24 research outputs found
Overcoming barriers to the adoption of locating technologies in dementia care: a multi-stakeholder focus group study
BACKGROUND: Locating technologies are a subtype of assistive technology that aim to support persons with dementia by helping manage spatial orientation impairments and provide aid to care partners by intervening when necessary. Although a variety of locating devices are commercially available, their adoption has remained low in the past years. Several studies have explored barriers to the adoption of assistive technologies from the perspective of professional stakeholders, but in-depth explorations for locating technologies are sparse. Additionally, the inputs of business professionals are lacking. The aim of this study was to expand knowledge on barriers to the adoption of locating technologies from a multi-stakeholder professional perspective, and to explore strategies to optimize adoption.
METHODS: In total, 22 professionals working in business (n = 7), healthcare (n = 6) and research (n = 9) fields related to gerontology and gerontechnology participated in our focus group study. Perceptions on the value of using locating technologies for dementia care, barriers to their adoption, as well as salient services and information dissemination strategies were explored. After verbatim transcription, transcripts were analysed following an inductive data-driven content analysis approach in MAXQDA. RESULTS: Six key adoption barriers centering on: (1) awareness-, (2) technological-, (3) product characteristic- and (4) capital investment-based limitations, (5) unclear benefits, as well as (6) ethical concerns emerged. The interplay between barriers was high. Five core themes on services and information dissemination strategies centering on: (1) digital autonomy support, (2) emergency support, (3) information dissemination actors, (4) product acquisition, and (5) product advertising were extracted. CONCLUSIONS: Our study with interdisciplinary stakeholders expands knowledge on barriers to the adoption of locating technologies for dementia care, and reinforces recommendations that an interdisciplinary strategy is needed to optimize adoption. Also, our findings show that focusing on services to increase digital autonomy and on information dissemination strategies has been largely overlooked and may be particularly effective
Generation of iPSC lines with SLC16A2:G401R or SLC16A2 knock out
The X-linked Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome (AHDS) is characterized by severely impaired psychomotor development and is caused by mutations in the SLC16A2 gene encoding the thyroid hormone transporter MCT8 (monocarboxylate transporter 8). By targeting exon 3 of SLC16A2 using CRISPR/Cas9 with single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides as homology-directed repair templates, we introduced the AHDS patient missense variant G401R and a novel knock-out deletion variant (F400Sfs*17) into the male healthy donor hiPSC line BIHi001-B. We successfully generated cerebral organoids from these genome-edited lines, demonstrating the utility of the novel lines for modelling the effects of MCT8-deficency on human neurodevelopment
Cardenamides from cardenolides: Cardiac and anticancer activities
Two ways are shown to transform cardioactive cardenolides into cardenamides [17{beta}-(5-oxo-2,5-dihydropyrrol-3-yl)-5{beta},14{beta}-androstane derivatives], and their derivatives by replacement of their ring oxygen by N-R. Cardioactivity is strongly decreased by this transformation. The comparatively easily accessible 21-oxocardenamides [17{beta}-(2-maleimidyl)steroids] are strongly thiol reactive and show remarkable anticancer activity