3 research outputs found


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    Background: Oral lesion is one the clinical signs found in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). CML is a myeloid cell neoplasm that have oral manifestations such as gingival hyperplasia, spontaneous haemorrhage, petechiae, oral infection, mucosal pallor, and ulceration. The purpose is to find out how to diagnose and oral lesions associated CML to occure, so the dentist could provide the right therapyCase Management: 46 years old male was referred from Internal Medicine Department with diagnosis CML. The patient complained of pain at the right upper gum. Cheilitis exfoliative was found at the extra oral examination, while intra oral examination found ulcer at the palate. Blood test result showed decreases of Haemoglobin, Hematocrite, erythrocytes which showed iron deficiency anemia causes disruption of oral mucosal integrity, thereby facilitating oral ulcerations. Based on history, clinical examination and laboratory investigation, intra-oral abnormality was diagnosed as oral lesion associated CML. Triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% in orabase as theraphy oral lesion, vaseline album for management exfoliative cheilitis, and Surbex Z® as multivitamin. Oral ulcer improved within 6 weeks.Conclusion: The diagnosis oral lesions associated CML can be diagnosed based on history, clinical examination and laboratory investigation. Oral ulcers in this patient caused by iron deficiency anemia

    Oral Opportunistic Infections in Patient with HIV Wasting Syndrome

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    Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) wasting syndrome is a condition in which weight loss, fever, and chronic diarrhea occur for more than 30 days without any causes other than HIV infection. HIV causes an immunocompromised condition resulting in susceptibility to infection. The opportunistic infections are oral candidiasis, herpes simplex virus (HSV), and tuberculosis. This study aims to explain oral opportunistic infections in a patient with wasting syndrome. Case Report: A 20-year-old female, who was 165 cm in height and 33.75 kg in weight, with wasting syndrome, pulmonary tuberculosis, oral candidiasis, and angular cheilitis was referred from an internist in Hasan Sadikin Hospital. Extraoral examination showed a yellowish brownish crust on the lips. Intraoral examination showed multiple ulcers covered by a yellowish membrane on the labial mucosa. The white plaques were scrapable, and an erythematous was found on the dorsum of the tongue, buccal mucosa, and palate. Laboratory results revealed a decrease in hemoglobin, hematocrit, leucocyte, erythrocyte, basophil, neutrophil, lymphocyte, albumin, reactive anti-HSV IgG, CD4 16 cell/µl, mycology culture test, chest x-ray, and sputum. On the basis of anamnesis, clinical features, and laboratory examination, the patient was diagnosed with stomatitis herpetica and oral candidiasis. Chlorhexidine gluconate 0.2%, nystatin oral suspension, vitamin B12, folic acid, and vaseline album were administered on the lips. Clinical recovery of oral candidiasis was accomplished after five weeks of therapy. Conclusion: Opportunistic infections in patient with wasting syndrome are oral candidiasis, herpetic stomatitis, and tuberculosis

    Pengembangan Potensi Buah Nanas Menjadi Olahan Asinan Nanas Oleh-oleh Khas Lubuk Enau

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    Kewirausahaan adalah suatu proses penerapan inovasi dan kreativitas untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang berbeda dan sesuatu yang bernilai serta kemampuan menghadapi tantangan hidup dengan melihat peluang di depan resiko, berbagai resiko dan ketidakpastian untuk mencapai profitabilitas dan pertumbuhan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk dapat mengembangkan potensi sumber daya alam yang ada di desa Lubuk Enau. Khususnya pohon buah Nanas dan pengaruhnya bagi warga desa Lubuk Enau khususnya ibu-ibu PKK sehingga dapat mendongkrak perekonomian masyarakat sekitar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif melalui wawancara dan workshop dengan ibu-ibu PKK di Desa Lubuk Enau