18 research outputs found

    Construction for a sustainable environment

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    Proceedings of the Green5 Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania 1 July - 4 July 2008The past fifty years have seen rapid development of public and governmental awareness of environmental issues. Engineers and scientists have made tangible contributions to environmental protection. However, further theoretical and practical developments are necessary to address mankind’s growing demands on the environment. Construction for a Sustainable Environment includes recent developments relating to construction and the environment, including: (1) engineered disposal of wastes; (2) treatment of contaminated and derelict land; (3) sustainable construction and infrastructure; (4) supporting the natural environment. Construction for a Sustainable Environment presents clear evidence that common sustainability issues are encountered throughout the world and that only a concerted, international and interdisciplinary approach can tackle these issues

    Permeable reactive barriers for pollutant removal from groundwater

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    The removal of pollutants from the groundwater using permeable reactive barriers is a novel in-situ groundwater remediation technology. The most relevant decontamination processes used are chemical reduction, oxidation, precipitation and sorption, for which examples are given. Some common organic pollutants are halogenated hydrocarbons, aromatic and nitroaromatic compounds which can be treated in reactive barriers successfully. Lead, chromium and, in particular, uranium are dealt with in great detail among inorganic pollutants because of their occurrence in many European countries. Construction methods for cut-off walls and reactive barriers exhibit similar features. Apart from conventional methods, drilling, deep soil mixing, jet technology, arrays of wells, injected systems and biobarriers are applied to construct permeable reactive barriers. Permeable reactive barriers bear great potential for the future in remediation engineering. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RA 2565(245) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    BMFT-Verbundvorhaben Deponieabdichtungssysteme

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    The BMFT-sponsored interconnected project ''Further development of landfill sealing systems'' has the objective to optimize the landfill sealing system with all its components in a way ensuring the maximum possible sealing effect for a period of several centuries. The interconnected project is to cover the most important issues still open in this area. They concern essentially experimental investigations and mathematical models of the permeability and ductile properties of landfill sealings, test methods for such systems, the influence of physical stress factors (frost, effective load, vapour, dessication etc.), chemical stress factors (redox reactions etc.) and biochemical stress factors on permeability, the investigation of transport processes, and process-technical studies on the manufacture and maintenance of landfill sealing systms. (orig.)Das BMFT-Verbund-Forschungsvorhaben ''Weiterentwicklung von Deponieabdichtungssystemen'' dient dem Ziel, das Deponieabdichtungssystem mit allen seinen Komponenten so zu optimieren, dass es eine maximal moegliche Dichtwirkung zuverlaessig ueber Zeitraeume von einigen hundert Jahren entfalten kann. Mit dem Verbundvorhaben sollen die wichtigsten noch offenen Fragen innerhalb dieses Themengebietes abgedeckt werden. Sie befassen sich im wesentlichen mit experimentellen Untersuchungen und mathematischen Modellen der Durchlaessigkeit und des Verformungsverhaltens von Deponieabdichtungen, mit Pruefverfahren fuer diese Anlagen, sowie mit dem Einfluss physikalischer (Frost, Auflast, Dampf, Austrockung etc.), chemischer (Redoxreaktionen etc.) und biochemischer Stoerfaktoren auf die Durchlaessigkeit, mit der Untersuchung von Transportvorgaengen und mit verfahrenstechnischen Arbeiten zur Herstellung und Erhaltung von Deponieabdichtungssystemen. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RR 2801(2)+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Touch based POMDP manipulation via sequential submodular optimization

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    Figure S1. 3D human lung tissue aggregates to study angiogenesis. To investigate the molecular background of angiogenesis, a three dimensional human lung tissue model was set up using three characteristic cell types of the lung. Namely, primary normal small airway epithelial cells (SAEC), normal human lung fibroblast (NHLF) or VEGF-A-GFP overexpressing human fibroblast (F11) and human microvascular endothelial cells lung subtype (HMVEC-L). GFP aided the visualization of VEGF-A overexpressing fibroblasts in the core of the lung model. Actin was labeled by Alexa Fluor 568 conjugated phalloidin (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA) to detect all cells in the tissue. Scale bar, 200 Οm. (TIF 1897 kb

    Weiterentwicklung von Deponieabdichtungssystemen Schlussbericht

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    Technical barriers for landfills are expected to maintain their efficacy over periods of time several orders of magnitude greater than are conventional engineering structures. Of special interest are long-term behaviour and very slow physical processes, clarification of which requires complex calculations and experiments of long duration. This research programme has contributed to understanding of the transport processes and, especially, desiccation in earthen layers and the results suggest practical protection measures. The mechanical properties of earthen and cut-off-materials can be improved and testing methods and apparatuses are available for the determination of critical values. Conditions which may endanger geomembranes, protective layers and drainage systems are now better understood. Advanced construction, quality management, repair and leak detection methods are available. Safety analysis shows that today's composite liners are extremely safe under the right conditions and, therefore, represent the standard by which the efficacy and equivalence of new liners should be measured. The research programme provides a deeper understanding of the performance of construction materials and the long-term behaviour of technical barriers and this will all help in the future design of safer landfills. (orig.)Deponieabdichtungssysteme sollen ihre Funktionsfaehigkeit ueber Zeiten behalten, die mehrere Groessenordnungen laenger sind als die Lebensdauer konventioneller Bauwerke. Von besonderem Interesse sind hierfuer das Langzeitverhalten der Baumaterialien und sehr langsam ablaufende physikalische Prozesse, die komplexer Berechnungsmethoden und Langzeituntersuchungen beduerfen. Das BMBF-Verbundforschungsvorhaben 'Weiterentwicklung von Deponieabdichtungssystemen' hat einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu den Erkenntnissen ueber die Transportprozesse, insbesondere den Feuchtetransport und die Austrocknung, geleistet und praktische Loesungswege aufgezeigt. Die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Erdstoff-Dichtmaterialien und Dichtwandmassen koennen verbessert werden, neue Pruefverfahren und Messeinrichtungen sind verfuegbar, die die Ermittlung von kritischen Werten ermoeglichen. Lastfaelle und Deponiebedingungen, die fuer Kunststoffdichtungsbahnen, Schutzschichten und Draenagesysteme ein Gefahrpotential darstellen, sind klarer geworden. Eine groessere Homogenitaet der Erdstoffe beim Einbau, Qualitaetsmanagement, Reparaturmoeglichkeiten und Leckdetektion gewaehrleisten eine bessere Einbauqualitaet und eine sichere Betriebsfuehrung. Die Sicherheitsanalyse zeigt, dass die Kombinationsdichtungen unter geeigneten Umstaenden sehr sicher sind und den Standard darstellen, mit dem die Gleichwertigkeit von alternativen Abdichtungssystemen und -materialien gemessen werden soll. Das Verbundforschungsvorhaben hat vertiefte Kenntnisse ueber die Eigenschaften der verwendeten Baumaterialien und das Langzeitverhalten der Abdichtungssysteme geliefert, und das wird in der Zukunft zu sicheren Deponien fuehren. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F98B937+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Weiterentwicklung von Deponieabdichtungssystemen Forschungsbericht/Schlussbericht

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    Technical barriers for landfills are expected to maintain their efficacy over periods of time several orders of magnitude greater than are conventional engineering structures. Of special interest are long-term behaviour and very slow physical processes, clarification of which requires complex calculations and experiments of long duration. This research programme has contributed to understanding of the transport processes and, especially, desiccation in earthen layers and the results suggest practical protection measures. The mechanical properties of earthen and cut-off materials can be improved and testing methods and apparatuses are available for the determination of critical values. Conditions which may endanger geomembranes, protective layers and drainage systems are now better understood. Advanced construction, quality management, repair and leak detection methods are available. Safety analysis shows that today's composite liners are extremely safe under the right conditions and, therefore, represent the standard by which the efficacy and equivalence of new liners should be measured. The research programme provides a deeper understanding of the performance of construction materials and the long-term behaviour of technical barriers and this will all help in the future design of safer landfills. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F97B2289+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman