14 research outputs found

    Palliative Approach for Aged Care

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    In Australia, many people ageing in their own homes are becoming increasingly frail and unwell, approaching the end of life. A palliative approach, which adheres to palliative care principles, is often appropriate. These principles provide a framework for proactive and holistic care in which quality of life and of dying is prioritised, as is support for families. A palliative approach can be delivered by the general practitioner working with the community aged care team, in collaboration with family carers. Support from specialist palliative care services is available if necessary. The Guidelines for a Palliative Approach for Aged Care in the Community Setting were published by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing to inform practice in this area. There are three resource documents. The main document provides practical evidence based guidelines, good practice points, tools, and links to resources. This document is written for general practitioners, nurses, social workers, therapists, pastoral care workers, and other health professionals and responded to needs identified during national consultation. Evidence based guidelines were underpinned by systematic reviews of the research literature. Good practice points were developed from literature reviews and expert opinion. Two ‘plain English’ booklets were developed in a process involving consumer consultation; one is for older people and their families, the other for care workers. The resources are intended to facilitate home care that acknowledges and plans for the client’s deteriorating functional trajectory and inevitable death. At a time when hospitals and residential aged care facilities are under enormous pressure as the population ages, such a planned approach makes sense for the health system as a whole. The approach also makes sense for older people who wish to die in their own homes. Family needs are recognised and addressed. Unnecessary hospitalisations or residential placements and clinically futile interventions are also minimised

    Integration, coordination and multidisciplinary approaches in primary care: a systematic investigation of the literature

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    Australia's population is ageing and there is an increasing burden of chronic disease putting pressure on the health system. These challenges have raised interest and awareness of primary health care models of care, like the use of integrated, co-ordinated multidisciplinary team approaches. This review looked at the existence and effectiveness of these models in primary health care settings.The research reported in this paper is a project of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute, which is supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research, Evaluation and Development Strategy

    Bereavement help-seeking following an 'expected' death: a cross-sectional randomised face-to-face population survey

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    © 2008 Currow et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background : This study examines the prevalence and nature of bereavement help-seeking among the population who experienced an "expected" death in the five years before their survey response. Such whole population data are not limited by identification through previous access to specific services nor practitioners. Methods : In a randomised, cross-sectional, state-wide population-based survey, 6034 people over two years completed face-to-face interviews in South Australia by trained interviewers using piloted questions (74.2% participation rate). Respondent demographics, type of grief help sought, and circumstantial characteristics were collected. Uni- and multi-variate logistic regression models were created. Results : One in three people (1965/6034) had experienced an 'expected' death of someone close to them in the last five years. Thirteen per cent sought help for their grief from one or more: friend/family members (10.7%); grief counselors (2.2%); spiritual advisers (1.9%); nurses/doctors (1.5%). Twenty five respondents (1.3%) had not sought, but would have valued help with their grief. In multi-variate regression modeling, those who sought professional help (3.4% of the bereaved) had provided more intense care (OR 5.39; CI 1.94 to14.98; p < 0.001), identified that they were less able to 'move on' with their lives (OR 7.08; CI 2.49 to 20.13; p = 0.001) and were more likely not to be in full- or part-time work (OR 3.75; CI 2.31 – 11.82; p = 0.024; Nagelkerke's R2 = 0.33). Conclusion : These data provide a whole-of-population baseline of bereavement help-seeking. The uniquely identified group who wished they had sought help is one where potentially significant health gains could be made as we seek to understand better any improved health outcomes as a result of involving bereavement services

    Palliative care in undergraduate curricula: Results of a national scoping study

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    Background: We wished to explore the ways in which palliative care is included in undergraduate health services curricula in Australia and the barriers to, and opportunities for, such inclusion. Methods: A scoping study of current Australian undergraduate health care curricula, using an email survey of deans (or equivalent) of health faculties was designed utilising all Australian undergraduate courses that prepare medicine, nursing and allied health professionals for entry to practice. Participants were deans or faculty heads from health and related faculties which offered courses relevant to the project, identified from the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training website. Sixty-two deans (or equivalent) from 41 Australian universities were surveyed. A total of 42 completed surveys were returned (68% of deans). Main outcome measures were total hours, content, teaching and learning strategies and resources for palliative care education in undergraduate curricula; perceived gaps, barriers, and opportunities to support the inclusion of palliative care education in undergraduate curricula. Results: Forty-five percent of respondents reported the content of current curricula reflected the palliative approach to a large degree. More than half of the respondents reported that their course had palliative care components integrated to a minor degree and a further third to a moderate degree. The number of hours dedicated to palliative care and teaching and learning strategies varied across all respondents, although there was a high degree of commonality in content areas taught. Conclusion: Current Australian undergraduate courses vary widely in the nature and extent to which they provide education in palliative care