3 research outputs found

    Effect of Elephantopus Scaber Linn. leaf extract on mouse immune system

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect of Elephantopus Scaber Linn. ethanol extract on mouse immune system based on macrophage phagocytic activity and capacity, total leukocyte count, and distribution of each type of leukocyte. Methods: Twenty male mice were randomly assigned to four groups. Group I (control) received sodium carboxy methyl cellulose (Na-CMC), 0.5 %). Groups II, III, and IV were dosed orally with 10, 30, and 100 mg/kg ethanol E. scaber leaf extract, respectively, for 7 consecutive days. On the 8th day, a suspension of Staphylococcus aureus was injected intraperitoneally, and macrophage activity and capacity as well as leukocyte count were then measured using a counting chamber device (hemocytometer) and a 400 x microscope. Results: The effect of the leaf extract at doses of 10, 30, and 100 mg/kg was increase in macrophage activity by 46.25, 54, and 65 %, and macrophage capacity by 95.8, 105.4 and 125.8 cell/100 macrophage, respectively; total leukocyte count was 10790, 12360, and 15230 cells/µl, respectively, and lymphocyte was 34.4, 34.6, and 36 %. Thus, the leaf extract significantly increased macrophage activity and capacity, as well as segmented neutrophils, and mice total leukocyte counts (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Ethanol extract of E scaber leaf extract increases macrophage activity and capacity, as well as total leukocyte count in mouse; therefore, this extract may provide a highly effective approach for boosting immunity

    Uji efek ekstrak etanol daun tapak liman (Elephantopus Scaber Linn.) terhadap aktivitas dan kapasitas fagositosis sel makrofag dan persentase sel leukosit pada mencit putih jantan

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    Sistem imun memiliki peran penting dalam melindungi tubuh dari benda-benda yang berasal dari lingkungan, seperti mikroba dan senyawa kimia. Sistem imun dalam melakukan fungsinya melibatkan berbagai macam sel seperti makrofag, leukosit, limfosit dan sel fagosit lainnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol daun Elephantopus scaber Linn terhadap sistem imun berdasarkan pengaruhnya terhadap aktivitas, kapasitas fagositosis sel makrofag, persentase sel leukosit dan jumlah sel leukosit total. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 20 ekor mencit yang dibagi kedalam empat kelompok. Kelompok I sebagai kontrol diberikan Na-CMC 0,5%, kelompok II, III, dan IV diberikan ekstrak etanol daun E.scaber dengan dosis 10, 30 and 100 mg/kgBB selama tujuh hari berturut-turut secara oral. Pada hari ke-8, aktivitas dan kapasitas fagositosis sel makrofag dihitung setelah sel leukosit dihitung dan suspensi Staphylococcus aureus diinjeksikan secara intraperitoneal. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun E.scaber dapat meningkatkan aktivitas, kapasitas fagositosis sel makrofag dan jumlah sel leukosit total pada mencit putih jantan. Berdasarkan uji ANOVA pemberian ekstrak etanol daun E.scaber mempengaruhi aktivitas dan kapasitas fagositosis sel makrofag, persentase sel neutrofil segmen, persentase sel monosit dan jumlah sel leukosit total secara bermakna (p0,05). Pemberian ekstrak etanol daun E.scaber dapat mempengaruhi sistem imun. Kata kunci: Fagositosis, sel makrofag, daun tapak liman, Elephantopus Scaber Linn