239 research outputs found

    Analysis of United States history workbooks on a high school level

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston University, 1948. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Contagion In Financial Banking Systems

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    This paper takes a financial network, applies a shock to the system and looks at the resulting institutions that fail. It considers the propagation of contagion through the financial network by employing various techniques. The first method calculates unique clearing payments for all the banks in the system. It also defines fundamental default and contagious failure of any financial institution and differentiates between these two important concepts. The second method uses mean-field approximations to make all the banks in the system identical. It reduces an institution's external assets so that it defaults and looks at subsequent failures that spread through the financial network. This technique provides criteria for shocks and for initial and successive defaults. It considers cases with and without liquidity shocks. This paper presents a connectivity measure using Kirchhoff's theorem. It computes the Kirchhoff number of all the banks in a financial network and finds the most and least vulnerable institutions. Finally, this paper tests the described connectivity measure by performing simulations on financial systems with a varying number of large banks and analyzing the results

    Comparative analysis of innovative minimally invasive reconstructive techniques of abdominal-wall hernias: ventral TAPP versus laparoscopic IPOM

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    Die laparoskopische Reparation von Bauchwandbrüchen ist seit Jahren Bestandteil der Hernienchirurgie. Als Standardtechnik gilt das lap. IPOM Verfahren, welches sich aufgrund seiner vergleichsweise einfachen und standardisierten Operationstechnik sowie der guten Langzeitergebnisse bezüglich eines Rezidivs etabliert hat. Diese Methode wird jedoch aufgrund von nicht unerheblichen postoperativen Schmerzen und der Tatsache, dass die Netzeinlage intraabdominell erfolgt und somit direkten Kontakt zu den viszeralen Organen hat, in der aktuellen Literatur zunehmend kontrovers diskutiert. In der Chirurgischen Klinik Charité Campus Mitte / Campus Virchow-Klinikum wird seit 2014 neben der etablierten lap. IPOM Methode die ventral TAPP für ventrale Hernien kleiner bis mittlerer Größe durchgeführt. Dieses ebenfalls minimalinvasive Verfahren erlaubt eine präperitoneale Netzplatzierung. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist es, die lap. IPOM Methode mit der innovativen ventral TAPP Technik im Anwendungsgebiet von ventralen Hernien kleiner bis mittlerer Größe zu vergleichen. Diesbezüglich wurden sämtliche Fälle, die zwischen 2014 und 2020 am Campus Mitte / Campus Virchow-Klinikum mit den beiden Operationstechniken behandelt wurden, aus der prospektiv geführten Datenbank extrahiert und retrospektiv aufgearbeitet. Dies ergab nach Anwendung der Exklusionskriterien 180 Fälle. Patienten mit einer Herniengröße von mehr als 5 cm wurden ausgeschlossen, da die ventral TAPP hier nicht zur Anwendung kam. Anschließend wurde eine Propensity-Score-Analyse durchgeführt. Hieraus ergaben sich Kohorten von jeweils 27 Patienten, welche in Bezug auf ihre perioperativen Daten, postoperativen Ergebnisse und Kosteneffektivität analysiert wurden. Die statistische Auswertung der erhobenen Daten zeigte signifikant erhöhte Werte in Bezug auf die postoperative Einnahme von Opiaten in der lap. IPOM Gruppe im Vergleich zu den ventral TAPP Patienten (p=0,001). Weiterhin war die objektivierte postoperative Schmerzempfindung anhand des VAS nach einer lap. IPOM Hernienreparation sowohl in ihrem maximalen Ausmaß (p=0,004) als auch bei Bewegung (p=0,008) und in Ruhe (p=0,023) signifikant höher. Hernienrezidive wurden über einen Nachbeobachtungszeitraum von 31.96 ± 27.57 (lap. IPOM) sowie 14.70 ± 15.76 (ventral TAPP) Monaten in keiner der beiden Gruppen festgestellt. Bezüglich der Materialkosten ist die ventral TAPP (34,37 ± 0,47 €) deutlich günstiger als die lap. IPOM Methode (742,57 ± 128,44 €; p=0,001). Auch war die Dauer des stationären Aufenthaltes bei der lap. IPOM Kohorte signifikant länger (2.81 ± 0.88 versus 2.37 ± 0.69 Tage; p=0,043). Insgesamt zeigte der Vergleich der beiden Methoden, dass die ventral TAPP eine alternative Technik zur etablierten lap. IPOM Hernienreparation bietet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die postoperativen Schmerzen, die Materialkosten und der stationäre Krankenhausaufenthalt der ventral TAPP Kohorte im Vergleich zur lap. IPOM signifikant niedriger waren.Laparoscopic repair of abdominal wall hernias has been an essential part of hernia surgery for many years. The lap. IPOM has established itself due to its comparatively simple and standardized surgical technique as well as good long-term results with regard to recurrence. However, this method is controversially discussed in the current literature due to considerable postoperative pain and the fact that the mesh is placed intraabdominally and thus has direct contact to the visceral organs. In addition to the established lap. IPOM method, the innovative ventral TAPP for ventral hernias of small to medium size has been performed at the Department of Surgery Charité Campus Mitte / Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin since 2014. This procedure, also minimally invasive, allows for preperitoneal mesh placement. The purpose of this study is to compare the lap. IPOM method with this innovative technique (ventral TAPP) for treatment of ventral hernias of small to medium size. In this regard, all cases between 2014 and 2020 at Charité Campus Mitte / Campus Virchow-Klinikum treated with either one of these surgical techniques were extracted from the prospectively maintained database and retrospectively analyzed. 180 cases were identified after application of the exclusion criteria. Subsequently, patients with hernia size greater than 5 cm were excluded because the ventral TAPP method is not suitable for larger hernias. A propensity-score matching was performed. This resulted in cohorts of 27 patients each, which were analyzed in terms of their perioperative data, surgical outcomes, and cost-effectiveness. Statistical analysis of the collected data showed significant higher values in terms of postoperative opiate use in the lap. IPOM group compared to the ventral TAPP patients (p=0.001). Furthermore, objectified postoperative pain perception using the VAS was significantly elevated after lap. IPOM hernia repair. Data was showed higher values during maximum extent (p=0.004) and during movement (p=0.008) as well as at rest (p=0.023). Hernia recurrences were not observed in either group over a follow-up period of 31.96 ± 27.57 months (lap. IPOM) and 14.70 ± 15.76 months (ventral TAPP). Regarding material costs, the ventral TAPP (34,37 ± 0,47 €) is significantly cheaper than the lap. IPOM method (742.57 ± 128.44 €; p=0.001). Also, the length of inpatient stay was significantly longer in the lap. IPOM cohort (2.81 ± 0.88 versus 2.37 ± 0.69 days; p=0,043). Overall, the comparison of the two methods showed that the ventral TAPP method is an alternative technique to the established lap. IPOM hernia repair. In particular the results show that postoperative pain, material costs and inpatient hospital stay were significantly lower in the ventral TAPP cohort compared with lap. IPOM cohort

    Μετασκησιακές θερμορυθμιστικές και αιμοδυναμικές αποκρίσεις σε θερμό και υγρό περιβάλλον σε διαφορετικές θέσεις σώματος

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    Μετασκησιακές θερμορυθμιστικές και αιμοδυναμικές αποκρίσεις σε θερμό και υγρό περιβάλλον σε διαφορετικές θέσεις σώματος

    Psychopathologie et insertion sociale des migrants polonais en France

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    Cet article examine la psychopathologie et l’insertion sociale de 115 immigrés polonais en France. Une approche théorique suivie d’une recherche clinique fondée principalement sur les résultats de deux questionnaires : le Symptom Check List (SRL-90-R) et le Social Adjustment Scale (SAS-SR) ainsi que sur l’interprétation de données socio-démographiques, conclut que certains migrants souffrent de symptômes psychopathologiques tels que la nervosité, la dépression, des somatisations et des sentiments de culpabilité. Ces troubles psychopathologiques de type névrotique touchent davantage les femmes migrantes que les hommes et les sujets jeunes plutôt que les migrants plus âgés.De plus, les migrants éprouvent des difficultés dans l’exécution de nombreux rôles sociaux, notamment dans leur vie relationnelle, leurs loisirs ainsi que dans le fonctionnement de leur vie familiale. L'étude montre également la forte corrélation entre les manifestations psychopathologiques et les difficultés sociales détectées ainsi que la relation entre certaines variables socio-démographiques et le bien-être des personnes immigrées.Psychopathology and Social Adjustment of Polish Immigrants in France. This study examines the psychopathology and social adjustment of 115 Polish immigrants in France. A theoretical approach followed by a clinical research mainly founded on the two questionnaire results: the Symptom Check List (SRL-90-R) and the Social Adjustment Scale (SAS-SR) and the interpretation of the social and demographic data concludes that some migrants suffer from psychopathological symptoms such as nervosity, depression, somatization, and a sensation of guilt. Neurosis like psychopathological disorders concern women more than men and more young than old migrants.Moreover, migrants experience difficulties engaging in many of their social roles including in their inter-personal life, in their leisure as well as in their family and household functioning. The study also shows a strong correlation between psychopathological symptoms and social responses and a relation between sociodemographic indicators and immigrants’ well-being.Sicopatología e inserción social de los emigrantes polacos en Francia. Este artículo examina la sicopatología y la inserción social de 115 inmigrantes polacos en Francia. Sobre la base de un enfoque teórico se ha desarrollado una investigación fundada en los resultados de dos cuestionarios, el Symptom Check List (SRL-90-R) y el Social Adjustment Scale (SAS-SR), y en la interpretación de datos socio-demográficos. Este trabajo concluye que ciertos inmigrantes sufren síntomas sicopatológicos como el nerviosismo, la depresión, las somatizaciones y los sentimientos de culpabilidad. Estas alteraciones de tipo neurótico afectan en mayor proporción a las mujeres inmigrantes y a las personas jóvenes que a los hombres o a las personas de mayor edad.Los inmigrantes experimentan dificultades en la ejecución de numerosos roles sociales, en especial en su vida relacional, en sus ocios o en el funcionamiento de la vida familiar. El estudio muestra igualmente la alta correlación existente entre las manifestaciones sicopatológicas y las dificultades sociales detectadas así como la relación entre ciertas variables socio-demográficas y el bienestar de las personas inmigrantes

    Large Diameter Femoral Heads Impose Significant Alterations on the Strains Developed on Femoral Component and Bone: A Finite Element Analysis

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    Total Hip Arthroplasty aims at fully recreating a functional hip joint. Over the past years modular implant systems have become common practice and are widely used, due to the surgical options they provide. In addition Big Femoral Heads have also been implemented in the process, providing more flexibility for the surgeon. The current study aims at investigating the effects that femoral heads of bigger diameter may impose on the mechanical behavior of the bone-implant assembly. Using data acquired by Computed Tomographies and a Coordinate Measurement Machine, a cadaveric femur and a Profemur-E modular stem were fully digitized, leading to a three dimensional finite element model in ANSYS Workbench. Strains and stresses were then calculated, focusing on areas of clinical interest, based on Gruen zones: the calcar and the corresponding below the greater trochanter area in the proximal femur, the stem tip region and a profile line along linea aspera. The performed finite elements analysis revealed that the use of large diameter heads produces significant changes in strain development within the bone volume, especially in the lateral side. The application of Frost’s law in bone remodeling, validated the hypothesis that for all diameters normal bone growth occurs. However, in the calcar area lower strain values were recorded, when comparing with the reference model featuring a 28mm femoral head. Along line aspera and for the stem tip area, higher values were recorded. Finally, stresses calculated on the modular neck revealed increased values, but without reaching the yield strength of the titanium alloy used