48 research outputs found

    Health Promotion in Public Places of Sakinah Supermarket Surabaya

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    Background: Humans daily activities are inseparable from public places. Public places are facilities used for communal public activities, such as buying and selling in supermarket. The management of supermarkets have to ensure clean, healthy, safe, and comfortable facilities which do not give disadvantages for health. In responding this issue, health promotion is required in public places to get rid of environmental pollution and disease transmission. Objective: This study described health promotion in public places as found in Sakinah Supermarket. Method: This study was descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Data were categorized into primary data through observation and in-depth interview, as well as secondary data through Sakinah Supermarket’s document. The analysis was explored by using Ottawa Charter's 5 means of action as basic health promotion tool. Results: Health promotion in Sakinah Supermarket was still lacking. Health promotion efforts that have been done well are the concept of a No-Smoking Area, where Sakinah Supermarket did not sell cigarettes and did not provide smoking area. Conclusion: Sakinah Supermarket has not supported healthy public places since it does not give adequate information to improve individual’s awareness of health


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    Action of personal hygiene is one of the efforts that can be done to maintain health in Islamic boarding school environment. In the implementation there are many female students who ignore it by exchanged personal items. This research purposed to determine association knowledge and attitude as predisposing factors, towards action of personal hygiene female students which supported by infrastructure and facilities of boarding school as enabling factor, and hygiene regulation as reinforcing factor in X Jombang Islamic boarding school. This research was an analytical study with cross sectional design. The population was 90 female students then obtained 48 female students as sampling by used simple random sampling. Independent variables studied included knowledge and attitudes about personal hygiene. While the dependent variable studied the action of personal hygiene female students. Instruments used a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques performed by using the chi square test to see whether or not an association between knowledge and attitude with action of personal hygiene. Variables studied and have a relationship with action of personal hygiene female students if fulfi ll the requirement p <0.05. From the statistic test show that knowledge has any association with action of personal hygiene female students with p = 0.000 (p < 0.05) and coffi cient contingensy at 0.593. So the conclusions of this research is, there was any association between knowledge of personal hygiene with action of personal hygiene female students in X Jombang Islamic boarding school. Infrastructure and facilities was adequate and there was a regulation about hygiene in this boarding school. Keyword: predisposing, enabling, reinforcing, action of personal hygien


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    Abstrak: Stunting merupakan kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak usia dibawah lima tahun akibat kekurangan gizi kronis, sehingga anak lebih pendek dari usianya. Peran posyandu sangat penting dalam pencegahan stunting pada balita. Sejak pandemi Covid-19, kegiatan posyandu mengalami penurunan. Melalui Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor HK.01.07/MENKES/12763/2020, pemangku kepentingan dan pemberi layanan upaya kesehatan dapat tetap menjalankan kegiatan posyandu. Dalam menjalankan kegiatan posyandu pada adaptasi kebiasaan baru, peningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan perlu diberikan untuk kader. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas kader dan pengelola posyandu dalam melaksanakan kegiatan posyandu pada adaptasi kebiasaan baru sebagai upaya pencegahan stunting. Sasaran kegiatan ini merupakan kader dan pengelola posyandu berjumlah 5 orang. Tahapan kegiatan meliputi persiapan dan koordinasi, orientasi kader dan pengelola posyandu, dan pendampingan di posyandu. Hasil menunjukan bahwa pengetahuan peserta mengalami peningkatan sebesar 27,72% setelah dilakukannya kegiatan orientasi. Kegiatan pendampingan di posyandu terlaksana dengan baik dan lancar, serta sesuai prinsip pelaksanaan posyandu dalam adaptasi kebiasaan baru.Abstract: Stunting is a chronic malnutrition-related growth failure in children under the age of five that causes them to be shorter than their age. The role of Integrated Health Post is very important in preventing stunting in children. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, Integrated Health Post activities have decreased. Through Minister of Health Decree HK.01.07/MENKES/12763/2020, stakeholders and health service providers can continue to carry out Integrated Health Post activities. In carrying out Integrated Health Post in post pandemic, it is necessary to increase knowledge and skills for cadres. This activity aims to increase the capacity of cadres in carrying out Integrated Health Post activities in the post pandemic as an effort to prevent stunting. The targets of this activity are Integrated Health Pos cadres and managers totaling 5 people. Activity stages include preparation and coordination, orientation, and assistance at the Integrated Health Post. The results showed that participants experienced an increase in knowledge of 27.72%, after orientation. The assistance programs were carried out well and in accordance with the principles of implementing Integrated Health Pos in post pandemic

    Care Service For The Elderly Community : Service Quality "Santun Lansia" in the Public Health Center

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    This study aims to determine the “Santun Lansia” service qualities in public health centers. This research begins with the innovation of health services for the elderly people who are named "Santun Lansia" service that is implemented public health center. The "Santun Lansia" service coverage is to provide services to the elderly including promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services . The theory used was the indicator of service quality from Valerie A. Zeithaml, A. Parasuramman, and Leonard L. Berry (1990) consisting of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and emphaty. The results of this study indicated that in general the quality of "Santun Lansia" service in Sidoarjo health center is good, although there are still some things that need improvement. From tangible aspects, the facility is adequate with the provision of special facilities for elderly people. Reliability, the health service center has implemented all service coverage as promised. Responsiveness, officers have provided more "reactiveness" to elderly patients. Assurance, the ability of officers in providing services is good. And finally emphaty, officers have been patient in helping the difficulties of elderly patients

    Relationship Between Safety Promotion and Perception of the Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on Workers at Pt Aneka Gas Industri Region V East Java

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    Context: The behavior of not using personal protective equipment (PPE) is an unsafe decision that can increase the number of work accidents and work-related illnesses in the industrial environment. One of the factors that can influence the behavior of using PPE is individuals’ perception. Perception can be analyzed using a theory called as the Health Belief Model (HBM). Cues to action according to the safety promotion is one component of HBM, which is an external factor that can influence individual’s perception. Hence, this study aims to analyze the relationship between safety promotion and worker’s perception about the use of PPE.This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. The samples were chosen based on the slovinformula and obtained a total sample of 87 operating unit workers of various departments at PT. Aneka Gas Industri Region V, East Java. The independent variable in this study is the effectiveness of Safety Promotion. While the dependent variable in this study is the perception of the use of PPE. The data was analyzed using the Chi-Square correlation test.The results show that there is a relationship between the effectiveness of safety promotion and the perception of PPE (p = 0.013). This study concludes that there is a relationship between the effectiveness of safety promotion with the perception of the use of PPE

    Barriers for multiparous women to using long-term contraceptive methods in Southeast Asia: case study in Philippines and Indonesia

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    Background: Multiparous women are supposed to be able to end their reproductive cycle to decrease population growth. This study aimed to analyze barriers for multiparous women to use long-term contraceptive methods (LTCM) in the Philippines and Indonesia.Methods: The study population was women aged 15–49 years old who have given birth to a live baby > 1 in the Phil-ippines and Indonesia. The weighted sample size was 12,085 Philippines women and 25,543 Indonesian women. To identify variables associated with the use of LTCM, we analyzed place of residence, age group, education level, marital status, employment status, and wealth status. The fnal step employed multinomial logistic regression.Results: In both countries, the results showed that variables associated with non-user LTCM were younger women, living in rural areas with poor education. Women without partner and unemployed had higher probability to not use LTCM. Finally, low wealth status had a higher probability than the richest multiparous to not use LTCM. Conclusion: The study concluded that there were six barriers for multiparous women to use LTCM in the Philippines and Indonesia. The six obstacles were living in rural areas, being younger, poor education, single, unemployed, and low wealth


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    Background: Pregnant women who experience Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) will be at risk of decreased muscle strength which will be used in the process of childbirth resulting in the occurrence of various complications such as low birth weight babies, miscarriage, birth defects, premature, and even infant death. The problem of CED among pregnant women requires intervention not only in nutritional aspects but also in socio-economic aspects. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the overview of the chronic energy deficiency among pregnant women in Nusa Tenggara in 2018 and the factors that influence it. Methods: The approach used in this study was ecological analysis methods. All districts and cities in West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara were included in this study. This study looked at the prevalence of CED among pregnant women and 4 other independent variables, namely the percentage of supplementary feeding, the percentage of added blood tablets, poverty rate, and literacy rate. The data were analyzed using cross-tabulation. Results: The results show that supplementary feeding and literacy rates do not affect the incidence of CED. However, other variables such as the provision of blood booster supplements and poverty rate affect the incidence of CED. Conclusion: Health care facilities need to improve services and counseling regarding the importance of nutrition during pregnancy and the need for government support in improving the socio-economic status of the community to reduce the prevalence of CED in Nusa Tenggara


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    Setelah pemberlakukan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional, puskesmas dianggap semakin berat menjalankan fungsi kuratif daripada preventif. Implementasi fungsi puskesmas sudah seharusnya dapat dikendalikan melalui sebuah instrumen Penilaian Kinerja Puskesmas (PKP) yang mampu mengakomodasi fungsi puskesmas secara seimbang. Penelitian ini menganalisis kemampuan instrumen Penilaian Kinerja Puskesmas dalam mengakomodasi implementasi fungsi puskesmas. Implementasi fungsi puskesmas dianalisis melalui studi dokumen kebijakan yang mengatur fungsi puskesmas. Nominal Group Technique (NGT) dengan kepala puskesmas di Kota Surabaya dilakukan untuk menyimpulkan akomodasi setiap fungsi puskesmas pada setiap komponen penilaian yang digunakan dalam instrumen PKP. Ada tiga aspek yang dinilai dalam PKP, yakni aspek pelayanan kesehatan (wajib dan pengembangan), pelaksanaan manajemen puskesmas, dan mutu pelayanan kesehatan. PKP untuk program wajib dan pengembangan puskesmas lebih menilai fungsi puskesmas sebagai pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat. Komponen penilaian untuk mutu pelayanan kesehatan dan kegiatan manajemen puskesmas justru lebih banyak menilai mutu fungsi pelayanan kesehatan perorangan. Fungsi puskesmas sebagai pusat penggerak pembangunan berwawasan kesehatan merupakan fungsi yang paling jarang dinilai sebagai kinerja puskesmas. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa instrumen PKP yang selama ini digunakan belum mampu mengakomodasi implementasi fungsi puskesmas secara seimbang


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    Access to health services is often seen only from the provider perspective, while from the community side as a user is&nbsp;less noticed. Improving the quality of health services access requires a complete perspective on two diff erent sides. This&nbsp;research is designed descriptively qualitative. Data were collected by Focus Group Discussion (FGD), in-depth interview&nbsp;and observation. The research was conducted in Malang Regency in June-August 2018. The study results showed health&nbsp;services access generally the community believes that there are still perceived defi ciencies. Especially on the aspect&nbsp;of physical access, due to poor facilities and infrastructure. In addition, social access was also considered inadequate,&nbsp;because there were still health workers who served with less friendly. This study concludes that people still feel access&nbsp;to physical and social aspects is still diffi cult. It should be recommended to the local government for eff orts to improve&nbsp;physical access, and the Health Offi ce to disseminate health information about the rights of patients to the community. Abstrak Akses pelayanan kesehatan seringkali dilihat hanya dari perspektif pemberi pelayanan saja, sementara akses dari sisi&nbsp;masyarakat sebagai pengguna kurang terperhatikan. Perbaikan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan dari sisi akses memerlukan&nbsp;perspektif yang lengkap dari dua sisi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini didesain secara deskriptif kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan&nbsp;dengan Focus Group Discussion (FGD), wawancara mendalam dan pengamatan. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten&nbsp;Malang pada bulan Juni–Agustus 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aksesibilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang ada, secara&nbsp;umum masyarakat berpendapat bahwa masih ada kekurangan yang dirasakan. Terutama pada aspek akses secara fisik,&nbsp;dikarenakan sarana dan prasarana yang kurang baik. Selain itu akses secara sosial juga dirasa kurang, karena masih ada&nbsp;tenaga kesehatan yang melayani dengan kurang ramah. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa masyarakat masih merasa&nbsp;akses dari aspek fisik dan sosial masih sulit. Perlu direkomendasikan pada pemerintah daerah setempat untuk upayaperbaikan akses secara fi sik, dan Dinkes untuk mendiseminasikan informasi kesehatan mengenai hak pasien kepada&nbsp;masyarakat