 6 hrs of incubation decreased significantly. In contrast, ALP activity decreased after exposure to InHg (10-5 and 10-4 M) and MeHg (10-6 to 10-4 M) for 18 and 36 hrs, although its activity did not change after 6 hrs of incubation. As in enzyme activity 6 hrs after incubation, mRNA expression of TRAP (osteoclastic marker) decreased significantly with InHg and MeHg treatment, while that of collagen (osteoblastic marker) did not change significantly. At 6 hrs after incubation, the mRNA expression of metallothionein, which is a metal-binding protein in osteoblasts, was significantly increased following treatment with InHg or MeHg, suggesting that it may be involved in the protection of osteoblasts against mercury exposure up to 6 hrs after incubation. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the effects of mercury on osteoclasts and osteoblasts using marine teleost scale as a model system of bone. © 2014 Zoological Society of Japan

    Exportin 4 Interacts with Sox9 through the HMG Box and Inhibits the DNA Binding of Sox9

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    Sox9 is a transcription factor that is required for tissue development in mammals. In general, such transcription factors require co-regulators for precise temporal and spatial control of the activation and inactivation of the numerous genes necessary for precise development during embryogenesis. Here we identify a new Sox9 co-regulator: Using affinity chromatography with immobilized Sox9 protein, we identified exportin 4 (Exp4) as an interacting protein of Sox9 in human cultured cells. Interaction between endogenous Exp4 and Sox9 proteins was confirmed in the human osteosarcoma U2OS cells by immunoprecipitation experiments using anti-Sox9 antibody. siRNA depletion of Exp4 enhanced transcription of Sox9 target genes in U2OS cells, but did not affect nuclear localization of Sox9. These results suggest that Exp4 regulates Sox9 activity in the nucleus. Furthermore we found that the HMG box of Sox9 was responsible for binding to Exp4, and the HMG box was required for suppression of Sox9-mediated transcription. This contrasts with the known Sox9 co-regulators which bind to its transcriptional activation domain. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses revealed that Exp4 prevents Sox9 binding to the enhancers of its target genes. These results demonstrate that Exp4 acts as a Sox9 co-regulator that directly regulates binding of Sox9 to its target genes

    A Cluster of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections in a Hospital Ward for Adult Immunocompromised Patients

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    Four male patients admitted to the same ward in the first half of September 201Y were identified to have respiratory syncytial virus(RSV)infection. Their ages ranged from 49 to 85 years(median 72.5). One patient was infected with human immunodeficiency virus and three patients had hematological malignancies. Following immuno-chromatological testing with a nasal cavity swab, RSV infection was diagnosed. Although blood and sputum cultures were performed in three patients, no significant bacteria were detected. Two cases responded to supportive therapy. However, one patient died secondary to multiple myeloma, and another patient developed pneumonia and died with an exacerbation of leukemia. RSV infections in immunocompromised hosts are associated with a poor prognosis. Early diagnosis will facilitate isolation of infected individuals to prevent hospital outbreaks

    Neurofeedback Using Real-Time Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Enhances Motor Imagery Related Cortical Activation

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    Accumulating evidence indicates that motor imagery and motor execution share common neural networks. Accordingly, mental practices in the form of motor imagery have been implemented in rehabilitation regimes of stroke patients with favorable results. Because direct monitoring of motor imagery is difficult, feedback of cortical activities related to motor imagery (neurofeedback) could help to enhance efficacy of mental practice with motor imagery. To determine the feasibility and efficacy of a real-time neurofeedback system mediated by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), two separate experiments were performed. Experiment 1 was used in five subjects to evaluate whether real-time cortical oxygenated hemoglobin signal feedback during a motor execution task correlated with reference hemoglobin signals computed off-line. Results demonstrated that the NIRS-mediated neurofeedback system reliably detected oxygenated hemoglobin signal changes in real-time. In Experiment 2, 21 subjects performed motor imagery of finger movements with feedback from relevant cortical signals and irrelevant sham signals. Real neurofeedback induced significantly greater activation of the contralateral premotor cortex and greater self-assessment scores for kinesthetic motor imagery compared with sham feedback. These findings suggested the feasibility and potential effectiveness of a NIRS-mediated real-time neurofeedback system on performance of kinesthetic motor imagery. However, these results warrant further clinical trials to determine whether this system could enhance the effects of mental practice in stroke patients

    Long‐term outcomes of freeze‐all strategy: A retrospective analysis from a single ART center in Japan

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    Abstract Purpose To demonstrate the benefits of the freeze‐all strategy for in vitro fertilization treatment based on retrospective analyses. Methods Post‐thaw embryo survival rates of slow‐frozen embryos in 294 cycles and vitrified embryos in 12 195 cycles were assessed. Progesterone (P4) and estradiol (E2) levels per mature oocyte by age category were assessed in 9081 cycles and pregnancy rates with fresh embryo transfer and frozen‐thawed embryo transfer by P4 level were assessed in 1535 cycles. Results The survival rates of frozen‐thawed embryos were 92.5% with slow freezing and 99.1% with vitrification. P4 levels on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injection showed a trend toward an increase with age. The pregnancy rate per mature oocyte with fresh embryo transfer decreased dependently upon P4 level, while that with frozen‐thawed embryo transfer was not affected by P4 level. The pregnancy rates with frozen‐thawed embryo transfer were higher than those with fresh embryo transfer in patients aged 42 years or younger. Conclusions The freeze‐all strategy is a valuable treatment option which allows the separation of an embryo transfer cycle from an oocyte retrieval cycle, especially for patients with high P4 levels at oocyte retrieval and patients of advanced maternal age