836 research outputs found

    Effects of social stimuli on sleep in mice: non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep is promoted by aggressive interaction but not by sexual interaction

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    Sleep is generally considered to be a process of recovery from prior wakefulness. In addition to being affected by the duration of the waking period, sleep architecture and sleep EEG also depend on the quality of wakefulness. In the present experiment, we examined how sleep is affected by different social stimuli (social conflict and sexual interaction). Male C57BL/6J mice were placed in the cage of an aggressive dominant male or an estrous female for 1 h in the middle of the light phase. The conflict with an aggressive male had a pronounced NREM sleep-promoting effect. EEG slow wave activity, a measure of NREM sleep intensity, was increased for about 6 h and NREM sleep time was significantly increased for 12 h. REM sleep was strongly suppressed during the remainder of the light phase after the conflict, followed by a rebound later in the recovery phase. The sexual interaction, in contrast, had only mild effects. Both NREM sleep and REM sleep were somewhat suppressed shortly after the interaction. In a separate group of mice, blood samples were taken to measure prolactin and corticosterone. The results suggest that the temporary suppression of REM sleep following the social stimuli may be partly due to elevated corticosterone. The different effects of the social stimuli on NREM sleep are not easily explained by differences in the hormone responses. In conclusion, although both social conflict and sexual interaction induce a strong physiological activation, only social conflict has a strong stimulatory effect on NREM sleep mechanisms.

    Behavioural en chronobiological consequenses of social stress in rats

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    Seasonal variation in rest-activity patterns in barnacle geese:Are measurements of activity a good indicator of sleep-wake patterns?

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    Sleep is a widely spread phenomenon in the animal kingdom and is thought to serve important functions. Yet, the function of sleep remains an enigma. Studies in non-model animal species in their natural habitat might provide more insight into the evolution and function of sleep. However, polysomnography in the wild may not always be an option or first choice and some studies may need to rely on rest–activity recordings as a proxy for sleep and wakefulness. In the current paper, we analyzed how accelerometry-based activity data correlate with electroencephalogram (EEG)-based sleep–wake patterns in barnacle geese under seminatural conditions across different seasons. In winter, the geese had pronounced daily rhythms in rest and activity, with most activity occurring during the daytime. In summer, activity was more spread out over the 24 h cycle. Hourly activity scores strongly correlated with EEG-determined time awake, but the strength of the correlation varied with phase of the day and season. In winter, the correlations between activity and waking time were weaker for daytime than for night-time. Furthermore, the correlations between activity and waking during daytime were weaker in winter than in summer. During daytime in winter, there were many instances where the birds were awake but not moving. Experimental sleep deprivation had no effect on the strength of the correlation between activity scores and EEG-based wake time. Overall, hourly activity scores also showed significant inverse correlation with the time spent in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. However, correlation between activity scores and time spent in REM sleep was weak. In conclusion, accelerometry-based activity scores can serve as a good estimate for time awake or even the specific time spent in NREM sleep. However, activity scores cannot reliably predict REM sleep and sleep architecture


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    A growing body of evidence based on experimental data demonstrates that glucocorticoids (GCs) can play a potent role in the survival and death of neurons. However, these observations reflect paradoxical features of GCs, since these adrenal stress hormones are heavily involved in both neurodegenerative and neuroprotective processes. The actual level of GCs appears to have an essential impact in this bimodal action. In the present short review we aim to show the importance of concentration dependent action of GCs on neuronal cell viability and cell survival in the brain. Additionally, we will summarize the possible GC-induced cellular mechanisms at different GC concentrations providing a background for their effect on the fate of nerve cells in conditions that are a challenge to their survival

    Behavioural en chronobiological consequenses of social stress in rats

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    Chronic Sleep Disturbance Impairs Glucose Homeostasis in Rats

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    Epidemiological studies have shown an association between short or disrupted sleep and an increased risk for metabolic disorders. To assess a possible causal relationship, we examined the effects of experimental sleep disturbance on glucose regulation in Wistar rats under controlled laboratory conditions. Three groups of animals were used: a sleep restriction group (RS), a group subjected to moderate sleep disturbance without restriction of sleep time (DS), and a home cage control group. To establish changes in glucose regulation, animals were subjected to intravenous glucose tolerance tests (IVGTTs) before and after 1 or 8 days of sleep restriction or disturbance. Data show that both RS and DS reduce body weight without affecting food intake and also lead to hyperglycemia and decreased insulin levels during an IVGTT. Acute sleep disturbance also caused hyperglycemia during an IVGTT, yet, without affecting the insulin response. In conclusion, both moderate and severe disturbances of sleep markedly affect glucose homeostasis and body weight control

    Ontology of core concept data types for answering geo-analytical questions

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    In geographic information systems (GIS), analysts answer questions by designing workflows that transform a certain type of data into a certain type of goal. Semantic data types help constrain the application of computational methods to those that are meaningful for such a goal. This prevents pointless computations and helps analysts design effective workflows. Yet, to date it remains unclear which types would be needed in order to ease geo-analytical tasks. The data types and formats used in GIS still allow for huge amounts of syntactically possible but nonsensical method applications. Core concepts of spatial information and related geo-semantic distinctions have been proposed as abstractions to help analysts formulate analytic questions and to compute appropriate answers over geodata of different formats. In essence, core concepts reflect particular interpretations of data which imply that certain transformations are possible. However, core concepts usually remain implicit when operating on geodata, since a concept can be represented in a variety of forms. A central question therefore is: Which semantic types would be needed to capture this variety and its implications for geospatial analysis? In this article, we propose an ontology design pattern of core concept data types that help answer geo-analytical questions. Based on a scenario to compute a liveability atlas for Amsterdam, we show that diverse kinds of geo-analytical questions can be answered by this pattern in terms of valid, automatically constructible GIS workflows using standard sources

    A brief period of sleep deprivation negatively impacts the acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval of object-location memories

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    Memory is a cognitive concept and refers to the storage of information over a longer time period. It exists of a series of complementary processes; acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval. Each of these processes has its own partly unique neurobiological signature. Sleep deprivation is known to impair hippocampus-dependent long-term memories. Many studies have used extended periods of wakefulness, affecting all three memory processes, thereby making it unable to determine how each of the processes is affected by sleep loss, separately. Others have extensively examined the effects on memory consolidation, showing the detrimental effect of sleep deprivation during the consolidation process on memory formation. Few studies have investigated how memory acquisition and its retrieval are affected by sleep loss. In the present study, we therefore assessed in mice how sleep deprivation negatively impacts memory acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval, in the Object Location Memory task. Mice were sleep deprived for six hours at the beginning of the light phase using the gentle handling method, 1) directly preceding the learning trial (acquisition), 2) immediately after the learning trial (consolidation), or 3) directly preceding the test trial (retrieval). Memory was assessed at either a 24-h or 1-h interval. Using this approach, we show for the first time that six hours of sleep deprivation attenuates the acquisition, consolidation, and retrieval of object-location memories in mice

    Biological clocks and circadian rhythms

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    Biological clocks and circadian rhythms

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