12 research outputs found

    Níveis de lisina digestível em rações, em que se manteve ou não a relação aminoacídica, para frangos de corte de 1 a 21 dias de idade, mantidos em estresse por calor

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    Dois ensaios foram conduzidos para avaliar os efeitos de níveis de lisina digestível em rações em que se manteve ou não a relação aminoacídica sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte machos de 1 a 21 dias de idade, criados em alta temperatura. O delineamento experimental utilizado em ambos os ensaios foi o inteiramente casualizado. As aves, no ensaio 1, foram distribuídas em cinco tratamentos (0,92; 0,98; 1,04; 1,10 e 1,16% de lisina digestível em ração convencional), oito repetições e dez aves por repetição. No ensaio 2, os frangos foram distribuídos em quatro tratamentos (1,04; 1,10; 1,16 e 1,22% de lisina digestível em rações mantendo a relação aminoacídica), oito repetições e dez aves por repetição. No ensaio 1, os tratamentos influenciaram quadraticamente o ganho de peso e o consumo de ração, que aumentaram até os níveis de 1,14 e 1,09% de lisina, respectivamente. Embora a conversão alimentar tenha melhorado de forma linear, o modelo LRP foi o que melhor se ajustou aos dados, estimando em 1,097% o nível de lisina a partir do qual ocorreu um platô. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos sobre os pesos absolutos do coração, fígado e intestinos, enquanto o peso absoluto da moela aumentou linearmente. O peso absoluto da carcaça aumentou, enquanto os pesos relativos do coração e do fígado reduziram quadraticamente com os tratamentos. No ensaio 2, os tratamentos influenciaram de forma linear crescente o ganho de peso e a conversão alimentar, enquanto o consumo de ração não variou. Os tratamentos influenciaram linearmente o peso absoluto da carcaça, enquanto os pesos absoluto e relativo das vísceras não variaram. Concluiu-se que frangos de corte machos, de 1 a 21 dias de idade, mantidos em estresse por calor, exigem, no mínimo, 1,14 e 1,22% de lisina digestível em ração convencional e em ração em que se manteve a relação aminoacídica, respectivamente.Two trials were conducted to evaluate the effects of digestible lysine levels in diets maintaining or not the relationship of amino acids, on performance of broilers from 1 to 21 days, kept under heat stress. A completely randomized experimental design was used in both trials. In the trial 1, the broilers were allotted in five treatments (0.92; 0.98; 1.04; 1.10 and 1.16% of lysine in conventional diets), eight replicates and ten broilers per replicate. In the trial 2, the broilers were allotted in four treatments (1.04; 1.10; 1.16 and 1.22% of lysine in diet maintaining the relationship of amino acids), eight replicates and ten broilers per replicate. In the trial 1, the digestible lysine levels influenced quadraticly the weight gain and the feed intake that increased up to 1.14 and 1.09%, respectively. Although feed:gain ratio had changed by linear way, the LRP model adjusted better to the data, estimating in 1.097% the lysine level where occurred a "plateau". There was no effect of treatments on absolute weights of heart, liver and intestines, while the absolute weight of gizzard increased linearly. The absolute weight of carcass increased while the relative weights of heart and liver reduced quadraticly. In the trial 2, the treatments influenced in a crescent linear way the weight gain and the feed:gain ratio while the feed intake was not influenced. The treatments influenced linearly the absolute weight of carcass while the absolute and relative weights of the organs were not influenced. It was concluded that male broilers, in the period from 1 to 21 days of age, kept under heat stress, require at least 1.14 and 1.22% of digestible lysine in conventional diet and in diet maintaining the relationship of amino acid, respectively

    FEI Helios NanoLab 400S FIB-SEM

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    The FEI Helios NanoLab400S FIB-SEM is one of the world's most advanced DualBeamTM focused ion beam (FIB) platforms for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) sample preparation, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging and analysis in semiconductor failure analysis, process development and process control. The FEI Helios NanoLab400S FIB-SEM combines an ElstarTM electron column for high-resolution and high-contrast imaging with a high-performance SidewinderM ion column for fast and precise cross sectioning. The FEI Helios NanoLab M 400S is optimised for high throughput high-resolution S/TEM sample preparation, SEM imaging and energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Its exclusive FlipStageTM and in situ STEM detector can flip from sample preparation to STEM imaging in seconds without breaking vacuum or exposing the sample to the environment. Platinum gas chemistry is the preferred metal deposition when a high deposition rate and precision of the deposition are required. Carbon deposition can be chosen as well. The system additionally allows for spatially resolved compositional analysis using the attached EDAX Genesis XM 4i X-ray microanalysis system

    Graphoepitaxial high-Tc_{c} SQUIDS

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    The fabrication process and physical properties of graphoepitaxially engineered high-Tc direct current superconducting quantum interferometer devices (DC SQUIDs) are studied. Double buffer layers, each comprising a graphoepitaxial seed layer of YBa2Cu3O7−x and an epitaxial blocking layer of SrTiO3, were deposited over textured step edges on (001) surfaces of MgO substrates. Scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy were used to investigate the microstructural properties of DC SQUIDs with graphoepitaxial Josephson junctions. Both direct coupled and inductively coupled high-Tc DC SQUIDs with graphoepitaxial step edge junctions and flux transformers were studied